

Anatasya Lizzebeth, a beautiful woman who was married by force to Cristian William Bradley. Because Cristian's parents did not approve of his relationship with Stella, Cristian's parents finally asked him to end his relationship with Stella. Then Cristian's parents set him up to marry Stella. Because Cristian still wanted to be with Stella, he continued his romantic relationship behind the backs of his parents and his wife Anatasya. After marrying Anatasya, Cristian still secretly likes to vacation and meet with Stella. After Anatasya gave birth to her second child, Anatasya realized that all this time Cristian had betrayed her marriage with Stella, his former lover. Anatasya became very angry and wanted to divorce Cristian immediately. Anatasya felt that during her marriage with Cristian, she had never been loved and cared for by Cristian, her husband. But Cristian did not want to let Anatasya take his two daughters. Anatasya was devastated and wanted to take revenge by marrying Roy, Cristian's business partner.

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25 Chs


The next morning Anatasya's parents were going to America. Anatasya's parents will attend the wedding of her nephew's sister Anatasya. But in the afternoon Anatasya was shocked by the news on TV that the airplane that her parents and her older sister were on had crashed into the sea.

Now the airplane is still being searched. Anatasya hopes her family can be found soon. This is a nightmare for Anatasya because she will lose the parents she loves so much.

Cristian, who heard the news of the plane crash, immediately returned home to see how Anatasya was doing at home.

''Anaaa... have you heard the news of the plane crash that your mother was on? Cristian asked as if he was saddened by the news of the accident.

''Yes Cris, I'm very sad right now. I don't know if my parents and my sister Michelle's bodies can be found. This is a nightmare for me Cris. How could this happen to my family Cris.Huuhuhuhu.'' Anatasya said while sobbing.

''I'm also sad Ana to hear this news. You are strong, hopefully they can be found soon.'' Cristian said while hugging Anatasya and having tears in his eyes.

After hearing the news, Cristian and Anatasya immediately went to the airport to see the progress of the search for their mother's plane. After arriving there, it turned out that only the wreckage of the plane was found. Everyone on board had been declared missing and dead.

''This can't be Cris, surely my family is still alive in that plane. aaaaaaaa'' Anatasya shouted in disbelief that her family had died in the plane crash.

''Anaa,,, I know you are strong Ana. You must be able to accept this reality Ana. Don't worry, because now there will be me by your side.'' Cristian said, hugging Ana tightly.

''Thank you Cris, without you I don't know what my life would be like.'' Anatasya said while hugging Cristian.

''Yes Ana, it's better for us to go home now.'' Said Cristian who had managed to calm Anatasya's feelings.

Cristian felt very sad to see Ana's condition, who was still very sad because her family had left her.

''Ana, do you want to eat something before we get home? Cristian said looking at Anatasya.

''No Cris, I just want to go home.'' Anatasya replied.

''Ana, but you haven't eaten anything since this afternoon. I don't want you to get sick, if you get sick I'll be tired of taking care of you. Let's eat first then.'' Said Andrew who immediately took Ana to go to his favorite restaurant.

This was the first time Andrew wanted to invite Ana to eat out with him. Anatasya was surprised by Cristian's attitude which became very affectionate towards her.

''Now I feel so sad Cris, I thought you would never love me as your wife.'' Said Anatasya who was sitting next to Cristian.

''What do you mean by that Ana, haven't I always been like this to you.'' Cristian said while focusing on driving his car.

''No Cris, you used to be very indifferent and rarely took me out like this.'' Anatasya replied, looking at Cristian's face.

''Maybe it's just your feelings Ana. Now let's go downstairs, we've arrived at the restaurant.'' Cristian said with a slightly jutting attitude.

Finally that night, Cristian brought Anatasya to have dinner with him. Cristian felt very happy because he could finally love her.

''Ana, please order the food first. I'm going to the toilet first.'' Cristian said and immediately went to the toilet.

Ana immediately ordered Cristian's favorite food and not long after Cristian came to her.

''Ana why did you only order food for me. You really don't want to eat.'' Cristian asked while looking at Ana's beautiful face.

''I don't want to eat yet Cris, you eat.'' Anatasya refused.

Suddenly Cristian tried to feed food to Anatasya who had been refusing to eat.

''Open your mouth Ana, now let's just eat a plate together. I can't finish eating all this food either.'' Cristian said forcing Anatasya.

''Okay Cris.'' Anatasya replied with a happy smile.

After they finished eating, they immediately continued their journey home.

Cristian began to notice Anatasya's beauty that he had been teasing. Now Cristian no longer needed Stella to satisfy his high desire.

''Ana, tonight please wear the nightgown that I bought you last time.'' Cristian said while holding Anatasya's hand.

"Why Cris? Ana asked curiously.

''Don't ask too many questions Ana, just do it. After we get home, you will immediately take a shower, Ana. After that, it's my turn to take a shower.'' Cristian said as he drove the car.

After they arrived at his house, Anatasya immediately took a shower and put on a sexy nightgown as Cristian had requested.

''Cristian told me to wear these clothes because he wanted to make love to me. Finally Cristian can love me after all this time he never cared about me as his wife.'' Anatasya said to herself.

*** Knock...Knock...Knock... Cristiam knocked on her bathroom door.

''Ana...Have you finished bathing. Why are you taking so long inside? Asked Cristian who had been waiting for Ana to come out of the bathroom.

** Grekkkkk... Ana opened the door to her room.

''Yes Cris, I'm sorry that you waited so long.'' Anatasya, who was already wearing a sexy nightgown, replied. Cristian began to look at Anatasya as if mesmerized by her beauty that had never been seen in his eyes.

''I'm going to take a shower now, please prepare a nightgown for me, Ana.'' Cristian said while holding a towel in his hand.

Tonight Cristian wanted to make love to Anatasya. After he had moved away from Stella he had not had sex for a very long time. All this time he felt uninterested in Anastaya's beauty. So he rarely asked Anatasya to have sex with him if she didn't force him to.

After Cristian finished showering, he saw Ana already fast asleep on her bed. He really couldn't hold back his lust that had been raging since this afternoon for Anatasya.

Cristian immediately opened the towel that was attached to his body. Then Cristian began to slowly open the nightgown that Anatasya was wearing that night.

''Why haven't I loved Ana since long ago. It turns out that Ana's body is no less tempting than Stella's. I don't know where Stella is now. Let's just let her go from my life. Anyway, now I have Ana in my life. I also seem to have started to love her, although not fully.'' Cristian said while squeezing Ana's big breasts.

It wasn't long before Ana woke up from her sleep. She was surprised to see Cristian who had been kissing her body since before.

''Cristian, what are you doing to me? Ana asked Cristian.

''Satisfy me tonight Ana. I can't stand looking at you anymore.'' Answered Cristian who continued to enjoy the beauty of Anatasya's body.

''Alright Cris, but we have to be careful because I'm pregnant.'' Said Stella who immediately sat on Cristian's body.

Cristian has really changed, now Cristian is willing to accept Anatasya as his wife. Since Cristian broke off his relationship with Stella, he no longer knew where Stella was now.

Anatasya hopes that Cristian will not change again like he used to be who was very indifferent to her. Cristian and Anatasya's household is now more harmonious after the absence of Stella in their household.
