
Meeting my highschool crush

As I was pacing around my room asking myself ,"How the hell am I a teen again, does it mean that I'm dead and how am I in my parents house". As this questions kept storming in my head, suddenly, (knock,knock,knock).

What do I do, what do I do, someone was already at my door should I call in sick, should I pretend to be dead or maybe I should just jump through the window, when the door was opening I just took my bat which was placed on a pink swinging chair near the window then I jumped on the bed placing the bat under the blanket next to me, holding it tightly.

When the door was completly opened someone called out my name, "Marry" at first I intended to ignore it, then it came again, "Marry" then I sensed something familiar about the voice,so I slightly opened my eyes huh! I couldn't belive my eyes it was my mother I jumped out of bed excitedly and went to hug her.

Maybe being here wasn't some ruky mistake or maybe it was a second chance to do what I've always regreted in my entire life, then suddenly my mother told me,"Are you trying to get something from this hug just so you know you are still going to school today" Wait what, there is school today, "Yes" mom said, okay how much time do I have to get prepared,"about 27 minutes so I'll let you get prepared byee ooh by the way you're dad went to work so u will have to catch the bus" answerd mom.

Okay, so i only have 27 minutes to get prepared no need to panick, how hard can it be I mean, I just need to go bath, wear my clothes and then catch the school bus, As I went to bath, I kept soap in my wavy hair and my body then when i finished scrubing , I opened the shower tap but their was no water so I quickly decided to wrap myself up with a towel and got out of there to go to my mom's washroom as I looked at the alarm watch, I now only had 15 minutes left that's when I had doubts if I could make It.

Slipery and Quickly rushing to my mom's room I entered her bathroom luckly the water was available in her room so I took the quickest shower I had ever taken and then blowdried my hair then curled them up with my curler machine as I got out of the wasroom there was only 5 minutes to wear my clothes so I took the only thing that managed to get my attention

I took a white croptop and this cool black short skirt which was tight on the waist and alitle loose at the bottom with highheel boots, I took one good look at the mirror and knew I was good to go, right at that moment the bus come so I took my bag told my mom byee and went to the bus

People looked at me, some of them complimented me, some were probably jealous and some hated me but I decided to keep all those thoughts behind me and went to seat with Jema the most kindest girl in our school so I decided to do the number one thing that I had never done in my life to try to introduce myself to someone I greeted her told her my name is Marry and she did the same ever since then we became friends.

When we reached shool I exchanged phone numbers with Jema she must've been lucky since she was the first person besides my mom and dad to be in my contacts list, we soon enterd the classroom and then the sessions started but the most disturbing thing was that both my future husband and my crush were in the same room as me so I decided to go with the flow

Just as maths was finished I decided to go and bravely speak to Johan with all my confidence I was sure that I'll be able to overcome any obsticles that I met so I went to him, as I reached there I stood completly still looking at him opening his looker till he finally noticed me,"Aagh! I mean sorry I didn't notice you there is there anything I can help you with" he said. I gathered myself up and said the most dumest thing,"can you become my boyfriend" , "What" he said, "I mean can I have you're phone number" I told him

He just closed his locker and left me hanging with no answer atleast he didn't say a no so I might still have a chance with him hopefully.

Hi readers do u think that there is a chance between johan and mary find it in the next episode

Gabriella_Jeromecreators' thoughts