
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Komik
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104 Chs


Sitting on the comfortable sofa in the cabin in [Aurgelmir], Frank watched Illya practicing with her [Engel Note: Angel Poem] technique, which bears a resemblance to Irisviel's string construction.

Allowing her to create things from her hair, such as her technique [Storch Ritter: Knight of the Stork], which creates a bird with the name Storch, which is a familiar created from her hair. Which has two modes the [Zelle], which is to send Storch as if it were a bullet towards the enemy.

Or [Degen], which turns Storch into an automaton, defending Illya and chasing their enemy automatically, Storch also serves to collect information through him

Illya also has the [Binding Mystical Eyes], allowing her to bind a person in place just like other things, but having that ability at a low level, she can only link someone's position to one place, for a long time as long as they are people are weaker than her, and a few seconds if stronger than her.

"You have improved a lot when it comes to summoning Storch" -Congratulating Illya's improvement, since a few days ago her summoning time was slower, which compared to today, had improved a lot.

"Thank you" - Smiling happily upon hearing his compliments, Illya ended the spell by making Storch's shape disappear, with her hair shedding its shape after a few seconds.

"You have shown me your progress with [Engel Note: Storch Ritter] in hers two ways of hers, but how are you doing with [Engel Note: Tiger Ladung]" - Approaching her with a curious look on her face, Frank await Illya's response.

"Eh ..." -With a nervous smile on her face, Illya couldn't finish her sentence, causing Frank's eyebrow to rise.

"You've been practicing it, right?" - Asking with an intense gaze towards Illya, Frank waited for her response.

"I have practiced!" - Shouting out loud, Illya looked at Frank - "But I have been concentrating more on Storch" - Saying that in a low voice, a small blush appeared on Illya's face.

"I want to see how much you've practiced." Staring at Illya, Frank hoped to see her performance.

"Hehehehe" - Releasing a nervous laugh, Illya turned her gaze to the doll a few meters in front of her, to put a serious look - "[Engel Note: Tiger Ladung]" - The instant she said that, Illya's magic It traveled to her hair, which then began to take the shape of a two meter long and 1.5 meter tall tiger.

Finishing taking the form of her, the tiger let out a roar and then charged at a rapid speed towards the training dummy, instantly appearing in front and destroying it to pieces.

"Did I do it right?" - Asking nervously towards Frank, who had a blank look, Illya waited for her words.

"The spell's strength is in range [C: 30] with its speed at [D: 20], which is a good thing. Although your launch time is about 12 seconds, which is a long time, which can cost you your life "-.

"The cost is also somewhat high, costing 5,000 mana, the appropriate thing would be to lower it to 1,000, but a 2,500 would also work" - Frank finished recounting the spell, which had a good attack and speed, but a high cost and casting .

"I knew you would say something like that" - With a dark look upon hearing Frank's words, Illya shook her head - "Now I just have to practice it to have it in a good standard" - Recovering her determination again, Illya smiled at Frank to practice the spell again.

"Before you start, show the other spell [Engel Note: Brüllen des Löwen]" - said Frank towards Illya.

"I have already practiced that spell several times." With a proud smile on her face, Illya began to use the spell, showing it to Frank.

"[Engel Note: Brüllen des Löwen]" - With the same process going through her hair, which took the form of a lion, which once finished forming. She roared causing a burst of mana to travel through about 300 square meters, then disappear.

* Applause * Applause * (I forget sfx to clap, and I'm too lazy to look for it)

Applauding when he saw the magnificent unfolding of the spell, Frank stroked Illya's head - "You have surprised me, I did not think you had such a high domain" - Frank said, since those spells had been taught to Illya some time ago, thanks to her unique sorcery [Engel Note: Angel Poem], which along with her enormous mana pool, could do wondrous things.

[Engel Note: Brüllen des Löwen] is a spell, which where the hairs of her hair take the form of a lion which roars, making a burst of mana that covers about 50 square meters or more depending on the mana and domain in the spell, which causes it to cancel spells in that radius.

Obviously it is a spell that must be used without your enemy knowing, as it can be canceled by high-level wizards or control over their spells.

"I told you, I have practiced that spell a lot" - With smile and blush on her face at being praised by Frank, Illya stuck her tongue out at Frank to then wait for his next words.

"Then let's see the next spell" -Finishing stroking her head, Frank spoke to Illya again- "Show me your mastery over [Engel's note: Tauben Regen]" - Nodding at he words.

Illya continued with the spell [Engel's note: Tauben Regen], which she summoned several pigeons, at least a dozen of them, which traveled quickly towards her target, they easily pierce the doll.

"That was impressive, it had a speed of [B: 40] together with a force of [C: 30], it seems that you have practiced these types of spells a lot" - Applauding again when seeing the high development and mastery of Illya over her unique wizardry, Frank congratulates her.

"Thank you Frank" - Smiling fondly at Frank, who returned the smile, the two continued to spend the morning and afternoon, practicing Illya's spells, to have it at a decent level by the time the [Holy Grail War] starts.


Sitting in the garden of Einzbern Castle in Romania, a woman with red eyes and white hair beyond her back, with a white and gold crown on her head, dressed in a white top with three gold rings. on it showing her skin through her hole, and golden patterns on it.

