
A Year Later

The impossible project was dropped after the death of 1217. Everyone expressed their negative opinions behind the back of Dr. Henry. It truly was a risky operation.

'The old man was really conceited, haaah.. what a waste.. what a waste!' A careraker going by the name Carl grumbled as he ate his food in the cafeteria.

It has already been a year since the experiment on subject 1217 failed. Being one of the caretakers to participate on the project, Carl couldn't help but lament.

'There were other, doable projects that we could have done but why did Dr. Henry picked that one?' He thought as he bite off a piece of loaf bread. Carl was already old, about 54 years old. However due to the various concoction he consumed, his body didn't age that much. Looking at him now, people would say 'Woah, you jest! You seriously look like late 30s at worst.'

In front of him was a youngster, about 25 years of age. He looked bright and upright but with his vast experience interacting with other caretakers in this place, he knew that there wasn't a good soul amongst them. The young man was no exception.

Carl was right. The young man, Tim, has a masked on. Beneath his cheerful persona was a sadistic nature.

With a hushed voice, Tim leaned forward and whispered to Carl saying-

"I heard there was an exceptional experiment a year ago? Do you happen to have information about it?" Judging from Tim's voice and his confidence, Carl knew he dug a few pieces of information before. Particularly about 1217 pain experiment.

Carl was being followed by Tim for a week now. He was being bothered by him recently so he decide to confront him only to be question about 1217.

The information on 1217 was snuffed out the moment he was dragged into his experiment room.

After the success of his 5 months in hell, the data on him elevated to 'Top Secret' information.

That being said, him and everyone else who was present at that time kept their mouth sealed.

Carl was the same. After hearing Tim's question he switched seats, dragging his plate with him.

Tim frowned. He followed Carl but he managed to isolate himself by seating in a crowded spot. Tim vowed to find out about 1217 and... fantasize?

'All of this is for science, not my sadistic tendancies...' He comforted himself.


For the past year, Dr. Henry has been locked inside of his lab barely moving out. For the whole year, he only left for about 20 times.

Still, no one questioned him. He was actually monitoring the whole orphanage and the experimentation area like a hawk. He was still part of experiments just like before, however, remotely. Though it was sort of creepy since he was using the voice of Mother Mary rather than his own.


It was 9 in the morning, the weather was chill as snow began to fall little by little. Inside a familiar hall stood 3 nervous kids.

A bulky kid, a small scrawny kid and a lovable little lady took their seats all together.

The seats was made of metal and was cold to touch.

"Can you stop fidgetting, you big sissy!" The little lady spoke with a sharp tone. She was more of a strict CEO rather than a child.

"I-I-I c-can't help it.." The bulky kid stuttered as he replied.

"Sasha's right! Relax a bit, I think Mitch was more cool-headed than you when he got adopted last year." The scrawny kid said.

"You don't want to lose to Mitch, right Ali?" The youth managed to calm Ali down. Actually more than that. He actually ignited Ali's competitive spirit.

"Yah, Big brother Ali, atleast be like Franz. Look at him, he's not nervous at all."

It was Mitch's friends, his family.

Soon the doors to their demise opened. It creaked in an weird unimaginable way. Kind of like an out of tune requiem that would spell death to the kids that enters through it. However the impending doom was hidden to them.

Their face registered hope, nervousness, and joy.

A man walked out. A man unfamiliar to them but not to those who were adopted i the morning The man who facilitated Mitch's adoption came. It was Jonathan.

Jonathan was once again in front of 3 children. A tall bulky kid, a small scrawny kid and a lovable little lady.

Once again with his strange smile Jonathan spoke-

"Numbers 1213, 1219 and 1288..." He paused while he smiled revealing his teeth.

"Congratulations, you 3 are the lucky children. Rejoice.."