
My legendary powers

LOST_ANNE · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


I woke up with the smell of chocolate pancakes so I ran downstairs and saw my grandma. ''Morning grandma'' I said and sat down at the table. ''Morning Nicolas'' She said and sat down next to me. ''I heard you can read minds'' She said and I looked at her. ''They told you?'' I asked her and she nodded. ''Yeah, since you don't have school all week, I will tell you about your new powers you gained''She said. ''What? Powers? I have powers grandma?'' I asked her and she got up. ''Yes, that's how you woke up hearing a lot of noises'' She said and grabbed a book off the shelf. ''Everyone has powers but only you have the real power'' She said and handed me a book. ''I want you to go in your room and read this book for me'' She said and I grabbed the book and ran upstairs to my room and closed the door.

"Legendary powers," The book read. "There was the man named 'Easton Bordervar and his mother gave him up to a wizard that gave him the powers to read minds. He woke up with loud noise ringing in his head. He went to school hearing everything they were thinking and it destroyed his reputation. The others at school thought he was crazy and creepy, then his friends stopped talking to him. He was depressed that he lost everything and everyone he ever cared about. The one day he came face to face with the world and got over his depression and went on trying to change the world. Then he got the idea that he wanted to keep the powers that he had to figure out what everyone was thinking but In order to do that he had to have a partner. Easton Bordervar still lives to this very day. Still trying to find his partner and where could he/she be hiding at. He disappeared not long before his mother had died of a very rare sickness that hasn't been discovered before". I closed the book and set it down. " Wow I never know!" I said and ran downstairs to find granny. "Mom, where did grandma go?" I asked her. "She left not too long ago and she told me to tell you that you can keep the book she gave you" She said. "Is there more chicken?" I asked her and she laughed. "Yes, the counter is still warm" She said and I walked to the kitchen and started eating.

I walked to my room and opened my laptop and searched for 'Easton Bordervar'. I got a lot of pictures of an old man. Then I found a passage about him and started taking some notes and I found out that he is still kind of young but lives in my neighborhood. I wrote down his address and ran downstairs. "I'll be back mom and dad!!" I yelled. "Where are you going, Nick?" My mom said. "I'm going to my new friends house for a project due on Monday!!" I yelled and ran out the door.

I looked everywhere until I found his house. I knocked on the door and a woman that looks like she's around my mother's age opened the door. "Hi, how may I help you?" She asked. "Is Easton Bordervar here?" I asked and she laughed. "Yes he lives here, why?" She asked and I showed her the book. "Oh, the book!" She said and opened her door wider. "Come in!" She said and I walked in. "Would you like anything?" She asked me. "No thank you" I said and sat down on her couch. "I'll go get Easton for you" She said and walked upstairs.

She came back down with a boy that looked like my age. "Hi, my name is Nicalas but you can call me Nick" I said and he sat down. "What do you need?" He asked and I showed him the book. "Oh my book! Where did you get it from?" He asked. "I got it from my grandmother," I said and gave him the book. "What do you need it for?" He asked. "I can read minds" I said and he just laughed. "You? Can read minds?" He said, still laughing. 'Your dumb' I said in my head and he stopped laughing. 'Your calling me dumb now!!' He yelled. "Yeah because you think everything is funny and your mother over there is going to make some cupcakes for you" I said without laughing. "How did you know she was going to make cupcakes?" Easton asked. "Like I told you before, I can read minds" I said and stood up. "I should go before I get you mad" I said. "Wait! don't go" Easton said. "Why?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Because I can help you with your powers and how to not read everyone's minds because you can get a headache" He said and I sat down.

"Ok, I know you already read the book but everything in that book can't be true" He said. "How?" I said. "They heard that stuff from my mom and my friends at school but it is true that I need another one like me and need help" He said. "You need help?" I asked. "Yeah! I want to find my real father" He said and I laughed. "Oh, I thought you were gonna say take over the world" I said. "What? No, I would never! My mom would kill me before I do any of that" He said laughing then my phone rang. "Dang it, it's my mother" I said and picked up the phone. "On my way home mom!" I said and hung up the phone. "I'll see you later, Easton, I have to go home" I said and stood up. "Bye Ms. Bordervar! I was nice talking to you and your son" I said and walked out.

I made it home and walked in. "Where have you been? It is 12 almost 1 in the morning, get to bed!!" My mom yelled. I ran upstairs and went to bed.