
Two Heroes...

Chapter 23 - Two Heroes...

And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

[California, USA]

There was bustling streets filled to the brim with people. These people were doing everyday activities such as shopping, chatting amongst each other, or just taking the time to relax as they enjoy their short and precious lives.

All of the sudden, there was a loud explosion near the casino. A large green figure was seen emerging from the smoke at high speeds with what seems like bags of money.

"It's a Villain!" Citizens began to cry out as they ran away to safety.

"Run away!"

As the smoke cleared, another Villain could be seen riding atop of the green one. He had red spandex and gray like hair. His nose was pointed and he was laughing hysterically.

"I'll take that ten million dollars! The job's a piece of cake!"

The two Villains seemed to have just committed a heist and robbed the casino. The red spandex wearing Villain thought they have struck gold until his partner warned him of something.

"Bro! We got cops incoming!"

Their whole pathway was cut off as police cars appeared on the crosswalk of the street. They were all armed with handguns.

At the same time, Two Pro Heroes arrived on the scene and landed in front of the cops.

"That's it, Villains!" One Hero said who's Hero costume consisted of a black full bodysuit with yellow streaks and a red cape. His Quirk seemed to be electric based as he shot yellow lightning towards the large green Villain. This stopped said Villain right at his tracks.

"End it, Cow Lady!" A blond voluptuous female Hero proceeded to transform into a super powered cow and rush towards the Villains.

"Calm down!"

"Like hell, I will!"

The red spandex villain fired rockets which distracted the Heroes and the Police. This allowed them a window of time to get out of their line of sight. They jumped over a city block and was about to land on a car that was filled with a family of four.

"Papa! Look out!" The young daughter cried out.

"You're in the way! Move!" The Villain shouted as he was about to crush them.

But before he could do that, a yellow bolt appeared out of nowhere as the figure punched the villain right in the stomach. The impact of the blow sent the two villains across multiple city blocks.

The family in the car looked to see who it was that saved them and was surprised by what they saw.

"It's fine now. Why?"

The figure turned out and revealed two sparkling blue eyes, sunlit blonde hair with two strands pointed on top along with an unforgettable smile.

"Because I am here!"

The two children smiled in amazement at the hulk of a man before them.

His name was Toshinori Yagi, later to be known as All Might, in the prime of his youth.

"Hey man, who the hell are you?" The skinny Villain shouted in annoyance. He was about to have the biggest score of his life and this blondie just ruined it.

Young All Might grinned, " Just a Hero from Japan who happened to pass by."

"Ha! Then I'll send you back home! In a coffin!"

The Villain proceeded to fire the same rockets from earlier.

All Might simply crossed his arms and pushed them forward, creating gusts of wind that caused the rockets to implode.

"Who said he was going to send me back-"

All Might looked to see that the Villains were gone. He then saw them at the other side of the block attempting to make their escape.

"You're so fast at running away!"

Just then, a red tech car appeared in the air.

"You went too far ahead, Toshi!"

The car landed beside All Might. The Young Hero then jumped inside.

"He got away! Follow him Dave!"

"Your body moves before you think, as usual!"

The man who said this had long wavy brown hair with sharp blue eyes. This was Toshinori Yagi's best friend and Support mechanic. David Shield.

David drove the car towards where the Villains ran off too. They saw them in their sights.

"Bro, a car is following us!" The large green Villain warned his partner.

"Damn Heroes!" His partner exclaimed as he fired more rockets towards the car.

David had a counter for this though, and fire rockets of his own. This rockets shot out bubbles which enclosed around the Villain's rockets.

"What the hell?" The Villains proceed to jump over the street in an attempt to put distance between them and All Might.

"Toshi, we're going to be late for the lecture. Hurry up and finish this!" David yelled to his best friend.

"That's the plan, Dave!" All Might jumped out of the car and went flying straight towards the Villains who were crawling up a large building.

"You just keep coming, huh?" The red Villain screamed in anger as he launched even more rockets at the Future Symbol of Peace.

"Detroit… SMASH!"

The signature smash effectively took care of the rockets. It also created an area of effect with the surrounding air pressure and that caused the Green Villain to slow down.

All Might noticed that more rockets were fired and thus he deflected them. Among the clouds of smoke, he quickly changed out of his Civilian clothes into his Young Age Hero gear.

"I'll end it with this move- Dave, the move named after your home state…"

David gave a thumbs up, "Go!"

"California….. "

The Villain rushed towards All Might attempting to kill him in one bite with his sharp teeth.


All Might hit the Villain right on the forehead. This sent the Villain straight tumbling down onto the street below, with enough force to shake the very planet itself.

Dust was blown as U.S. dollar bills were flying everywhere. When the smoke cleared, it was revealed that both of the Villains were knocked down in a huge crater, lying in a puddle of the cash they stole.

All Might began laughing victoriously from the roof of the building.

"Who's that Hero?"

"I've never seen him."

"But he's amazing!"

Many civilians started to praise All Might for his heroic deed.

"He's an exchange student from Japan! His Hero name is All Might." David explained with a smug grin.

"All Might?"

David gazed at All Might, "He's the man who will someday… someday soon...become the Symbol of Peace!"

After the commotion settled down, All Might and David got back in the car and continued to drive off to their destination.

"Thank you Dave! Thanks to the suit you made, we can make it in time."

"Let's hurry! If we're late again, we won't have enough credits-" David replied as he didn't want to fail his class.

Suddenly the radio started to speak.

"SFO Flight UA 857 has been hijacked."

"Dave! We have to go and help!" All Might pleaded.

"No, it is too reckless."

All Might continued to stare at David, unyielding and passionate in his drive.

David lightly chuckled.

"You can't not help them, huh?"

All Might smirked and looked straight ahead.

"Let's go, Dave!"

"Yeah! It's really tough being a Hero, though!"

"I'll buy you lunch today!"

"And that Young Izuku, is how I made my debut here in America!" Toshinori bellowed as he dramatically raised his arms up in the air.

"That is so cool!" Izuku fanboyed with stars in his eyes. "I always rewatched the video of your debut in Japan over and over again as a kid, but there has never been recorded footage of your debut in America. It is common knowledge that you once transferred over to America for an extended period of time but hearing you tell the story first hand is so amazing!"

Currently, Izuku and Toshinori were on a Private Jet headed to I-Island for I-Expo, an international event where Heroes from all over gathered together to see the latest advancements in support tech. All Might received an invitation from his longtime friend, David Shield and it said that he could bring one person with him. Of course, the Symbol of Peace decided to bring his Successor, the 9th bearer of One For All, Izuku Midoriya.

"Man, I definitely got to put more practice in that California Smash! From the way you told it in the story, that sounded like it packed a huge punch!" Izuku exclaimed as he imitated said smash by lightly punching the air.

