
Mission (E)

After sharing a meal with Diana, Jin went back to his hotel.

When evening arrived he got a call from Dylan.

"The deal has been finalized," He said from the other side of the phone.

"That's great. How much are they paying me?" Jin asked the main question.

"Well, that…" Dylan paused.

"What? Is there a problem?" Jin asked.

"The thing is since you are a new actor the initial price which they gave was considerably low.

However, after haggling with them and stating that without you the chances of the film doing good were considerably low they finally relented," Dylan explained.

"That's alright but can you just state the price now?" Jin asked.

He felt that if the price was too low then he would have to wait for some more time before he could freely use all of his money.

"The initial price they gave was 300,000 Draks but I immediately rejected it.