
My Imaginary Twin Sister

About a girl that as a child her father never accepted her cause she is a girl she had just one person to confide in, her mother but her mom had to suffer something that wasn't at all a crime giving birth to girl, she never complained Things don't always work as planned Tiffany grew up not having friends not leaving the house unless mom goes with her and her mates at school don't even come close to her, she grew up in a house were she would always witness her mother being bullied, beaten up bashed and bruised but she couldn't do anything. After her mother died she blamed herself for not saving her...... She soon falls in love but fear took the better part of her as she fears that she might end up with the same thing her mother sufferd in her own married life (domestic violence) so she trys her best to stay away from relationships but fate has another thing fully planned for her ╲┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ╲┃ But first start from the top ┃ ╲┗━━━━┳━━━━━━━┛ ╲╲╭ⓄⓄ╮┃╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ╲╲┫╰╯┣╯╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ┈┈╰┳┳╯┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Divaxx · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs

The scare

Pov: Tiffany

I was finally done with the kitchen....

Going back to dinning to eat, I opened the door and I was going to the dinning but I sighted my dad he was sitting on my seat and eating my food. Does he know that's my food I worked really hard for 😕😟

Felix: who made this ???

Tiffany: he was asking me ( m, m, me Dad)

Felix: well it's so disgusting... I'm irritated by it

You are the worst cook ever

Tiffany: he poured the food on the floor.....

If you didn't like it then why didn't you just mind your business and leave it for me

Terra: do you want me to take him out

Tiffany: no I have something else in mind.

(_).... Then he walked out on me he went upstairs. Good thing I made much. I cleaned it then got more.

After eating 🍴

I cleared the plates dad always sleep before me

Terra: so what's the big plan

Tiffany: well it's not a plan it's just a way to make him confess to every body he lied to

Terra: so then what are you gonna do

Tiffany: well I'm going to be my mother

Terra: ?????¯\_(ツ)_/¯????

Terra: since I can shape shift I'm going to be my mom then scare him

Terra: well then lead the way Mobirix

Tiffany: I went to my room first then I kissed my mother's picture then I turned into her I was like a Photo copy. Breath in breath out . I took deep breaths before I sneaked out of my room, I have to make myself act like an angry spirit. And luckily for me the door wasn't locked and he was asleep I closed the door quietly. The I switched the light on and off I continued until he moved meaning he was now conscious,

(Felix) I said making sure my voice was exactly like my mom's, he stiffened not wanting to turn.

( Why did you do this to me (TヘTo) )

Felix: Delores????ಠ_ಠ

Tiffany: Terra can you do that trick you did to the that guy that wanted to kill us

Terra: yes.... Were to, oh wait how about a volcano

Tiffany: Nooooo just safely teleport him to the living room

Terra: okiedokie

Tiffany: with that he was gone with the bed

Can you teleport me too

Terra: ehem us

Tiffany: yes please, with a blink of an eye I was right in front of him, he was still stiff not opening his eyes he didn't even dare to move... Here's were I come in

(Why do you hate me so much as to take my happiness away ( T ʖ̯ T)(o`д´o)

Felix: you not real

Tiffany: he was reminding himself.

Terra: awwwn he's scared let me try

Tiffany: OK

Terra: I'm just here to give you a warning⚠ if you dare lay as much as a finger on my daughter I will eat your soul and take you with me to the after life were me and the devil will torture you over and over again

Tiffany: Terra!!!

Terra: what didn't you want scary

Tiffany: hah.... he opened his eyes and I was looking straight into his eyes I saw shock

Felix: I thought your Dead..... How did I get here

Tiffany: OK Terra please make him and us go back to the his room

Felix: 三三・ᴥ・)

Tiffany: And we were back. I turned into an ant, hehehe that's my evil laugh. He got up and oh my I picked the wrong choice I was soo tiny and the room was like a hall, he got up to check were he was, then I turned into a rat I purposely ran on top his feet that's how I left his room and back to mine I was expecting him to scream or do something to show alittle bit of fear, anyway the after effects tomorrow I'm going to bed

Terra: this was boring

Tiffany: well then you'll make it exiting

Terra: really .

Tiffany: yes he's all yours tomorrow

Terra: (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و yesss time to break stuff. Your Dead Felix

Tiffany: what did you say 😕

Terra: 😄😄 I said I'll prepare

Tiffany: OK ok