long story short,guy finds survey and is now in my hero academia with Henry stickman’s power of reference.
toga and I take a seat before nezu leans forward and spoke.
"Now let the meeting begin."
"Gladly, but first" I begin to say as I look over at the bookshelf in the corner of the office, I didn't know why but I feel like someone is behind the bookshelf, "would you please have the person hiding behind that bookshelf come out into the open?" I finish pointing to the exact bookshelf.
"What are you talking about henry? Isn't it just a normal bookshelf?" Toga asks tilting her head in confusion while nezu chuckled and pressed a button, "how observant of you to notice mr.stickman." He said as the bookshelf moved via t a mechanism and a tall man with horns on his head walked out with a recorder.
"Mr. Stickman this is the other man of the mustardy police department with a lie detection quirk, officer Galand." Nezu said as galand takes a seat on a sofa on the other side of the corner watching me in particular.
(Look up seven deadly sins Galand the truthful)(I added Galand as an officer because I feel his commandment is just broken compared to naomasa tsukauchi's quirk, but naomasa will appear in the story, and they are partners in their precinct.-thelostswordsman)
"Wait Henry how did you know?" Toga asks as I shrug, "I just had a feeling and I decided to follow that feeling." I conclude earning an impressed nod from nezu.
"I must say that was impressive obersvation, do you have a clairvoyance quirk by chance?" Nezu asks me as I shake my head in response.
"You can look up my file can't you?" I ask him as he chuckled and starts tapping his keyboard with his cute little paws.
It was taking everything in my soul to not reach out and pet the ratgod as he presses enter and reads my file aloud.
"Henry stickman, born on July 15th 2384…your parents were never known as you were left on the front door of an orphanage and was raised until you turned 14 and moved out." He said as he looks down to where the information of my quirk was, "you have no quirk? Then how did you know officer galand was there to begin with?" He asks puzzled at the person in front of him.
"Well actually my quirk manifested today, but I have no idea how to explain it." I begin before I decide to change the subject, "but learning about my quirk can happen later, for now I'd like to ask your help for toga here." I say pulling her closer to me not noticing a blush on her face.
(She horni!-thelostswordsman )
"…very well, miss toga could you explain your life up till now?" Nezu asks as I feel her gaze on me as if worried that this was a bad idea.
"Don't worry toga, I'm here." I reassure her as she smiles before taking a breath and explaining her childhood and her infatuation with blood due to her quirk doppelgänger.
As she explains her life I look over to Galand and he destroyed the recorder in his hands as his face showed a look of pure disgust and anger over what he heard.
After toga finishes her life story nezu reaches into his desk and hands toga a box of tissues as he takes a breathe, but I could tell he was furious from the Clinton his eyes.
"I'm sorry you had to go through all that miss toga, and honestly your parents should rot in prison for what they did, but is your hunger for blood a problem?" He asks as he offers to have the school nurse grab a blood pack for her but she refuses.
"No, I'm fine for now since henry offered his own blood to help me, even though I tried stabbing him earlier today." She says as nezu nods in understanding.
"Well principal nezu, I want to know considering her quirk, can she try out for UA with me considering her criminal past? Because I really believe that toga can become a hero in the spy and espionage department." I ask nezu who looks over at Galand who shakes his head.
"Well henry, before I give you my answer I'll tell you a little bit about officer galand's quirk." He says before explaining, " officer galand's quirk is called commandment of truth, any anyone who lies when in the vicinity of Galand will freeze up as if they were turned to stone. During this whole meeting he's been using his quirk to find any faults the entire time, but considering you both aren't frozen I believe your story." He finished as he takes a sip of tea that came out of thin air before putting it on a nearby saucer.
"So I'll allow you entry to my school, on one condition for you mr.stickman." Nezu said as he pulls out some forms from his desk, "I'd like for you to act as the agent for allmight's pupil."
"Wait what do you mean agent? Like someone to help him out if he needs it?"(henry)
"Precisely, considering how important izuku midoriya is to allmight I'd like someone to help him out when allmight isn't around, an ally if you would." Nezu explains before asking toga and officer Galand to leave the office so he could talk to me one on one.
"Now then, moving onto the next subject, how do you know about one for all, as well as all for one for that matter?" Nezu said as he takes another sip of tea as I see two new options appear.
1) a block of cheese
2) a prophetic dream
3) tell nezu of your past life
Reward for the right choice: a teleporter +Charles ' headset
'Oh fuck I get a teleporter?' I think to myself as all but one time did the teleporter actually work in the entirety of Henry stickman, but I wonder what the headset could do.
"I'll go with option 2" I say out loud before time resumes and I begin weaving the story with vague hints.
"Tell me nezu, have you ever heard of prophetic dreams? It was said over 300 years ago on September 9th of 2001 people who were asleep saw the tragedy of the World Trade Center and they didn't get on the planes that fateful day." I explain as I ask for a cup of tea which nezu gladly prepared as I take a sip as I see nezu absorbing what I told him.
"Interesting…did you have a prophetic dream leading you to the discovery of one for all?" Nezu asks as he leans forward in curiousity.
"Yes, what I saw was allmight in his muscular frame, and where his heart is was a flame slowly dying out as he hands a big ball of flame to a green haired teen which enters his chest and ignites ,showing a shadow of allmight in his skeleton form with 7 other people behind him as well… but then the dream shifted showing all for one on life support as he makes biological weapons I heard him call nomu, and in the future he will send his pupil to usj to kill class 1-A and use the nomu to kill allmight." I tell nezu as I watch him writing down what I said on his computer.
"Do you know the name of all for one's pupil?" He asks taking a sip, finishing his tea.
"I don't know his name but he has a quirk that allows him to decay things his hands touch to dust, so he'll need to be taken with caution." I explain to nezu who finishes typing what I said before pressing enter.
"Thank you for telling me all this mr.stickman, I've placed this file on a server only I have access to, I'll be placing you and miss toga in class 1-A if you pass the entrance exam, would you like for me to provide some study materials for you and miss toga to study?" Nezu offers, he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to have a valuable ally in UA.
"I'll take you up on your offer, but now for the final subject." I say to nezu who nodded.
"Oh yes! Tell me, what is your quirk?" Nezu asks as I clear my throat and speak.
"I call my quirk choice of reference."
Charle's headset- this item has no ability, it is the headset Charles wore when he sacrificed himself to save the life of Henry stickman when they worked together to take down the toppat clan.
Teleporter- teleport anywhere instantaneously without the need of traveling! Has a 5 percent chance of taking you to your destination.
I hope you all enjoy this chapter, i am not sure if I did the impression of nezu right but I hope it's at least a bit accurate.
But I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I'll post again tomorrow, this series is just too fun for me to do once a week!