
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Komik
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104 Chs

Serafina Evolution

It's been 1 day since I destroyed the [CCG] headquarters in [District 1], since then my [Kakuja] the [One-Eyed Dragon] has been on all the news in any [District], which helped a lot. Well, the goal of proving my [Kakuja] was to make me famous, which I did.

Since I destroyed the [CCG] headquarters, I have noticed that the activities of the [Ghouls] in the [Districts] surrounding [District 1] became more active and more frequent than they were before.

So as one of the administrators of the [Aogiri Tree], I have given orders to prevent the [Ghouls] of the [Districts] surrounding [District 1] from being held and in the worst case killed.

In other news, I have raised a few levels when I kill the [First Class] investigators. Which gave [700 Exp] each and as a kill [800] of the investigators I gained a total of [560,000] Exp, while the [Associate Special] class investigators gave [800] Exp each, which killed [ 100] of that rank, noting that going from [First Class] to [Associate Special] was very difficult if there were only [100], which counting as the strongest. I can't imagine how much power the [CCG] will have lost.

Doing some simple mathematical calculations, the [Associate Special] class researchers gave a total of [80,000] Experiences, less than the [First Class] but that was several while they were only [100] in total, giving a total of [640,000] of experience.

Which allowed me to level up [277], thus unlocking new abilities. Which are the following.


[Skills unlocked at level 50]

[Trap Creation: (1/100)]

Description: This ability allows you to create any type of simple traps.


[Cheat Detection]

Description: This perk allows you to detect trap within a 100m radius, you can increase the distance by using Extra Sp.

Cost: Sp Varies.


[Toxin Resistance]

Description: Decreases damage done from toxins by 75%.


[Skills unlocked at level 75]

[Trap Destruction: (1/100)]

Description: This ability allows you to destroy any simple trap.


[Toxin Resistance]

Description: Decreases damage caused by toxins by 100%.


[Dodge Projectile]

Description: This perk allows you to dodge projectiles, while your [Luck] is greater than your opponent.


Once I unlocked the [Dodge Projectile] perk, I put it to use on Eto as he attacks me with his [Ukaku]. And since my [Luck] was older than her, she can dodge any projectile that instinctively throws at me.

The ability made me smile, because with that advantage as long as my [Luck] is greater. I'll be able to dodge any projectile thrown at me.

Apart from that, I also unlock a perk for reaching [50] dexterity, which is called [Abnormal Reflexes].


[Abnormal Reflexes]

Description: Allows you to react at the same speed as your [Dexterity]


[Abnormal Reflexes] allow me to react at the same speed as my [Dexterity], which means my reflexes are [54.4] times faster and better. So organisms are [54.4] times more efficient and my reflexes react [54.4] faster to harmful stimuli to organisms.

That means I can react [54.4] times faster to my enemies' attacks, which is a huge advantage in battle. If I can react faster to the attack, I will be able to defeat my enemy more easily.

On top of that, [Luck] and [Charisma] stats went up to [39] and [42.5]. The first being to [Luck] and the second to [Charisma], so once I finished reviewing my new stats and abilities, I turned my attention to Serafina. Since she finally rose to level [200], she was her race limit before she could evolve from [Magic Fire] to another race.

"Are you ready, Serafina?" - I asked while looking at Serafina, who was in the fire-filled city of the [Dungeon].

Nodding her serpentine head, Serafina headed for the center of town. So getting up from my throne, I started my walk next to her.

"What do you think you can evolve into?" - asking that question to Serafina, while we continued our journey, wait for her answer.

"I already have an idea, Father" -said Serafina, while she turned her head slightly to my direction, so nodding to her answer I asked her a question.

"Then what will it be?"

Giggling at my question, Serafina shook her head slightly- "It's a surprise ~" -answered Serafina as she began to hum, so laughing slightly in response we continued our little walk.

Several minutes later, we are in the center of the city. Which completely burned, so that each part was full of fire, ceasing to observe the city. Take Ignis out of my [Soul] as well as my throne, which remains nameless.

Sitting on my throne next to Ignis, who was able to materialize on my lap. I caressed her hair as I turned my gaze to Serafina- "You can start Serafina" -nodding at my words, Serafina began to absorb the fire around us.

Raising my free hand, I started using my [Mana] to give Serafina more 'evolution' material, thus throwing the small amount that she can use at the moment.

During the minutes that Serafina absorbed the fire and my [Mana] quickly, I began to notice how a physical heart made from the flames began to grow in her chest, so I had an idea in mind. I went through my inventory and found the vial of [Drake's Blood], which came out in one of my chests in the previous 3 days in the dungeon.

With the vial in my hand, I took the cork out of the vial and with my [Mana], I began to manipulate the blood inside. So after a few tries, I was able to make it levitate towards Serafina's chest.

Once close to her chest, I yelled out loud- "Use this to create your heart Serafina!" - To which hearing my scream, Serafina only gave a slight nod. Before starting to use [Drake's Blood] to create her heart.

Sighing in relief as she saw [Drake's Blood] integrate into Serafina's [Spirit Heart], also known as [Spirit Core]. As Ruby told me, I was also looking at Serafina's evolution with interest, although she didn't tell me what she was evolving into, just by reading the names she told me. You can tell that she was evolving into a [Spirit].

"Frank, I can feel Serafina's connection to the fire growing," Ignis whispered into my chest, as she circled it while watching with emotion Serafina's evolution.

