
Carla’s brother

"You really like to go around beating people don't you?" I took a seat on an uncomfortable stool next the dark skinned woman whose plump lips curved upwards.

"It's not my fault men won't leave me alone" Carla pouted leaning her head on her hand and I subconsciously looked back at the enormous ass that was hanging off her seat.

'I doubt that…' I muttered in my head while wondering if her ass was more meaty than Scarlett's.

"Like the view?" I only looked away when I heard a teasing voice that made me cough in embarrassment.

"I think everyone does" I met her ruby eyes that shined slightly as if amused before I noticed the bartender stepping in front.

"Club so~" I tried to speak only to be cut off by a scoff coming from Carla who proceeded to order for me.

"Two shots of the good stuff" She smiled and the bartender nodded before turning around leaving me to narrow my eyes.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" I leaned over and whispered but I was surprised when I saw Carla's cheeks tint a slight pinky

"Does being the hero mean you can't drink?" Carla leaned closer on her hand causing her silky silver hair to fall into her face.

"…" I only raised an eyebrow in response although I wasn't necessarily surprised especially after how she had acted during our first meeting.

"What gave me away" I smiled leaning on my own arm while matching her beautiful ruby eyes.

"Someone absurdly powerful hiding his power and traveling with a woman with golden hair?" Carla looked at me like I was stupid for even asking such a thing.

"Right" I shrugged my shoulders after all it wasn't like I was trying to hide for any specific reason bedside avoiding annoyances.

"Although I didn't expect the white knight to be an exhibitionist" Carla said with a slightly weird expression that made me shift in my seat slightly.

"Here you go" Thankfully we were interrupted by the bartender placing two small shot glasses just in front of us.

"Thank you" I gave my gratitude and grabbed the glass before titling my head feeling the burn down my throat.

"What?" I scrunched my face while seeing Carla raising her eyebrow at me before downing her own shot.

"I didn't take you for a hard drinker" She drunk the liquor like it was water making me slightly flabbergasted.

"Perhaps my elder sister is rubbing off on me" I sighed remembering the time me and Evelyn had a drinking competition.

"Siblings can do that" Carla spoke in a slightly annoyed tone while gesturing toward the bartender to fill her glass.

"You have siblings?" I asked trying to make small talk since I was pretty sure that's what you did on a date.

"Just an idiot younger brother" Carla rolled her eyes as if even more annoyed that the subject had been brought up.

"You know my brother always wanted to be the hero" She slid around on the stool turning to face me although I was disappointed when the view of her rear disappeared.

"Really" I smiled but not surprised since I was sure there were many who wanted the title I had been granted.

"Yea it was really annoying" Carla leaned one of her arms on the bar while her heavy chest swayed in a tight fitting top.

"Leonardo used to play with sticks while saying he would kill the demon king" She giggled with a large smirk but my body froze hearing her words.

"Leonardo?" I asked subconsciously as Carla looked confused at my reaction while nodding in response.

"Our father liked that famous painter from the west" She rolled her eyes once more as if it was stupid but my mind was racing unable to listen to what proceed.

'Leonardo….Leon…' Slowly things started to click inside my head leaving me flabbergasted.

'When I meet Carla…' I remember saying that her overbearing and uncaring personality was very familiar.

'I even said she was similar to Leon' Of course I had forgotten about to due to Aria who had invaded my room.

'….No way' I wondered if I was just creating things in my

head but more then one things pointed to it being right.

Dark skin wasn't a rare trait but it definitely was rarer to find someone with such a complexion near the center of the continent. Then you add the name and the fact that Carla acted like Leon and it wasn't a crazy idea for me to think they were siblings, I glanced back at Carla who was staring at me with confusion.

"Are you alright?" She asked noticing my absence of mind and I smiled before nodding my head.

"Of course just thinking" I spoke coolly while feeling the way I saw Carla start to change.