
Chapter 4

They brought us out of the village. The further we went away from that village, it made me anxious. It felt like something was about to happen.

And I was right..

Ones we reached the forest, four wolves appeared.

„Who said you were allowed to take her with you", said one of the four wolves coldly. His cold dominated voice made me freeze up for a moment. „Isn't that the same reason you are here for?", replied the man next to me savagely.

I decided to take this opportunity to ask him for his name.

„Could you at least tell me your name now", I asked the man standing next to me.

„Blake, Blake Luxenore Prince of the vampires" he replied to my question. „Wait y..you are the prince of the vampires?!", I said shocked, moving a few steps back. »I was told to stay away from the six princes.«

Flashback to the past

I was five years old playing in the garden. Until I accidentally tripped and started bleeding, when I saw one of the kids, that were passing by, eyes glowing red. I got up and ran towards mom, yelling „Mommy, mommy you saw that!, That boy has red eyes". „Yes sweetie", she said somewhat worried. „Mommy who is he?", asked the five year old me. „He is the prince of vampires", my mother replied with worried eyes. „Just promise me to stay away from them in the future" „Are they bad people mommy?", I asked innocently. „I don't know, darling, but their parents are. I don't want you to get involved in their family businesses." explained mother as she noticed my wound and brought out the bandages. As she band-aided me she continued explaining „There are six princes, each of them have bad relationships with each other and I don't want you to get hurt, that's why I told you to stay away from them. Will you do so?", mother asked me waiting for an answer. „When mommy says so, then I will. I promise to stay away from the princes", I reinsured mom with a smile.

That was the day I promised mom I would stay away from the six princes.