"I can feel it" - I replied to Ignis, because thanks to my advantages [Loved by Fire] and [Fire Heart], I could feel how Serafina's connection with fire grew in intensity with the rhythm of the development of her [Spiritual Heart ].

"It seems you were very lucky to have Serafina, Frank" -Ruby replied, as she watched with a smile on her face at Serafina, who was developing hers [Spiritual Heart] hers.

Laughing slightly at Ruby's words, I turned my attention back to Serafina. So after a couple of hours of seeing how Serafina developed hers [Spiritual Heart] of hers, we can now observe how Serafina created a physical body. Which took a few minutes.

With Serafina's physical body finished, I could see how a draconic head with black horns came out of the flames, with its eyes full of fire and a reddish body, with a red crest that goes from its head to the beginning of its tail with fire surrounding its arms and legs that also runs through its tail and head.

Breathing once out of the fire that surrounded her, I could see how the remaining fire fused with her body and with my advantage [Beloved by Fire] and [Heart of Fire], I could see how the fire was directed to the [Spiritual Heart] by Serafina.

"How are you feeling, Serafina?" - Asking a little worried that something has gone wrong, I approached Serafina that she was bigger than me with 2 meters tall and 3 long.

"I feel good Father, I feel stronger" -sounded the voice of Serafina that brings a charm in her tone, that hypnotized the people who listened to her. Along with an ethereal presence, she brought a bewitching aura capable of enchanting any entity related to fire and other races of a lower level than her.

"I can already see it" -Smiling at the strength and mesmerizing voice of her next to her ethereal aura, I cast [Observe] at Serafina to verify her changes.



[Level: 1/400] (0/400)

[Race: Drake Lesser Fire Elemental Spirit]

[Hp: 2,700] (90 every 5 minutes)

[Sp: 2,700] (90 every minute)

[Mp: 117,600] (2,940 every 30 seconds)

[Strength: 4.0] [Attack: 100]

[Constitution: 9.0] [Defense: 360]

[Dexterity: 6.0] [Speed: 108 m / s]

[Intelligence: 196.0] [Weight: 3,200 Kg of weight]

[Wisdom: 196.0]

[Charisma: 6.0]

[Luck: 3.0]


Opening my eyes in shock at seeing the name of hers [Race] of hers, a look of amusement appeared in Serafina's eyes upon seeing my gaze, shaking my head. I laughed lightly when I saw her smug look in my direction.

"You achieved your mission, you surprised me" - I let out a laugh when I finished saying my words, so I returned to my throne. I sat on it and cast [Observe] on the [Race] of Serafina.


[Race: Drake Lesser Fire Elemental Spirit]

Description: An Elemental Spirit that has Drake's blood in his [Spirit Heart], allowing him to create a body of a [Drake] like his physical body and gaining the advantages of a [Drake] as well as a [Spirit Elementary].

Unique Ability: [Lesser Fire Elemental Spirit Drake Physiology]


Nodding at the small description of his new [Race], I recast [Observe] only this time on [Unique Skill].


[Physiology of the Lesser Fire Elemental Spirit Drake]

Description: A physiology that combines the magical aspects of an [Elemental Spirit] with the physical aspects of a [Drake].


-Magic modifier starts at 600.

-Hp and sp modifier starts at 300

Gain 3 of [Strength], 4 of [Constitution], 3 of [Dexterity], 4 of [Intelligence] and [Wisdom] and 2 of [Charisma]

-His MP regen starts at 15.

-Your Sp regen from him starts at 10.

-Your Hp Regeneration from him starts at 10.

-Attack modifier starts at 25.

-Defense modifier starts at 40.

-Weight modifier starts at 800.


-Increases the damage done by Water magic by 300%

-Increases the damage done by Ice magic by 300%

-Increases damage caused by objects and magic [Dragon Slayer] by 25%

-Decrease your stats by 10% when near magic infused areas [Dragon Slayer]


Satisfied to see Serafina's new advantages, I looked a little concerned at their disadvantages. So I made it a point to choose the [Job] of [Enchanting], when a [Job Gem] fell from the chests again.

Since once I have that [Job] I can eliminate Serafina's disadvantages towards [Water], [Ice] and [Dragon Slayer].

Closing the windows that appeared in my view once I finished reviewing Serafina's changes, I turned my gaze on her - "Is it time to introduce you to the girls, what do you think?" -.

Hearing my question, a smile appeared on Serafina's draconic face. "I would like to meet you Father." Nodding at her words, I turned my gaze to Ignis. That her had stars in their eyes when she saw Serafina's new look.

"How about your Ignis, do you want to meet the girls?" - Hearing my question, Ignis stopped looking at Serafina and turned her gaze to me.

"I want to meet them" - nodding at Ignis's excited gaze, I got up from my throne, which was shaking with disappointment. So putting my hand on top of her.

"Relax, I will introduce you when you have an ethereal form like Ignis, or a physicist like Serafina" - to which hearing my words, the trembling of the throne slowed down. So accepting that as an answer, I put it back in my [Soul] where it slowly strengthens thanks to the element of [Fire] in my [Soul].

Finishing all that, I left the dungeon with an ethereal Ignis and a Serafina with her physical body of a [Drake]. So once outside, I went in the direction of the girls and introduced them to the two of them, to later have a family conversation.


I would appreciate very much if you leave your comments and power stones.

And here is my Ko-fi where you can help me in a more economical way:

ko-fi .com/ moondevourer83976