

"What?! Why would I be in the middle of class when I've been gone for-" He paused, not sure how long he'd been gone, actually. "Is this a prank?" All Might asked on the other end of the phone, sou ding exhausted. Izuku shook his head frantically. "No, it isn't! I swear! I'm telling the truth! He must've made a copy of me-" "Who?" All Might asked, now sounding confused. Izuku's grip in the phone tightened. "I don't know his name. But remember when that one guy tried to kidnap me?" "Yeah." "His boss actually kidnapped me when I was heading to the restroom. We had a fight, and then I almost got away, but an explosions sounded, and the next thing I know, I'm in some sort of torture chair-" "Ok, slow down, kid-" But he couldn't. He was on the verge of panicking. "You don't understand, All Might. I've been missing since my birthday! I can't just slow down-" All Might sighed. "All right, then, I'll track your location, and pick you up." "Um, there's also one more thing." "Which is?" All Might asked, and Izuku could hear a door shutting in the background. "I apprehended the kid apperceive and Himiko Toga." "You've captured Himiko-?! You know what, I'll get a police squad down there, too. Just stay there and make sure the villains don't escape, ok?" "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" "Don't thank me yet, Midoriya. You have some explaining to do."