And showing her abdomen with two red gems on it, with long, flowing sleeves that have red lines, and a short white skirt with a gold ring in the top center that has two gold chains, she also has a colored humeral veil red and with gold patterns.

Finishing with thigh-high white stockings with some gold parts, this woman would be Justeaze Lizrich Von Einzbern, who is wearing the [Dress of Heaven].

Which allows you to use the [Third True Magic: Heaven's Feel], for a few seconds or minutes and not in full power. Or it should have been, if it wasn't because someone had the great idea to improve it, so that he could fully use the [Third True Magic]. Without having it technically.

"I wonder why he has not come to visit me" - Sighing with a sad look on his face, Justeaze shook his head slightly - "It seems that I am still the little girl attached to him" - Smiling fondly when remembering that, Justeaze continued taking his tea, while looking at the white flowers in the garden.

"You seem to be still sad, Justeaze-Sama" -Listening to the soft and sweet voice that said her name, Justeaze smiled slightly.

"And you seem to keep saying the honorifics of Japan, little Iri" -Justeaze replied towards the voice called Iri, while a loving smile grew on her face.

"What can I say, I like those honorifics. Fufufu ~" - laughing lightly with her hand covering her lips, which are covered by the long loose sleeve of the [Sky Dress], which was the second created, for the current matriarch of the Einzbern clan. Which has the same power as Justeaze.

"Anyway, it's nice to see my daughter." Motioning for Iri to sit next to her, Justeaze continued to appreciate the flowers in her garden, which were made up entirely of magical flowers.

"It is also nice to see my mother" - Smiling softly, Iri also known as Irisviel Von Einzbern, had some tea, brought by one of the castle maids.

"Thank you Layla" -Thanking the homunculus named Layla, who smiled back at Justeaze and Iri, she bowed and then left with a soft smile on her face.

"Although I keep wondering why daddy ~ he didn't come" -With a mischievous smile as she said those words, Iri went back to have some tea.

"I wonder why?" - Returning the smile to Iri, Justeaze continued talking about various topics with them, to pass the time.

"What [Heroic Spirit] do you think you invoke ?, Although with Avalon in your hand, it is more than clear" -Justeaze asked, although she already knew the question.

"I will invoke the same [Heroic Spirit] again, since Avalon will call her" - Iri smiled amusedly towards Justeaze.

"Besides that we already know each other, so she will accept" - finished saying Iri, with a soft smile on her face.

"I also say the same, she will answer my call. Since I am someone very close to Frank "- Justeaze said, as he looked at the ring made of a mineral extremely compatible with mana, with a purple gem in the center of the ring, which increases the effectiveness of spells by 250%, and It is capable of collecting magical energy on its own, like other engraved enchantments.

"Oh ~ You mean her, it seems that we will summon the same person as our first war" - Iri said after looking at the ring on Justeaze's finger.

"That seems ~" - Justeaze answered with a smile on her face - "Now let's talk about the master points, how much do you have?" - Justeaze asked.

"Let me see" - Saying that, Iri turned her gaze towards her command seal - "Master's Status" - With those words spoken, a window appeared above the command seal, showing some Iri parameters.


[Master's Name: Irisviel Von Einzbern]

[Number of Holy Wars: 2]

[Master's Points: 500]

[Strength: 7 [F]

[Constitution: 15 [E]

[Dexterity: 10 [E]

[Magic: 39 (-) [C (EX)]

[Luck: 10 [E]


"I have 500 points" - Iri answered, while she looked intensely at the number of her points on the screen.

"You shouldn't have spent most of your points on your Constitution" - Smiling amusedly at seeing the few Iri points - "Look at mine" - Pouting slightly, Iri observed the Justeaze panel.


[Master's Name: Justeaze Lizrich Von Einzbern]

[Number of Holy Wars: 2]

[Master's Points: 1500]

[Strength: 10 [E]

[Constitution: 20 [D]

[Dexterity: 15 [E]

[Magic: 40 (-) [B (EX)]

[Luck: 10 [E]


"That is not fair!" -Pointing her finger at Justeaze, who had a proud look on her face, Iri started a small argument between her, and then finally ended up laughing- "But seriously, how do you have so much? "-.

"I did an excellent job in the first [Holy Grail War], you did too. But you didn't save your points and you used them in your Constitution. "-Caressing Iri's head affectionately as if she were a child, Justeaze laughed slightly.

"I'm not a child anymore" - Pouting, Iri leaned back on Justeaze's lap, while the latter continued to caress her.

"These moments are what I always keep in my camera" - With a deep male voice but soft and hypnotizing at the same time, the two girls turned their attention to the voice, which seemed familiar to them.


"Like I said, I'll keep it in my camera" -With a girl with white hair and red eyes on he lap, the man known as Frank or he true name Ifrit. He smiled in amusement at the two older women in front of him, who were starting to blush on they smooth white skin.

"It's been a few days, mom, Justeaze-sama Fufufu ~" -Copying her mother's laugh, with an amused look on her face. Illya observed the flushed face of her mother and grandmother.


I would appreciate very much if you left your comments and power stones.

Ko-Fi: ko-fi. com/ moondevourer83976