
Two Heroes 2...

Chapter 23.5 - Two Heroes 2...

Izuku finally made it back to his hotel room after receiving Melissa's Full Gauntlet. It was a standard hotel room that he and All Might shared. 2 beds, TV, a kitchen area, and a bathroom. Nothing too shabby.

Once he entered the room, he immediately plopped down on his bed and spread his arms and legs apart. For some reason he felt exhausted. It sort of felt similar to the day he awakened his Saiyan Powers. But this felt different as well.

He was still confused on what happened back there in Melissa's lab. He could not believe it. She is Quirkless. She is the same as him.

'I finally found someone who can understand me. Someone… who shares my pain… my sorrow…'

Izuku had felt everything that Melissa had gone through. He didn't know how to explain it. He still didn't understand it. But he knew deep within that everything he felt in that lab was 100 percent authentic. All of those feelings and emotions were not just made up. He would know better than anyway. He had felt those same exact feelings of emotion and more.

Even after that, as Izuku was running back to the hotel, he could feel the emotions and inner thoughts as random civilians. It was not as strong as when he was with Melissa but it was still there. He felt the feeling of excitement, joy, nervousness, and everything in between.

It was so much that Izuku could not even control it. He looked for an "off" switch, but for some reason, he could still passively hear the emotions of everyone around him. It mattered not, how big or small, he felt all of the feelings around him. It was a little underwhelming. He even blushed a little when he heard how some of the young girls and even women felt about him and what they wanted to do with him. He rather not think about that again.

Izuku looked up at the ceiling as his eyes began to get heavy. He needed to get changed for the party. Iida and the others were waiting for him, but he couldn't help himself. Something was making him go into a trance.

Izuku closed his eyes and before he knew it, he was out…

The next time Izuku opened his eyes, he did not find himself in his hotel.

He looked around to see that he was near a river. And there was a city in the distance. He shivered and noticed that snow was falling down.

'Snow? Impossible, it's summer!'

Izuku then realized he was floating high above the air. He looked at himself and noticed that he wasn't in a physical form. The snow that was falling, fell right through him. When he tried to touch himself, his hands and fingers went right through his body.

"Oh, so it's one of these again…" Izuku grumbled as he deduced that he was having another one of his visions. He looked around expecting to see one of his Saiyan Ancestors, like Son Goku, fighting somebody but what he saw caught him completely off guard.

He saw two people standing near the river. One was a black haired, beautiful young woman with a Hero Costume on, while the other appeared to be a teenage boy with blonde hair, adorning a school uniform.

The thing was, these two figures looked very familiar to Izuku.

"Wait a minute…"

Izuku flew down next to where the two were talking. They seemed to be in the middle of a conversation and did not notice Izuku at all. This was just a vision, so all of Izuku was seeing was the past, or future. So he couldn't be physically present.

"Citizens have no one to believe in. They need to rely on someone. That's why I want to be the pillar that gives people hope."

The blonde haired student spoke to the the adult Hero. Izuku widened his eyes as soon as he heard his voice. There was no doubt about who it was.

'No wait… It can't be!' Izuku thought in shock of what he was seeing.

"Huh… So that's what drives you to become a Hero… even though you're Quirkless." The Female Hero replied as she seemed intrigued by what the young man before her, had to say. She intentionally conveyed the last part of her statement a little more so that he could understand the reality of his situation and what he truly is saying.

The Young man looked at the woman in pure determination as he did not let his resolve decrease for even a moment.

She chuckled, "Toshinori Yagi… Is that right? Those are some pretty funny ideas you got." She then gave a teasing smirk, "You're crazy."

The woman speaking before Toshinori was none other than Nana Shimura, the Seventh Bearer of One For All.

Toshinori only nodded as his resolve was unwavering, "I know I'm crazy. But I can't just sit around and do nothing as I watch innocent people get hurt. If I don't step up and fix things, then who will?"

Nana tilted her head at him, "What about the Pro Heroes? They seemed to be more suited for the job. Why don't you just rely on them to clean up the streets? You're still in school aren't you? Why are you worrying about such matters that you have little to no control over."

"But I do have control! I can do something! Even if I am Quirkless. Even though I am just a worthless, and powerless nobody, if I know I have the power to do something, then it is my moral obligation to do so! That is all I have ever wanted to do… All my life, I have been trying to find my purpose. And I just know that this is what I was meant to do. I can feel it."

Toshinori grit his teeth as he was venting out all of the emotions that he has kept bottled up inside for so long. He wanted somebody to understand why he felt this way, and why he needed to do what he needed to do.

Izuku's heart clenched as he watched the scene in front of him. He felt all of Toshinori's emotions and feelings. His deepest desires and everything he had ever dreamed of were shown to Izuku. He put a hand over where his heart would be and looked towards the ground.

'Me and Toshinori-Sensei…. All Might and I are the same. He went through the same pain that I felt.' The feeling of hopelessness and inadequacy were all Izuku ever felt when he had to endure the pain of wanting to become a Hero who would save everyone with a smile, but having to face the reality that he may never could do that just because he was dealt a bad hand of fate.

"Is that so…"

Nana reached up with her hand to the back of her head. She pulled out a strand of her hair and presented it to Toshinori.

Toshinori looked at her confused.

"Uhhh… What's this for?"

Nana smiled cheerfully, "Eat this."

Toshinori looked at her like she had two heads, "Ummm… excuse me miss, are you okay?"

Nana began to boast in laughter, "Oh, I have waited so long to finally say that!"

Toshinori sweatdropped, 'Is this lady out of her mind?!'

Nana then adopted a serious expression, "I can understand what you're going through kid. Believe me, I can. You have gone through so much hardship in your life and none of it is your fault. Fate can be cruel, but hardship is necessary because it allows us to grow. With no hardship, there can be no happiness or joy. That is what my Master taught me. Those are the same words he told me right before he bestowed upon me the same power that I am bestowing upon you now."

Nana handed Toshinori her strand of hair, who held it carefully.

"Toshinori… I can sense you sorrow deep within. You are filled to the brim with sadness. But I believe in time, that you will overcome all of that and rise above, so that you will become the pillar that you always dreamed of becoming. Now eat my strand of hair. And accept the power that has been passed down for generations. Attain One For All."

The scene began to flicker as it changed… Now he was floating under a bright setting sun. Nana stood atop of a building as Toshinori was sweating profusely. It seemed as though they had just finished a training session.

"Damn it! This is harder than what I thought it would be!" Toshinori yelled as he collapsed on the floor.

Nana laughed at his frustration, "You went down a long hard road to obtain this power. Of course, it's gonna take a lot of work to master it. If you have to save someone, that means they have probably gone through something terrifying. They'll be frightened. Remember that real Heroes don't just save lives. They save a person's heart too. You know what I think? No matter how scared you are, you should smile to show that things will be okay."

Nana used her fingers to stretch her mouth to the farthest corners possible.

"In this world, the ones always smiling are the ones who are the strongest."

Izuku gasped as he saw Nana's smile. And then gave his own smile.

"So this is where you got your smile from, eh, Sensei?"

The scene changed once again as he saw Nana and a younger Gran Torino both overlooking the city form a rooftop as the sun was setting down.

"Toshinori Yagi?" Gran Torino asked his old friend as she brought up the name of the young man who she passed One For All to.

"He's an interesting guy. A little crazy though. For instance, he thinks that crime hasn't gone down because the citizens don't have anyone to rely on. That the world needs some kind of pillar of support and he says that's what he's going to become one day." Nana explained to her old friend.

Nana frowned and then sighed as she looked onto to the sunset.

"Sorahiko…. I believe that Toshinori is the one."

Gran Torino sputtered, "Wait a minute...you're not talking about what I think you're talking about, right?"

Nana nodded, "Yes I am."

Gran Torino sighed as he looked at Nana.

"The Legendary Prophecy that was foretold by the very first user of One For All. The one that has been passed down to each and every single generation after that. The one about the Golden Warrior?"

Nana smiled, "Yes! Legend says that in a time of great evil, peril, and conflict, where all hope is lost and forgotten, where there is only despair, a Golden Haired Warrior will rise up and shine light upon the world. This Golden Light that will purge all evil and bring balance, hope, and peace to the world. A Legendary prodigy that will hold the secret to limitless power…. And who will finally end the cycle of One For All and All For One."

Sorahiko stood there dumbfounded, "And you believe that Toshinori kid is the one who will fulfil that Legendary Prophecy?" Sorahiko looked at his longtime friend straight in the eye, challenging her to say what she truly believed.

Nana smirked as she looked high towards the heavens, "But of course! Why wouldn't he be? I can feel it. He will lead this world into an era of peace. The Golden Warrior was the who was prophesied to end the cycle of One For All and All For One. That must mean that Toshinori was destined to defeat All For One and finally put an end to his reign of terror. The reign of terror that has caused so much pain and suffering. The reign and terror that my Predecessors gave their lives to stop, once and for all. And now it has lead to up to Toshinori."

Sorahiko grit his teeth, "But Nana…. If Toshinori truly is the Legendary Prodigy that the First Master spoke of, then that means that the cycle won't end until it is his time to face All For One. Which also means… you'll-"

"Yes I know, Sora. I have already accepted my fate. It is not my destiny to defeat All For One. It is Toshinori's. And I'm fine with that. I will be happy to move onto the Spirit Realm knowing that I have trained such a wonderful student. I will rest in peace knowing that the world is safe in the hands of the Golden Warrior."

"But Nana, how can you be so sure? Only the First Master can possibly know who the Golden Warrior is? For all we know, it can be a completely different person."

