
My Hero Academia: Psyche

When a drunken woman ends up in the most prestigious college hero course in all of Japan, Katsuki thought the rodent of a principal had finally gone crazy. With zero understanding of her behavior, her quirk, or even her real name, Katsuki dives into figuring the wannabe out, even if it damn near kills him. The more he uncovers though, the more apparent it becomes that in a world filled with devastating quirks, no one is immune to the consequences. Not even him. ~on hiatus until I catch up writing~ Artwork by: Secxen Background: google artwork, please comment for credit or removal

StarGaze · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
99 Chs

The Sports Festival

Star Skyline shoved the snack into her mouth and groaned in pure bliss.

Walking away from the stand, she ignored Mashirao's disapproving look and offered the second part of her snack to Momo. Momo took it happily and popped it into her mouth. Mashirao scoffed at how Star ignored his pointed look and thoughts. Touching her shoulder, he forced her to hear them anyway.

"Whaaaaaaaaat?" Star groaned, muffled by her mouth full of the fatty snack, "Why aren't you giving Momo that look! She's eating it tooooooo!"

"You're the one who gave it to her, Olivia. Plus, it's useful for her quirk. You, on the other hand, have been training far too long to ruin it now because of fair food!"

Star offered Momo another piece, and stuck her tongue out at Mashirao childishly. "I wasn't training for this event, and you know that, Monkey Man. I was training to become a better hero and gain control over my quirk! I shouldn't even be here, what if someone recognizes me! ...But if I want to protect others, and not let them be taken like Hitoshi and I were, I have to do this." Suddenly determined, she gave the rest of the snack to Momo, but was quickly distracted by a different food stand in her drunken state.

"Definitely not!" Mashirao grabbed Star and ignored her whining, turning her back around to face them, and away from the food stall. "You're already going to struggle through this since you're drunk, you don't need more junk in your body as well."

"Momooooo tell him to let me eat moreee!" Looking pleadingly at Momo, Star stuck out her bottom lip, still struggling against Mashirao. Momo swallowed her bite, and frowned at her.

"Mashirao is correct, Olivia." Momo lectured. "We both understand that your quirk's sudden evolution requires you to drink with this many people at the event. You should be proud that you have trained with Bakugo enough to get to where you are now. You are able to be here, even if it is very drunk, which was more than you were able to say two weeks ago when you were considering dropping out. It is not wise to sabotage that progress by eating unhealthy before the first event."

Star crossed her arms and looked away, letting out a 'humph'. Knowing they had won, Mashirao loosened his grip on her. Star stole another piece from the tray she had given Momo, and took pride in the small victory.

"Speaking of the first task…" Mashirao hinted, wagging his eyebrows at her.

"Nah-uh!" Sticking her tongue out again, Star flicked her long hair over her shoulder. "That's my quirk advantage! Not having a physical quirk is already going to suck enough. Plus, it's not like I can choose to limit my quirk usage like most people. Just being here is already putting me near my limit." She said the last part with a groan, reaching for the pack of vodka gummies in her pocket.

Mashirao slapped her hand away, "You'll be okay, why not use that projection thing you told us about? And put those away, you'll need these for later if it gets worse, remember?"

"Humph, fine!" She relented, putting the gummies back in her pocket. "And I'm not able to control that yet, that's yet another thing I have to try and gain control over…" She groaned.

At least she had the stupid grappling hook gun she made for today. Her quirk wasn't totally without use. Aizawa tried to use his quirk on her at the beginning, but then relented, admitting that it was the same quirk advantage the others would have with their quirks. He had allowed it, but only if she built it herself. It took a lot of mind reading off of a pink haired girl, but she was preeeetty sure it worked.

A few of the louder voices standing near them floated over as they ate, distracting her from her thoughts.

"Hey, did you hear that Endevor's son is one of the first year students? Can you imagine?"

"No way! Seriously?"

Momo frowned, her face becoming serious. Handing the snack to Star, she sighed, "I have lost my appetite."

Star looked overjoyed at the snacks, but then looked up to her friend, concerned. "Is this about that guy who is too mean to be a number two hero?"

