
The shadow demon part two

I was alone at home. My house is two stories tall. My dog and I were chilling in my room, I was watching to my favorite youtubers when I heard a sound downstairs.

I got out my pocket knife and as soon as I picked up the pocket knife, I heard a sound like a clanking sound like chains on the ground. I went downstairs and saw my horn on the ground 10 feet away from where it was hanging at. It was 2 feet away from the back door of my house. I froze with fear but realized that the horn was in a weird shape so it couldn't have just moved on it's own, and my dog and I were upstairs the whole time. There was no humans in the house. Suddenly there was a bang sound like fists on a door banging. I looked up and saw the same figure or shadow demon I saw when I was walking the Dog.

I flinched and the shadow smiled showing it's bloody fangs. Then it disappeared without a trace.

But that wasn't the last time I saw it too.......

All these chapters are true about what I saw. None of these were humans. That’s what really scared me the most....

NightFox2003creators' thoughts