Nana shook her head, "My friend, you are too anxious. I know because I have faith in my Successor. And even if I am wrong… it wouldn't matter because Toshinori would only pass on our power to the next generation in hopes of that person truly being the one. Either way, the cycle will end one day. I'm just hoping that it is sooner rather than later."

"Are you just saying that because he has Yellow Hair?" Sora sweatdropped.

"W-What?! Sorahiko! Come on man, I was having a moment here!"

Izuku lightly chuckled as he looked on at the scene.

"Wow Toshinori-Sensei, your master put a lot of faith and trust into you, didn't she? Just like you did with me…."

The scene began to warp once again. This time, instead of a beautiful sunset, it was a dark and grim night. Izuku was floating in a ruined city, with destroyed buildings all around the landscape. The sight of destruction were signs of a great battle that was currently taking place in Izuku's vision. He saw four figures. Three on one side of the battlefield, and one on the other side. The first three were instantly recognizable to Izuku, as he has just saw two visions with those people in them. The other though was a little hard to recognize. He could feel malice and hatred from this figure. An almost unspeakable amount of evil that was pent up in this person. Izuku was almost suffocating in his killer intent.,

Izuku saw Nana panting. She was severely wounded as it seems as though the Villain had done quite a number on her. She looked at Toshinori and used One For All on her hand to push him away from the battlefield as All Might cried out in shock.

"MASTER!" A young Toshinori, in what seemed to be a beta version of his Young Age Costume, yelled out with tears in his with his hand desperately trying to reach back for Nana.

As Toshinori was flying in mid air, Gran Torino caught him and proceeded to carry him out, as far away from the battlefield as possible.

"I'm leaving the rest to you. Sorahiko, make sure his dream comes true." Nana gasped out as she had trouble breathing.

"Master! Master!" Toshinori repeatedly cried out in hopes she would change her mind and run back home with him and Gran Torino, but it looks like she had made up her mind and was not going to change it for anything.

Nana smiled as she pointed at Toshinori with her right index finger.

"All Might." She then transformed her hand into a powerful fist.

"I'm counting on you."

"NO, MASTER, NO! You can't do this!" Toshinori could not control the tears coming out of his eyes. Gran Torino could also be seen shedding a tear through his mask. He knew this day would come, but that did not mean it was something he would be prepared for. Nana is his best friend, and seeing her go is the most painful experience he has gone through up until this point.

"Go All Might! Become the Symbol of Peace who will bring justice to this world!"

Those were Nana's last words to her Successor, before Gran Torino successfully carried Toshinori out of the area. Although you could still his cries miles away.

The Villain that was fighting Nana looked on at the scene in amusement.

"Thank you for such a wonderful comedy. But I'm going to have to end your miserable life now."

Izuku eyes widened in shock and horror as he heard the Villain's voice.

'I-I-I've heard that voice before… in another vision. That must be… All For One.'

The now identified All For One looked on at Nana Shimura, with an evil grin on his face. Including this, he would have done this same process 7 times now. And each time was more satisfactory as the last.

Nana gave a defiant expression as she took her final stance.

"Yes, lauge all you want All For One. I hope you enjoy it while you can, because your time in power will come to an end! You will be defeated!"

All For One chuckled, "Oh really? Now I wonder who will stop me? You? Oh no, you're on death's door so it can't be you. That Toshinori kid? Oh please! He doesn't even have a Quirk of his own besides One For All. If the previous bearers of that Quirk couldn't stop me even with their own Quirks at their disposal, what makes you think a Quirkless teenager will stop me. He reminds me of my younger brother. Both are foolish and weak!"

Nana shook her head, "No, All For One. You are wrong. My Toshi is NOT weak! He is the one who is destined to stop. Fate has already decreed it."

All For One's eyes widened, "Wait a minute! You don't mean-"

Nana smirked, "Yes! Toshinori is the one who will shine a light on all evil and strike it down with his fists. He will end this cycle of One For All and All For One! He is the Golden Warrior.

For a split second, Izuku could see a hint of fear across All For One's eyes. He could sense the emotion of fear deep within his heart. But as quickly as it appeared, it vanished.

All For One began to laugh hysterically.

"Do you think I'm a fool?! The Golden Warrior? Really? That old Fairy Tale that my baby brother foretold in his vision? Well, let me tell you something, my little Nana. That is just an old legend that my brother said in an attempt to scare me. I have been living for a long time. And in my time living in this depressing world, I have seen a lot of things. And let me tell you something. After all of the years, and generations that have passed, this so-called Golden Warrior has never showed up. If that Prophecy was true, then why has the Universe let me cause so much evil and destruction? It is because the concept of Hope is just a facade. There is no Hope. There is no trust. There is no destiny or fate, or whatever you want to call it. Everything you have ever hoped for and dreamed about… can be taken…"

All For One snapped his fingers.

"...like that. In the blink of an eye! That is why I have to control everything. Because if I control everything, then I will never have to rely on hope ever again! And how do I control everything? By taking everything!"

Nana looked on in sadness as she shook her head at All For One.

"I pity you. You clearly don't understand what's really important. You have the most screwed up and misguided sense of morality I have ever seen. When will you learn? The more you take, the less you will have!"

All For One grit his teeth in anger.

"Oh yeah?"

He then powered up as black and red lightning surrounded him and multiple Quirks started combining into one.

"Then let's see how much I will lose when I take your life just like your pitiful master before you!"

All For One charged up his final attack and fired it towards Nana.

Nana smiled as she looked up towards the sky with a hint of tears in her eyes.

'So this is it, huh? Are you proud of me Master? It looks like we will finally be seeing each other again real soon. Don't worry, because I have put all of our hopes and dreams into Toshinori. I believe he will finally be the one to bring hope and peace to this world. And I can't wait to watch his journey by your side.'

And with that, Nana welcomed the sight of death with open arms.

Toshinori Yagi was only 18 years old when he was separated from his Master, Nana Shimura.

Izuku's vision changed once again as he finished watching the final moments of Nana Shimura. Izuku could not believe what he just saw. Even with the eyes of Death staring her down, she still didn't back down. She held true to her beliefs and ideology and put everything she believed in, all of her faith, put on one single person. A Quikless boy, with no power. A boy that she had just met, and trusted him with the ultimate power. The ultimate power that she hoped he will use to fulfil his destiny and become the Symbol of Peace.

Izuku had felt every emotion that Nana felt in that moment. There were many emotions such as joy, trust, faith, determination, but there was one emotion that was the most prominent of them all.


Hope for the future. Hope that All Might will be the one to finally end the cycle of hatred and suffering and bring peace to the land.

Izuku then began to feel a whirlwind as he was sent to another place. He was forced to close his eyes as the force of the wind was too strong. He felt his body writhing in pain as so many different sensations were going through him at the moment.

Then, he felt it all stop. He felt calmness and peace. His body soothed, and there was no more pain.

Izuku's eyes fluttered as he tried to regain a sense of his surroundings.

"O-Oh… what's going on. Wh-Where am I?"

Izuku saw the shape of a finger pointed towards him. He was confused at first

"Wh-What are you pointing at?"

Izuku then opened his eyes completely to see a figure completely covered in shadows. He saw the outline of his finger pointing directly at him.

"Huh? Is there something wrong?" Izuku asked the figure covered in shadows. He couldn't make out a face or anything. Almost like the person in question was a complete mystery.

"How interesting…."

Izuku heard the figure speak. He was taken aback by the voice as he had recognized it from one of his previous visions.

"You are the First User of One For All!"

Izuku then saw him still pointing towards Izuku.

"Wait… what is interesting? Why do you keep pointing at me?"

"You." The First Bearer of One For All simply said.


Izuku tried to move to the right, only to see that he was still pointing at him. Izuku then moved a little to the left and the First Master followed him with his finger.

The First Master grinned as he stopped pointed his finger at Izuku.

"The Universe has brought us the Golden Warrior!"

"What? The Golden Warrior? Me?"

The First Master nodded.

"Long ago… I had a vision, a vision of the future! It was a prophecy. A prophecy that I foretold. A Prophecy that has been passed on through generation after generation with each and every single bearer of One For All."

Izuku frowned in confusion, "I heard Master Nana and Gran Torino Sensei talking about it in one of the visions I just saw. I kind of got the gist of it, but I've never heard the exact prophecy. What exactly is the Golden Warrior?"

The First Master sighed, "Yes, I suppose with how long its been since I originally foretold it, the exact version of the prophecy may have been a little paraphrased and it may encapsulate everything that the prophecy is supposed to represent. So here, I'll say it one more time."

The First Master took a deep breath as he got ready to say the Legendary Prophecy once again.

"When all Hope is lost. When there is only despair. Where the peak of evil has infected the world itself and caused a great peril, a Legendary Prodigy will rise up and shine a Pure Golden Light. This Pure Light will burn and purge all evil. This Legendary Prodigy will learn the secrets to limitless power. This Legend will go on to become a Hero that will inspire Hope across every universe, every dimension, and every plane of reality and existence. This Hero will be known to the cosmos, as the Golden Warrior…. And end the cycle of One For All and All For One."

The First Master finished foretelling the Legendary prophecy as Izuku processed what he just said. He then looked shocked as he began to stutter.

"Y-Y-You mean that Legendary Hero is me? That I'm the Golden Warrior?!"

"Yes." The First Master simply replied.

Izuku's eyes widened, "But that can't be me! Isn't that supposed to be Toshinori-Sensei? I don't even have gold hair! He is the Symbol of Peace, the Number One Hero in the world! Didn't he already beat All For One? That means he already ended the cycle since every Bearer of One For All before him died at the hands of All For One. But All Might didn't! Come on this must be an accident! I can't be who you're talking about!"

