
Chapter 232: Whose House-II

Once Mrs. Jin and Jin Nu Yuan had left, Li Lian asked the maids to clean the teacups and not long, the door of the house was opened again. This time, Li Jun Wei and Li Xiao Chen was the one to enter the house. While Li Jun Wei walked toward Li Lian after taking his coat, Li Xiao Chen turned his head back at the door which hadn't yet closed.

"I think I saw aunt's car. Did aunt came here, sister?" asked Li Xiao Chen, turning his face at Li Lian.

"Yes she did." replied Li Lian and she added, "It was chaotic a moment ago, the just left by the time you two come."

"Did she do anything?" asked Li Jun Wei, getting straight to the point and his hand went to touch her cheeks. It was warm and not hot. If either Mrs. Jin and Jin Nu Yuan had slapped Li Lian which he doubt they would be able to, he would have left to bring his aunt back and teach her to use her hand to a better use.