"I'm sure with enough training, you will get it down packed in no time. You have already impressed me with what you showed so far in the Final Exams." Toshinori replied as he remembered the performance that both Izuku and Katsuki displayed in their final exams. Of course, those two greatly exceeded the expectations of all of the U.A. Staff. They had no idea that the two rivals could push All Might to the extent that he did in those exams. He certainly wasn't expecting that New York Smash at the end which left a bruise on All Might's cheek.

'Oh you have no idea,' Izuku said mentally as he was secretly referencing to the training he did in the gravity chamber. After the conversation he had with Tomura Shigaraki at the mall, he immediately flew to Kame Island in a fit of rage that he never felt before. He felt so… defeated. It was like everything he believed in and everything he stood for was crumbling away. He hated that feeling. He hated the fact that Tomura had the nerve to challenge him on his ideals. The ideals he held so true to his heart ever since he could remember.

He focused all of that rage and frustration into hsi training. He finally went up to 100 times Earth's natural gravity. He wanted to push himself and get much stronger and to prove to Tomura Shigaraki that he was the better man.

He felt confident in his progression in the gravity chamber. So confident that he felt as though he could take on pretty much anyone. The Saiyan Pride was definitely taking an effect on Izuku's psyque.

But even with all of the power that he has attained, he still couldn't get that conversation with the Leader of the League of Villains out of his damn head. For some reason, it stuck with him… hard. So much so that Toshinori began to notice an upsetting look on his Successor's face.

"What has you troubled, Young Midoriya?"

Izuku perked up at the call of his name.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Very. I can sense an unease within you. You've been that way for the entire plane ride. Did something happen recently?"

Izuku shook his head, "No no, it's nothing really. It's just that…."

Izuku looked at Toshinori in the eyes with a serious expression.

"Toshinori-Sensei… I have a question… And I want you to answer this question with 100% sincere honesty ...You think you can do that?"

Toshinori nodded, "Oh but of course! I have nothing to hide from you son. And you know I don't lie."

Izuku sighed, 'Okay, here goes!'

Izuku clenched his fists.

"To kill someone to save the world… is that really the right thing to do?"

Toshinori widened his eyes at the question. Where in the hell did that come from? The Pure and Heroic Izuku Midoriya asking such a thing? Was he considering killing somebody? Has he been on the internet for too long and neglecting his training? Toshinori had so many questions…

The Symbol of Peace cleared his throat as he took his time in answering the question. He honestly didn't know where to begin.

"Ah, well, Young Izuku, that really isn't an easy question to answer. That can depend on many different factors. For instance, who's to say we even need to necessarily kill the person? There may be another way to solve the situation. I obviously don't condone an act such as murder. I don't believe in that. It is immoral in my opinion. I believe there is good in everyone. Even the most vile of people. There is always hope, no matter how small it is, for redemption. I have personally seen it happen. If you take the life of another human being, you are effectively robbing them of that chance of redemption. That is what I believe anyway."

Toshinori then adopted a more somber expression as he chose his next words very carefully.

"However, we also must face reality. No matter how hard we Heroes may deny it, we cannot save everyone. I can do Hero work 24 hours a day, but that still wouldn't be enough. There can be someone in dire need right now as we speak. But it is impossible for us to help them at the moment. Why, you may ask? Because we all have a limit to what we can do. No matter how hard we try, there will always be people we cannot reach."

Suddenly, Toshinori adopted a Heroic Smile.

"However… There are people that we can reach. And it is our duty, no, our Responsibility, for us to do absolutely everything in our power to help who we can. That is what a Hero is supposed to represent. A Hero is supposed to be a pillar that people look up to, and that no matter what, they can always depend on that pillar.

But of course this is just my view and how I see things. As you continue forth in your journey, you may encounter many different things than I, and this may cause you to have a different interpretation on what a Hero is supposed to be and represent. And that is completely fine. But always remember this Izuku: No matter what happens, no matter how hard things may get, even if it seems like the whole world is against you, you are not alone. You can be strong individually yes, but True Strength comes from the bonds that you formed with people on your journey. Your power will always derive from that source. You can't do everything on your own. Sometimes, the strength of one's character is revealed when they realize that they need help, and they ask for it. Always remember that Izuku. Never forget it."

Toshinori took one final breath before he finished his piece.

"So to answer your original question, whether killing someone to save the world is the right thing to do, I'm afraid I can't give you a clear answer that you are searching for. But I can tell you this: That is something you are going to have to figure out on your own on your path. You are going to decide for yourself what is Right and what is Wrong. What defines a Hero and a Villain? Does any of that even matter? That is all up to you my boy. I may not have the answer… but I'm absolutely confident that you will find it. There is no doubt in my mind. I am certain of it!"

Toshinori finished his speech, as Izuku processed the words of his Predecessor. It gave him a lot to think about. Does he even know what a Hero is truly meant to represent? Well he thought he did, until his talk with Tomura. Man, he really can't get that incident out his head can he? His whole idealism has been warping and he can't exactly see why?

'Help? Yeah I doubt anybody can help me with what is going on right now. I'm just going to have to keep on training and training in order to get stronger, so that the next time me and Tomura meet, I beat him into the ground.'

Izuku gave Toshinori a semi-forced smile, "Thank you Sensei. I'll keep that in mind."

The Green-Haired Saiyan then looked out towards the window and his eyes lit up in excitement.

"Hey, Toshinori-Sensei, look! We can see it. The artificial moving city inhabited by over 10,000 scientists, I-Island!"

Outside the window, one could see a clear blue ocean, and in the middle of it was a circular island and in the distance, you can make out an entire large city within the confines of the island.

"It's like a dream come true to be able to go to I-Island right at the beginning of summer vacation!" Izuku's tail began to wag as his fanboyism began to excel to new levels.

Toshinori chuckled, "I didn't think you'd be that excited. I'm glad I invited you. "

Izuku frowned, "But is it really okay for me to come with you?"

"Oh, there's no need to hold back. The invitation said I could bring a companion."

"But isn't that usually meant for family-"

Toshinori held his index finger up to stop Izuku from continuing.

"Remember my boy, we are connected by something thicker than blood, aren't we? The bond of One For All."

Izuku felt the energy of One For All deep inside him and smiled.

"Yes, you're right! My bad."

Just then, the plane operator began to talk through the speakers.

"This plane will soon begin its descent to I-Island."

Toshinori got up and made sure that nobody was watching before beginning to transform.

"Now, it's about to get pretty exhausting. Because once I arrive, I… "

All Might fully transformed and took off his civilian clothes to reveal his Hero Gear underneath.