Momo scrunched her nose, "Shoto and I are not looking forward to his presence, you are correct. I am worried for Shoto, and I myself am worried about proving to his father and my parents that I am also able to become a good enough hero to overcome their wishes for me. We have both been training together often, but I am concerned that the pressure might get the best of us."

Mashirao and Star nodded, having been told about her struggles with the families on both sides.

"You both already proved you deserved to become heroes by getting in on recommendations, Momo. From here on out, you just have to prove to each other that you can get through this together." Mashirao reassured her kindly.

Nodding, Star added, "Plus, you and Slushie are really great matches. Power wise and mind wise! He lacks versatility with his quirk, and you lack overwhelmingness. Put you guys together, and BAM! Anyone who doesn't see you guy's power is an idiot, yeah. But anyone who doesn't see that you two are perfectly matched to rise to the top of this hero world, together, is even more stupid! Slushie wasn't meant to do this alone, with his consuming issues and all! And you weren't meant to be a housewife, Momo! This is your chance to show that to the world! You will proudly stand on that winners podium together, and say... 'WE ARE HERE!'" She finished dramatically, punching her fist into the air and almost dropping her food.

Mashirao grabbed it before it fell, and rolled his eyes. "You're starting to get a hang of the whole All Might thing here in Japan, aren't you?"

She only grinned widely in response, taking the rescued food from his hand and presenting it to Momo again. Momo smiled, and took it, popping the last piece in her mouth and swallowing before speaking up.

"You both are correct, this is an opportunity to prove ourselves, and to prove everyone else wrong! Let us go to the waiting room immediately!" Determined, Momo dragged a protesting Star and a chuckling Mashirao behind her.

They got to the room just as Speedy Boi rushed past them to announce the event would be starting soon. Momo left to sit next to Jiro, and Star and Mashirao sat next to the Invisa-chick and the Pink woman who always seemed suspicious of Star and Spiky. Star gave her a hesitant look, but sat down anyway.

She gripped Mashirao's arm to lessen the pressure of the buzzing in her head, and enjoyed the way his brain seemed to fry next to Invisa-chick. Star glanced over to Momo, and saw her look of surprise. Following her gaze, she saw Slushie approaching All Might Junior.


"Y-yeah, Todoroki?"

"It seems to be no secret to anyone that you have All Might in your corner. I am not here to pry about what is going on between you two, but know that I will beat you." Slushie spoke seriously, as if he was in a war. It was chilling, and Star wasn't sure if it was his words, or quirk that dropped the room temperature a few degrees.

"Hey now, let's not start picking fights, man. It may be a competition, but we're all teammates ya know." Jiro spoke up from next to Momo, trying to diffuse the tension their friend had caused. Momo was looking at him in shock, unable to form words.

"We are not here to be friends, or teammates." The stare Slushie leveled at the woman was hard and cold, unwavering.

Jiro ignored the slight and turned to her best friend, pulling an upset Momo outside with her. Slushie watched them go, something changing in his eyes.

All Might Junior spoke up, showing bravery and determination, despite the threat that had just been declared against him. "I don't know why you feel the need to beat me. We're all going to have to fight to stand out, Shinso made that clear to us. But just know, I'll be aiming for the top too. I'm not All Might. I am my own person, my own hero. I hope you can understand that!"

Star felt guilty, and noted to stop calling him All Might Junior, even if she did know about their secret.

Slushie seemed affected by these words too, staring at the door Momo and Jiro had just walked out of, then back to ...Midoya…? Hmm. Deku works, whatever that means. He seemed at a loss for words, and just nodded, before walking back out the door.

Mashirao threw a concerned look at Star, but she shrugged, not knowing either. Her quirk was dampened to the point of only being able to hear through touch with her level of drunkness. Even with that, the buzzing of the crowd's voices in her head was unbearable, and the ringing in her ears from the straining of her quirk was even worse. There were so many people here that she feared alcohol wouldn't be enough. It was almost as bad as when she heard hundreds of thousands of voices at a time with… All for One's quirk, as she had found out he was named.

She shook her head to try and dispel the thought, and heard Present Mic start to announce their class. The silent spell over them was broken as they walked over to the door and waited for their cue.

Katsuki brushed arms with her as he walked to stand at her side, looking into the crowd outside with pride and a smirk on his face. She sighed in relief at the contact, preferring his mental chaos to the chaos outside.