
Another Round

When I couldn't sleep any longer, I dressed up and went outside to meet the ugly one. "You want to kill that girl?" With a solemn expression on his face, he yelled at me. “

"Do you know how long you've been tidying her up inside?" He inquired once more. I just stared at him, not saying anything. "How are you?" He inquired when he noticed I was concerned.

"The condom broke inside oo!" I told him about it. He looked at me for a few moments before attempting to console me. "Don't worry, nothing will happen." Finally, he said, attempting to console me.

How could he be so certain? I was extremely concerned. He offered me the alomo bitters he was drinking, but I politely declined. "What on earth did they put in that drink?" I inquired, and he responded with his trademark mischievous laughter...

That evening, I was restless. The ugly one made more attempts to cheer me up. "What exactly are you afraid of?" He inquired. "It should be the girl who is to be afraid, not you." He was adamant and kept trying to console me with his words.

I tried to relax, but my mind was racing and my hard d'kk was making me feel uneasy. I felt better after talking with the ugly one for a few minutes and returned to the room. Sonia was already sound asleep.

I wished I could sleep the way she did. Her phone rang, but she didn't answer it because she was deep in her dreams. It rang again, but she remained motionless. I took the phone after it rang and put it on silent mode.

The photos she took of us kissing were still on display. I looked through the other photos of both of us; there were different shots taken at different times. Perhaps she enjoys preserving those memories.

Then I began looking through her photo albums. I saw several camp photos of her in various locations and at various times.

Then I saw pictures of her kissing someone else. A man. I scrolled through and recognized the face; it was the Etisalat manager. There were pictures of him sucking her breast, kissing her voraciously, and so on.

They were vivid images with clear pictures. I saved them to my phone. You never know when you'll need such images. After all, he was the manager of Etisalat! Sanni called my phone to tell me that the match with the military men would begin soon.

I was required to be present at the parade ground. I considered it for a while. I just had se*x, and not just any sex, but hot sex that sapped all of my energy.

Sonia was still sleeping, and there was no way I was leaving her there, and my d'kk won't sleep! "I'm experiencing knee pain." I had to tell him a lie.

He stated that even if I am not playing, I must remain present. There were 14 of us chosen, so I could sit on the bench for the entire game. I hung up after telling him I'd be there before the game ended.

I must have slept off a bit because I awoke with a heaviness on my chest. Sonia was stroking my d'kk while resting her head on my chest.

As she expelled the air on my chest, I placed my hand on her back and lightly caressed it. "Hmmm...the act was flawless!" She muttered something under her breath.

I was curious as to why she didn't seem concerned about the busted condom, so I decided to let it go and see how she felt. "The condom ruptured, and I poured inside." I made an announcement to her. "I know, I felt it inside me trickle.

You really put on a good show there." She stated. She couldn't possibly be joking about this. "Are you concerned about it?" I inquired. "I'm an adult; I can look after myself." She replied while continuing to caress my chest.

Later, she moved her tongue to my nip'p'le and began teasing them, causing my already turgid d'kk to become even more turgid. "You're hooking me up and am turned on already." I told her, and she smiled.

"I want you back!" With the same smile on her face, she said to me. What the hell? I almost felt sorry for her c'u'nt a few hours ago because I worked for almost an hour and now she wants more.

She caressed my laps with her hand before reaching for my d'kk, stroking it in the process. I immediately found her br'ea'st and sucked at her ni"pple's, which had become so hard from the caress I was giving her.

She clutched my hips, pressing them hard against her pelvic as she spread her legs wide. Sweet sensations were being pushed all over me by her.

I reached for my wallet and pulled out the condom. I opened it and examined it carefully to ensure there was no tear. Of course, there were none. I wore it, raised her leg, and rested it on my shoulders as I moved into her, feeling the warmth of her wet veegee encircling my hard d'kkk.

For another hour, it was a memorable ride... The ugly one had to blast his music from outside in order to drown out the loud moaning coming from the room as I f'u'cked her...

It was getting late by the time I finished with Sonia. I heard the military man talking with the ugly one at the front door when he returned.

Sonia and I dressed up and left the room, joining them outside for a few minutes of conversation before I saw her off to her hostel. After that, I went to check on my platoon ladies at the location where they were preparing our food for the campfire night.

I greeted them and made some jokes to cheer them up. Wangu was with them, and I met with her to get an update on the latest developments.

I found out that the guys bought the drinks and that some of them were already' shacking' it. I wasn't concerned because we had enough money to get a lot of drinks if necessary.

Those who went to the market purchased a live goat, which was slaughtered and prepared with the assistance of some kitchen personnel. They had pepper soup and rice ready for the night.

Other platoons each had their own cooking station, where they prepared food for both the cooking competition and the campfire night. They served me a hot plate of jellof rice, which I ate before leaving.

Firewood piles were being raised in stumps on the parade ground. It was so massive that the men or war attempted to tie it together with string ropes. It will be lit later in the evening when the show begins, and corpers will dance around it.

I phoned Chifawu to see how she was doing. She stated that she was working her shift at the obs and would be finished soon. I met the platoon group leaders, who each briefed me on their progress.

Everything was ready: the food, drinks, photographer, and everything else we needed. Camp was already coming to an end. Corpers were designing their white polo shirts in preparation for the campfire night; some wrote their platoon number on the back, others their name, and others tore theirs in half and wore it that way.

It felt more like a costume party, with some dressed as if it were rag day at the university.


The campfire night was the most memorable night of my camp experience. Almost! The massive firewood stumps towering above 12 feet were lit, and the fire glowed all over the parade ground.

As the platoons filed out to dance and do a mini-display of cultural attires and masquerades, the officials sat in a canopy at one end of the parade ground. Platoons 1–10 danced in groups one after the other to perform their display.

We marched and danced with our trophies; Chifawu led our platoon wearing her ms nysc crown and the same evening gown she wore that night. Following the display, selected officials will move to various platoon stands to taste their food and award them marks.

Each platoon prepared a different dish for the officials to sample, arranging it in large buffets while keeping the one for their platoon members in coolers.

Wangu had previously informed me that they had received information about what the officials required and how to win the cooking competition. They didn't care about quality; all they wanted was a large variety of food on display.

They needed the food to keep the people inside the canopies entertained. So, after tasting your platoon's food, they'll tell you that they wanted the others at the canopy to taste it as well, so they packed it and served it to others.

The more courses you present the better your chances of winning. Wangu had to join four tables together to contain the prepared meal. Rice (both fried and white with sauce), pepersoup, moi moi, salad, two different soups, wrapped semovita for 12 adults, small African salad to serve as an appetizer, and a keg of palm wine; exactly what they wanted.