
My Hero: The Vixen

Death by a hundred cuts, by a hundred animals. Waking up in another world, Hush decides to be a protector. Using the powers of the ones that killed him in the first place. -------------------------------------------------------------- MHA x Vixen (DC) AN: This is just for fun, and my first time writing a fanfic, especially an MHA one. So reviews, comments, and suggestions are gladly accepted.

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12 Chs

A Wild, New Adventure

Well that was something.

Haruma thought when he woke up in his bed. It had been 5 minutes since he woke up and he was now contemplating everything. He was at the zoo, there was another stampede, and his quirk finally manifested.

Thinking about that, a smile crept up Haru's face as he finally comprehended what just happened. The mist, the animal, it had to be it!

"I have vixen's powers!" He screamed and jumped on his bed. He totally forgot about the near-death experience he just had nor that his family was just outside.

"Haru!" His mother busted through the door almost tackling him into his bed.

"Mom!" Haru was to over joyed that he forgotten how he made his mom feel. The woman looked at him with dark eyes and a sudden chill spread across Haru's body.

"Aaarrrrhhh" Haru screamed as his mom spanked him right in the butt.

"What were you thinking! You could have gotten yourself killed!" His mom screamed and Haru finally understood, just how much his family loved him. He cried again and hugged his mom, to which she reciprocated.

The father watched with tears in his eyes as he also joined in. The hug lasted for only a minute but it felt like heaven for Haru. The warmth of his parents really did ease everything else.

"Now that you learned your listen, I suggest you already know what to do?" His mom looked at him expectantly.

"Yes mom.. don't go into dangerous situations or else you'll spank me—" before he could finish, his mom glared at him. "—I mean die hehe"

Haru rubbed the back of his neck while his mother rubbed her temple. The dad chuckled at this exchange and brought up the very thing that has been bothering him for days (besides his son almost dying of course).

"Umm, Haru." His dad's voice causing him to look up to see his dad's curious eyes. Seeing that, Haru's eyes widened and he presumed jumping on the bed.

"I got my quirk I got my quirk I got my quirk" he repeared that line while his parents laughed at their son's excitement.

"Now sweety, you know the rules. You can't use your quirk outside and without practice" Chizuru warned, her maternal instinct kicking in when she realized her son might want to become a hero. At that her skin turned visibly pale.

"You know what that means mom!" Haru said, his mom sighing dejectedly. "I'm gonna be a hero!" Haru declared as he posed in his bed.

"Wait, how can you be a hero when we don't even know your quirk" His dad asked. Deep down he wanted to know more about his son's quirk. Although what happened was dangerous, you can't deny that the giant spectral lion was cool.

At that, Haru's eyes brighten as he jumped off his bed and ran outside his room. "Come on, follow me!".

Running outside his room, he arrived at the living room. Haru looked at the cage where it housed their pet bird. With excited hands he closed his eyes.

His parents soon arrived and quietly watched as their son contentrated in front of Avis (their family bird).

Haru's mind went blank as he continued to imagine the bird in his mind. Thinking back to how Vixen fought, he instinctively took his hand and touched his chest. He concentrated and soon he heard it, the chirping of the bird. It rang in his ear and he opened his eyes.

His parents gasped at how his eyes glowed white, and from his hand-covered chest, the same silvery wisp appeared. The wisp danced around Haru's body, finally joining together to morph into Avis.

The spectre cawed and disappeared, the glow in Haru's eyes vanishing as well. His parents were about to call for him, when Haru grinned and jumped. Just like that, Haru flew through air and was now soaring across his living room, leaving wisps of white mist in his path.

Avis chirped at how Haru was flying and the boy glowed again, the same white mist appearing. It transformed to Avis and answered back with a caw.

Haru closed his eyes and landed softly on to the floor, the mist disappearing back into his chest.

Haru looked at his surprised parents grinned.

"I can mimic animal's powers!" Haru cheered and his parents tackled him again.

"That was so beautiful sweety" His mom cried.

"I knew our son would be spectacular. It seems your quirk is a mix of ours!" His dad complimented, and Haru swore he could see stars forming in his eyes.

For the rest of the day, the family spent celebrating their child's new quirk. Unbeknownst to them, the footage of Haru summoning the lion had now gone viral and now he was a sensation.

[ 1 year later ]

Haru was now four, and he had his quirk check up and registration a week after the incident as many people saw the event.

He named his quirk Vixen. Allowing him the ability to tap into the life force of animals, essentially gaining their abilities.

After the whole zoo incident, Haru became famous with news stations showing his story. But after a couple of months it died down, and Haru was relieved it finally did.

Turns out, the stroller he saved was the child of a business tycoon and he decided to reward his family. Because of that they moved, but Haru laughed when he learned they were moving to Musutafu.

'Is the world really that excited?'

Nevertheless, Haru thought that out of all the schools here, he—.

Before he could finish that thought, the loud ringing of the bell invaded his ears. His mom left him and he was now alone at the school, with you guessed it, Bakugou and Midoriya.

'Geez, looks like it's getting serious'

As Haru walked through the halls, he thought about actually becoming a hero. I mean, Vixen was always OP , she was just nerfed. Haru recalled reading about how Vixen summoned a dragon in some youtube comment.

Anyways, thinking back to his life. He was in MHA with the super power of his favorite super hero. So of course the answer was obvious.

He sighed as he mentally prepared himself for the life he will live. As he reached his room, their he saw it.

The people that will change this world forever, but now he was here. And that thought brought a smile onto Haru's face.

'Let's see how the story progresses'

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