
Chapter 126: Melted Heart

"I am." Li Lian replied, she didn't want to act rash only base on her doubts.

"That's great! You should come often to the house, Li Lian we should get along better." Jin Yu Nuan intertwined her palms together across her face, her smile dancing off.

"Li Lian come here." Li Jun Wei called her name, reaching out his hand to take hers as if he knew what she was feeling now. "Then excuse me, Grandmother, Yu Nuan." She smiled receiving a nod from Old Madam Li and went toward Li Jun Wei with a smile over her lips. Li Jun Wei took a moment of glance to his younger cousin. Since they were young Jin Yu Nuan had always followed him relentlessly everywhere he goes. He didn't want to distrust his family especially his younger cousin who had felt like his own younger sister. But he also knew better that by time people could change to either too good and bad.

Li Xiao Chen stood idle, walking toward the party hall when she spotted the man of the party, Li Ye Hua passed by across them along with a young man who was almost as tall as Li Jun Wei only to fall a few inch shorter than him.

"Ye Hua, we've been waiting for you, where were you?" The second aunt furrowed her brows and crossed her arm with irritation. "Where are you father and mother?"

Li Ye Hua smiles but a hint of displeased passed by his face when his second aunt mentioned his parents, Li Lian saw and was sure that Li Jun Wei didn't miss it too. "I'm sorry, I was greeting my friend since it's been a long time, I didn't know it will take a long time, second aunt." He spoke formally like a person who wasn't in the family. "Mother and father should be in the party hall by now."

"Is that so," Li Huian hummed when the man who stood beside Li Ye Hua greeted. "Good evening, everyone wish you a perfect evening." His smile smoothened at the end of his words. His eyes glanced around and fell froze at Li Lian.

"Tsui Han, how are you? I heard of your feats, you've grown up well." Old Master Li said as he patted his shoulder. Wei Tsui Han took a long moment to break his gaze from Li Lian before moving to Old Master Li and smiled. "I'm fine elder Li, thank you for your praise." Everyone was pleased by his greetings all except for Li Jun Wei who didn't miss his eyes contact which constantly sought for Li Lian. "May I ask who is this lady is?"he asked and the knit between Li Jun Wei's brows deepened.

"This is Li Lian, Jun Wei's wife." Mrs. Jin replied before anyone else. Li Lian felt and odd sense when she was near Mrs. Jin for sure she could see how the woman get a little over her nerves, it was as if he meant something which wasn't good.

"Wife?" The disappointment held over his eyes. "I have been wondering from before but do you perhaps remember me, Ms. Li Lian?" Li Lian thought break, glancing at We Tsui Lan she gave a shook of her head. "I'm sorry but I don't remember. Have we met somewhere before?" Hearing it Li Jun Wei smiled.

"Li Lian, your ribbon is getting loose." Suddenly he spoke and took everyone's attention to the ribbon over her neck. "Really?" Li Lian clumsily placed her hand over her neck. As the ribbon was right bellow her neck, she couldn't see well whether the tie was untied and was about to retie her loose ribbon when when she felt Li Jun Wei placing his hand on top of her. Softly bringing her hand away, he fixed his gaze and tied the ribbon carefully.

It wasn't Li Lian's first time to have his face close this way. They had slept together on the same bed and compared to it, this was nothing of his affection. But more than ever she could feel her heart racing to the point she was worried of he could hear the loud sound of her heartbeats. Pink colors creeped to stay at the contour of her cheeks, he lips gently pulled up to a smile. She didn't hate his movements, the careful touches he gave to her was something endearing to her. For Li Lian who was shunned by her families, his shower of kindness and affection melted her heart.

"That's it." His minty breaths brushed her eyelashes, having her to squint her eyes a little when she felt a soft and warm sensation over her forehead. Looking up she saw a sweet smile and realized that Li Jun Wei had kissed her forehead. Everyone was surprise by the affection he showed in front of everyone on purpose. Old Madam Li and Old Master Li in particular was over than joy when they saw their grandson carefully taking care of his wife with affections.

Wei Tsui Lan, however, held a different look than the rest. Seeing the changes of expression happening around him, Li Xiao Chen was the one who was confused by his own surrounding. His brother didn't do that in purpose, right? He didn't purposely wanting to show how much he love his sister in love in front of everyone, right? No matter how much he denied, he knew his brother well, especially the part of him who would do things to show what was his to everyone.

"Geez, I never know Cousin Wei is a very affectionate person. This is making me quite jealous for being single, right Grandmother?" Jin Yu Nuan spoke up, covering her giggle by her hand. Old Madam Li agreeing with her granddaughter's words nodded with full support.

"We should go now." His words were to everyone who stood by the place. Taking her hand, he led her toward the party hall. Like everyone else, the rest of the family followed their steps, exchanging some conversations and the same goes to Li Ye Hua who stopped when he saw his friend stood at his spot unmoving. "What's wrong?" He followed his eyes who moved at Li Lian's back and added. "Have you met my sister in law before?" And he received a nod from his friend.

"I have to go." Wei Tsui Lan left a pat on his shoulder and went to follow Li Lian toward the door which led to the party hall.