
Horny Fame

She was beaming with a delightful smile as they complimented her. "How much did they give you?" "What was it that you won ?" "How much is it?" "You're a good girl." "I had no idea you were in my platoon." And so the compliments kept coming.

She noticed me standing behind her, patiently waiting. She continued to respond to her new fans until they dispersed and came forward to me. "I'm a celebrity now!" She exclaimed as she approached me and hugged me.

I wasn't expecting the hug, especially in such a public place, but I accepted it, embracing her soft body as she clung to mine tightly as if she had missed something. After the hug, she inquired as to why I had left her alone the night before.

"Everyone wanted to talk to me, both corpers and backstage officials." I couldn't locate you!" I told her that I had been waiting for her outside for quite some time.

"Then I noticed you talking to that Nestle official next to his car." That was a necessary addition. I wanted her to know how envious I was of her. Jealousy was a type of love that stemmed from a desire to protect a loved one.

It has the potential to be oppressive, but it is wonderful in its current form. "You saw me but didn't call!" She screamed. “Why?” "I'm not sure, you guys were talking and laughing, so I didn't want to interrupt." I responded.

"What did you interrupt?" She nearly yelled. "We were talking and laughing about old times as an old uniben graduate." It was just a casual conversation until he decided to hit on me!" My eyes widened as she spoke.

"He did?" "Yeah, he said I could follow him to his hotel room not far away." That he will return me first thing this morning." She stated.

I waited for her to finish the story, but she didn't, so I inquired as to what happened next. "I told him I wasn't interested and left." That's when I texted you the last time." She came to a conclusion and paused for a moment before continuing.

"You exposed me to all kinds of guys last night and then abandoned me when you saw something you didn't like!" As she spoke, I could tell she was upset, and I tried to explain why.

She was adamant, insisting that even if she was about to do something wrong, I should have been there to save her. "That's what friends do, and what you do for someone you care about." She stated.

All of my senses were heightened when the word "love" was mentioned. I don't remember saying anything about love to her. I had always told her that I really cared for her, that I liked her, and that I enjoyed being around her.

Last night, I had to apologize for my immature reaction. I assured her that I didn't mean to leave her out in the cold and that I genuinely wanted to be with her. "Never abandon me like that again!" She spoke to me.

"I won't. And I really want to kiss you right now." I made a joke. “Hmm. You want me to be on CNN? You already know I'm famous!" She said this while smiling at me.

"I really want us to get past this stage because we obviously like each other and I have a special feeling for you." I informed her.

She looked at me for a few seconds, as if she was processing everything I said. "I know. But this is not the place for it." she said.

We just need to get out of here and see if the chemistry can be maintained." She was smarter than I imagined.

She wanted to make sure we weren't rushing into something that wouldn't last beyond camp. She was correct! I cared about her, and I wasn't ready to jeopardize this special feeling, so I'll just play it safe and see what happens.

We went to the mami to eat breakfast. I had no idea why I had chosen the Delta Kitchen restaurant. We sat and ordered food while she told me about everything that happened behind the scenes during the social night.

She was laughing hysterically as she told me everything that had happened: how nervous she was at first, how the nysc socials department had prepared her.

They applied her make-up because she insisted on wearing light make-up. They spent time instructing them on how to walk, smile, and act on stage.

Someone would occasionally interrupt us by calling her ms nysc. She always returned greetings with a smile and a wave.

Inside the restaurant, she was the center of attention as the guys admired her and the girls, predictably, weighed her up to compare her to themselves.

When I looked around, I noticed that people were occasionally staring at us. Oge! was one of those staring at us from one end of the restaurant. I looked around but couldn't find her companion.

What was she doing here all alone? How come the new friend she got isn't clinging to her like glue like he used to? Chifawu smiled at her admirers and continued her gist, clearly enjoying the attention.

After a lengthy conversation, I inquired as to what Nestle foods had given her. "Supply that can last three lifetimes!" She stated. It was four complete nestle provision gift packs in four sets. Each pack contains nido milk, milo, goldenmorn, nescafe, and milo.

They also gave her a milo polo, a face cap, a key chain, and other items. Oge was still staring at us when I turned around. As evidenced by the empty plate of food and drink on their table, she must have been there before we arrived.

Maybe she was waiting for her friend. I was thinking to myself. Chifawu returned to her hostel after we left the restaurant.

- In the afternoon

I remembered I needed to close some deals, so I dialed the ugly one. He stated that he was standing in front of his military friends room at the military quarters.

When I arrived, we went inside the room. I noticed that the room had become more organized. There were only two foams, as opposed to the four I saw the night I arrived.

There were fewer suitcases, with only one neatly parked bag at one end of the room. As I and the ugly one entered, the military man was smoking inside the room.

The ugly one was still wearing his boxers, and I could tell he slept there because there were empty bottles of their favorite remy martins scattered around the room.

We exchanged greetings and chatted for a while. One of the local boys who ran errands for the military men entered the room with food from the kitchen. He dropped it and walked away.

The military man sighed as he opened it! "Melon soup this time again!" He covered it and hid it beneath the table. When I inquired about his roommates, he informed me that they had been recalled to the barracks.

I didn't ask why, but he told me that some of the military men in camp were sent as observers. They return to the barracks once their observation duty is completed. As a result, he was essentially alone in the room.

It's no surprise that the ugly one spends the majority of his time there, even sleeping there. I told them about Sonia and how I needed to f'u'ck her as soon as possible!

The ugly one insisted, as usual, that I was always soft and easy with chicks. "The day she asked you to find a venue abi na sin or scene was also the day you were supposed to tidy her." His friend laughed as he said this.

I told them I was hesitant because of the marriage, but I've realized she wasn't bound by it, and she doesn't acknowledge the fact that she was married.

When I mentioned marriage, the military guy laughed. He informed me that he has worked at numerous orientation camps across the country.

"Those married women, too dey  f'u'c'k pass." He informed me. "Not to mention this one, whose husband married her and abandoned her to live abroad!" The ugly one added.

"This room is ready for you. Just let me know when you're ready, and I'll come and get you both." According to the military man. That was the most exciting news I'd heard so far.

I remained with them as the ugly one drew alomo bitters from a small bag on the wall. I despised that drink, but didn't want to upset my two friends, so I joined them.

The drink had a harsh sensation down the throat, similar to a typical spirit, but a little bitterer. I took a few sips and soon found myself sweating profusely. I called Sonia to let her know about the night.

"Hello, Ms Smith! The set is complete, and the scene will be shot tonight!" I filed a report.

“Tonight?” She inquired, and I replied in the affirmative. "I'm sorry, but I have another scene to shoot tonight!" The producers are paying in hard currency." She informed me of this.