"There are no accidents."

"Huh?" Izuku said in confusion. "What do you mean, there are accidents? This is clearly an accident right now."

The First Master chuckled, "In time, you will realize your destiny. You are young, so you probably don;t understand a lot of things right now. But I believe in Hope. I believe that the Universe gave me that vision for a reason. Me picking you is no accident, Izuku Midoriya. You will see that for yourself soon enough. Now, I wish we could speak for a little while longer, but there is someone who wants to have a little talk with you, so this is goodbye for now. I will be watching you… Golden Warrior."

"Wait, hold on!" Izuku yelled out but it was too late. The figure of the First Master disappeared.

Izuku was then transported to his mindscape. He saw the earth floating below him and he recognized the 9 stars of One For All and the 9 sacred doors.

"Well… it seems as though I was wrong."

Izuku turned around to see the spirit of Nana Shimura in her Hero costume looking at him with a smile as she her hand placed on her hip. She laughed at his reaction as he wasn't expecting to see her at that moment.

"Hey Izu, it's been a while since we last talked."

Izuku nodded as he then frowned confusingly,.

"What were you wrong about?"

Nana sheepishly rubbed her head, "Oh, it looks like I was wrong about who the Golden Warrior really was. It wasn't Toshi like how I had thought."

"It isn't Toshinori-Sensei?!" Izuku asked in shock.

"Well… no! Obviously, it is you, kiddo. Didn't the First Master tell you that already?"

Izuku sighed as he looked embarrassingly towards the Earth, "Yeah, he did, but I didn't think he was actually being serious. I thought it was just an accident."

"There are no accidents…. Or did he tell you that already?"

"Yeah, he did…"

Nana pouted, "Darn it! I wanted to be the first one to say that to you. Stupid old sage, taking the cool wise quotes for himself."

"Hehehe," Izukunervously chuckled at Nana's antics. He then adopted a serious expression.

"Master Nana… why did you call me here? First Master said you wanted to speak to me? What did you want to talk about?"

Nana adopted a serious expression of her own.

"Getting right to the point, eh? I like your style kid."

Nana sighed as she looked towards her One For All star which was the seventh one and was Violet in color.

"Those visions you just saw, you know the ones about me, Tohsi, Sorahiko, and All For One? I intentionally showed it to you."

"So it was you who brought me here? But why? Why did you want to show me that?" Izuku asked in sincere curiosity. Those seemed like very deep and personal memories. Why would she want to show him that?

"Well, Izu, have you noticed anything different lately. Something that you're not used to?"

Izuku began to think and then gasped, "Oh yeah! When I went into Melissa's lab. I started to feel all of her inner emotions and feelings. There was something so weird about it too. It was like, I felt everything she felt, and I even saw her entire life play out like a movie in my mind. And then after that, I began to feel the inner emotions and thoughts of everyone around me. All of the people on this island, I could feel them. I don't know how to explain it. I just felt and understood everything Melissa went through. And it also made me sad as well."

Nana nodded, "Yes, that is what I pulled you in here to talk about."

Nana then smiled as she said, "What you just describe is my Quirk: Empathy!"

Izuku stood in silence for a few minutes before he yelled, "WHAT?! How is that possible? I thought your Quirk is One For All?"

"Well, yes, but One For All was given to me much later in my life when I met my Master. I wasn't born with it. Just like many others, I was born with a Quirk of my own. And that happened to be Empathy."

"Empathy?" Izuku questioned.

"Empathy allows the user to feel and hear the innermost thoughts and emotions of people. The user can understand the emotions of other people and even see how parts of their life played out like in a movie. That part would help you understand a person even more. You can sense both positive and negative emotions from a person. You can sense if someone has good intent or not, and if you're good enough, like me, you will be able to tell someone's deepest desires and their true motives."

When Nana finished explaining her Quirk, Izuku was gobsmacked. He didn't think it was possible to inherit another Quirk.

"Wow, that is an amazing Quirk! It can be very useful in interrogations and finding out a Villain's true plan or goal. So you're saying I can use your Quirk now? But how is that possible? I thought One For All and All For One were the only two Quirks that could possible be used to transfer."

"Thank you, it is a very cool Quirk isn't it? And no you can't just use it now. It is now yours. You have inherited this Quirk from me through One For All. The way One For All works is that it stockpiles the powers of all of the previous generations, enhances it, and makes it stronger each time it is passed down. But now we have just figured out that it seems as though, that powers also includes the Quirks of the previous generation. For some reason, it has finally reached the level where it can finally pass down the Quirks of the previous generations. And with you being the Golden Warrior, it makes sense for why all of our powers are finally starting to come together and infuse themselves into you."

Izuku was stunned in silence as he processed all of the information he just gathered. "So that means I just awakened your Quirk, which is called Empathy, and now because of One For All's stockpiling nature, I can combine this Quirk with One For All itself and all of the other Quirks of the previous predecessors?"

Nana nodded, "Yes, that is exactly right. You awakened my power when you heard that Melissa girl talk about how she is Quirkless. That sparked something in you. Am I right?"

Izuku nodded, "Yeah… It's just that I never met another person that is Quirkless before. Well obviously, Toshinori-Sensei was born Quirkless too, but I already saw him as an unbeatable Hero. So it was different. But with Melissa… I don't know how to explain it, but understood her pain. I understood her sorrow. I had finally met another person who was just like me. It was weird, you know? But I also felt relieved. Relieved that I wasn't alone. My heart skipped a beat, and she made me feel… special."

Nana grinned mischievously, "It sounds like you got the hots for blondie."

Izuku's face began to heat up as a red blush stained his face, "No, no, no, no, you got it all wrong Master Nana! I just see her as someone who can actually understand me, you know? It's nothing like that!"

"You're blushing."

"HOW?! Aren't we in spirit form?"

"It's your mind. You control everything that happens here. So you are letting yourself blush probably because your inner mind accepts that you like blondie."


"Just make sure to use protection, alright? You're still too young to be a dad."


Nana laughed hysterical as she held her stomach, "Y-Y-You should look at your face! You look like a strawberry! HAHA!"

Izuku pouted as he tried to cool down his face while frowning at Nana.

"I'm sorry, I just had to. You're way too easy to tease. Now I see why Toshi likes you!"

Nana then got ahold of herself as she went back to the topic at hand.

"Yeah, you had a similar experience when I first awakened Empathy. This Quirk is really useful you know? But people thought it really wouldn't help when it comes to fighting Villains and stuff. So I kind of felt bummed out. But then I met my Master. He understood my predicament and saw the spirit of the Hero within me. He then put all of his faith and belief on me and passed One For All onto me. Then years later, I met Toshinori. I saw him try to stop a gang of Villains from hurting a poor family. He acted when no one did. I saw the spirit of the Hero within him just like My Master saw within me. I then found out he was Quirkless! I was shocked that a powerless young man can have so much bravery. And then he told me what he wished to do. He wanted to become a Symbol of Peace. I used my Quirk on him and all I saw was pure determination to help people. I also understood all of his pain and suffering. I could relate to some of it. And that is when I passed on One For All onto him, truly believing that he was the Golden Warrior."

Nana then looked at Izuku and pointed towards him, "But then I realized that I was dead wrong. When Toshi passed on One For All to you, we all saw your memories and who you really are. And that is when the First Master revealed to use who the Golden Warrior truly was. It wasn't All Might, no it is you, Deku! The one who will carry on all of our hopes and dreams and redefine the world!"

Izuku didn't want to believe it, "But, how can you be so sure? How do you know that I'm able to bear all of that responsibility? I'm just a kid. Wouldn't All Might be qualified for that? What if I fail and I let you all down?"

Nana smiled as she placed her fist where her heart would be, "Izuku, when you think you can't go on anymore, look inside. Remember why it is you clench your fists. Your past… remember where you came from. Keeping your origin in mind will help you push you past your limits."

Nana then began to gather energy in her hand as each of the 9 stars began to emit light and transfer that light towards Nana.

"This power has been passed on from Hero to Hero…"

All of the different color lights began to mix together to form a rainbow.

"...Each praying that it will bring joy and peace to humanity."

All of the power and energy condensed into one as she grasped it into the palm of her hand. She began to emit a rainbow aura as infinite and limitless power gather up inisde.

"That One For All will give the world hope …"

Nana then transformed all of the power into a crystal orb of rainbows. She then handed it to Izuku.

"And now, it is your turn…"

Izuku grabbed the orb from Nana hesitantly, and then he was overridden with unbelievable energy and power. The powers of every single Bearer of One For All before him, and his own.

"Izuku Midoriya! From here on out, you're going to manifest six different Quirks! Do your best… Golden Warrior!"

Izuku woke up with a start. He had a cold sweat as he panted and looked around his surroundings. He found himself back in his and All Might's hotel room. The sight made him relax as he wasn't in another weird vision of the past or the future.

Izuku sighed as he recounted everything he had just seen. He saw the origin of All Might, the Symbol of Peace, and how he met his Master, Nana Shimura. The vision truly opened his eyes to more of what the heart of One For All is supposed to be. The legacy of the legendary Quirk that is passed down from generation to generation, with hopes of preserving the hope of the innocents and smashing down any evil into pieces.

Izuku understood that he had a very special Quirk before, but now he is really starting to come under the realization of the true Responsibility that he bears deep inside himself.

