
My husband isn't human

"R18 Taboo Love Between a Human and a Human-Headed Snake Creature" “A man-faced serpent creature and a beauty/The Dominant Serpent and the Tender, Caring Maiden" Scarlett, the female lead, finds herself abducted and delivered into the hands of Asher, the male protagonist, after hitching a ride in an illegally operated private car. Serving as a nanny, Scarlett gradually grows accustomed to life with Asher, fostering a deepening bond between them. Over time, Asher's initial dominance softens, giving way to genuine affection for Scarlett. Despite his formidable abilities, Asher's essence reflects a youthful simplicity. In the presence of someone he admires, he tends toward assertiveness, shielding his vulnerabilities while fervently safeguarding his loved ones. His intentions are pure; however, his understanding of morality is limited due to a lack of guidance.

AnnaShelly · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
88 Chs

chapter39 His origin.

"Ashel passionately loves this intimacy between the two, restraining himself on every dim night, teasing Scarlett with his hands and lips until she responds, slowly entering her only when she's ready. He kisses her, loves her, and caresses her.

Often they fall asleep in this room at night and wake up in the morning in a different room, but she's always in his arms, nestled against him. Ashel holds her even if it's late, even if it's already afternoon. Scarlett doesn't wake up; he doesn't get up first or wake her. They lie naked under the covers, holding each other, watching the light in the room change as if it's forever.

During the day, he tries to tease Scarlett, but if she refuses, he doesn't insist. As long as Scarlett sleeps in his embrace, he feels content. Scarlett feels she's degraded, losing herself under him every night, even without an aphrodisiac, letting out wild cries in the night.