"...must maintain my muscle form constantly! Now, Young Midoriya, you change, too. You asked the school if you could bring your Hero Costume, right?"


Deku: The Golden Saiyan Hero Of Hope

Movie 1: Two Heroes


"We will now begin the immigration inspection"

Izuku and All Might, both in their Hero Costumes, proceed to pass through the gates of the airports as their things were inspected. As they were passing through, All Might spoke up.

"Here's a question for you, Young Midoriya. Why was this artificial island created?"

Izuku placed his thumb on his chin as he began to think.

"Let's see...to create a place where the world's talents could gather and research Quirks and develop items! The island was made mobile in order to protect the scientists and their research from Villains. The security system is equivalent to Tartarus, and no Villain has ever committed a crime here before."

All Might gave Izuku a thumbs up, "You really know a lot about this stuff, huh?"

There was an audible ding as the scanners finished their inspection.

"The immigration inspection is complete. Currently on I-Island, we are having the pre opening of I-Expo, an exposition showcasing the results of various research and development. If you received an invitation, please come and take a look. "

Izuku first laid his eyes on the interior of the island and he was nothing short of amazed. The architecture was so advanced and there were so many unique colors. One can notice a lot of different inventions and tech going around as people experimented on them.

"I can't believe so many people are here even before they officially open to the public." All Might commented.

"Seeing it in person, you can tell how amazing it is!"

"Unlike Japan, people are allowed to use their Quirks as they wish on I-Island. Apparently, there are a lot of attractions in the pavilions that use Quirks. You should go visit them later. "


"Now let's see… The hotel is…" All Might seemed to be looking for the directions to the hotel in his phone.

Just then, a young brunette came to greet the Teacher Student duo.

"Welcome to I-Expo! Wait, All Might?! And…. Izuku Midoriya?!" The brunete yelled out as other people heard her as well.

"All Might?!"

"The number one Pro Hero?!"

"Hey that Green Hair and tail! That's gotta be Midoriya from U.A.!"

"The winner of this year's Sports Festival?!"

"It's really them!"


In a matter of moments, Izuku and All Might were surrounded by swarms of fans and reporters, who eagerly wanted an autograph and interview respectively.

"Thank you for such a warm welcome! Line up for autographs!"

Sometime Later…

"I didn't think we'd be stopped for that long… We were about to be late!"

Izuku panted, "Do you deal with this on the regular? And what do you mean late? Late to what?"

He was clearly overwhelmed by the attention. He still wasn't used to it yet.

"Yeah, I wanted to have a reunion with an old friend that I haven't seen in a while. Sorry, but would you mind coming with me?"

"Toshinori-Sensei's friend...Of course I'll go!" Izuku exclaimed as he was curious as to who was All Might's friend.

All Might leaned in close to whisper.

"I haven't told him about One For All or how I've passed the Quirk onto you, so keep that in mind. "

"It's even a secret from your friend?"

"It's because danger follows around those who know the secret of One For All."

"I see. That's true…"

'One For All is that important of a secret. It must be because of All For One!' Izuku thought as Tomura also began to flood his mind again.

"This is War…"

Izuku was cut off from his musings when he heard a strange sound. He looked up to see a figure approaching him and All Might. The figure seemed to be approaching them in a… pogo stick?

"Uncle Toshinori!"

The figure then jumped towards the arms of All Might, who smiled and caught them in a big hug.

"Oh, Melissa!" All Might bellowed.

"Long time no see! I'm so happy you came!"

"Thank you for inviting me! But man, I almost didn't recognize you! You're all grown up now!"

"I'm 17 now. I'm heavier than I used to be, aren't I?"

"Not at all!" All Might laughed as he lifted her up and then put her down.

Izuku stared at the scene with wide eyes.

'What the hell is going on here?!'

"I'm glad you seem well, as usual, Uncle Toshinori. Sorry I'm late. I was so focused on my experiment that I lost track of time."

'She's Toshinori-Sensei's old friend? She doesn't seem to be the right age… Could it be her Quirk?'

The person in question that Izuku was talking about is a young voluptuous woman with a seemingly perfect hourglass figure with curves in all the right places. She had long blonde hair that went past her shoulders and stopped towards her lower back She had beautiful azure blue eyes that resembled the ocean. She wore glasses and her outfit consisted of a white undershirt with a red top and orange ribbon. She had gray shorts along with red spotted leggings and brown cowgirl boots. She wore a watch on her left wrist. She was blessed with an ample bosom that could greatly rival Momo's. Her plump butt made her all the more irresistible. She was easily one of the most gorgeous women that Izuku had ever seen, if not the most gorgeous.

This young lady's name is Melissa Shield, the daughter of David Shield.

For some reason, Izuku felt attracted to Melissa. Not in the physical sense, she's definitely attractive in that regard, but there was something pulling him towards her. Like they shared something in common within, but Izuku couldn't quite put his finger on it. But he could sense it . There was no denying it.

'What is this sensation?'

"Oh right, where is Dave?" All Might's question broke Izuku out of his daze.

"He's in his lab. It looks like he finished the first staged of some research he'd been working on for many years, so I invited you to this island as a surprise to celebrate that." Melissa said with a wink.

"Is that what it was? By the way, what was Dave researching this time?"

"He said it's confidential and won't even tell me."

"Scientists have it hard, too, huh?"

Izuku was visibly getting annoyed as he felt like he was being ignored and forgotton due to their prolonged conversation.

All Might noticed this and diverted his attention to his pupil.

"Oh, Young Midoriya, she's my good friend's daughter…"

Melissa took that queue to introduce herself.

"I'm Melissa Shield. You must be the boy that Uncle Toshinori has spoken so fondly of. Izuku Midoriya right? I saw your performance in the Sports Festival. Nice to meet you!" Melissa gave Izuku a cheery smile as she extended her hand out to him.

'Uncle Toshinori?'

Izuku returned her smile, "Is that how it is?"


"-Huh? What?"

"Oh nothing!" Izuku exclaimed. He then shook Melissa's hand.

"N-Nice to meet you! I am Izuku Midoriya, a First Year in the Hero Course at U.A. High School.'

'"Ah yes, U.A.! Then you're Uncle Toshinori's…"

"Yes, I am his student!"

"He's going to be a spectacular Hero in the future!" All Might boasted with pride.

Melissa gasped, "Wow, I can't believe you're Uncle Toshinori's student! You've got a promising future, huh?"

Izuku shook his head rapidly, "No, I'm still in training, I mean, I'm…"

"Your Quirk is a power type, right?" Melissa suddenly asked as she walked towards Izuku and began inspecting him.

"Yes!" Izuku shouted, surprised at how close she got.

"Your Hero Costume is cool, but it is a very unorthodox design. I have never seen anything like it… I don't see any support items, either…" Melissa took a closer look at Izuku's Saiyan armor.

