
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
104 Chs

Short Discussion

Waking up after several hours of having sex, I turned my gaze upon a sleeping Rize lying on my chest next to one of her arms, giving an affectionate smile at that, I lightly moved a lock of hair and kissed her on the forehead, which made a smile appear on Rize's face.

Smiling at that, I waited several minutes until RIze woke up, slightly moving her closed eyelids, Rize opened her eyes with a puzzled look, which lasted a few seconds, turning her concentrated gaze back to me, she let out a joyful laugh, to which I asked her curious about it.

"Why are you so happy?", to which after a few seconds of laughing, he turned his gaze on me and said in reply.

"Just happy to have you with me for a long time, before more girls come", after saying that she gave me a short kiss on my lips, which conveyed all her feelings of affection and happiness to me.

Leaning even more on me, I left her like that for a few minutes while I received the things from my inventory, which I put aside, among those things I found the [God Arc], which I left behind a few days ago.

Curious so I decided to try it in a few days to have a weapon apart from my skills, checking a few minutes the inventory, I closed it after watching it for a few minutes, turning my gaze on a Rize with closed eyes and a smile, one formed on my face.

Several minutes later we are in the living room watching TV, or rather, I was watching TV, while Rize was devouring my shoulder, to which after a few minutes he broke away.

Surprised by that, I turned my gaze on her and asked her still surprised, "Why did you stop?" to which after wiping her lips and fingers, she opened her lips and said.

"With your meat, I will be satisfied for several months, so I will feed when I am really hungry, and not when I want to, so we can spend more time together", to which after saying that he hugged me while kissing me.

Separating several minutes later, I said to Rize while I had a smile on my face, "I'm glad you're changing your bad habit," to which she only responded by playfully biting my lips.

After that conversation, we spend several minutes enjoying our time together as a couple, even though we can't go out because Rize is supposedly dead and the one who tried to kill her is the only one who knows.

Getting up from the couch, I looked back at Rize and patted her on the head while also saying, "I'll come back later," to which she smiled and kissed me goodbye, once outside my house I followed my routine and walked to Anteiku, which I reached after a few minutes.

Once inside Anteiku, I was surprised to find Touka in her Anteiku waitress outfit, so I let out a laugh which I noticed and greeted her as I headed towards her.

"Hi Touka, it's a nice surprise to find you here," I said as I gave a small glance at her outfit since I didn't pay attention to that before.

"I have the day off, so I'm using it to help Yoshimura," was what Touka replied while arranging the chair on a table.

Nodding at her words I said, "Then wait for me to help you, I'll be back in a few seconds", to which she just nodded, so turning my gaze to Yoshimura who was cleaning glass, I greeted him on my way to the second floor, which once upstairs I headed to a room and changed my clothes through the inventory, which took a second or less.

Waiting another second so as not to arouse suspicion, I headed for the stairs and went down to the ground floor, once down there I found Enji and Kaya entering the premises, along with Nishio.

"Good morning Kaya, Enji, Nishio," walking towards Touka as I greeted the 3 entering Anteiku, I turned my gaze on the table Touka was setting up.

"Yosh! Good morning Frank-Kun," Enji replied as he greeted me briskly on his way to us.

"Good morning Frank-Kun," Kaya replied as she gave me a slight smile on her face, along with a slight wave of her hands.

With a vein swelling on his forehead Nishio replied, "Oi! I told you about respecting your elders," was what Nishio replied as he glanced towards me.

Running my hand through my hair, I was about to reply when Touka interrupted, "And who do you think you are to show respect to you," turning his gaze away from me and onto Touka, Nishio clicked his tongue and said.

"Don't interrupt sma-", to which before he finished that word, he received a blow from Touka to his abdomen, which knocked the air out of them as well as blood.

"Don't call me a midget," Touka replied as a deadly glare hovered over Nishio, to which after recovering, he responded with a look of arrogance on his face.

"Or what?", intercepting before Touka hurt Nishio again, I pulled out my Kagune which instantly Materialized, which also activated my only Kakugan, using two of my nine visible tentacles, as I had 11, I used them to pull Touka away from Nishio.

"Calm down Touka, that's just how Nishio-san is, he isn't a bad person," to which after listening to me, Touka let out a snort and said.

"If you say so," to which I then ignored Nishio and continued to arrange the tables and chairs, resting my hand on his head for a few seconds, Touka seemed to have calmed down, so walking over to a kneeling Nishio I said.

"Sorry about that Nishio-san, I hope because of this thing you won't damage a friendship with her, just let her calm down," I said to Nishio as I helped him up from the ground.

[You received 25 Reputation for helping Nishio]

[You received 49 Reputation from Yoshimura for resolving the situation without his help].

[You received 33 Reputation with Enji for resolving the situation without fighting].

[You received 33 Reputation with Kaya for resolving the situation without violence].

[For reaching 50 Reputation with Enji you unlocked a perk].

[Happiness First: Increases Affection and Reputation gain with cheerful people by 20%].

[For reaching 50 Affection with Kaya you unlocked a perk].

[Tranquility: Increases Affection and Reputation gain with Tranquil people by 20%].

[For reaching 50 Reputation with Yoshimura you unlocked a perk].

[Ideal Leader: Increase the gain of Affection, Reputation, and loyalty with your subordinates by 20%].

Mentally closing his eyes as he helped Nishio up he replied, "It's okay, I'm used to that attitude," settling down and dusting himself off, he heads upstairs.

On his way upstairs he turned his gaze on me and said, "You can call me Nishio," after saying that, he continued up the stairs.

"You resolved the situation well, Frank-Kun," Yoshimura said as he continued to clean the glass, to which I turned my gaze on him and asked.

"Why didn't you stop Touka, he could have hurt her," to which he put the clean glass aside and turned his gaze on me and said.

