
Not by looks

I had no interest in the amount of money he had. It was evident that he was not a wealthy corper due to the fact that he wore inexpensive sneakers to camp.

It was evident that he may be low-income or broke due to the fact that he was wearing the same pair of worn-out jeans and the secondary school backpack for two days in a row. Therefore, I had to raise the stakes in order to make him feel the full impact of his defeat.

I told him to make it N2,000 and he agreed. I wanted to increase the amount to 5,000 Naira, but I didn't want anyone to start crying...

He accepted the challenge, despite the fact that he was a naive and shortsighted individual. I contacted Ella and asked her to meet me at the photographer's booth after he had left the hostel.

I told the photographer that I wanted to utilize his room, and he gave me the go-ahead to do so.

I got ready and headed in the direction of his booth. That strange individual was going to have a pleasant experience while losing his money.

In the later part of the event, I went to the photographer's stand. It was imperative for me to demonstrate to this strange individual that appearance is not everything.

Perhaps he believed that his good looks would attract more women than my financial support would. The reality of the situation is that having a lot of cash on you will attract twice as many women as having broad shoulders and a six-pack stomach will.

Hunger was the driving force behind the release of several of those six packs. When I arrived, Ella was already standing there waiting for me to arrive.

She was assisting the photographer in placing some photographs in an envelope at the time. She was clutching the pictures that I had taken with my pals the day before.

Following our brief stay at the booth, we took a few selfies of each other before making our way to the Ngwori. I asked for a bottle of the red-label variety.

I preferred spirits to bear as a companion when am at a bar. We continued to drink till some of my other friends came over to join us. As we drank, I was standing very close to Ella. I would place my hands on her laps and give them a light squeeze every so often.

I needed her to understand what I was trying to do. I kissed her every so often in between taking pictures of her with my phone. I was pleased with her response to me. While we were making out, we posed for a photo together.

It was intended to serve as proof in my case against the strange individual. When he hands over the 2,000 naira, I cannot wait to watch the expression on his face. Before I led her to the photographer's room, we had an intereting time together.

After listening to what he had to say about where his key was, I located his keys under the foot mat and followed him inside. We started kissing practically as soon as we made eye contact.

I removed her garments and groped for her breasts before continuing. Before going for her pants, I gave them a little bit of my attention by sucking on them.

I removed them while we were still kissing passionately. When she inquired if I had condoms, I responded in the affirmative. The mere mention of condoms brought to mind the strange individual and his crazy inquiries regarding what I intended to do with them.

The things he needs to learn will come to him in a painful way. When I took out my hard dick, I observed how her face changed as she realized what was happening. It was natural for all of the girls I fucked to think that I would have a little tiny d.i.c.k. It was nothing unusual.

I get such a kick out of seeing the shock on their face when they realize what I'm made of. After more assessment, they discover that a man's d.c.k. is in no way related to his height in any way at all.

I used the condoms and took her pants off before we got started. When I entered into her, she spread her legs wide in an aggressive manner.

I docked her like there was no tomorrow, loving every inch of her wet core while I did so. Her sighs and groans provided me with a certain amount of satisfaction.

I drove her completely insane by entering her at an angle and holding both of her legs in the air above my head as I did so. I gave her a Zap as I sat back and listened to the moans that echoed around the room.

I twisted her around and went in through the back.  The amount of wailing that she did while I docked her from behind escalated dramatically.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I saw her buttocks jiggle their way up and down my d.c.k. We kept going till we both were exhausted.

After I had pulled away from her, we both lied down next to one another and continued to sleep for a time. When we got back to camp, we didn't waste any time and went directly to the Ngwori. When my pals called, I answered the phone and informed them of my location.

They came over and started drinking with us while we were smoking, and later on, my companions and I made our way back to the hostel. The used condom was my "prize," and I brought it back with me.

I can't wait to see the expression on the weird guy's face when I show him all of my evidences because it was evidence that was going to shatter his heart. My companions and I went back to the hostel and i made my way to my section of the room.

Earlier, I had informed them about the bet that I had made with the strange person. We sat and waited for him to come back before gisting. I took possession of his foam as a form of collateral for the wager that he had put.

I seriously doubted that he had an extra two thousand naira. Because it will be difficult for him to make the payment, he decided to look for another place to sleep. He appeared to have been exhausted when he returned. As per usual, he asked for his foam while maintaining a revolted expression. After tonight, he was going to start respecting me, and the fact that this didn't surprise me at all. I presented everything to him, including the used condom as well as the evidence.

The defeated look on his face provided me with the highest possible level of satisfaction. As he looked at the photographs over and over again, he just couldn't get himself to accept what he was seeing. After that, he bolted out of the hostel in a hurry.

I had a strong feeling that he was going to try to find somewhere to borrow the money and then pay me. I felt sorrow for him. I really wanted to call him back and get out of the bet, but it was too late—he had already left.

I got out with some of my pals to go out and play some games. We had to have been there for a good number of hours before he came back. He approached me in a direct manner while maintaining that strange look on his face. I asked for my money, and he produced the used condom in response to my demand.