'S-So close!' Izuku internally panicked at the close proximity of an admitting, very cute girl who was also around his age.

Melissa then noticed Izuku's right hand which was still bruised from his overuse of Kaioken in the final exams. She traced her soft fingers over the bruise, which made Izuku's face resemble a strawberry.

"Maybe you should refine your costume…"

All Might cleared his throat their attention, "Melissa, it's about time."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I got distracted…"

She took her pogo stick and transmitted it back into her watch.

"We gotta hurry up and make Papa happy! This way, Uncle Toshinori!" Melissa said as she ran ahead.

Izuku and All Might just shrugged at each other and chuckled as they followed the blonde bombshell.

"We were able to get into the expo with no problem. So when will the goods arrive?" A deep and melancholic voice asked into his cell phone.

"Please come get it at 3 P.M. at gate 66."

"I understand."

He then hung up the smile as he gave off a twisted and evil smirk.

"Soon… We're going to turn this whole shit upside down.. And they will all know the name.. WOLFRAM!"

In a very advanced scientific lab, David Shield was in a daze as he stared at an old picture of All Might in his Young Age costume. He was posing with his right fist pointing towards the sky, symbolizing that he will strike down even the sky if it endangered any innocent.

David sighed as he reminisced the good old days.

"Things were so much simpler then. I wonder how you are doing right now, Toshi." David mumbled. He had cut his hair hair shorter and now wore glasses like his daughter. He currently had on a blue buttoned shirt and white dress pants.

"Professor… Professor David!"

"Huh?" David was knocked out of his daze to see one of his assistants standing in the doorway.

"I've finished cleaning up here, too." The assistant said with a smile.

"Really? Thanks, Sam." David said as he and Sam walked out of the room.

"Why don't you go have lunch with your daughter sometime?" Sam asked as he noticed that David had been working really hard lately and wasn't spending much time for himself.

"She went to the Academy, too." David replied.

"Oh really? I thought they had a break for I-Expo?"

"She's doing some independent research. She says it's her biggest invention yet. She's a really hard worker." David said with a tone of fatherly pride.

"But of course! I mean, I am Papa's daughter. I can't help being like him." Melissa appeared through the doorway, in front of David and Sam.

"Melissa? David said confusingly. Wasn't she supposed to be in the academy.

"Hello, Miss." Sam politely greeted.

"Hello, Sam. Thanks for always taking care of Papa, who does nothing but research all the time." Melissa said as she bowed.

"I can't say anything to that." David replied sheepishly. "More important;y, what are you doing here?"

"To celebrate you completing the first stage of your research, I invited a certain person." Melissa said with a cheerful grin.

"A certain person?"

"Someone you love, Papa." Melissa motioned behind her as David's eyes widened to see exactly who it was.

"I AM HERE.. Shaking with emotion from our reunion!"

David's jaw dropped, "Toshi?!"

"All Might?! Th-the real thing?" Sam asked in shock as he didn't expect the Number One Pro Hero to appear right in front of his eyes.

All Might brought David into a big huh, "I came all this way just to see you, Dave!"

"Well? Were you surprised?" Melissa asked her father.

"Y-Yeah… Very Surprised…" David said with a smile as he recovered from All Might's bone crushing hug.

"We both need to thank Melissa! Man, how long has it been?"

"Oh, don't remind me about how old I am. Neither one of us wants to think about that, do we?"

"Yeah, that's true!"

They then both began to laugh hysterically.

"I'm glad I could see you, Dave." All Might said sincerely.

"I'm glad to see you, too, All Might." David replied with just as much sincerity as they gave each other a fist bump.

All Might turned to Izuku, who was standing in the back, watching their whole reunion unfold.

"Young Midoriya, let me introduce you to one of my best friends, David Shield-"

"I KNOW WHO HE IS! Professor David Shield!" Izuku exclaimed as he started shaking with fanboy excitement. "A top scientist in Quirk research who received a Nobel Quirk Prize! He was All Might's partner when he lived in America, and for All Might's Hero Costumes-

Young Age!

Bronze Age!

Silver Age!


He was the genius inventor who created all of those! I never thought I'd be able to meet him in person!" Izuku quickly moved in front of David, invading his personal space. "I-I'm so moved!"

Melissa witnessed Izuku's fanboy outburst and couldn't help but chuckle.

'He's so adorable!'

David was impressed with Izuku's knowledge, "It looks like I don't need to introduce myself."

Izuku immediately bowed down, "I'm sorry! It's just-"

"No, it's fine." David said.

All Might silently coughed into his fist.

David noticed the silent action and took that as a queue.

"It has been a long time since I last saw All Might. Can you give us some time to talk alone?"

Izuku nodded nervously, "Oh, sure."

"Melissa, please show Young Izuku here around I-Expo." David asked his daughter.

"Okay, Papa!"

"WAIT, REALLY?!" Izuku asked in shock.

Melissa nodded as she smiled at Izuku, "I'm honored to be able to go with a future Hero! Let's go!"

"Okay, I'm looking forward to! Thank you." Izuku said as he and Melissa walked out to begin their tour.

"So, what should I call you? Midoriya? Izuku?" Melissa asked the Green Haired Saiyan as they walked down the hall.

"Please call me… Deku." Izuku said with a confident smile.

" 'Deku'? That's a strange nickname." Melissa replied curiously.

"It's not just a 'nickname'. It is my Hero name. It is the name that is going to inspire hope into people. Because, that is the Hero I want to become. The Hero of Hope." Izuku replied with a determined look on his face as he clenched his fists.

Melissa raised her eyebrows in wonder, "Wow, so that's what it means, huh? You can call me Melissa."

"Sam. You go rest, too." David said as the assistant nodded and left All Might and David alone.

Smoke started to erupt from All Might as he got into a coughing fit, he then reverted back to his true form.

"Hey, are you all right, Toshi?" David asked concerningly.

"Thanks… The amount of time I can keep muscle form has gotten even shorter…" Toshinori stated as he covered his mouth.

"You told me about your symptoms over email, but I didn't realize it had gotten so bad.." David said as he wondered how could Toshi get to this point?

"Wow, this is amazing!" Izuku exclaimed as he gazed upon the attractions of I-Island. "Looking at it like this, it is hard to believe that this is a man-made island."

"We have all the facilities of a large city. Just about all we can't do is travel." Melissa replied as she and Izuku strolled around the island, sightseeing.


"It's because all the scientists and their families have a duty to confidentiality to keep information from leaking," Melissa explained. The island could not risk Villains infiltrating it, so that is why they had to put that system in place.

"Wow! It's the Monster Hero: Godzillo!" Izuku yelled as a huge monster like Pro Hero came walking by. It greatly resembles the fictional Godzilla character.

