
ch. 0

what do you wish for...?

what do you hope for...?

if so why and why do you want it....?


now here is a story of a boy that once dreamt of living peacefully, though once he got his peacefulness what do you think happend next...?

did you think a he will live peacefully?....

once there was a family living peacefully in a village until one day there house went flaming the little boy kept crying for help crying while looking at the people that made his house burn and killed father angrily he kept trying to push the wood that was covering his mothers body for hours

until a certain person smiled behind the fire...

and the person said that she will save his mother in exchange for something.....

'his powers'

the boy asked while sobbing "what powers i don't have that just please save my mothers life"

the person came out from the fire and lifted the wood that was covering the mother, though his mother had already died the boy kept sobbing while the person that saved his mothers body was comforting him and the people the made his house burn left the person that helped him get his mothers body introduced herself "I'm really sorry for your lost...but my name is melanin"

the little boy kept sobbing until he fell asleep melanin Carried him to the her house and buried the childs mother and father's corpse when the child woke up melanin gave him soup to eat but the child didn't eat nor move he was like an empty can...

after a few days the boy finally sited down and hugged melanin talked and told melanin everything that happend without melanin asking the little boy and how there hous got burned down he told melanin "my father had a lot of dept that he couldn't pay back..." melanin asked "what should i call you?"

the little boy said "chris" melanin then said again " do you wanna take revenge?" with a mischievous face and then boy nodded and smiled...


now his adventure starts now