
My Hero Academia : Omni eyes of the Demon Sage.

(I am just a fanboy who likes this kind of story but sometimes i find fan-fic that seems kind of off well to me at least so i something like to write some ideas of mine well with this idea i hope some great writer will someday notice my story and make a better one because i don't have time so sorry i can't finish any....and hope to read the finished work.) in this story we will see some elements of Naruto and well with some modification. and other elements.

VoidTime · Lainnya
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5 Chs

Beginning after the End with 5 wishes.

In a High level hotel a birthday party is being held where many attendence are child because the birthday girl is a child.

In this party a boy around 23 or 24 year old is arranging things for others. it seems he is the assistant manager of the decoration company. while he is doing his job some girls around his age something try to talk to him but he refuse with proper excuse.

the boys name is lin fang. lin is a handsome boy but without any happy expression or with out any expression in his face. it seems that he is a quite and mature boy.

while working he thought "A i hate this ... why do i have to work so hard??? ooo yes i am an orphan so i have to take care of myself but i just hate this kind of machine like life. i want to see some anime or manga or novel. those world i like the most if i had been born in a anime world that would bo so great."

while thinking lin fang look at the outside and saw that the sky was black and cloudy. time passed quite a bit but at this time out of the blue a thunder like sound was heard and the building shook we all panicked because there are more children in here.

while we were thinking what happened the light go black and the backup light lit up but at the same time the fire alarm also stated to ring. hearing this all the people in here began to took there childs and run outside in a hurry.

because lin fang is the assistant manager here he began to take charge here and help the people to go outside.the fire was also beginning to go wild at this time and at looks like it will reach here sometime soon.

at this time there was some cry for help from the opposite side of the exit and the direction of the fire.whene we all saw 2 child and a lady was there in the bathroom we all began to panic and the parents of the children are starting to cry because of the fire we can see that 1 child has passed out but we can't go there without protection.

nobody was moving. when i saw that the door of the bathroom was beginning to break because of fire lin fang saw all this and can't stop himself from going that way to help them . he doesn't have anyone in this life but those people have and he doesn't want to see others suffer like him.

so he go running and go there with some burns from fire all the people who saw this was shoked.

lin fang hurriedly go there took the lady to his side and give her his coat and the 2 child he was going to took them but saw they were unconscious.

so the lady by his side said she will going to took her child and lin fang took the other and began to run after some burn and pain lin fan come to the people outside and give them the child and look back but saw that the mother fell to ground and the children in her hand also fell. and the fire was about to took them in.

lin fang run to them and took the child and the mother and began to go out but at this time people began to shout and seeing the signaling i look up and saw that the big decoration lamp was felling there way.

seeing this with out thinking lin fang push the mother and the unconscious child to the outside and before he could see the going he felt something heavy and sharp fell upon him he was thinking so the light decoration lamp that i decorated took my life ha ha ha... well it is good in this way i can say good by to this boring life.

lin fan don't know how much time has pass but when he open his eyes he saw that " he was in void with nothingness so he thought where is this? is it the place where souls of the dead go??"

At this time a voice that can't be distinguished between male and female was heard " No you are not going to the resting place "

hearing this lin fan look around but found nothing then he thought " it this the same thing i think it is??? god?? "

the sound said again " yes what you think is right but i don't have any form so you can't see me i am here for you because the fire that cought your hotel was coused by an subordinate of mine wrongly he was supposed to fire a thunder to the tree besides the hotel but for some reason it hit the power point and this incident happened."

before lin fan could say anything the god said again " and you also helped some people and child that was nearly killed by me unjustly. well you also died unjustly that is why i am here to give you another chance for rescuing the people and for your death i will grant you 5 wishes that is possible to Grant and i know you better than you know yourself so that is why i gave you this choices.take this as an opportunity to realize your dream"

hearing this i thought for something and said " ok i am going to say the wishes "

" 1-i want to go to a supernatural world as a newborn baby with full and happy family with power "

" 2-i want Naruto worlds all kind of eye power as my power with no side effects and upgrade version and i can develop them easily.

"3-i want a second power that is nearly infinite help me operate my eye power and help me to cultivate my body and mind on its own and give me shelf regeneration power"

"4-my eyes or any part of my body can be taken but my power can't be taken by any means and after the regeneration of lost limbs they will work like before "

" 5-i want permission to take my loved ones to another world to live in with me after i left the current world or reincarnate in the same world with them as family and lover with me knowing"