"It's my first time seeing the real thing!" A random civilian shouted.

"His Quirk's amazing!"

"Oh, he must have been invited by a sponsor." Melissa said as she looked around to see many Pro Heroes on the island. "To show off their new items and sign autographs and stuff. It looks like there are a lot of different events."

"I-Expo's amazing!" Izuku exclaimed.

Godzillo threw a peace sign at the fans. He then looked towards Izuku.

"Hey kid! You're that U.A. First Year right? The winner of the Sports Festival?"

"Y-Y-Y-Yessir!" Izuku nervously said as he didn't expect the Monster Hero to even notice him, given his size.

Godzillo grinned, "Keep up the good work kid. As soon as you graduate, look up my agency. I would definitely want to take you under my wing. But given how talented and strong you are, you will probably have set up your own agency."

Many of the other Pro Heroes took notice of the conversation and immediately formed a crowd around Izuku.

"Kid, join my agency when you graduate!'

"No, join mine!"

"Don't join either of theirs. They are low rate compared to me. I'm sure I will give you the exposure you need to become a famous Pro!"

The Heroes all attempted to persuade Izuku to join under them, but the young Hero in training was getting very uncomfortable due to the amount of attention he was getting.

"It seems as though your reputation precedes you, huh, Deku-kun?" Melissa chuckled at Izuku's nervousness. "There's a party with all the industry guests tonight, too. But you'll be at that, too, right? Since you came with Uncle Toshinori."

'Was that why Toshinori-Sensei told me to bring formal clothes?' Izuku thought as he was actively avoiding the crowd of Pro Heroes that were attempting to court him.

"Oh, Deku-kun! You should definitely check out that pavilion!" Melissa said as she pointed to a large blue building.

Izuku then saw fangirls with hearts in their eyes making their way towards him, probably with the intent on asking for his number and other things he rather not think about.

"Yeah, let's get out of here! See you all later!"

"So many of the newest Hero items in one place!" Izuku yelled in delight as both he and Melissa were in a gallery of many expensive Hero items.

"Deku-kun, look at this!" Melissa pointed to a small battle plane. "The multipurpose Beagle can fly, of course, but it can also move underwater."


Melissa then showed him an advanced swimming suit.

"You can wear this diving suit up to 7,000 meters in the deep sea."

"So deep!"

She then showed him headgear, "These goggles are equipped with 36 different sensors."

"I can see too much!" Izuku yelled as multiple screens appeared in front of his eyes.

"Actually, almost everything here was created based on things Papa's patented." Melissa stated as many people gathered to see the luxurious invention based on the legendary David Shield's work.

"Wow, that's amazing! " Izuku said amazed at David's level of genius.

Melissa nodded, "Each and every item here helps Heroes around the world in their work."

Izuku smiled, "You really respect your dad, don't you?"

Melissa gave a cherry smile as hint of blush appeared on her cheeks, "That's because it is my dream to become a scientist like him."

"Oh, speaking of which, you go to the Academy here, right?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, I am in my Third year.

"The I-Island Academy is where all those who want to become scientists want to go, right?" Izuku asked as visible excitement appeared on his face.

Melissa shook her head, "I've still got a long way to go. I need to study more."

Izuku looked at the palm of his hand, "I need to work harder to become a Great Hero too. Just like Toshinori-Sensei." Izuku then got flashbacks to his Final Exams. He didn't like to admit it, but for a good deal of that exam, he did kind of get his ass handed to him. It just showed him that he still had a long way to go. But now, he felt all the more confident in his abilities after the rigorous training he did under 100 times gravity.

Melissa tilted her head at Izuku, "You really love Uncle Toshinori, don't you? You were so enthusiastic earlier. It surprised me!" Melissa smiled as she put her hand near her mouth.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it!" Izuku said sheepishly as he got so embarrassed, a light trace of a blush started to appear on his face. For some reason, seeing Melissa's smile made his heart skip a beat. He never experienced such a feeling before.

'What is this sensation?" Izuku asked himself as he wasn't accustomed to this feeling.

"You look like you're having fun, Deku-kun."

Izuku eyes widened as he recognized that voice and Ki signature. Him turning around only confirmed his suspicions.

"O-Ochaco-chan?! What are you doing here?!"

"You look like you're having fun." Ochaco repeated with an emotionless tone and expression. She stared scarily into Izuku's eyes as said green haired boy felt a shiver go down his spine.

"You said it again?!" Izuku exclaimed. He did not like the look she was giving him.


Izuku looked towards his left to see another familiar face.


"You looked like you were having a lot of fun." Momo copied what Ochaco said with the same exact tone and expression. They were both giving Izuku looks that made him fear for his life. He didn't even know what he did wrong!

"Midoriya. I overheard. It did sound like you were having a lot of fun…" Kyoka Jiro said as her earphone jacks twirled. She gave Izuku a similar look as the two female students previous to her. Her voice held the same contempt.

'Jiro's Earphone Jack is something to be feared!' Izuku thought fearfully as all three girls sent shivers down his spine. They all held a similar look. It looked similar to…. Jealousy?

"Are they your friends?" Melissa asked curiously.

"Uh, yeah, they are my classmates from school… And it looks like there's a bit of misunderstanding…' Izuku said sheepishly. He put his arms up defensively, "U-Um, Melissa is just showing me around the expo."

"That's right! My papa and Uncle Might are-"

"AHHHHH!" Izuku yelled in panic out of nowhere. He took Melissa aside and whispered to her.

"Please, don't tell them that I came here with Toshinor-Sensei!"

"Why not?" Melissa asked in confusion. What was wrong with his classmates knowing he came here with his teacher?

"There are reasons…" Izuku pleaded as he put his hands together in a praying motion.

"All right." Melissa nodded in understanding. She concluded that there probably personal reasons for it. She understood and respected Izuku's privacy and decided to not dig into his personal life.

When Izuku and Melissa came back to where the three girls were standing, they were all giving Melissa a jealous stare. Melissa didn't even notice while Izuku knew he was going to have nightmares about those stares later tonight.

"Do you want to go have tea at a cafe?" Melissa asked politely as all three girls nodded. They made their way to the cafe but not without giving Izuku and Melissa one last glare.

'WHAT DID I DO?!' Izuku cried mentally.

"Oh, you all have had experience working with Pro Heroes?" Melissa asked in wonder. Currently all 5 of the teens were sitting down at a table outside the cafe, with their beverages.

Ochaco waved her hands in a no motion, "Just training and going on patrol."

"I got caught up in an incident, but all I did was to evacuate people. Nothing too amazing." Kyoka said as she took a sip from her drink.

