
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · Fantasi
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152 Chs

Chapter Thirty Nine. *

The preparations took another hour or so.

We finally got on the road with almost sixty people in total five wagons including ours and sixteen on horseback..and one woman who rode in the very front.

I forgot how much fun this is.

Riding around enjoying the scenery. I felt my heart flutter. Leaning back to a steady and familiar chest I felt quite comfortable.

Our pace was decent considering the much larger party, they managed to put everything and almost everyone on the wagons but, that some were foot walking in slow pace.

Behind us were the Emils, and two more of our own. The others at placed around the party and two at the rearguard.

" You seem relaxed.." - his voice vibrates through his chest as he adjusts his hands around my waist.

" I am.. I wish we could spend most of our days like that."

" Me too. "

I rested my arms on his, it felt like I'm sitting in a hopping chair. I felt his breath on my neck and closed my eyes.

The sun was shining brightly, my mind wondered about home. I hope everyone is ok. I wonder if anyone else has arrived yet. Seeking his help.

Soon, the October rain arrived and with that the season of sacrifices ended. I couldn't wait.

He assured me that those former residents of Tori agreed to keep the monster death, under wraps.

Although nothing like that can be hidden forever and if Emet death was a shock, just imagine when they hear that another one has fallen by his hands.

I saw the strapped fangs he brought back home on the top of a wagon.

" What you gonna do with those teeth? Olaf is at it's wits end.." the man was talking to body parts left behind for Ehlite sake. " I doubt he can take these on."

He sighed deeply. " I honestly don't know..I took them because it was literally the only thing, can be taken from her corpse. "

That's true I guess, the body that large..and yet it was gone by the time the man arrived to claim it. Where did the bodies go? And parts taken remained?

" We can store it..until we decided what to do with it." - he sounded unsure that it will ever happen.

" Hmm.."

I loved how he included me in these decisions.

Always using the word we..when he just as easily decided on his own after all, they were his. But no..he wanted us to be a WE.

We stopped after a few hours to eat and rest the people. I felt grateful. I wanted to stretch my legs and got very hungry.

We stopped near the momba trees and Zephyr picked enough for everyone. Some seemed almost scared when saw them up close.

The children looked suspicious but whe seeing Ilianna crack one open and tear into it, had a lot of fun with eating them.

They eat some and throw some horrified their mothers and all adult who witnessed it. I guess all children act the same.

Soon we all settled down under the trees and enjoyed the filling juices from the fruit.

I reached behind me and shared some juice with Zephyr. Once we parted lips, I remembered something.

" We should surprise the others back home. I want mother and granny to make some desserts with this. Uhh uhh..let's plant some!! " - I felt it was my best idea yet.

He chuckled at my excitement and give me a little peck on the lips.

" That's a great idea. " - looked at their top hundreds of those fruits still hanging there. " We plant some around the houses too..our kids enjoy eating them."

"..hehe. Hmm.."

" What? "

" Just glad to hear you talk about our future kids, I thought with Ilianna so small.." - I was fine with waiting but, did had my hope. " You might wanna wait for the second? "

He shook his head and his hair hit my face tickling it.

" No..I want to have them close..the first at least. " - he looked at Anna direction playing with the other kids. " Would be nice seeing her as big sister. And you fat! "

I bite his chest a few times in retaliation for those words.

I felt delighted, a little boy with blue hair... I pray he will looks exactly like her father. Or a little girl like me..but with his hair for sure. I grabbed my frizzy hair and once more laminated.

" What are doing? Stop.."

He stopped me grasping at it, he knew more than most how much, I disliked it. How I wished for nice straight locks like my mother and sisters..or his.

" I know you have problems..which is fine." - his bright smile slowly turned into a concerned one.

" It's great. My love.. it is challenging..but, anyway. It's your most distinguished feature..I could pick you out from hundred with just a single look."

He didn't convince me..he lowered his voice.

" I also like to grabb it..When I do you from behind.." - he patted it and burrowed his fingers in them with excited expression.

He actually seemed to like it.

Bastard..I guess it's fine as is.

We spent some more time thanks to my idea of replanting exotic fruits in Emet.

Alexander ripped out some saplings after talking to the locals and Zephyr gathered too much..we had no where to put them and still be comfortable travelling.

We had to leave some behind and even filled to the brim some Tori people decided to carry some. Under their arms, on their backs anyway they could.

Unloading their clothes then and there and filled those sacks with fruit. I guess, I would done the same six weeks ago.

Ten bronze coin per fruit meaning, they can sell it in Malai for a fortune. Throwing some rags out in exchange was nothing.

Some came over and thanked Zephyr, who redirected their gratitude to me.

" It was my fiancee, Lylly's idea. "

Surrounded by people thanking me with tears in their eyes felt satisfying. I might needed to get used to this, after all simple being his wife meant to surrounded by those who will seek him out.

Those numbers already grown in just a few weeks. He is chosen, and I either get with the program or go crazy pretending to be just a normal couple.

I kissed him and told, I'm gonna get some rest in our wagon. Riding a horse was great but hurt my butt.

Inside with my daughter Eli and Demelza, I lazed around and let Anna play with my hair. Demelza opened some wine and we drank it straight out of the bottle..it was typical farmer girl behaviour, I need curb in the future.

We ended up making plans for the city and laughing when the wagon suddenly stopped and I heard some shouting. Maybe Lucians? and then battle cries of unfamiliar man.


I saw the wind moving the cloth if the wagon and blood stains it.

I held back Ilianna, who wanted to run and covered her ears the best I could, turning her head.

I heard the terrible sounds of bones crunching and the cries of dying man.

Demelza and Eli seeking safety the furthest corner inside the wagon door looked frightened.

I should panic with them but a strange calm came over me.

Zephyr was out there.

The commotion lasted less than one minute total.

We heard footsteps and heard a familiar voice.

" It's fine now ladies. You come out noouch..God!! " - Alexander suddenly got hurt.

" Are you kidding me??..Princess!? Y-you stay with your aunt for now, understand!!? "

She didn't hear him all that well, considering her ears being smothered by my hands.

" Are you alright sweetheart? " - I let her go and checked her emotions.

She looked more confused than scared but, nodded anyway and I handed her to Eli and got out careful after Demelza.

The sight?

I never considered myself having a weak stomach, but the scene outside would be enough to turn anyone's squeamish.

People.. I can't even tell how many, lied in pieces.

Arms, legs, heads and the torsos they came from.. and entrails everywhere. Demelza looked as sick as I felt. The smell of blood was overwhelming.

Zephyr knelt next to one almost ..whole corpse. Except, how his chest having a hole in it. He checking the body his clothes for something.

He looked bloodied all over. Obviously none of his. We walked closer to them and I wanted hug him.

He put his hands up. " Nono.." - he looked at himself. " I mean not like this, love. "

I put my arms down and awaiting for his point of view.