"I was going to stop her, but it didn't take, so you can rest easy Frank-Kun," to which after saying that he followed up with another glass.

Turning my gaze on Enji and Kaya I asked the same question, to which they answered the same as Yoshimura but in a different way.

"I was going to stop Touka, Frank-Kun but it wasn't necessary, besides thanks to this we found out that you're a good mediator," Enji replied as a smile grew at his last words.

"What Enji said is true Frank-Kun, thanks to this we found out that you're a good mediator, we got something good out of this situation, you should be happy about that," Kaya replied while directing a smile towards me.

Running a hand through my hair I replied, "If you guys say so, let's get on with the job," to which they nodded in response.

A few minutes later Nishio came down from the upper floor dressed in a waiter's suit, to which he worked with us as if the previous thing hadn't happened so I left it at that.

In those hours of work in Anteiku some interesting things happened, such as Kaneki and Hide returning to the cafe after a few days, and the other thing is that in the news channel, they reported that they had increased the intensity of the Ghouls attacks because they found several victims tortured in the 20th district in an abandoned warehouse.

So they also went on to say that if the attacks continued at this intensity, some people from the GCC would come to the district to wipe out the Ghouls who caused the carnage and what they found.

Once the news moved on to other things after talking for several minutes about the Ghoul attack increase, I realized that there is only 1 day left until the start of the story, and if I remembered correctly, a few days ago I found Jason, so he took Rize's place for the 'Pigeons' to arrive in the district.

"Hey! Frank, are you okay?", coming out of trance at that shout, I turned my gaze on Touka, as after finishing the working hours, Nishio left after saying goodbye, as it seems that his arrogant attitude calmed down a bit because of my help.

After Nishio left, I stayed a little bit talking with Enji and Kaya who left a few minutes later, so in the end, it was Touka, Yoshimura, and me, in Anteiku.

"Yeah, I'm here Touka, what's up," I said to Touka after seeing a fist approaching my abdomen, seeing that I snapped back to reality, Touka nodded her head.

"You got lost in your thoughts, I called you several times. But you wouldn't come out of it," Touka replied as he took a sip of the coffee Yoshimura made, for he made the best coffees in the world.

Laughing lightly at that I said, "I was thinking about something I heard on the news," to which after hearing my answer, a serious look appeared on Touka's face and she asked.

"You mean the Ghoul attack augmentations?", Touka asked as she grabbed her mug of coffee and took a sip.

"Yeah, looks like district 20 won't be at peace for some time," hearing my lousy words about the future of district 20, Touka let out a sigh and spoke.

"I just hope that when that starts, my friend is safe," with a sad look on her face at the thought of her friend, Touka took another sip of coffee, to clear her worries.

Placing my hands on Touka's, she turned her gaze towards me, so I said, "Don't worry, she'll be fine, and if you're worried about her safety, I have a place where I can hide her," to which she just let out a surprisingly feminine laugh, to which after the laugh a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

"You look more beautiful when you smile," to which a small blush appeared on her face, turning her gaze on me she tucked her hair behind her ears and responded to my words.

"You're good with words, aren't you, do you say that to every girl you see?" to which with a wolfish grin growing on my face, I replied.

"Only with girls, I'm interested in," to which she just shook her head as the blush grew on her face.

"Well it's getting late, see you tomorrow Frank," to which after saying that, he got up from the chair at the table where we were alone, as Yoshimura went to talk to Renji.

Once she got up from the chair, Touka turned her gaze on me and winked while saying, "Although I don't know what attracts you to me, I hope it continues to do so", once she finished saying that she walked upstairs, while in her gait her hips moved in an alluring and hypnotizing way in her movements, together with her ass that compensated her B cup breasts, it was a delicacy to behold.

Once he got lost on the stairs, a smile grew on my face, shaking my head. I got up from the chair and headed towards the exit, once outside, curious if anyone was watching me, I activated my new perk [Heat Vision], which once activated, can see heat signatures at 20 M, which cost nothing, so spending 550 mana points per second to increase the range which I could only use for 4 to 5 seconds.

I could see several heat signatures, but they were far away from me, the only one that was close, was a signature on top of a building, so I directed my gaze there, and turned off the [Heat Vision]. Which saw people with a flame where their heart would be.

I activated my other perk [Ki Detection] spending the same amount of Sp per second, I looked at the large vitality in the distance and winked at it, after that I continued on my way home.


[Extra Scene]

[1st person point of view]

Watching Frank leave Anteiku, a smile full of love and affection appeared on my face as I continued to watch.

Shifting my feet on the ledge of the building, as Frank took a few steps to a stop, I jerked my head to the side in confusion at his movements, which was answered by the small red gleam in his eyes.

Confused even more by those effects in his eyes, I opened my eyes in surprise when his gaze stopped on me, which lasted a moment, and then he took it away, releasing a sigh of relief at that, I was even more surprised when an intense green glow came from his eyes.

Curious about what he was going to do a blush appeared on my face, when he winked his eyes in my direction, letting out a laugh at that I couldn't help but say in a low voice, "The King gets stronger every day", humming at that I turned to say to myself in a whisper.

"I'm waiting for you to take your throne...Mi King", looking almost obsessively at Frank, I jumped out of the building to go to one of our bases in a nearby district, while I was heading towards the base, I couldn't help but say to myself, "Jason already made the first step for the King to take the throne, now he just needs to become even stronger, to dethrone Arima".

Letting out a laugh as I imagine Frank as the sole authority in the world, my heart racing just imagining that, letting out a hot sigh, I shook my head, "That's in the future, for now, I have to pave his climb to power."

[3rd point of view]

As the woman with the bandages disappeared into the darkness, Frank went on his way, unaware that he had an assistant who would guide him on his way to power.