"That's still amazing!" Melissa exclaimed. She was astounded that kids even younger than her got to experience something like that.

"For some reason, I ended up being in a TV commercial… " Momo said with an embarrassed blush. She still remembered what she and Itsuka went through on her internship with the Snake Hero, Uwabami.

"You can't do that normally. That's wonderful!"

"I had to climb Mount Everest with one arm, without using my Quirk and an old man on my back." Izuku grumbled as he still remembered Gran Torino's hellish training.

"Now, that's just crazy!" Melissa yelled in shock. The other girls giggled at her reaction.

"Tomorrow, we're planning on going to the pavillion where the Academy's exhibit is." Jiro stated.

"I'm really looking forward to it!" Ochaco added.

Izuku sighed, 'Oh good… It looks like the misunderstanding is cleared up…'

"Melissa, do you have something there too?" Momo asked.

"Yes, of course!"

Izuku noticed a beverage being placed on the table.

"Thanks for waiting!"

Izuku smiled, "I know that voice from anywhere. Kaminari! And Mineta!"

Said boys were revealed with waiter outfits as they served Izuku's drink.

"What are you two doing here?!" Izuku asked as he gave both of them a fist bump.

"Well, they needed some temporary staff for the expo, so we applied." Kaminari explained.

"We can go see the expo on our breaks, and we get paid. And maybe we can even have wonderful meetings with the cute girls who are attending!" Mineta said as he and Kaminari looked at Melissa lecherously.

They then pulled Izuku aside and began whispering.

"Hey Midoriya, where did you meet that hottie?" Kaminari asked as he had a perverted grin and blush.

"Introduce us! Introduce us!" Mineta said as one could see the drool leaking from his mouth.

"Guys we literally just met! Calm down please. We are in a very prestigious event right now. As you Class President, I ask you two to be on your best behavior. You can't pull the same shenanigans here, that you do at school!" Izuku said with an annoyed frown. He usually didn't really mind Mineta and Kamianri's perverted antics and would actually laugh at some of the stuff they pulled. But for some reason, when they mentioned Melissa and started to look at her that way… he felt a rush of anger take over for a split second. But as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. Izuku could not explain it. He didn't know. But he wanted to find out.

"Do they also go to U.A." Melissa whispered to Momo.

"That's right!" Kaminari said as and Mineta posed.

"We're going to be Heroes." Mineta said as he tried to look cool but it probably wasn't being as effective as he thought it was.

"WHAT ARE YOU STANDING AROUND TALKING FOR?! If you're going to take the money, then work harder!"

Kaminair and Mineta screamed as a silver blur rushed by them.

"T-Tenya?!" Izuku yelled.

"You're here, too" Ocahco asked as she wasn't expecting to see the Engine Quirk User at this event.

"I come from a family of Heroes, so we received an invitation from I-Expo."

It was none other than Tenya Iida as he waved his arms robotically.

"But my family was busy, so I'm the only one who came."

"You too, Iida? I also received invitations because my father holds shares of I-Expo's sponsors stock." Momo added as she came from a prestigious family as well.

"And since Yaomomo had two extra invites… the rest of the girls in Class 1-A played rock paper scissors to decide who would get those two invites. And so me and Ochaco were able to win the invite." Jiro said.

Ochaco nodded, "Yup. The other girls came to the island, too."

"Really?" Mineta asked hopefully.

"We're planning on all going around together once it opens to the public tomorrow." Momo said.

"Would you like me to show you around?" Melissa offered.

"Would you?" Ochaco questioned excitedly.


"Yay!" The girls exclaimed in joy.

"T-take us with you, too!" Mineta and Kaminari pleaded.

At that moment, an explosion went off in the distance that caught the attention of the students.

"Wh-What was that?" Izuku yelled as he looked towards a rocky area. He then sensed very familiar energy signatures.

"What? No way! They're here too!"

Izuku and the others quickly went to where they heard the commotion. It was a battle area of sorts with a lot of rocky terrain

"Clear time, 33 seconds! Eighth place!"

When the smoke cleared, it only confirmed Izuku's suspicions as it was their spiky haired classmate.


"Deku-kun, is he also-" Melissa began to ask.

"Yes, he's a classmate."

"Now, the next challenger is…."

Izuku smirked as he saw who it was, "Oh of course, he's here"

Katsuki Bakugo appeared on the center stage and got read to clear the course.

"Now, Villain Attack! Ready… go!"


Bakugo proceeded to use his explosions to propel himself towards the robots that he had to destroy in order to complete the course.

"Die?" Melissa questioned with a sweatdrop.

Izuku smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, that's kind of his catchphrase.

"Amazing! He cleared it in 7 seconds! He's first place!" The girl recording the times said as she had never seen anyone complete the course in such a fast pace.

"Oh? Isn't that Midoriya over there?" Kirishima got Katsuki's attention as he pointed to the stands where Izuku and the rest were watching.

'Izuku?' Bakugo thought as he saw him along with his classmates.

Kastuki jumped towards the railing and smirked at his rival, "I knew you would be here, Deku! You come here to try to challenge me?!"

Izuku stepped back, "Kacchan, please we're in public," Izuku nervously sweatdropped.

Tenya immediately got in the middle of it, "Stop that once Bakugo!"

"SHUT UP TENYA! I'll fry you into next week!"

"Why is that boy angry?" Melissa simply asked as she had never seen someone as wrathful as Bakugo.

"Oh, that's just Bakugo. That's how he always is. This actually a pretty normal occurrence." Jiro said nonchalantly.

"It is a fated battle between rivals!" Ochaco dramatically exclaimed.

"Kirishima, did you both receive invitations to the expo, too?" Momo asked.

"Nah, Bakugo was the only one invited since he got Bronze in the U.A. Sports Festival. I just came with him. What, are you all going to try that now?" Kirishima pointed towards the battle course.

"It is no use! Since I'll definitely be better than you!" Bakugo said arrogantly as he smirked at Izuku.

"Say what?" Izuku was taken aback by Bakugo's outburst.

"But you won't know until you try." Ochaco added.

"Wait, what!?"

"Then hurry up and go get your results, you damn nerd!"

"Are you challenging me?!" Izuku exclaimed.


"FINE!" Izuku yelled as he walked towards the center.

"Now, we've got a challenger coming in the spur of the moment! Just what kind of results will he get?" The announcer girl said as Izuku got ready.

'Alright, since I decided to do it, I probably shouldn't over do it.;

"Do your best, Deku-kun!" Melissa shouted.

Izuku's heart skipped a beat.

'Okay on second thought…'

"KAIOKEN Perfected Full Cowling!" Izuku shouted as his Perfected Full Cowl aura appeared alongside his crimson Kaioken aura.

The activation caused a gust of wind that almost knocked everyone off their feet.

