
My Isekai Life: Magical Fantasy

Matthew, formerly a human from Earth, reincarnated into a fantasy world. Nuff said.

Wilson_Farrell · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 1 - Discovering Magic

3 years has passed since I reincarnated into this world. It has been the best time in my life. Both lives.

I look at the mirror as it shows my young child face, with heterochromic blue and green eyes, brown hair with white streaks. I can't help but smile at the new opportunity I was given by Lord Anubis.

From what I learn, this village is called Ironwood Ville. The reason of the name was that the village is due to the forest surrounding the village filled with Ironwood Tree, the best wood for buildings and weapons. Tons of cities trade the woods with multitude of goods across the globes.

And from what I heard at the streets, apparently there are nobles once tries to monopolize the woods for themselves. But, thankfully, everyone in the village fought back and manage to prevent the nobles from doing so.

It's one of the things I could respect about this village's people. They won't cower in fear against people who try to do harm.

I look at the shelf where mom placed several deities statues crafted by the village craftsmen. Looking at Lord Anubis', my smiles widen. I will never forget the chance he offers me.

"Matt? Have you finish changing?"

"Y-yeah, mom!!" I can't help but to stutter. I really need to stop staring anything for too long.

The door was open and I can see mom entering the changing room. She is Martha, a beautiful brown haired woman who is not only kind and patient, but she's also an amazing cook.

"Matt, you're ready?" I smiled widely before nodding. I walk towards her as I hug her left leg. My heart warms up as I heard mom laugh softly.

"You'll still as clingy as ever." I can't help it, I miss hugging my mother for years. I don't care if years passed, I'll never stop doing this. "Come on, then. Dad is waiting for us."

"Okay." As we walk out of the room and arriving at the kitchen, we saw Dad sitting on the dinner table while reading newspaper with his glasses on.

That man is my dad, Richard, a white haired man. People may see him as a farmer, but he's more than that. Dad is far smarter than people gave credit for, he's also very strong as I once saw him lift two cows that escaped with nothing but his arms. Sadly, dad will never be allowed to enter any ktchen.

Dad may know how to grow corps, but he can't cook for shit.

"Matt! Are you ready to see your daddy work?!" Dad immediately rush towards me and lift me up. I can't help but laugh joyfully as he spins around. Mom immediately slaps dad's head to stop him.

"Honey, I know you love to spoil Matt, but there's a line between spoiling him and going overboard." Dad pouted as mom scold him. I can't help but laugh louder.

"Come on, honey. This is the first time I brought Matt to work. I can't help but getting excited." Dad whined as mom scowls.

"Have you forgotten your own strength? What happen if you accidentally harm Matt?"

"No worries. There's no way I'll harm him." Dad pats his chest proudly but wince as he cough in pain.

"See, that's what I mean!" Mom said in exasparation which made me laugh.

Yeah, my life is infinitely better than my past one.


I never saw a field in my past life, but I'm very sure it isn't this beautiful. There are several farmers working around the field, and the plants grew on the field looks healthy. I can't help but notice the field is seperated into multiple sections, each having different type of plant like grapes, tomato, potato, wheat, and so on.

As dad plow the field, another farmer plant the seed on it. Mom help harvesting the crops alongside several other farmers. I immediately walk towards her.

"Mom, can I help?" Mom look at me surprised before smiling and patting my head.

"No need, Matt. But, thank you for asking." I can't help but frowning. I know I'm a kid now, but I want to help her. I never get that chance.

"Please?" I asked again while unleashing my special move, Baby Doll Eyes.

"Matt....." Mom shook her head before smiling. "Fine, but don't overdo it."

"Yay!" I carefully harvest the tomato by copying what mom did earlier, and withs some difficulty, I did it.

I may love the second life, but I can't help but anmoyed by my current strength. This younger body is too weak, even harvesting a tomato have some difficulty.

Calm down now, Matt. You're still a toddler. Be patient, you still have chances to grow.

