
Past and Present 2

'Do you want to live...' The words of the man kept playing and playing like a broken record. The question was plain and simple yet it gave Mitch a feeling he could not describe. It was a mixture of loneliness, pain, hope and faith.

I want to live!

His deepest desire came flooding from the deep recesses of his heart.

"Take my hand, I'll take you to an orphanage." The man reached his hand out. His palms were huge and crude coupled with his dark skin, he appeared to look like someone that could instill fear with just a look.

Mitch didn't say anything else and placed his tiny hand over the man's. And the walked off.


They stopped at a deserted warehouse, where the words 'Restricted Area' was written. It means that they should go there at all. Mitch can't read though. He also had his fair share of 'Dirty' places where he camped the night. To him, the warehouse was a luxury. The windows were gigantic, well some, broken but nevertheless, it was well luminated.

Dusts were everywhere. Littered broken glasses, rusty metal tubings of all sizes and a few other trash occupied the dusty warehouse. Though, there was something there that shouldn't be there at all. A black van.

They trode towards it hand in hand. Mitch didn't care about anything at that time, all he did was give his blind trust.

Soon, they arrived at the sliding door of the van. Apparently, there was another man. He was behind the wheels.

"Get in, and we'll send you off to the orphanage." He let go of his hand and beckoned Mitch to enter the van. He did as he was told. The interior of the van was just like any ordinary vans, except for the walls separating the van at the front. There were also no windows at all. It was cold and dark; It reminded him of last night at the dumpster. He was in pain last night. Anyone likely to be kicked at the stomach would, no excluding 6-7 year olds. In fact, because of their frail bodies, it could get them into serious problems like back paralysis or internal bleeding. Mitch spewed blood last night but not because of the kicks. Those kicks were held back during impact. That's why Sid went into panic when he saw blood seeping from Mitch's mouth.

The blood was due to something else and the kicks just made it come out.

Inside the cool van, Mitch sat at one of the chairs near the door.

It was comfy, the chairs. The van shook slowly. It started moving, he thought.


At first, Mitch was reserved. It was boring. Just sitting there doing nothing. An hour later, Mitch started rummaging around the van. At the back he found some snacks. Delight!

Mitch wanted them. There was a whole sack of it at the back. But he thought of his circumstances. He was just hitching a ride to the so-called orphanage. He stayed his hands on himself and cleaned the mess he made.

Suddenly the doors opened again. They were at an underground parking lot this time, it was deserted just like the warehouse and dust were building up everywhere. A new child entered the she was as quiet as how Mitch was but she had bruises all over her body. Her hair was dishevled, her clothes were dirty and torn. She looked like she suffered a series of beating recently. She sat at the front but the on the far end from where Mitch took his.

The atmosphere was heavy all of a sudden. Mitch couldn't focus on himself as he kept glancing at the girl. After sighing, he stood up and went to the back, picked up the largest thing he could get his hands on.

Walking back to his seat, he stopped and gave the candy bar to the girl.

"You can have this. Just give me the wrapper after you eat." He said. He is risking punishment but it didn't matter at the moment.

"Also, don't make a mess on the seats, if your hands have chocolate. Wipe them off using MY shirt." He added and sat back on his seat.

The girl looked at him like she didn't even know he was there. Seconds later, she started eating the chocolate bar. Without saying anything. A few more kids boarded the van but at that time, Mitch was already fast asleep.

The van doors opened wide and loud which jolted Mitch awake.

"We're here.

They were once again in an underground vacant parking. It was clean though. There was an elevator and an emergency stairs. Facing the elevator, it opened. A man wearing a white lab coat got off the lift and walked towards them.

Stopping right in front of the doors of the van he said-

"Welcome to the orphanage."