'Such power…' Melissa thought in amazement.

'Since I'm only restricted to Times 2, this will have to do.' Izuku said mentally as he got into his stance.

"Villain Attack! Ready… go!"

Izuku sped off in a burst of speed that nobody saw coming. The gusts of winds created from his dash caused everyone to cover their faces as the wind pressure was too much.

Izuku effortlessly destroyed every single robot in an instant. He finished the last one off with a green ki wave.

"A-Amazing… No, SPECTACULAR! 3 seconds! 3 seconds! This is the new 1st Place."

Everyone present had their jaws on the floor.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Bakugo shouted.

"What speed? I couldn't track his movements." Iida stated in bewilderment.

Melissa had her eyes wide open like saucers.

'I-I've never seen anything like it! He has an amazing explosive power and speed. And his destructive power… It's like Uncle Toshinori's… But….' Melissa thought as she noticed something off about Izuku.

"WOW! That was awesome Deku-kun! I had no idea you were that fast!" Ochaco cheered.

"Yes I must say, that was impressive. You definitely put my speed to shame. It just shows that I have to train even harder!" Tenya yelled.

'Funny thing is, I could have done it a lot faster if I wanted. But I decided to hold back.' Izuku grinned internally. His training in the gravity chamber seemed to be really paying off.

"The hell?! Impossible! I'll go again and blow you away!" Kacchan yelled but before he could do that, they all heard a loud tremor.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! 5 SECONDS! He scored second place!"

A large glacier of ice was seen and the cause of that was none other Shoto Todoroki.

"Shoto!" Izuku yelled as he knew he sensed his energy earlier.

"He's in your class, too?" Melissa asked.

"Yes!" Momo replied.

"You're all amazing! As expected of future Heroes."

"Oh, you don't have to say that."

Just then they all heard a giant explosion and saw Bakugo rushing towards Todoroki.



"Appearing suddenly trying to make everyone think you're amazing, you bastard?!"

"Oh, Izuku and the others are here too."

"DON'T IGNORE ME! Why the hell are you here, anyway?"

"I'm here to represent my father, who was invited."

"Um… the next person is waiting... " The announcer said nervously as she was honestly frightened by Bakugo's rash behavior.

"SHUT UP! I'M going next!"

"Everyone, stop them! U.A.'s embarrassing secrets will be exposed to the world!" Tenya yelled as he ran towards to Bakugo and Todoroki.

"Oh boy…" Izuku said as he and Kirishima jumped towards the two.

"Kacchan, calm down! We're not in school!"

Melissa chuckled at their antics, while Momo, Ochaco, and Jiro put their heads down in shame.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just thinking you guys seem to have fun at U.A."

Momo sweatdropped, "Well it's never boring at least."


In a hallway where many people were not at, and it was pretty disclosed, there were many tied up bodies on the floor.

"I received the goods as planned." The same dark voice from before spoke into a cell phone. A few seconds passed by before he spoke again.

"What? All Might? Don't panic. We'll deal with it."

He hung up the phone.

"All Might is on this island…"

In David Shield's lab, Toshinori was placed healing pod filled with scanners and tubes, checking his vitals.

David was observing his measurements on his computer screen before he gasped in shock.

"What's going on, Toshi? Why are your Quirk numbers going down so dramatically?! Even if you were seriously injured during your fight with All For One, to suddenly get these numbers is too unusual. What in the world happened to your body?!"

Toshinori coughed into his fist, "If you're a Hero for a long time, you're body's going to fall apart."

Toshinori frowned, 'I can't tell him the secret of One For All. If I do, then Dave and Melissa will get caught up in the fight against All For one, too…'

The real reason that his Quirk numbers were going down so dramatically was because of the transfer of One For All. Once you pass it down to your successor, the embers of One For All will slowly disappear with each and every passing day. Also, every time you use One For All from that point, you will get progressively weaker.

David balled his fists in frustration, "At this rate, the Symbol of Peace will be lost. The only reason Japan is able to keep its crime rate at 6% is because of you. Other countries have crime rates above 20% across the board… There were so many times that I wished you had just stayed in America…"

Toshinori got up and walked up towards where David was sitting.

"I wouldn't be so sure old friend. Your pessimism is blinding you. There are many capable Pro Heroes, and many people who support the Heroes like you. I can still be All Might a few hours everyday-"

"But… It is possible that another Villain like All For One will appear again somewhere…"

"Dave… For the sake of when that happens, as well, I have faith in the future generation."

Toshinori began to think about said future.

'There is still hope… For the will of One For All...and the Symbol of Peace… to connect to the next generation.'

An image of Izuku Midoriya appeared in his mind as he gave off a sincere smile inspiring hope into all of the masses.

'Kid… I'm placing my bet on you!'

"Today, we will be closing at 6 p.m. Thank you for coming." An announcement went through the expo, as the sun was beginning to set.

Kaminari and Mineta were laid out on the floor.

"It's still the pre opening and we're already this busy… What'll it be like tomorrow…?"

"Stop, I don't want to think about it!"

"Mineta, Kaminari!"

Both of the boys looked to see Jiro, Ochaco, Momo, Tenya, Izuku, and Melissa all approaching them.

"Good work today!" Izuku said.

"You both worked hard today, huh?" Iida said as he gave them two slips of paper.

"What's this?" Mineta asked as he and Kaminari took a slip.

"Invitations to the reception party," Momo answered.


"For us…?"

"Melissa prepared them for you." Jiro said.

"She thought you should at least have some fun today." Ochaco exclaimed.

Melissa smiled nervously, "I had extra, so please use them if you'd like."



"OUR HARD WORK HAS BEEN REWARDED!" Both perverts shouted as they hugged each other in tears.

"I heard that there will be quite a few Pro Heroes at the party, as well. In order to keep from embarrassing the name of U.A., change into your formal clothes and let us attend the party as a group! We'll meet at 6:30 p.m. in Lobby 7 of the central tower! Make sure you're on time!" Iida ordered. "I will contact Todoroki and Bakugo and let them know the same. Dismissed!"

Iida then sped off to who knows where.

"Iida's at full throttle!" Izuku smiled at the antics of his friend.

With that, the students went their separate ways to prepare for the party tonight. Izuku was going to make his way to his hotel room, but not before a certain blonde stopped him.

"Wait, Deku-kun!" Melissa said as she ran up to him.

"Huh? What is it Melissa?"

"Will you go somewhere with me first?"

"Oh, sure."

Melissa then lead Izuku to a wide arrange of buildings that looked similar to that of a school.

"This is the campus of the Academy, where I go to school."

They entered a building and walked along a hallway before they stopped beside a door.

"And this is the lab that I use." Melissa let Izuku to her lab as the door automatically opened.