'Master Nana entrusted Toshinori-Sensei with this power. She was willing to risk it all so that Toshinori could achieve his dream and become the Symbol of Peace. And he entrusted the same power to me. Now it is my turn. I'll do my best Master Nana. I won't let any of you down.'

Izuku then checked the time, 'Oh crap! I got to get dressed! Oh man, Tenya is gonna give me an earful!'

Meanwhile in a very dark lit room, a bunch of men with what seemed to be security uniforms were tied up and gagged. They were thrown into a place where no one could hear them.

"We've restrained them. There were five guards. Everything is going according to plan."

The same deep evil voice from before hummed as he heard through his subordinate through his cell phone. One masked man closed the door where all of the guards were tied up. He had, what seemed to be, many goons around him as they all wear masks and were armed. They sported black clothing which fit their dark nature.

"The security system is still working. Keep them bound without killing them."

"Yes, sir! We will begin now."

He hung up the phone as Wolfram smirked evilly.

"It's going smoothly." He proceeded to put on a metal mask that covered his dark scars on his face.

A gate began to open in front of Wolfram and his subordinates.

"We're going to move, too.

"Uh this stupid bowtie. I hate having to wear suits." Izuku said as he struggled to place him bowtie on. For the party, he decided to wear a Brown suit, with a yellow undershirt. He was currently on the elevator, heading down to where he and his classmates were supposed to meet up. He could sense their energy signatures like normal, but there were also another thing he could fee from them. Emotions. He still needed to get used to that. It was weird being able to use a brand new Quirk when he's been accustomed to using Pride For All for a bit now. When he woke up from his vision, he felt something different from his body. For some reason, he felt physically and mentally stronger. Izuku deduced that it was from the rainbow orb of energy that Master Nana gave him in his mindscape.

'She said, I would be getting 6 Quirks… that's still crazy to wrap my head around. I have no idea when I will get them. I may need to unlock a certain activation requirement like with when I first got Empathy. My Saiyan biology probably adapted to the new change that my body went through and made it stronger so that I would be able to handle 6 different Quirks. I also feel my control over Pride For All has increased slightly.'

It was true. Due to the influx of energy from the 6 different Quirks, Izuku's body adapted to the change and now his control of Pride For All increased from 1% to 2%. He still needs to try it out to see how much more powerful it is.

Izuku heard the elevator ding. The doors opened and he proceeded to address his peers.

"Sorry I'm late!" Izuku then blinked in confusion.

"Huh? Wait, where is everyone else?"

Izuku only saw Kaminari, Mineta, Tenya, and Shoto who were all waiting with their very own suits on. Kaminari and Mineta wore their waiter clothes, while Tenya sported a dark blue suit with a yellow tie. Todoroki decided to flaunt the white suit with a red tie. The color suited them both respectively.

Tenya looked visibly annoyed as he robotically waved his right arm, "They are not here yet. What do they think 'attending as a group' means?!"

Izuku chuckled at his friend's antics. He then addressed Todoroki, "Hey Shoto, nice suit man. Those colors compliment you well."

Todoroki smiled at Izuku and nodded his head, "Thank you, Izuku. Your suit looks good as well. The brown contrasts with your green very nicely."

Izuku nodded as he decided to test out his new power on the bi-colored teen.

When he used Empathy on Shoto, he felt relaxed and a chill emotion from him. That is to be expected, given that the son of Endeavor is easily one of the more reserved and introverted students in their class. Something that Izuku could relate to. Izuku also felt a few other emotions from Shoto. He read Honor, admiration, and gratefulness from Todoroki that was towards him. Izuku was taken aback by this information. He had no idea that the Hybrid Prodigy had so much respect for him. He also felt similar emotions from Tenya. They were almost as strong as Todoroki's. Izuku never realized he held that much of an effect on the two.

'Well, that's very nice to know. Thanks, you guys!'

Izuku then used his Quirk on Kaminari and Mineta, and they also felt similar emotions of admiration and respect towards Izuku. Izuku smiled gratefully as he appreciated the kind thoughts from his fellow classmates. Izuku looked a little deeper, and was surprised to sense some jealousy from the two perverts. Izuku wondered why that is.

Just then, they heard one of the elevators ding. They turned to see one, Ochaco Uraraka appear out of the elevator.

"Sorry! I'm late… " Ochaco said nervously as she stepped out of the elevator. She was wearing a cute pink dress with pink high heels and pearl necklace around her neck. She also sported a white flower on the side of her head.

Mineta and Kaminari grinned pervertly at the Zero gravity Quirk user. Izuku could hear the thoughts of 'Look at those curves' from the two. He sweatdropped, but then nodded at Ochaco.

"It's okay, Ochaco-chan. Don't worry, I was late too. You look very nice, I must say."

Izuku then froze as he processed what just came out of his mouth.

'I JUST TOLD A CUTE GIRL THAT SHE LOOKS NICE!' Izuku thought as he could sense his face heating up.

Ochaco eyes widened as her cheeks gained a cute pink tint.

"T-T-T-Thank y-you Deku-k-kun! You look very handsome yourself." Ochaco immediately looked away as she could barely maintain her embarrassment.

'Deku-kun just said I look nice! And I told him that he's handsome?! Yeah, real smooth Uraraka!'

Izuku's blush intensified a little more when he heard Ochaco's compliment. 'S-S-She thinks I'm handsome?!'

Izuku then decided to use his Empathy Quirk on Ochaco, since he was curious as to how she was feeling. He felt an extreme amount of embarrassment from her, which is something he could relate to right now. He also felt that many of the same feelings that his other classmates held for him, Ochaco held them as well as well with other passionate emotions. He felt…. Compassion, and a hint of love from her.

'What? That can't be! Ochaco has feelings for… me? Yeah, no way.' Izuku thought to himself as they heard another elevator ding as two other of their female classmates were revealed.

"I apologize for our tardiness, but Jiro…" Momo began to say as she and Jiro exited out of the elevator. Momo was wearing a lime green dress that hugged her curves nicely. She placed a yellow band on her spiky ponytail in order to tame it. Her dress also exposed a very generous amount of cleavage which caused the two perverts of Class 1-A to start chanting "Yes, Yes, Yes!"

Izuku's blush grew as he laid his eyes on Momo. She looked like a young goddess to him. Beautiful shiny black hair with a gorgeous face and a perfect figure. Her body would make even beautiful women in their prime, green with envy.

Izuku thought he was hallucinating, because for a moment there, he thought he saw that Momo winked at him. This caused Izuku's face to resemble a strawberry as his pants began to get tighter due to his hardening member. Momo may have picked out that green dress to intentionally get Deku's attention. She knew green is his favorite color. Seeing her wink at him filled Izuku with an unfamiliar sensation of desire.

'What's happening to me? Why am I starting to suddenly think like Kaminari and Mineta?! I'm not a pervert! I shouldn't think of Momo-chan that way and objectify her! She is probably innocent anyway and doesn't see me that way.

Izuku decided to test out his theory by using Empathy on her. The primary emotions were positive with well intent as she also felt admiration for Izuku. Interestingly enough, she held the most admiration for him out of everyone present which was weird for the Green-Haired Saiyan. He then decided to look deeper and he also found the emotion of compassion and a hint of love just like Ochaco but Momo's was slightly stronger. Izuku then also felt a very deep hidden emotions in Momo towards him. Izuku saw… lust?

'WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! No way this must be an accident. There is no way that Momo-chan has such feelings about me!'

"There are no accidents~"


"I'm… not used to clothes like this…" Jiro shyly said as she did her best to divert attention away from her. She was wearing a cute mini skirt along with an open black shirt that complimented well with the dark and pink colors of her dress. She had on a choker and gray leggings that showed off her nice long slender legs. Her hair was nicely done as it was now cleanly swept to the side which showed off more of her attractive face. A pink flower was placed on the right side of her head.

She blushed in embarrassment as she felt eyes on her. She usually doesn't dress up,so the clothes felt alien to her. She noticed Izuku staring at her and even blushed more.

Izuku was a little confused by Jiro's reaction, and decided to use Empathy on her to see how she was feeling. He sensed emotions of shyness and embarrassment, but she was also happy that she was able to spend time and have fun with her friends. Izuku smiled at that, but then Izuku felt something that he didn't expect. Much like Momo and Ochaco, Jiro had deep feelings of romantic interest for Izuku, but it was much more buried and hidden than the two previous girls. Almost as if, the feelings were intentionally being kept hidden and buried inside as much as possible. When Jiro gazed at Izuku in his suit, which did little to hide his adonis like muscles of his body, she subtly licked her lips with a feeling lust that was even greater than what Momo had.

Izuku shook his head in disbelief, 'Master Nana, your Quirk is cursed! I don't want it anymore!' Izuku said internally as he couldn't control the steam emitting from his face.

"On the contrary, it seems like this Quirk is healthy for you! You have no excuse to be dense anymore and ignore the feelings and affections of beautiful young maidens. You attract a lot more attention than you think. And much of that attention comes from the opposite sex~" Nana Shimura teased Izuku from within his mindscape as she winked after ther last remark.

'HUH?!' Izuku gasped as he was about to go inside his mindscape to question Nana about that statement but he was suddenly distracted by Kaminari speaking up.

"The clothes make the man, right?" Kaminari gave Jiro a thumbs up at her dress.

"She looks like a female assassin… " Mineta mumbled under his breath.

They both began to scream in pain as Jiro's earphone jacks dashed in their ears and caused loud sound waves.

"Shut up!" Jiro said annoyed at the two perverts. She was already experiencing enough embarrassment as it is, and now those two jerks decided to make a snarky remark.

