
His Sacrifice


The Emperor looks at the man who called him "father" and was shocked to see a different figure. That is not his son. That is not Kris. 

The Emperor sees him and immediately steps back, hoping that it was not noticeable to the other one. Unfortunately, Kris indeed saw his hesitation. 

Kris stops in his tracks and his smile drops. He drops his head in shame before he started chuckling as the people around him look in his direction. 

They didn't stare for too long because they are scared of losing their heads. They continue to stir the broth that is inside the large cauldron filled with vegetables and some heavy spices.

Kris stops chuckling as he looks back at his father who is still in shock. 

"I've just been gone for a while but you can't even recognize me, Father. What a shame."