

It's her dream"

Now It's not possible for her to achieve her dreams alone", even she did, ''there is not even a single person by her side to support her & encourage her.

The only place where she can see people is in her dreams; she started sleeping day & night she got scared as she thought she might forget the face of people who always loved her,

She hates to wake up from her sleep as she already know that her dream will always be remain as dreams only, and started regretting her choice.,

It's better to die; the only thing that she can share her feeling with is trees, soil, mud, stones"

At the end"

She became a living dead, but later on , she started hearing the same familiar voice that called out her name,



A Mixed emotions of joy and sorrow filled her entire soul, it's the voice that she heard on the day of her graduation, she felt that she never found a solution that it mentioned instead of options, she realized that the strange voice told her that she had two option and she only listened to one of them, but forget to ask the second one and maybe that's it "the second option is maybe the solutions,

She got up from her bed and rushed towards her old school auditorium,


Can you hear me?

Please answer me

I want to hear the second choice,

Please answer me 'she screamed

But there is no sighs of response'

The same feeling of lost and regret made her go crazy,

"Living an empty life, even after having everything she had is still a life of having nothing" if you have don't have someone to share it with.

It's already too late to regret, but before taking a final decision about what to do next,

She took out a paper and a pen and started writing a note,

it's actually a message , even though there is no one else beside her to read it later on , still she had a tiny hope that one day that her message will reach up to those who in need,

"Life and death "are two most important part of living life,

"No matter how hard the life gets , try to cherish every moment, being alone is not the solution to avoid difficulties in life, never get scared of mingling with other people, the feeling of sharing experience of life is better than doing by yourself, so live and let live "

If I was not too selfish I wouldn't be in this situations , I would found a solution better than this , but it's true that being selfish and greedy is also the part of a human nature"; like people says "by consuming so much sweet , it will become a threat to your life someday" , even if it gives better taste.

With her last few words she decided to end her life hoping that when the distraction start after her death this may lead to create a better world.

"With the beautiful smile and a drop of tears, she took her last breath and says a final goodbye to her lonely life.

A apocalypse took place as she lasted her final breath, A huge wave hit from the oceans which surrounds the border of the earth hit swept half of the world and an eruption of volcano burst and boil the other half of the world and a massive earth quick swallowed the remaining bits of the entire world.

The End...