"Sorry it's so messy." Melissa said sheepishly.

"Wow, it looks so professional." Izuku said as there were many advanced contrapments in Melissa's lab. It was akin to that of an actual support Hero.

"I can't believe you're doing research in a place like this…" Izuku then noticed many awards and trophies on top of the book shelf, all of them being first place awards.

"Wow, Melissa, you're really talented."

"Actually, I wasn't getting very good grades. That's why I studied really hard. It is because I wanted to become a Hero no matter what." Melissa opened a door in her lab that lead to a couple of drawers and shelves for where she kept her inventions.

"A Pro Hero?" Izuku asked.

"No, I gave that up early. I'm Quirkless, after all."

Izuku eyes widened as his heart skipped a beat. His whole entire body stood frozen. His breathing stopped. The world was silent to him. As if he was in a trance. His body felt like it was in cardiac arrest.

"Excuse me, I don't think I heard you correctly. D-D-Did you say… Q-Q-Quirkless?"

"Yup! I didn't have a Quirk even after I turned five, so I was taken to a doctor. I was told that I was the type that would never get a Quirk." Melissa replied.

Izuku began to have traumatic flashbacks as he experienced the pain of his past.

"I'm sorry, but you should just give up."

"Quirkless Deku!"

"Get lost!"


"You want to be a Hero? What use would you be?"

"Mom… can I become a Hero.. like All Might?"

"I'm sorry, Izuku! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Izuku then had a sudden jolt of shock go through his body. He began to feel an unfamiliar source of energy. The world began to change in color. Everything he saw was in a violet color. He then began to feel things. He recognized part of these as his very own emotions. But then he started to feel something else.

He looked towards Melissa, and right before his eyes he saw a vision. It was like a movie… it told the entire life of Melissa Shield. From beginning to end. She was a happy little girl, who had a talent for science. She was cheerful and optimistic. But when she learned that she will never be getting a Quirk… she cried. She cried very, very much… She cried so much that her tears stained her very psyche. Izuku felt everything she felt. Pain, sadness, sorrow, hate, anger, frustration, despair, hopelessness.. Every emotion, everything that Melissa had ever felt,... He felt it all. He shared and understood those feelings.

She then decided to work hard. Work so hard that she went sleepless nights, working on projects and inventions. She decided that she would hide her sadness and pain with her cheerful and optimistic attitude. She would hide all of her pain and work hard to become the Hero that she wanted to be...and make her Papa proud…

Izuku gasped as he broke out of the vision. The world went back to normal and he found himself back in the lab. He slightly panted as for some reason, he felt a little exhausted.

'What was that?! That wasn't normal! I didn't do that on purpose. Somehow I was able to relieve her whole entire life from her shoes… and I felt all of her emotions and thoughts. T-There has to be an explanation for this?' Izuku thought.

Unbeknownst to Izuku, his spirit was currently glowing a purple color and he could feel the emotions of everyone. His mind is clouded with the thoughts and feelings of the citizens on I-island. He couldn't stop it. It was too much!

But as he focused on Melissa's emotions, he felt a tear go down his eye. He felt genuine sadness and hurt from her.

"I.. I'm sorry."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Melissa asked. She now had box on her hands.

Izuku could feel the emotion of confusion coming from her.

'What is this?!'

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that sadness and sorrow! To be told that you didn't have what everyone you had naturally… you were devastated. You felt robbed of your dream. I understand what you went through. You cried all of your sadness away and attempted to hide with optimism. But it isn't easy to hide scars like that.."

Melissa's eyes widened, 'How… did he…'

Melissa then put on a smile, "Of course, I was shocked. But I had a goal that was close to me."

"A goal?" Izuku asked curiously.

Melissa looked at the photo album on one of the shelves, "My papa. Papa didn't have a Quirk that would let him be a Hero, but he supports Uncle Toshinori and other Heroes with the power of Science. It's indirect, but he is fighting for peace."

"Someone who helps Heroes…?"

"That's right. That's the way I hope to become a Hero. "

Izuku frowned sadly, 'Melissa… Why are you hiding your pain? You know I can feel your emotions right?' Izuku said sarcastically as he was currently feeling pent up sadness deep within Melisssa, but chose not to comment on it.

Melissa then opened the box she was carrying.

"I made this support item before while watching Uncle Toshinori. And then I saw you perform in the Sports Festival, which helped me make more additions."

"You watched me and All Might?!" Izuku asked.

Melissa revealed a red bracelet. She wrapped it around Izuku's wrist.

"Try pressing on this panel."

Izuku pressed a button on the top of the bracelet, and it suddenly transformed into a red gauntlet covered his whole arm. It had a spiral design and seemed to be made of a sleek and hard material.

"This is…"

"If I had to give it a name, I'd call it 'Full Gauntlet', I think." Melissa stated as Izuku looked at her curiously.

"When I first met you and saw the bruise on your hand, and saw how you seemed to be limiting your Quirk on purpose at the attraction, I thought- Maybe your Quirk is too strong, and your body can't keep up."

'She figured it out…!'

"So when I remembered watching you at the Sports Festival, I noticed that you have a trump card. Kaioken, was it? You bulk up your muscles and multiply your power and speed many times over. But using too high of a multiplier puts too much of a strain on your body doesn't it? You could have used a higher multiplier earlier, but you restricted yourself. The purpose of this gauntlet is to help conserve that power and allow for you to use it without breaking your bones. This Full Gauntlet is strong enough to take the full power of Uncle Toshinori's Punches 100 times over. If you were these, I think you'll be able to use your full power!"

Izuku looked at the gauntlet, "My full power?"

There was a display on the gauntlet. It currently said, "X1". This was probably the indicator of the multiplier that Izuku was currently using. If he went Kaioken right now, it would say X2 and so on.

"Please use them." Melissa said.

"Huh? But isn't it something important..?"

"That's why I want you to use them. Become a wonderful Hero who can save people in trouble, oaky?"

Izuku looked at Melissa's smile. He could feel the emotions of joy and happiness that she felt from seeing him wearing her gauntlet. It made her feel accomplished that she was helping people. Helping him…

Izuku decided… that he would never allow that smile to disappear from her beautiful face.

"Okay! I'll use the Full Gauntlet. Thank you Melissa! I won't let you down!"

Izuku's phone started to ring. He picked it up.


"What are you doing, Midoriya?! It's way past when we were supposed to meet!"

Iida had called complaining about Izuku's punctuality.

"Okay I'll be right there," Izuku replied as he hung up the phone.

"I have to get ready for the party! I'll see you soon!"

Izuku rushed out of the lab and hurried to his hotel room to get changed.

Melissa waved as he ran out the door.

"He's cute when he's nervous."