"What? Why did you hurt me? I complimented you! Minoru was the one who called you an assassin!" Kaminari cried.

"No, you didn't," Jiro replied as she punched Kaminari upside the head.

"It is my first time wearing formal clothes. I borrowed this from Yaoyorozu… " Ochaco said nervously to Izuku.

"I-It looks good on you. Yeah, it's really good." Izuku nervously replied as he didn't know what else to say, he genuinely believed that she did look good but he did not want to embarrass himself any further than he already was.

"Oh, Deku-kun! You don't have to flatter me…!" Ochaco spouted out as she waved her arm at Izuku sporadically like a certain Engine Quirk user. She had a clear blush on her face as she couldn't handle being complimented on her looks by Izuku a second time in a row.

"Uraraka, calm down!" Tenya yelled as he noticed that she was having a mental breakdown.

Izuku then felt a tinge of jealousy from the two other female students. He saw them staring at Ochaco with envy as they both had very similar thoughts going through their heads.

'Why didn't he compliment me on my beauty?'

'Am I not good enough to get noticed by him?'

Izuku eyes widened as he felt these inner thoughts from Momo and Jiro respectively and was about to comment on it but didn't get the chance to as he and the others heard another elevator ding.

When they noticed who came out of the elevator, everyone had very mixed reactions. Kaminari and Minoru immediately had perverse grins and blew out smoke with their nostrils along with blood. Shoto and Tenya widened their eyes in shock, and the three girls also felt a bit of a shock but it was a different kind.

"Oh, are you all still here? The party is starting!"

The person that had entered was none other than Melissa Shield. She had on a curvy blue dress with a light gray mini skirt and white high heels. She had a white flower on her waist and with a black choker around her neck. She wore red glossy lipstick and with and red band on her head. She had done her hair in a high nice ponytail. Her dress also exposed a generous amount of cleavage that even rivaled Momo's.

Once Izuku laid his eyes upon this goddess, his heart skipped a beat. He felt his blood rushing both upwards and downwards. His face was as red as a strawberry and his Manhood stretched to its maximum length and it seemed as though it was about to pop right through his pants. Izuku was having the same sensation as before in the lab and when he first met Melissa. It sparked a feeling that he had never felt about anyone else. Although feelings of romantic interesting were resurfacing, another feeling came and revealed itself that was foreign to Izuku… Lust. Izuku felt a desire to take Melissa as she was and and commit shameful actions to her goddess of a body. Izuku didn't know where this was coming from, but it felt like a primal urge that lay hidden for so long and now it decided to finally show itself in the face of the most beautiful female specimen he had laid eyes upon to this day.

"The headliner has appeared!" Mineta cried out in bliss.

"Crap Minrou, I can't take this anymore. What should I do?" Kaminari said as he had tears of joy due to being grateful for having the opportunity to lay his eyes upon such an elegant creature.

"Do whatever you want," Jiro said as she sweatdropped at the two perverts stupidity.

Jiro, Momo, and Ochaco noticed how Izuku was staring at Melissa. They could see that his eyes held desire in them and immediately felt green with envy at the fact that he did not look at them in the same way.

'Why doesn't he want me like that, too?' All three thought simultaneously.

Central Tower- 2nd Floor- Reception Hall

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to I-Expo's reception party. Let's have the Number One Hero, All Might who is visiting us today, say a few words and lead us in a toast! Everyone, please give him a round of applause! Please, come to the stage." Sam , David Shield's assistant, announced on the stage. The party was currently being held and All Might heard his name being called and looked confused, as David walked up to him.

"Dave, I didn't know about this." All Might nervously whispered to his friend as he didn't expect to have to give some sort of speech.

David chuckled, "Well this was bound to happen once they found out The Symbol of Peace would be here."

"Jeez…" All Might grumbled as he made his way towards the stage.

"It's no good. Neither Bakugo nor Kirishima are picking up." Tenya said annoyed. Didn't they understand what punctuality meant?


"Hey, are you absolutely sure this is the right way?" Katsuki asked his companion. He was currently wearing a red collar shirt with a black tie with a dark grey sleeveless shirt over it and had patterns of white flowers along with black dress pants and shoes.

"I think it is… " Kirishima replied a little uncertain. He had on a black blazer and shirt and red tie, contrasting Bakugo's colors.

"You think?" Katsuki grumbled out as he realized that this guy has no idea where he is going.

"Well, actually, I left my phone in my room… "

"Thank you for inviting me. I am All Might. I don't like formal talk, so-"

Before All Might could continue, there was a loud sound that alerted everyone. Behind All Might, the screen that said "I-Expo" turned a bright red from blue and now said the word, "Emergency."

"This is an announcement by the I-island security system. We have received a report from the security system that an explosive device was placed in the I-Expo area. I-Island will now be in high alert mode. Residents and tourists should return to their homes or lodgings. Those that have come a long way should go wait at the nearest evacuation center. Anyone still outside ten minutes from now may be arrested without warning. Please refrain from going outdoors. In addition, most of the main buildings will be sealed off by the security system. I repeat- "

The security system voice announcer stopped as armed men with masks entered through the doors of the reception hall. The civilians all gasped as they realized that this was not scheduled and they were now being attacked.

"It's just as you heard. We have taken over the security system."

A giant of a man said as he entered behind with his armed me. He wore a white coat and black vest under. He had red wild hair and yellow evil eyes with a metallic mask that essentially covered his whole face.

"Don't think you're going to put up a fight. If you do… "

He pointed his finger towards one of the big screens that showed a live feed of places in I-Island.

"...then the security machines will bare their fangs at all the good people on this island."

The live feeds showed small robots surrounding all of the civilians on the island.

"That's right! All of the people on this island are hostages. Of course, you all are, as well."

The people in the party started to worry and panic. All Might turned the Villain as he had just figured out the situation.

The Villain reached for his earpiece, "Do it."

Suddenly, blue orbs sprouted out of the ground and began to tie all of the Pro Heroes in the room with a blue cable.

"The restraining devices used for security…!"

"This isn't good!" All Might breathed out as he struggled with the blue rope and attempting to break free.

The Villain then shot the roof with his pistol. People cried out in shock when they heard the gunshot.

"Don't move! If you take even one step, then I'll kill everyone here in a second." he pointed the gun towards All Might, daring him to try to break out of the restraining ropes.

"SHIT!" All Might cursed. The Villain kicked him onto the floor.

"Good boy." He then looked onto the crowd, "You're all going to learn from All Might and do what I say quietly, right?"

'Toshi, we have no choice but to listen to them right now.' David shook his head at All Might.

All Might interpreted the message, 'But, Dave…'

'I will definitely find a way to save everyone. Just bear with it until then.'

"My phone has no signal. It looks like all reports are being blocked." Todoroki said as he attempted to use his phone but to no avail.

"Seriously …?" Mineta cried.

"The elevator is not working either," Jiro added.


"I can't believe the security system would switch to high alert mode just because they found something explosive." Melissa said as she held her finger under chin and began to think about what could possibly be happening behind the scenes.

"Tenya, let's go to where the party is being held." Izuku said as he walked towards the Engine Quirk user.


"Because All Might is at the party." Izuku revealed as his classmates gasped.

"All Might is? Oh, then we have nothing to worry about." Mineta chirped as his worries were gone.

"Melissa-san, can you get us to the party somehow?" Izuku asked his fellow Quirkless teen.

"If we use the emergency stairs, I think we can get close to the party." Melissa replied.

Izuku nodded, "Alright them, please lead the way!"

"Don't worry! If you stay quiet, you will not be hurt. We are prepared to release you once the time comes." The Villain said as he walked around the reception hall, making nobody was trying any funny business.

"Who are you, and what are you all after?!" A Pro Hero suddenly asked.

The Villain then kicked the Pro Hero upside the head, which caused two young woman nearby to flinch in fear.

"Didn't you hear me? I said, stay quiet. But since you asked, my name is Wolfram. I'm going to make sure that by the end of tonight, the whole world will know that name. And as for why I'm here, well, you will all find out soon enough.'

Wolfram then reached for his earpiece, "Oh right, got it."

He saw Sam hiding in a corner and then walked up towards him.

"You're a researcher here, right?" Wolfram asked.

"Y-Yes." Sam shakily responded.

"Take him."

Wolfram's armed men began to get Sam off of his feet.

"What in the world…?"


Wolfram turned around to see it was David Shield who shouted.

"He is my assistant. What do you plan to do with him."

"Hmmm… If it isn't David Shield… You come, too."

"And if I refuse?" David asked.

Wolfram gave the scientist an evil smirk, "Then somewhere on this island, someone's scream will ring out."

"You dare…. Harm an innocent?"

Wolfram shrugged his shoulders, "If that's what it takes to accomplish my goals, then so be it. I couldn't care less if I had to take a so-called "innocent" life, then who cares? Its not like their life would have ever amounted to anything anyways."

David widened his eyes at the audacity of the Villain in front of him. He sighed as he understood just the kind of man they were dealing with.

"Fine, I will go."


David and Sam were then taken to wherever Wolfram order them to be taken to.

'Dave… Will I be able to defeat the Villains and get the security systems to work again? Especially in this body…? No, I must do it. Because I am the Symbol of Peace!"

All Might motivated himself to attempt to break free of the blue bindings, but before he could try any further, he noticed a white flashing light from above.

He looked up to see a certain Green Haired Teenager, flashing the flashlight of his phone towards him from above the reception hall where there was another room separated by glass.

'It's Young Izuku!'

"Alright! All Might noticed us. Jiro-san, can you do it?"


Izuku then motioned towards All Might, "Please talk. We're listening!"