"Great job, Matt." I smiled at mom before placing the tomato on the basket and harvests more tomatoes. It starts to tiring when I harvest the 12th one, but I can't help but feeling a sense of accomplishment.

If this is how it feels helping a parent, then I'll be glad to do it over and over again.

As I pick my 16th tomato, I notice there's an area where another tomato plant suppose to grow. Out of curiousity, I kneeled down and dig a bit. The seed did grew, but it looks like it's not absorbing enough nutrient or water. Is it due to the plants nearby? I wonder if magic can solve this problem. If so, should it be water based magic or natured based?

I sneak a glance before placing the seed into my pocket.

"Matt!" Mom called me out of a sudden and I went stiff. Oh, dear, did I get caught? "Come on, let's clean yourself up." I let a sigh in relief before run towards mom. "Matt, please don't run at the field."

"Sorry." I stick my tongue out sheepishly as mom laugh before grabbing a towel and wipe the soil and mud off my hands. "Mom, can I learn magic?" I saw mom suddenly went stiff before hesitantly stare at me.

"Matt, where do you know the word magic?" Crap,time to use lesson 36, improvise a lie.

"I saw a man pulling out a stick before placing it on his mouth and suddenly his hand went on fire! He use it to burn the stick on the mouth and smokes coming out of his mouth! When I ask how he do it, he says 'magic, brat'." I then tilt my head to add more effectiveness. "Also, what is 'brat'?"

".....you don't need to know that, Matt." Okay, mom is pissed. I will not mention that it's a lie.

"Why I don't need to know magic?" I asked with faux innocent as mom splutter.

"N-no, that is not-!" Mom took a deep breathe before looking at me. "Alright, I'll tell you what magic is."

"Yay!" My childish giddiness took over as I cheered happily. Mom takes a deep breath before suddenly magic circles surrounding her palm.

"Ignicullus." My eyes widen as tiny flame appears from mom's palm. It may be a low level spell, but it still amazing. "This is magic, with it you can create fire, water, wind, dirt, or even light."

"Awesome!" Mom chuckles at my exclamation. "How to do it!?"

"To do it, you need to feel the mana from your heart, flows it into your hand and gathers it in one place, before imagining what kind of element you want. For fire, you need to think of heat and power, and-." Mom paused as she notice that I stare at her. She must think that I'm confused as she chuckles and pats my head.

"You don't have to worry if you don't understand. I'll tell you more once we go back home, okay?" I simply nod as she went back to grab the basket.

I pull out the seed from the pocket as I stare at it. I place it on the ground and held out my hand. If what mom said is true, then anyone can learn any elements. Should I test that theory out?

I immediately closed my eyes and concentrate, focusing on my heart, and tracing down my mana source. Suddenly, my chest felt warm as movement can be felt on my heart.

Is this mana? I can't help but thinking how mana feels similar to a heat radiate from a heater during winter. I concentrate more, focusing on the movement of the mana. It felt like it's rotating around the heart like how planets move around the sun.

I focus on that particular mana while thinking how should I move it? Is it like telekinesis where you will it to move? Welp, it won't harm me if I did.

Focusing on that energy, I use my willpower to move the energy and to my shock, it works. It slowly move from my heart to my right shoulder and then my right hand. As I gather it, I rethink of what mom said before, imagine the aspect of the elements. If nature...

Remind me what kind of aspect do nature have again?

Come on, brain, think, think hard. I watch tons of animes, movies, shows, read mangas, manhwa, novels, and even fanfictions! There's must be something I could took a reference!!

Okay, calm down now. Relax.....

Let's see....nature made people calm, relaxing, and joy, should I try that?

"O-oh, god!!" I open my eyes and blink as a plant, glowed in green lights, starts to grow in a fast pace. I gape as the once tiny seed is now a plant with flower bud.

Wait, why is everything splits in two?

I feel my body fell to the ground and darkness took over me.

To be continued