
My Husband is the Emperor : I Woke Up With a Husband

"I'm your husband" suddenly a man claims to be my husband. How did it happen? Before my coma , The man I loved betrayed me and choose my step-sister, xie huelin . I was accused of abusing drugs by xie huelin and My birth parents kicked me out of the family. My foster mother was the only person who believes in me, But on the day I went back to my foster mother house, the house was burned and she fell into coma. The one who caused it was my step-sister, When I went to the hospital to meet my mother, I met an accident, that was also staged by her! I fell into coma and after a year I woke up, I met a handsome and he's known to be cold-hearted, ruthless and expressionless man who was known as the Emperor of the city. The CEO of Li cooperation , Li jun Wei And He claims to be my husband?! [ DISCLAIMER: the picture in the cover is not mine, credit to the owner! :) ]

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523 Chs

Chapter 99: Don't Run

The living room was empty with only Li Lian and Li Jun Wei, but the words that Li Lian dominantly declared while pushing Li Jun Wei down, turned the air of the room even silencer than before.

Realizing that the air was going off the track into a very ... weird turn, Li Lian stood up and raised her hand on the air for a moment before hiding it on her back.

Cursing to herself, she couldn't even understand why she took that approach that she had never once before even when she was with He Chang Min.

Li Jun Wei chuckled deeply, raised his body up, and stood next to her. Startled, her left legs took a step back but her body leaned forward from the pressure on her waist.

Li Lian's only wish now was only to search for a hole, or perhaps for someone to give her a shovel so that she could dig a hole and buried herself in it.

Li Jun Wei was happy with her bold approach, her understanding, and awareness to him was getting better and spoke while caressing her black hair.

"When I take an approach later, don't run." His seducing words lingered to her ears.

He took the wine glass and drank it, coloring his lips with red. Li Lian froze while watching him licking his lower lips and also gulped.

"Good night." Li Jun Wei said before leaving her to his room.

Sensing no presence of Li Jun Wei anymore to the room, Li Lian sat back to the couch lifelessly.

Li Lian never once expected that Li Jun Wei could also seduce her only by a few words!

Talking about seducing, wasn't she the one who turned the atmosphere even pinker by her unresponsible words?!

As Li Lian turned her face toward the coach where she pushed Li Jun Wei at, the scene flooded back to her mind. She stood abruptly and fanned her fiery cheeks before shooking her head.

As she was about to forget the image for a slight second, Li Jun Wei's words echoed through her ears as if he was still next to her ears.

"When I take an approach later, don't run."

By approach, surely Li Jun Wei meant another stack of sweet and devilish seduces from him...

Li Lian covered her head and exclaim in her heart. 'Ah!!!!'. Unable to find a way out of her loud heartbeat and the burning image of Li Jun Wei's face, Li Lian ran to her room thinking that she needs a basin of cold water and ice to retain her composure.

The night ended with the crescent moon that seemed to be laughing at Li Lian's internal screaming of both embarrassed and that she nearly died of Li Jun Wei's attack.

The corner of her heart needed protection in order to bear Li Jun Wei's future devilish attack to her.

Whatever happened after this Li Lian would need a very strong heart...

On the other hand, the koi was sleeping peacefully with a fish eyes sleeping mask not knowing that he had missed a very perfect scene for his gaping mouth for gossips.


When the morning came, as expected Li Lian woke up later than usual. Li Jun Wei had gone to work, so Li Lian was able to eat her breakfast leisurely without being hunted by Li Jun Wei's seduces.

Li Lian tapped down her heart in relief. 'If this morning he did any of that... I will surely pass out!'

As she finished her breakfast, the ever-loving Koi Fish, spoke to his sister in law. "Sister in law, if you have finished the audition later, could you come to the company? Your manager has come. That person coerce- ... told me this morning that they want to ask you some questions ... Also-"

"Also? " Li Lian looked at Li Xiao Chen that had a face as if he would go tp a business meeting, a face of seriousness that dissolved his childish personality.