
The First Attack - Part 5

They could see the beginnings of shapes, even through the fog. Lower they went. Vol tightened his grip on his warhammer. There was a limit to how close that they would be able to get before they simply had to charge and do what needed to be done. Vol had his own length of rope wrapped around his shoulder, and a knife to cut it with. They would need to be swift and overwhelming if they wished to get even a moderate amount of slaves.

"Beth, your turn," Nolan pointed. Down the road nearest to them, leading up from the forest, a woman was returning with a basket full of wood. She was alone on that road, but that didn't make much of a difference. She was too close. If she turned her head even slightly, she'd see the lot of them amongst the grass. Though they were crouching, if not for the fog, they wouldn't have been able to make it nearly that close.