
CH-3: You will regret for this.

Avery looks around her boss's office. It is well decorated by light grey and white colored furniture, making the room seem larger than it is. Behind him is a wall entirely made up of a window showing a beautiful view of the city despite his large frame being in front of it. His large desk looks very neat with only a couple papers on it, a pencil holder, and little nick nacks of a miniature globe on it. There are also two comfy looking leather chairs seated in front of his desk. The room was surprisingly spacious with a couple bookshelves, and even a large sofa in the corner with a large flatscreen TV fitted in the wall. She finds it quite impressive, but it's not enough to distract her from the task at hand.

Avery's POV

He looks over at me, I cower as soon as our eyes meet. I quickly look down again to try and collect myself, my racing heart making it very hard to do so. With slightly shaking legs I make my way towards the desk and gently place down my file I took so much care into putting together. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time, as if burning a hole into my very soul and looking right into my very being. My already erratic heart begins to beat even quicker and harder, I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear it in my chest despite our distance. Under his scrutinizing gaze, my body turns cold and I could feel my knees want to go weak. However I manage to keep what little composure I have left and stand my ground. 

As I stand in front of his desk, he only stares at me, not even asking me to have a seat or anything. Like he knows this will only be a quick meeting. He stretches out his hand and simply says, "File." In that cold tone he always uses. I hand it over to him and he begins to flip through it, but it's like he's barely scanning it. He suddenly begins to laugh, "You call this a report? Miss….hm, oh yes Ms. Miller," he rolls his eyes a tad before continuing, "I've seen children with less mistakes than you have, who have also put in a lot more effort as well. This is highly disappointing, you completely undermined my expectations with this trash."  

Mr. Alexander's next actions cause my eyes to widen and tears to prick behind my eyes. He reaches up and tears some pages of file out before throwing them at my face. I can barely register what just happened as they float down to the ground, "Pick it up and see for yourself," he orders. 

I shakily bend them and pick them up. I look over the pages he threw at me, but I can't see any mistake. In fact they look perfect to me, what mistakes could he be talking about? "But sir…," I go to ask what he means, but I'm cut off for the second time today. 

"You must have a lot of guts, if you think you can question my judgement!", he barks with a nasty glare and I shiver at his gaze. Once again feeling it pierce right into my very soul. 

In his anger he tears more pages out and throws them at my feet. My heart hurts at the sight seeing all of my hardwork ripped and tossed away like I simply scribbled some crayon on a piece of paper rather than spent sleepless hours stressing over the documents. I bend down to pick them up not noticing how much my boss has lost his temper. 

"This is so ridiculous! How can you.... ", he grunts in frustration before suddenly growling like an angry animal, "grrrrrrrrrr...." In his pure frustration he tosses the file completely off his desk not seeing my already bent down figure. I gasp looking up and hearing the flutter of papers flying out of the folder. 

Before I can even get a chance to catch the folder, I yelp feeling a sharp sting on my forehead. The file has smacked right into my head knocking me back onto my butt. I whimper, reach up, and place pressure on where it hit to try and stop the pain from the impact. Slight shock registers on my face when I feel something warm coming from my forehead. Bringing my hand down I'm met with the sight of my own blood. The steel corners of the file must have been what hit my forehead, that's probably why it stung so much. 

My breathing quickens a tad at the sight and the pain gets worse. Before I can stand to go treat my wound, Mr. Alexander stands instead and walks around his desk. He bends down next to me showing the concern and regret in his eyes, "Show me," he softly commands, his voice laced with worry. But still, I begin to panic not wanting to be scolded or hurt again. Knowing him, he would think of some way to blame me for this and criticize me despite everything.

Quickly covering my wound with my hand, I pick up what I can of my file from the floor before swiftly getting up and running towards the door. 

Right as I place my hand on the doorknob, "Avery! Stop right there!" My boss stands and marches over to be in only 5 swift strides towering over me again. "I have to treat your wound," he urges sadly and tries to move my hand.

I push his hand away, "No, sir, you don't have to and you won't have to worry about me saying anything about this to anyone." I can't bring myself to look at his face, but I can feel the concern for me turn to frustration again.

He leans down towards my face and snarls, "You will regret this, Avery ", he warns in a deep intimidating tone, "No one defies me!" 

"I am already well aware, sir and I'm prepared for anything you throw at me", I state turning away from him. Before he has a chance to yell at me or grab me I leave, shutting the door behind me. 

I walk into the restroom with a heavy, hurting heart and stand in front of the mirror. Checking over my wound I find it's not big at all, it was simply bleeding a lot. I have a bit of trouble stopping the blood flow, but I get it under control. Once I do, I wash my face taking a moment to think over everything that's happened.

It was such a terrible day for me. I was late for class, so my professor didn't take my assignment. My boss tore my file I worked so hard on before throwing it at me. Finally, like a horrible ''By one get one offer,'' the file made a wound on my forehead, 

I look over my reflection once more, simply seeing someone tired and beaten down by the day's events. My shift ends at eight o'clock at night, but I can't stand the thought of staying here one more moment. I'm so scared of my boss trying to hunt me down in the office, or people asking why I have a sudden injury on my head. I glance over at my wristwatch, it's only half past six in the evening, meaning if I leave now, I'll be two hours early to go home. However, I don't care, I just want to get out of here, I want to go home. I don't care who will scold me or try to stop me for that. 

Gathering all my belongings, I fix my hair so it hides the wound on my head. Then I quietly manage to slip past Emily and Mary going into the elevator. As soon as I reach the first floor I sprint out of the monster building with the devil of a boss running it. Running straight to the bus stop, with only one destination in mind. 

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