
My Surprise

The caretaker gave me the landlord's account information so that I could make payments, and then I was expected to give him money for the agreement fee, agency fee, and lawyer fee, all of which belonged to him. He appeared to be both the lawyer and the agent. My main challenge was raising the room fee.

The fee was nearly equal to the entire allowance that the polytechnic was going to pay me for the service year. "Isn't it ironic that I'm going to use the entire amount of money that the school will pay me for the year to pay for rent?" I inquired of Mike, who returned my question with a smile. "Brother, open your eyes, use your talent, and make some money; no slacking!" he insisted.

I returned to the caretaker with the bank teller after making the payment that day, and he wrote a receipt for me. He demanded the agency and agreement fees, but I asked him to wait and allow me to raise the money.

Clearly, I needed more money to put the room in place before talking about properties! I had paid for the room with my last remaining cash. I needed money now, and I needed it quickly. Ms Enoh was the only one who I was certain to get the funds from. I dialed Ms Enoh's number. We talked for a long time, and I briefed her on the situation on the ground. I asked her to get me some cash and told her I'd pay her back when I got settled. She paused on the phone for a moment, as if she was deliberating.

"I've managed to keep the platoon money." She informed me of this. "Although it is rightfully mine, I can spare you some." She concluded. I recalled the prize money of 100,000 naira that the deputy governor had promised us on the last day of camp. She must have been able to obtain the funds.

"You must come to Lokoja to collect it." She said after a brief pause. I didn't even think about asking why I was going on such a journey when she could easily pay the money through my account. Who inquires as to what a woman desires? I had asked for a soft loan, and she had invited me to her home. So why not?

We fixed the date for my coming.


Few days to the date, Sonia called me. This was the first time she was calling me after we left camp. 

We talked for some minutes. I had this weird impression there was something she wanted to tell me but was being hesitant. I informed her I was coming to Lokoja in a few days time and she got excited. She said we must see before I go back. 

She gave me the directions of etisalat office at Lokoja. “don’t fail to come.” She said and I wondered what was so urgent she wanted to tell me. I headed to the etisalat office when I arrived at Lokoja. I called Sonia from outside and she came out to meet me.

 She had removed the bleached hair colour and was wearing her normal hair colour. No excess ear rings and heavy make up. She looked and dressed cooperate, more decent and I had to commend her new look. 

She took me to a nearby eatery where we stayed to talk.   Seems a lot had changed with her. She looked sober, composed and calm like she was trying to count the number of words that left her mouth.  

After reminiscing on old times and catching up with recent events, I asked why she looked and acted so sober, and what it was she wanted us to see about. She breathed a heavy sigh of relieve, looked at me for some minutes like she was trying to re-consider, then she spoke. “I’m ending my marriage.” She said.   

“you’re getting divorced?” I asked. “no, we never had a white wedding, so there is no need for a divorce. My people will just perform some traditional rites and return the drink they put on my head, with other necessary things.” 

“why?” I asked, rather stupidly. I knew the reason, or I could guess. “I cant continue a marriage with a stranger, someone I have not met, and who isn’t keen on meeting me.”  She went further to explain how all her efforts to travel and meet the so called husband had proved abortive. 

The last straw was when she discovered the ‘husband’ wasn’t even supplying the embassy with the needed papers to enhance the preparation of her visa. Like he was actually trying to frustrate her efforts, so she read the hand writing on the wall and decided to end it all. I felt for her. 

It was better late than never. She was still young, very young and could easily find her way to the right man’s arms one of these days. “there is another reason why I called you here.” She announced calmly and I faced her to get the full gist. She looked into my eyes, held my hands as she dropped the mother of all shocker; “I’m pregnant.” “. . .and it’s for you. . .”

Now this was the joke of the millennium! I tried smiling to the joke, but the look on her face said she meant every word she said. Now, I can’t doubt if she was pregnant or not, what is doubtable was the last statement; Being pregnant for me. 

“what do you mean? Is this some kind of joke or what?” I asked, trying so hard to keep my cool.  She parted on my shoulder to calm me down. She waited until I was calm enough before she continued. 

“I know how you feel, but trust me, I didn’t plan for this to happen, it just did.” Damn you’re right! It just did! I had sex with her just once, unfortunately, the condom had broken and in the heat of the moment, I had come inside her. 

I remembered that night at the military guy’s room vividly. I had informed her of the unfortunate incidence but she told me she was a big girl, and could take care of herself. Is this the meaning of taking care of one’s self?  

If the evil that men do live after them, mine is currently living with me and tormenting me! Actually, its staring me on the face right now! “Please let me explain.” She said, almost with a broken voice. 

I could see deep inside her that she was having a hard time herself. “I took some postinor tablets before coming to camp. I took them to delay my menses date and push it further so it doesn’t show during my stay in camp.

 The drug must have messed up my calendar and distorted my cycle. I thought I was in my safe period after our sex, but that was 30 days ago, and I still haven’t seen my period.” She said.

 A lot of questions ran through my mind. It could be anyone’s. what we had wasn’t an exclusive affair, neither was she a saint at camp. It could be the etisalat manager! It could still be that the postinor was still at full work! 

“Are you sure the drug isn’t still at full effect?” I asked, almost trembling. “it isn’t.” she said. “I have all the signs and with the changes going on in my body, it could only mean one thing.”  She responded.

When the sad look on my face lingered on, she told me she intends doing a full blood test to ascertain if she was indeed pregnant and from thence, she will know the next course of action. That was better! But I still had a nagging question in my mind – “what if the test confirms you are pregnant?” I asked. 

“Why are you scared?” she asked, almost smiling. “it’s a baby, not a dinosaur.” “it takes a community to raise a kid, and I am not cut out for that.” I informed her. “you will be ok.” She said calmly. 

“How can you not be worried about something like this?” I asked rather surprised the way she took it. “I have gone past the worry stage, the only thing that borders me is the fact that a child will be born out of wedlock. It’s a taboo in my village, and such a child will never be regarded nor respected. It works like a curse, so none of my children will be born out of wedlock.” She said. 

I stared at her without making a comment so she continued.  “Don't worry, I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself.” Yea, right!


Ms Enoh had previously told me where to meet her so she could come and pick me up when I arrived in Lokoja. When I was finished with Sonia, I called her. My conversation with her had left a bitter taste in my mouth.

She needed to figure out how to take care of herself. After all, she took pride in being a big girl. When I arrived, I called Ms Enoh and she came to pick me up. She was driving a brand-new Honda.