
Earl Hellan - Part 11

"You're up," Vol said.

"But I…" Penelope said hesitantly. She was still reluctant to use her magic to cause lethal harm, even after she'd been forced into doing so in the battle with Maddon.

Luckily for her, though, Vol was more patient than he ordinarily would have been. He knew that he needed a better grasp on the tools that he already had available, and he knew to push Penelope preemptively would be a futile endeavour.

"Relax," he said. "You only need to make a wall, on my signal. I will take care of the rest."

"A wall..?" Penelope said, blinking.

"Of fire, or ice. Enough to stop his horse in its path. You can do that much, at least, can't you?"

"I can," she said, more firmly now.

"Very well. Then make sure to do it," Vol said.