
Death Attempt

When the officials arrived at our stand, you could see their smiles. They did not taste the food, but instead asked a few questions, such as, "How many course of meal is this?"

What is the nutritional value? Is this a well-balanced diet? Is there a particular recipe you used? They asked some of our platoon members to assist in moving the food to the canopy, where it was served to the officials.

Before resuming, they had to ignore the food-tasting for other platoons for a while to ensure our platoon's food was adequately shared with the officials on the canopy. We were the first to hear the outcome.

The night was covered by the photographer we hired. We took pictures after the cultural display, as planned. We danced around the fire, singing familiar war songs.

As the singing and dancing continued, Chifawu informed me that she was uncomfortable in her dinner gown and that she needed to return to the hostel to change. I took her down to her hostel.

As we walked down her hostel, I held her hips and she crossed her hands over my shoulders.

I pulled over a few blocks away from her hostel so she could change. Before she moved, she hugged me and we began kissing in the open. There were few people moving around, but no one seemed to notice or care about two corpers kissing in public.

It had become a common occurrence around camp, especially now that camp was winding down. We parted ways, but she kept her embrace. After a few minutes, she let go of my hand, looked into my eyes with passion, and smiled.

"I have a message for you." Still smiling, she said to me. "What exactly is it?" I inquired. Whatever it was, I knew it would be wonderful news for both of us.

She looked down at her feet like a teenager being 'toasted,' then up at me without saying anything. Whatever she was trying to say must have taken her time to complete.

As she held my head and responded passionately, I leaned over and kissed her again. I was trying to persuade her to say what she needed to say. “Hmm? Tell me before I start kissing you all over the face!" I teased, and she laughed, hugging me close.

"All right, let me go inside and change; I promise to tell you everything when I return." We kissed one more time, she said. This time, she pressed her b'rea'sst firmly against my chest and held me against herself.

As we kissed, I clutched her a'r'se and caressed it. She finally broke free and returned to the hostel.

"Please hurry!" I called out to her as she walked towards the hostel. "You need to learn to wait for ladies!" She replied as she entered her hostel.


I waited for Chifawu to emerge from the hostel not because I needed to get back to the parade ground, but because I wanted to hear what she had to say to me.

I could already tell where her speech was going to go. It was clear she had strong feelings for me, as I did for her.

It wouldn't be surprising if she said she was already in love; I did point that out to her at the delta kitchen, and proposed a new level of friendship, but she insisted on waiting until after camp.

Was she going to give in to my advances and let us have our fun tonight? My heart beat faster at the thought of this. I had craved her soft body ever since, and I had caressed her and felt her respond to my touches.

I couldn't wait to hear what she had to say. I looked in the direction she had left earlier, but she was nowhere to be found. What was holding her back! Then my phone rang; I took it out and checked the caller; it was the ugly one.

What is he after this time? Or does he intend to go clubbing again? Whatever it was, all I wanted to do was answer the phone, get it over with, and wait for my chifawu. But I didn't hear anything when I answered the phone.

I checked the screen, and it was still connected as the timer read. "Hello, hello!" There was no response, just some noise in the rather quiet background.

Is this a joke call or what? Is the ugly one up to some mischievous antics? Maybe he was watching me and saw me kiss Chifawu! I was about to hang up when I heard the noise. It was a muffled sound, almost as if someone was choking.

I had to listen carefully; the background was too quiet, so I could easily make out sound. I heard the sound once more! Sounds were muffled and hushed. "C..o.o.m..e back." This time I heard it clearly.

It didn't sound like the voice of the ugly one, but someone was clearly trying to communicate with me. “Hello!” I called once more.

Once more, the sounds were muddled, and I endeavored to make out what they were. Someone in the background was clearly breathing heavily; or attempting to breathe heavily.

"Cri—i-s—e-e-e-ess-s," I heard it clearly this time; it was the ugly one, and he said "crises." Crises? Then it occurred to me! The ugly one was going through what he called a crisis.

He wanted me to return right away because he needed assistance! I was concerned. The quiet background indicated that he was alone in a secluded location. It's the hostel! I thought to myself. 

Because nearly everyone had gone to the campfire night. I needed to take action right away. Here I was, waiting for the girl I so desperately wanted, who was showing signs of succumbing to my pressures and we could get some action this night; then my friend needed immediate assistance.

He could be in a dangerous situation and requires my assistance. I didn't waste any time deciding what to do.

"If you can hear me, stay put; I'll be right there." I screamed as I hung up the phone and dashed towards my hostel...

As I dashed towards the hostel, I silently prayed that nothing bad happened to the ugly one.

I ran as if I were sprinting for my life. I remembered the day he told me he had asthma and was a sickler. He had shown me his drugs, the Israeli balm and mint and other drugs, and had explained how he uses them on himself when he feels he is about to faint and is aware of its crises.

I arrived at the hostel and went straight to my hall and corner, but he wasn't there. I was worried; I almost called for help, but decided to look for him first. I knelt and looked under the bed and in other places, but he wasn't there.

The military barracks! I rushed out of the empty hostel hall, towards the military quarters, remembering he had been sleeping there recently.

I entered his friend's room and attempted to open the door, but it was locked from the inside! I went backward and threw my body against the door out of urgency and fear. It gave way and spread wide.

The ugly one was sprawled on the floor, his phone beside him. My phone began to ring at that point. I did not conduct a border check on the caller. As I got closer to him, I noticed that his lungs were contracting and gasping for air.

My first thought was to take him outside the room, where he could get some fresh air. I picked him up and positioned him in front of the door. I became terrified as he lay motionless on the floor. I was forced to bend over him and pump some air into his lungs through his mouth as I watched his lungs contract again.

I took off his polo, closed his nostrils with one hand, then forced his mouth open with mine and pushed air into his lungs. I opened his nostril and gently pushed his chest in to help push trapped air in his chest and buccal cavity into his lungs.

Then I did the mouth to mouth again, and the process was repeated. I noticed his breathing quickening. I sat him up and fanned him while he rested his back against the wall. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and pointed to the table in the room.

I tried to get him to speak up, but he kept pointing at the table. I approached the table and discovered a bottle of Remi Martins, a packet of Dorchester cigarettes, and his wallet.

I wasn't sure what he wanted, but I'd heard him say that doctors told him not to drink during crises, but that the menthol cigar was fine. I brought him a cigarette, but he shook his head again, this time muffled some sounds, and I realized he meant his wallet.

I brought his wallet, and he opened it slowly like a dying old man, pulling out a key and handing it to me. I took the key and waited to see what happened next. My phone continued to ring, but I ignored it.

He pointed to the hostel and made the 'unlock' sign as he handed me the key. It was the key to his drug-storage locker. I dashed off to the hostel, opened his locker, and discovered the drugs wrapped in a brown envelope.