
my journey towards you

Stella a girl from a well known family ends up falling in love with the mysterious guy who saved her life in her past. will she able to pass the test which is assigned by the destiny during her journey with him?

sofia_riju · perkotaan
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5 Chs


When I heard the door opening I turned towards the person who's going to make an entrance into the room. I can see the person who is standing at the door with an amazed expression. I made my way towards him with the baby in my hands. He looked at the baby with an adored face. "Shawn, I…" he cut me off by asking me "how did you make her sleep?" "What?" I asked. "How did you put her to sleep?" he again repeated. I frowned at his question and said "I just sang a lullaby for her cooed her for some time. And then she slowly fell asleep" I can see some amusement in his face. He slowly took her from my arms making sure that her sleep is not disturbed. I can sense some fatherly waves that hit me from him. He slowly placed her in the crib peeked at her for the last time before getting out from the room. We came and sat on the sofa with an awkward silence filled in the room. Finally some words from his mouth broke the awkwardness. "I know you might be taken aback from what you have seen there" "it's a little stroked by surprise of baby in your office." With my sentence he just sighed and went to the room back. After a little while he was back with an album. I was thinking about how that baby is related to Shawn. When he opened the album, I was astonished by seeing another Shawn. "Was he... Was he..?" I stuttered with my hands shaking. "He is my twin brother Steven Caballero." Said with a tear fall from his left eye. "He is my classmate during my college days." I said with a low tone. "I know" and he continued "when we were born my mom gave to him to his brother as they were caballeros. According to the legend of the caballeros we should have a boy as their first kid. But my aunt can't get pregnant. Many forced uncle victor to remarry. Even aunt grace asked him to divorce her and remarry. But uncle victor took mark and named him as Steven. When he married Leah Clefter ever.." I cut him off by asking " was she the one and only CF industries heir?" he just answered with a nod. I can feel some depth in his words. Every single word came out from his mouth is so dense that I could sense something is bothering him. "They fell in love with each other and happily married. Even though the we're identical twins and the fact he know that he was not their son he always never stated it anywhere. Because of this reason I spent all my child hood and youth in Singapore. I used to come here just for the holidays. When the gender of their baby was revealed everyone asked to abort the baby girl, But they can't bear the weight of taking an unborn life. Then they named her as April. After six months they died in a car crash. Everyone thought that it was the legacy but the rival industry made the car brakes fail. In every ones eyes the family died but the baby you hold before was April." With those words my senses were lost for a minute. "what?" I asked. "What you heard is right." He let out a sad chuckle and continued "from them everyone started to hate April. I just want to protect her and that's the reason I hid her . neither mom nor dad knew about her." A baby who doesn't even know how to walk or speak is weighing such a big thing. I really pity her for being in this state. His eyes show his love and affectionate he holds for her.

sorry for the late. i know its too late but hope you like it.

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