

"I can do this!"

"You can do this!" Hannah repeated my words. She was full of enthusiasm and smiled to me very encouraging. I returned the smile to her and nodded.

After a week in this hospital and full sighting of my mother and that little, perfect bitch who has the same last name as my, whatever he is now, I've had enough. I was ready to go home, lay on my couch, and eat my chips. Read some Cosmo if I have to...

Well, we better hurry then.

I smiled widely when my inner voice spoke to me.

"Aghh!" I moaned after I took one big step towards my life-saving exit. Mom, I mean, Dr.Miller suggested I don't strain too much or walk because I'm risking of cracking sutures and bleeding to death. Yes, she enjoyed telling me that. Now, all I can do is walk to the bathroom which is a few steps further away from my room and that's it. Yea, as If I will survive without checking my fridge every few minutes.