Match your pulse with the rhythm of combat, and you'll dominate any fight.
He could see that it had worked. Not because they were all smiling in the lue of their victory, or because they were all cheering, though some of them indeed were. It was the tiredness about the eyes, the signs of an overwhelming exertion. That left many of the men looking empty, as they stood still, staring down on their bloodied armour now that the battle was over. They hardly knew what to do with themselves. Their fingers were still quivering from pumping adrenaline. But even exhausted, they carried themselves as victors.
Yordly looked mad, with his wide-eyed stare, and his shaky smile, as he clapped hands with his troops. He eyed corpses for a little too long, as if begging that they would stand up and fight. 'There's a man that's discovered the thrill of battle properly,' Vol thought. Another man that he would be able to make use of when the time came. Just like had become true of Ser Fieldcarer.