I would have objected the same way that he did, but when I saw the picture of a naked girl with him standing next to her, I decided not to protest anymore. It was really a convincing evidence.

It is impossible for him to have obtained that tag any later than yesterday. The fact that it appears on his images next to a woman who is not clothed indicates that the incident took place at this particular camp.

This latest turn of events completely shocked me. I was aware that one's good looks may help one pick up women, but I never imagined that money could do it quite so quickly. It was incredible that he was able to pull off this act so quickly, especially considering how broke he appeared to be.

I was overjoyed to find a fellow corp member who shared my perspective. The other individuals who I referred to as my friends were just my friends because I showered them with financial support. There has never been anyone in my life who I could call a friend who genuinely enjoys my company and resonates on the same frequency as I do.

But for some reason, destiny has brought the two of us together; although our views on women were different, our enthusiasm for them was the same. This is an entirely fresh and fascinating obstacle to overcome.

I have always thought that having a lot of money was the most important aspect for girls, but there was this crazy guy who didn't have any money who was ready to prove me incorrect, and I was eager to keep my philosophy even though he disproved it.

This wager was going to stand and work as a binding force for the two of us. I really wanted him to be my friend, but it's very evident that he doesn't like me all that much.

He has called into question the very foundation of what I believe; now I must either give in or show him that he is wrong. I had every intention of doing the latter. If you have the cash, you can buy anything!!! F.u.ck looks! I gave him a smile and said, "Congratulations," before adding, "but I will be the last one standing when this camp concludes." I immediately began formulating strategies on how I could beat this strange individual.

One of the worst days for me was the third day we spent at camp.  I met with a crisis  first thing that morning. Like all sicklers,  A crisis can strike at any moment or on any day, just like any other day. When I reached the age of 21, I noticed a significant drop in mine.

Although I was no longer suffering from asthma, I would occasionally get an asthma attack every few months. That extremely early morning was a battle for me to get through. I was the only one awake out of everyone else. I desperately wanted to reach for my locker and retrieve my pain medication, but I was unable to.

On the way to the locker, I managed to fall down twice. As I lay strewn across the floor, I searched for a method that would allow me to awaken my corner partner, but I was unsuccessful.

I tried to wake him up several times, but he continued to slumber like a log of wood. As time went on, I continued to take deep breaths of air in the form of protracted gasps in an effort to pack as much oxygen as I could into my lungs.

When I was a young child, my grandfather brought me to a number of different doctors for my medical care. One of those doctors told me that whenever I experienced a medical emergency, I should make every effort to remain in a room that was adequately ventilated and take in as much oxygen as I could manage.

He explained to me that the reason I frequently pass out is because my brain is not getting a sufficient amount of oxygen. After a short while, I was able to muster the strength to make it to my locker.

I cracked it open and removed the contents, which included a balm, an Israeli mint that helps cleanse the airways, as well as various additional ointment and medications. After taking them, I started to feel better. I stayed awake until they blew the biggle in the morning, which was about six in the morning.

I wasn't going to the parade in the morning. When he awoke, the strange one looked at me like a strange figure. Maybe he didn't notice I was sick, or maybe he didn't mind.

After asking if I was going to the morning parade, he dressed and left. I was expecting him to ask why, and I would have told him I was in a crisis, but he never did.

He walked to the parade ground like a real weirdo. My two friends came to my corner to see me after the morning parade. They were more concerned with us going out.

They wanted to party with my money. They were concerned when I failed to appear at our usual hangout and inquired as to what was wrong with me. I didn't hesitate to inform them of my condition.

I despise telling people about it because it makes them feel sorry for me, which I despise. They noticed I wasn't breathing properly, but I assured them I was fine. The strange man returned from the parade.

I attempted to engage him in conversation and even made jokes about him trying so hard to win the wager. He responded nonchalantly, as is his wont. When he looked down from the top bunk, he gave me an odd look.

I wasn't bordering because I was getting used to it. I walked away with the other two. I bought breakfast for everyone and we ate it. I bought them drinks and then left. One of the doctors advised me to abstain from alcohol during a crisis.

He told me that within 8 hours of a crisis, I should watch what I eat and drink. But, off the record, he told me that a menthol cigarette helps to alleviate the crisis. So was my devotion to Dorchester cigarettes.

I returned to the hostel and found my corner mate washing. I knew he was poor and broke, but I had no idea he was also a miser. There were laundry men around who charged ridiculously low prices to wash and iron your clothes. At the very least, it ensures the safety of your clothes.

His new position as platoon leader surprised me. I tried to dismiss it as insignificant, but I knew it was happening. This new role was going to be crucial in determining who won this bet.

It was going to introduce him to a lot of girls at camp. His physical appearance was already an advantage, something I could match and beat with my money. But his new role as a leader would only tip the scales in his favor.

He kept asking me some personal questions, which I answered. I was delighted because he was actually talking to me. He was more interested when I told him my father was a chief, and when I joked about killing my elder brothers in order to become the new osisi orji the 4th of egbema community, he laughed so hard that tears streamed down his cheeks.

I was relieved that we were having a good chat. It wouldn't be a bad thing if we became best friends in camp. We'd keep the wager going because I wasn't going to let him get away with insulting me.