All Might was able to read his Successor's lips, "Can you hear me? The Villains have taken over the tower. They have control of the security system, and everyone on this island is a hostage. All the Heroes have been taken, as well. It is dangerous. Get away from here as soon as possible."

Jiro widened her eyes as she heard everything All Might said with her Quirk. She looked towards Izuku in worry.

"Th-this is bad, Midoriya-kun."

"W-What is it, Jiro-san?"

"We have received All Might's message. I suggest we follow the directions of U.A. teacher All Might and escape from this place." Tenya said, as the students had regrouped after hearing the news of Villains invading the island.

Momo spoke up, I agree with Iida's opinion. "We are still students. We cannot fight against Villains without out Hero licenses."

Kaminari pointed finger up, "Then what if we escape and tell Heroes outside-"

"I think it will be hard to escape," Melissa added. "This place is built with the same level of security as Tartarus, where the most dangerous and powerful criminal Villains are kept."

"Then, all we can do is wait until help comes… "

"Kaminari, are you okay with that?!" Jiro spouted as she stood up in annoyance.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't feel like you should go help?"

"Hey, hey, the Villains even caught All Might! There's no way we can go save them ourselves!" Mineta cried out as Kaminari nodded in agreement.

"Can you two perverts grow a pair for once and stop being cowards!" Jiro shouted.

Shoto took a moment to gaze at his left arm. The same left arm that Izuku had freed from the shackles he himself had placed on them in the Sports Festival.

"We are training to become Heroes…"

Momo turned to him, "Yes, but we are still not allowed to work as Heroes-"

"But does that mean it is all right for us to not do anything?"

"Th-That's... " Momo looked unsure.

"I'm going….."

Everyone looked towards Izuku.

"Deku-kun?" Ochaco questioned.

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" Momo asked.

Izuku stood up and looked at his classmates with the most determined face that they had ever seen him with.

"I am going to go save them." Izuku said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"WHAT?! Midoriya, you're not seriously considering going and fighting all of those armed Villains?! Didn't you learn anything from USJ?!" Mineta yelled.

"Yes, I am Minoru. I've already made up my mind. If you want to be a coward and stay here, hiding, and waiting, then be my guest. But our teacher, All Might, and everyone else on this damn island is being held hostage by some Villains who decided to mess up everyone's day. I don't know about you guys, but I don't think I will be able to go to sleep at night when I know I could have done something."

He then took a deep breath and looked at everyone, "I'm going to beat all of those Villains and save everyone. I'll do it alone if I have to. I have a duty to fulfil."

Izuku then turned around and was about to exit, before someone shouted to him.


Izuku turned to see that it was Melissa.

"I-Island's security system is on the top floor of this tower. If the Villains have taken control of the system, then the authentication locks and passwords have been disabled. We should be able to restart the system. We just need to get away form the eyes of the Villains and get to the top floor… Then, maybe we can save everyone."

Izuku widened his eyes at the blonde, "Melissa-san…"

"What do you mean by 'get away from the eyes of the Villains'? How?" Jiro aksed.

"Currently, none of use have actually been harmed. I think the Villains are not used to working with the security system."

"Avoid fighting and get the system back to normal, huh? I see." Shoto said as he understood the plan.

"We could do it, don't you think?" Kaminari spoke up with hope.

"Definitely!" Jiro replied.

"Wait, hold on-" Mineta said as he was still a little unsure.

"But the Villains are waiting on the top floor…" Momos muttered.

"There may not be a need for you guys to fight," Izuku said. "If we get the system back to normal, then All Might and the hostages will be released. When that happens, the tables will be turned in an instant!"

"Deku-kun, let's do it!" Ochaco shouted.


"I don't want to sit around doing nothing if there's something we can do. I think that's something that's more important than whether we're Heroes or not."

Izuku smiled, "Yeah, let's help the people who need help! Let's do what our natural instincts are telling us to do."



Said boy turned his head to see that it was Shoto who addressed him.

"I'll go, too."

"Me too!" Jiro said.

Izuku nodded, "Thank you, Shoto and Jiro."

"I'll turn us back if I decide we cannot do anymore. If you're okay with that, then I will go, too!" Tenya said to Izuku.

Izuku gave him a thumbs up, "No problem man."

"If that's the case, then I will go, too!" Momo spoke up.

"All right, me too!" Denki agreed as well.

"Momo-chan! Denki! Thanks!"

Mineta looked at everyone agreeing to go and he finally burst out,

"OH, ALL RIGHT, I GET! I just have to go, right?"

"Thanks, Minrou!"

"Let's take this on, Mineta!"

"Let's do our best, Mineta!"

Izuku walked towards Melissa, "Melissa, please wait here."

"No, I want to go too!"

Izuku widened his eyes in shock, "But…. you are Quirkless…"

"Do you have anyone who can change the setting of the security system?"

"Uhhhhh…." Izuku smartly replied.

"I am a student at the academy. I think I can be useful."


"I might just get in the way until we get to the top floor… but let me help protect everyone, too. Please!"

Izuku hummed in thought as he gave her his answer.

"All right. But you have to promise me to never leave my side. Always stay close to me. You got that?"


Izuku then took Melissa's hand and put her right beside him, "Don't ever let go of my, alright?" He whispered in her ear.

Melissa felt a weird sensation from having Deku whisper in her ear, but nonetheless she nodded.

Izuku then walked towards the front, with Melissa holding onto his hand.

"Let's go and save everyone!" Izuku shouted with vigor.

"RIGHT!" Everyone else said in unison.

All MIght coughed as he was still trapped in the bindings. He then looked up and noticed Izuku standing above the glass again.

'Young Izuku?!'

Izuku nodded at All Might with determined and Heroic eyes.

'Those eyes… Don't tell me… No, run away!'

Izuku used his Empathy Quirk to connect with All Might. He could feel his thoughts emotions.

'No I won't run.'

All Might widened his eyes in shock, 'This.. feeling.. It's so familiar… Izuku, it is too dangerous!'

'I want to do what I can. I'm going to save all of you.'

'Young Izuku… '

'I will definitely save everyone!' Izuku then turned and ran away in the other direction.

'He's going, after all, huh? I know that I must reproach him as a teacher for his actions.'

All Might then pridefully smirked.

'But, if you don't move now, you're not a Hero. In that case, I'll wait. I'll believe that you all can break us out of this situation. We're counting on you, you Zygotes'

Central Tower- Top Floor- Control Room

David and Sam entered the Control Room, lead by the armed masked Villain who was ordered by Wolfram to take the two scientists.

"I brought him."

Another Villain, who was sitting on a chair, dealing with the security system on the main computer.

"Hurry up and unlock the vault," He said as he continued typing on the computer.

"Acting so high and mighty…." The armed Villain said as he removed his mask, revealing peach colored hair. He had what seemed to be red tribal markings on his face.

His left arm turned into metal and the end of it was sharp and pointy.

"You heard him. If you don't want to die, then hurry up and do it. "

"R-Right." David said as he gulped.

"Take him," The peach colored Villain said.

"Get out," Two armed and masked Villains lead them to the vault.

Central Tower- Emergency Stairs

Izuku and the others were running up the stairs, trying to get to the top floor. Izuku stopped with Melissa behind him as he looked to see what floor it was.

"This is the 30th floor. Melissa-san, what's the top floor?"

Melissa panted as she replied, "The 200th floor."

"Seriously? We have to climb that much?!" Mineta cried out in horror. He was already sweating just from 30 floors.

"It's better than running into Villains." Momo said as they continued to run up the stairs.

Izuku started to slow down as he felt Melissa panting hard… and she stopped in her tracks. Melissa was holding onto Izuku's hand as he had ordered due to not wanting her to get hurt due to her Quirklessness.

"Melissa-san, are you alright? I can ask Ochaco-chan to use her Quirk on you."

"Thanks, but I'm fine." Melissa said as she panted.

Izuku frowned. He could easily see that she was not fine. 'Her body isn't used to this. She probably never took the time to properly train physically train her body due to her Quirklessness.

Izuku then had an idea.

"Kya!" Melissa cried out.

Izuku was now carrying Melissa bridal style as he continued to go up the stairs.

"Deku-kun, what are you-"

"Don't worry, I'll protect you Melissa!" Izuku said as he and the others continued up the stairs. However, three certain girls frowned with jealousy as they stared at Izuku carrying Melissa in his arms.

Once they reached the 70th floor, they got to a dead end.

"The shutter!" Tenya said as their pathway was blocked by a large metal door.

"What should we do? Break it?" Todoroki asked.

"If we do that, then the security system will react, and the Villains will notice us." Melissa said as now that option was out.

"Then can't we just go from here?" Mineta said as he pulled the handle of a door that behind them.

"Minoru!" Izuku yelled

"NO!" Melissa cried out.

But it was too late. Mineta had pulled down the handle and it had alerted the main control room.

"What? Did a door on the 80th floor open?" The Villain on the chair said as he looked over the main computer.

"Did you make a mistake scanning each floor?"

The Villain on the chair pulled up a screen to see Izuku and the others running down the hallway of the 80th floor.

"Are those… kids?"

They then alerted Wolfram.

"Uhhh boss… we have a little situation…"

He then explained to Wolfram what was currently happening.

"Let down all the partitions on the 80th floor. Don't let those kids get away!" Wolfram order as he pointed at two armed men to go catch them.


All Might saw what was going on and grit his teeth.

'Be careful, everyone. Villains are crafty.'

Meanwhile, with Izuku and company, they were still running down the hallways as they continued to make their journey to the 200th floor.

