

Jessica Amelia, seorang wanita cantik yang telah di selingkuhi oleh suaminya yang bernama David sanjaya. Perselingkuhan suaminya mulai di ketahui oleh Jessica, saat dia baru saja melahirkan anak pertamanya yang bernama Alexandria Elleanor Sanjaya. Mereka memutuskan bercerai di usia pernikahanya yang menuju usia ke sepuluh tahun. Setelah Jessica menceraikan suaminya, dia mencoba untuk bekerja lagi di salah satu kantor milik keponakanya David. Tidak lama kemudian keponakan david diam-diam telah mencintai Jessica, setelah dia sering bertemu bersama dengan jessica di kantor miliknya. David yang mulai melihat kedekatan mereka selama ini, menjadi membuatnya mulai merasa cemburu. David lalu mencoba untuk mengejar cintanya Jessica kembali, setelah dia tahu bahwa tidak ada wanita yang lebih tulus mencintainya, kecuali Jessica.

Enny_Lestarii · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


I thought that after I moved into this new house, my married life with Cristian would become happier. But no, for some reason Cristian seemed to have changed when my daughter was eight years old.

Is it because I haven't been able to give him a son? In the evening I tried to seduce Cristian who was lying in the room.

That night I wore Cristian's favorite sexy lingerie. I walked up to Cristian and hugged him. But for some reason Cristian didn't seem interested in me anymore, even though I was already wearing his favorite sexy clothes.

''Honey... emmuachh.'' I said while kissing Cristian's cheek.

''What's wrong with you baby, I'm reading my favorite book.'' Said Cristian who was holding a book.

But I kept teasing him until he got annoyed with me. I wanted to get pregnant so that Cristian would pay attention to me again. Especially if my mother-in-law knew that I could conceive a boy, she would be very happy.

''Honey, tonight Michelle is at your mother's house. This is the perfect time for us to be together, dear. Why are you reading that book of yours.'' I said being spoiled to Cristian.

''I'm tired, dear, so let's just rest. Tomorrow I have a morning meeting with Roy.'' Cristian said while pulling the blanket.

But I continued to force him this time. I immediately took off all his clothes and tried to satisfy his desires as he had liked all along. Finally tonight I can make love again together with my husband. Since I gave birth to Michelle I had rarely made love with Cristian.

The next day I went to my mother-in-law's house to pick up my daughter Michelle. As soon as I got there all the family asked me when I would be able to give Cristian a son.

I felt annoyed to hear that question every day. That's why I didn't feel comfortable at my mother-in-law's house.

After I got home, I immediately called my husband Cristian. I was going to tell him about his family's treatment of me, but Cristian scolded me and blamed me for not being able to get pregnant again soon.

''Honey, I'm so upset with all your family. Again, they cornered me with words that hurt my feelings.'' I said as I complained to Cristian.

''That's why you have to get pregnant soon, dear, so I'll go back to work." Cristian said, immediately turning off his phone.

I became even more upset with Cristian's words. I felt like I wanted to end my marriage with him.

In the evening after Cristian came home from work, I again smelled a woman's perfume on his chest. But I couldn't accuse my husband without any real evidence.

The next morning I suddenly felt unwell. I intended to go to the doctor to check my condition. Arriving at the hospital the doctor immediately checked my condition.

I was happy to hear the doctor's words that I was actually 4 weeks pregnant. After returning home from the hospital, I immediately called my husband Cristian who was still working at the office.

Tringg..... The sound of the phone.

''Hello.'' Said a woman who picked up my husband's phone.

Deghhhhhh... I was wondering more and more about whose voice it was.

''Who is this, where is Cristian. I'm Cristian's wife.'' I said, starting to get emotional.

Not long after, I heard Cristian immediately take back his cell phone.

''Honey it's me Cristian, I was in a meeting so I left my cell phone with my secretary.'' Said Cristian who began to reason.

''You're not lying to me anymore, are you Cristian? I said, beginning to suspect my husband's behavior.

''No, honey, I'm going back to work.'' Cristian said, immediately turning off the phone.

Before I could tell him the news of my pregnancy, Cristian immediately turned off his phone. Who exactly was my husband Cristian with? I was thinking more and more about him.

In the evening after my husband came home from work. I greeted him at the door. I brought his briefcase and immediately made his favorite coffee.

After my husband finished bathing, he immediately drank my homemade coffee while holding his cellphone. It looked like my husband was replying to a wattsap message from an employee in his office.

I immediately sat beside him and held his hand.

''Honey, I'm four weeks pregnant now.'' I said to Cristian my husband.

But why did he seem to have such an ordinary reaction? Was he not happy to hear the news about my pregnancy? Hasn't he been wanting me to get pregnant.

''You're not joking, honey.'' Cristian said.

Then I answered her. ''Honey I'm really pregnant, hopefully the child I'm carrying is a boy. I'll tell your mom tomorrow.'' I said while hugging my husband.

After that we went straight to the room to rest. After I fell asleep, I suddenly saw my husband who was no longer next to me.

''Where did my husband go? I said, getting up from my bed.

I immediately left the room and looked for Cristian's whereabouts. After leaving the room, I saw Cristian talking to someone on the phone.

I went straight to my husband who was in the TV room.

''Honey, who are you talking to at this time of night? Didn't you sleep with me earlier? I said while looking at his face.

''Yes, I was asleep earlier, this is a sudden work matter, so let's take a break.'' Said my husband who immediately turned off his phone.

My suspicion is getting bigger to my husband. It's impossible for someone to call at night asking about work matters. I had to investigate what my husband Cristian was hiding.

The next day I went to my mother-in-law's house to tell her about my pregnancy. When I got there, I saw Cristian's older sister in the house.

''Hy sis, how are you? I said to Cristian's sister.

''I'm fine Jeniffer, how are you pregnant again?" My sister-in-law said.

The right question for me to prove to them that I was pregnant now.

''Yes sis I'm four weeks pregnant now.'' I said while looking at my sister-in-law's face.

''You're serious Jeniffer, finally mom is happy to hear this news.'' Said my mother-in-law who immediately smiled.

I was finally able to make my mother-in-law like me again. Now they were no longer cornering me with these words