"Is there any other way to go up?" Todoroki asked.

"There's another emergency staircase like this on the opposite side." Melissa informed the group.

"Hurry!" Tenya said as everyone began to pick up the pace.

Izuku then stopped as he noticed that the pathway was closing.

"The shutters are… closing!"

"The ones behind us are, too!" Momo called out.

Izuku grit his teeth as he noticed the last shutter about to close.


"On it!" The Hybrid Prodigy sent ice in between the shutter to prevent it from closing.

Tenya then went through the gap and activated his Quirk to smash through a closed gate.

"Let's cross inside here!"

They went through the opening that Tenya made and found themselves in a forest like environment.

"Wh-What is this place? " Izuku asked.

"A plant factory. They research how Quirks influence plants here." Melissa replied.

"Wait! Look at that! The elevator's coming up!" Jiro pointed to an elevator and the top of it was reading ascending numbers that were signaling that someone was coming up.

"Are the Villains following us…?" Mineta said as he had a horrified expression.

"Let's hide and let them pass us!" Izuku ordered.

They all went to hide behind a bush.

"I wonder if we can use that elevator to get to the top floor?" Kaminari said.

"No, only authorized people can operate the elevators. And it's made as sturdy as a bomb shelter, so we can't destroy it." Melissa said.

"Come on, let us use the conveniences of modern civilization!" Mineta complained.

They heard the elevator ding, and two Villains came out. One was short and fat, while the other was tall and lanky with green spiky hair.

"Those clothes… They're the Villains who were at the party." Izuku observed.

"They said the kids were here." The fat Villain said as he and his partner walked forward.

"They came into an annoying place." The tall lanky one replied.

"They're coming!" Ochaco whispered with her hands covering her mouth.

"Quiet!" Tenya whispered.

"Don't come…. Don't come…." Mineta said in fear.

'Go away… away!' Jiro thought.

'Please, don't notice us!' Momo thought.

Izuku felt the fear and anxiety in his classmates with his Empathy Quirk. He then sensed two familiar energy signatures and smile.

"Don't worry guys, it's all going to be okay. We got backup."

"Huh?" They all asked.

"I found you, you damn kids!"

"Huh? What did you say, you bastard?"

Tenya widened his eyes, "It's Bakugo and Kirshima!"

"What are you two Villains doing here?" One of the Villains asked.

"That's what I want to know-"

"-Leave this to me , okay?!" Kirishima cut Bakugo off as he turned to the Villains.

"Um, we got lost… Where should we go for the reception?"

"Why did you come all the way to the 80th floor if you got lost?!" Mineta said as everyone sweatdropped.

"I can see through you! Don't lie to me!" The lanky Villain yelled as he sent a blue blast of water towards Bakugo and Kirishima.

"His Quirk!" Katsuki said.

"Kirishima…!" Izuku yelled to warn the red haired classmate.

Before the blast could hit him, a glacier of ice came in front of Kirishima and stopped it it's tracks.

"This Quirk is… " Bakugo said as he and Kirishima looked towards who caused it.

"Todoroki?!" Kirishima yelled.

Shoto noticed that the Villains were breaking the glacier and sucked his teeth.

"We'll stall for time here. Look for a way to the top!" Shoto send a stream of ice towards the ice and sent them up with a pillar of ice.

"Todoroki? What about you?!" Tenya exclaimed.

"I'll be fine, just go! I'll be right behind you after I clean this up."

Izuku nodded, "Alright! I'll leave this to you guys! Be careful!"

"You're all here, too?" Kirishima asked in confusion. "What's going on, Todoroki?"

"You didn't hear the broadcast?"


"Villains have taken over this tower."



"I'll explain more later. For now, the Villains… "

The Villain busted through Todoroki's glacier with relative ease.

"What's with that Quirk?" Kastuki said as it easily smashed through Todoroki's ice.

"Don't let your guard down." Shoto warned.

"Shut up! I know!" Katsuki exclaimed.

"You kids…. Don't take advantage of us!" The short Fat Villain transformed into a giant purple monster.

Shoto sent a stream of ice towards the now giant, but the purple Villain easily smashed through all of the ice.

"Looks like this is going to be harder than we thought…"

Izuku and the others bust through a door as they all reached another dead end.

"This is no good, either." Tenya said.

"Hey, what should we do? We're like mice caught in a bag!" Mineta complained.

"Is this as far as we can go?" Kaminari yelled.

Izuku then saw something, "Melissa-san, do you see something that looks like a door on the ceiling? Over there!"

Izuku pointed towards a small cover on the ceiling. Melissa nodded, "The maintenance room for the sunlight system!"

Tenya smiled with hope, "Wouldn't that have an emergency ladder?"

"It's true that there's a manual one, but we can only access it from the inside."

"Even though we got this far…" Ochaco grumbled.

"There's still a possibility, " Momo spoke up. She used her Creation Quirk to produce some sort of grenade. She threw it towards the small room and it exploded, completely opening it.

"If you go outside through the space in the vent, you can use the outside wall to get to the top floor."

"That's right! As long as there's something similar up top-" Ochaco began.

"We can get inside!" Melissa finished.

Izuku began to hum in thought, "Who can get into the cramped vent and climb up to the outer wall…?"

They all then looked behind and looked directly at Mineta.

"Huh? W-Wait, me?!"

"Please, Mineta!"

"You're the only one who can do it!"

Ochaco and Jiro said respectively as they pleaded with the Grape Quirk user.

"STUPID! STUPID! Just what floor do you think we're on?!"

Kaminari took Mineta aside and whispered in his ear, "If you save everyone and become distinguished, then they will interview you, and you'll definitely be super popular with the girls!" Kaminari smirked and gave him a thumbs up.

"Please!" Ochaco and Jiro continued to plead.

"Harem, harem!" Kaminari whispered.

Mineta finally conceded, "ALL RIGHT! I just have to go, right?" He yelled with tears in his eyes as he really did not want to do this, but if he gets a harem, then it will be worth it.

Mineta went through the opening and proceed to go up the tower using his Quirk.

"Harem, harem, harem!"

He started to slip down the tower, but quickly recovered.

"Harem, harem, harem!" He motivated himself to keep on going. He started to slip down again but recovered once again as he was filled with unwavering determination.


Before long, he landed in the maintenance room. He got up and panted and then smiled, realizing that he just completed his mission.

"I did it! I made it!"

Mineta then placed the ladder down so that the other students can climb it and go up.

"Now, now, now, give me some love! Just the ladies is fine. Just the ladies." Mineta said as drool escaped his mouth.

"You were amazing, Mineta. As expected of a student Hero!" Melissa complimented.

Melissa blushed with joy and happiness as he was even more fired up than before.

"Come on, let's get fired up, everyone!" Mineta yelled with his right arm raised.

"YEAH!" They all said in unison as they raised their right arms to the sky.

"Hey, you still can't find them?"

The Villains in the control room were looking over the cameras trying to look for Izuku and company. When they finally found them, Jiro used one of her earphone jacks to destroy the camera.

"Damn it!"

"Hey, 80th floor! The kids are getting away! What's going on?!"

"Be quiet! Shut up-"

The purple Villain began to say before he was blasted by Katsuki.

"Crap" The peach hair colored Villain then contacted Wolfram.

"Boss, those are no ordinary kids! They're students from U.A. High School's Hero Course-Hero reserves!"

"The brats are probably trying to restore the security system. You started the security machine on the 80th floor, right?" Wolfram asked.

"Yes, sir!"

"Then raise all the partitions on floors 100 to 130."


"Just do what I say."

"Doesn't it seem like we got lucky? All the shutters have been raised since we passed the 100th floor." Kaminari noted.

"Could they have lost us?" Ochaco asked.

"That's probably not it," Jiro added.

"They're leading us somewhere, aren't they?" Momo concluded.

"Yeah. That seems like a logical thing to do if I were them." Tenya said.

"Even so, to get just a little further up… we'll go where they want us to go." Izuku said as they continued forth.

130th Floor - Laboratory

"There are so many!" Ochaco exclaimed as the group landed on the 130th floor. They saw that it was littered to the brim with small red killer robots.

"It looks like the enemy has changed from shutting us in to trying to capture us." Tenya said.

"I'm sure they have realized that we're U.A. students." Izuku replied.

"But in that case, we know what to expect, too!" Momo said as she created a conductor sheet from her back.

Tenya nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Let's go with Plan A, then. Kaminari!"

Said Electric Quirk user smirked, "All right, I'll do my best, too! I'm counting on you, Iida!"


Tenya activated his Quirk and began to spin Kaminari around and around at very high speeds. He then threw him up in the air.

"Take this… Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 million Volts!"

Kaminari fired a stream of electricity towards all of the robots. However the attack fazed off of them like it was nothing.

"They defended it!" Izuku called out.

Kaminari grit his teeth, "Damn it, then… 2 Million Volts!"

"Idiot! If you do that…" Jiro called out.

After the blast was done, Kaminari had a goofy grin on his face.


"...then you'll turn dumb." Jiro finished with a sweatdrop.

"But thanks to him, the security machines have been stopped." Izuku said.

Then, as if on cue, the machines started moving again and tied up Kaminari.

"Kaminari!" Jiro yelled.

"They're too sturdy!" Mineta exclaimed.

The robots started to go towards the rest of the students.

"We have no choice… Everyone! Plan B!" Tenya yelled.

"Right!" Momo created a flashbang grenade and threw at the robots.

"We can jam their communications with this!"

"Take this!" The girls proceeded to throw all of the flash bangs at the red killer robots.

"Minoru!" Izuku called out.

Mineta started throw his grape colored balls, "Give Kaminari back! He's got a harem waiting!"

The balls stuck the robots on their tracks and forced them to go back.

"How's that?"

The robots them broke out of Mineta's balls and proceed to go towards them.

"Man, they won't stop!"

Tenya sucked his teeth, "Let's go, Izuku!"

"Yeah!" Izuku took off his blazer and activated his Full Gauntlet.

'Pride For All.. Perfected Full Cowling!'

Izuku dashed ahead towards the robots.

"Full Gauntlet!"

"If you wear it, I think you will be able to use your full power."

"First, let's use Kaioken Times 5!"

A crimson aura enveloped Izuku as the display on the Full Gauntlet went from X1 TO X5.


Izuku blasted all of the robots away and completely destroyed them.

'It doesn't hurt. My arm is fine. And I didn't feel my stamina drain at all. I can do this!'

"Wee!" Kaminari yelled out as Tenya caught him.

"Jiro! Where are the security machines?!"

Jiro used her Quirk to hear out for them, "They are coming from the left!"

"Okay, let's keep going from the right!"


"Deku-kun, what's with that arm? It's amazing!" Ochaco exclaimed as she ran beside him.

"Yeah! Melissa-san, it worked perfectly!" Izuku said as Melissa was running a little behind him and Ochaco.

"You brought it, huh?" Melissa noted.

Izuku sheepishly smiled, "Uh… well I didn't really know how to take it off.."

Melissa and Ochaco sweatdropped and then proceeded to chuckle.

"Boss, there's something interfering with the sensors on the security machines. We lost those kids!"

"Don't lose your presence of mind." Wolfram exclaimed. "There's probably someone among those brats with a hearing Quirk."

"I hear a lot of the security machine wheels coming from the floor below." Jiro said as she had her earphone jacks connected to a wall.

"Any sounds from above?" Izuku asked.

"No, it's fine!"

"Alright then, let's go!"

138th Floor- Server Room

The students were running along but were surprised to see that a bunch of red killer robots appeared out of the door from the other side.

"A trap?" Tenya said shocked.

"Let's break through, Tenya!" Izuku said as he was about to blow them away.

"Wait! Deku-kun!" Melissa cried out. "If the servers here are damaged, then it could affect the security system, too."

Suddenly, numerous amounts of robots appeared from above.

"Just how many are there?!" Mineta shouted in horror.

"We'll stop the security machines here." Momo said as she crouched in position.

"Izuku, take Melissa and find a different route!" Tenya said.

Izuku nodded, "Melissa-san, come with me!" Izuku then ran in the other direction to find a different route.

"Ochaco, you come with us, too!" Melissa said.

"Huh? But-"

"Please, Uraraka!" Tenya exclaimed.

"Ochaco nodded, "Right!"

The two girls then followed after Deku.

Tenya activated his Quirk, "Torque Over… Reciproburst!"

Tenya gave a wild kick that send a good number of robots flying towards the roof, effectively destroying them.

Momo had finished creating a cannon, "I'll leave the gun to you." She said panting. "I'll make ammo!"

"Alright!" Jiro said as she began to fire at the robots.

"I won't let you have my harem, okay?!" Mineta yelled as he threw his balls at the robots and making them get stuck.

"Yay!" Kaminair cheered in the background as he was still suffering the drawbacks of overusing his Quirk.

"Go!" Jiro yelled.

Izuku heard the sound of cannons firing and stopped in his tracks, clearly worried for his classmates.

"Deku-kun, you can't stop! If we get caught here, then there was no point in Iida and the others staying behind!" Ochaco exclaimed as she and Melissa ran behind Izuku.

"R-Right!" Izuku said as he proceeded to continue running. "Everyone, please be okay!"

They then made it outside as they noticed a bunch of wind propellers.

"Th-This is…"

"The wind power generator system." Melissa said.

"Why here?" Izuku asked.

"If we go through the tower, the security machines are probably waiting to ambush us. So we'll go up to the op all at once from here. If we can just get to that emergency exit ..."

"All the way up there?" Izuku asked. The then lowered his back, "Alright then, Melissa grab onto my back. I will fly up over there. Ochcaco-chan, use your Quirk to make yourself weightless."

"Right!" both girls said.

"Melissa, hang on tightly." Izuku said as she got on his back.

Once she did, Izuku flew up. Ochaco was about to follow them by making herself weightless, but then noticed that a door opened and in came a pack of red killer robots.

"Oh no…" She said as the robots began to go towards.

"Ochaco-chan! Hurry up and use your Quirk and get away from there!" Izuku shouted from above.

"I can't! If I do that, then we can't save everyone!"

"Ochaco-san!" Melissa cried out.

But before the robots could attack her, a loud explosion rang out.

"KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled.

Ice then followed up as it trapped some robots.

"Todoroki and Kirishima!" Ochaco exclaimed.

"Are you okay, Uraraka?" The Bi-colored teen asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Deku-kun and Melissa are heading to the top floor right now."

"Yeah, I saw. We're going to stop these guys right here!" Todoroki said as he fired a stream of ice.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Katsuki yelled.

"But you guys are a good team!" Kirishima said.

"As if!"

"Nice! It looks like they were able to defeat the Villains after all!" Izuku said. "Thanks everyone! Your efforts won't be in vain!"

Izuku then flew up towards the wall, "Melissa hang on!


"Pride For All: Perfected Detroit Smash!"

Izuku smashed through the wall and both he and Melissa landed in the tower.

"They got into the tower!" Ochaco chirped.

"Nice! Finish it for us Midoriya!" Kirishima yelled.

"You better not fuck it up Deku, or I'll kill you!"

"Izuku, be careful…"

"Send Swordkill and the others!" Wolfram ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

"Defend the control room until I get there!" Wolfram said as he left towards the elevator.

Smoke began to emit from All Might.

'Bear it… Bear it, All Might! I'm sure they can do it! I'm sure!'

Izuku let Melissa off his back, "Melissa-san, are you all right?"

"I-I'm fine.."

"Good!" Izuku then sensed killer intent with his Empathy Quirk and Melissa out of the way from a sword slash.

Izuku looked up to see a peach hair colored Villain, otherwise known as Swordkill, attempt to slice him with his Quirk which seems to be just a metal sword from his arm. Izuku blocked the strike with his Full Gauntlet.

"You revolting kids!" Swordkill exclaimed.

"What are you all after?!" Izuku asked

"Don't pretend to be Heroes!" Swordmaster yelled as he summoned a sword from his left arm and attempted to strike Izuku with it. Izuku was caught off guard and thus narrowly dodged the slice. Swordmaster took advantage of that and made Izuku trip out of the hole in the wall that he made with his smash. Izuku barely held on to the ledge.

As Swordmaster was about to strike when Izuku was vulnerable, he was stopped by Melissa who grabbed onto him.

"Stop it! Don't hurt him!"

"Let go of me, you bitch!" Swordmaster smacked Melissa away and she was thrown on the floor. Blood was drawn.

"Stupid little girl-"

"-Kaioken Times 5 Smash!"

Izuku smashed Swordmaster straight to the face which sent him flying to the stairs. He was immediately knocked out and several of his bones were broken due to the impact of Deku's smash. He was seen bleeding as Izuku made sure to hit him extra hard.

"Lay your filthy hands off her!" Izuku yelled with anger. Seeing him hit Melissa like and calling her a bitch, made Izuku want to break every bone in his body. But he restrained himself.

"Melissa-san! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine. It's not too bad. Just a cut." She said as she showed Izuku her wound.

'Damn it! I left the senzu beans in my hotel room.' Izuku thought.

"Give me your arm." Izuku took a bandage from his back pocket and proceeded to tie up Melissa's wound.

"Sorry I couldn't protect you… I got distracted and got caught off guard. If I wouldn't have asked him that dumb question and just immedately one shotted him, then you wouldn't have had to get hurt."

"You should be saying, 'Thanks,' right?" Melissa said.

Izuku widened his eyes and then smiled, "Yes!"

He finished tying up the bandage.

"Let's go and save everyone!"


As they were going up the stairs to the 200th floor, they met two armed gunmen.

"They're here!"


They began firing bullets, but Izuku effortlessly dodged all of them and took out the gunmen each with one shot.

He looked at the guns in disgust.

"Those are the weapons of cowards…"

Izuku and Melissa continued onto the 200th floor.

Tower- Top Floor

"Melissa-san, where's the control room?"

"In front of the central elevator."

They reached it, only to see that the vault was open.

"Someone's here!" Izuku said.

Melissa gasped as she noticed who was there.


"Oh, it is!"

"Why is he on the top floor…?"

Izuku hummed in thought, "Did the Villains bring him here to force him to do something?"

"We have to save him!" Melissa exclaimed.


They silently moved in.

David was typing at the computer. He heard a beep from it.

"I was able to unlock it. Go to block 1147." He told Sam.

"O-Okay!" He ran to the block. "I'm opening it!"

The block opened and brought out a white briefcase.

"You did it, professor! Everything is here." Sam opened the briefcase to show a few strange items within it.

David sighed in relief, "Yes, I have finally gotten it back. This device and research data are the only things I would never give up to anyone. I'll never give them up."

"Everything's going according to plan, isn't it? It looks like the Villains are doing well, too." Sam said.

"Thank you. It was all because you arranged everything for me, Sam." David said as he walked up towards Sam.


David widened his eyes as he recognized that voice. He looked behind him to see Izuku and his daughter at the entrance of the vault.

"Mel… Melissa… and Izuku?"