
Tell The World, "I AM HERE!"...

Chapter 9 - Tell The World, "I AM HERE!"...

- But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. -

"HIYAAAAAAH!" Izuku yells as he punches the air with monster force as the air around him gusts backward due to the power of the strike.

"Those punches are weak. Put more effort into your strikes, Izuku!"

"I'm trying my best dammit!" Izuku yells back as he begins to launch even harder deadly strikes all while sweating profusely due to the massive strain his body is currently undergoing.

"Do or do not. There is no try."

"It's harder than it looks!" Izuku said as he does a front flip and strike up with a huge kick that creates more gust of wind.

"Come on! I know you can do much better than that! I'm you after all! Punch and kick as if your life depended on it!"

"Well, maybe I would if you just let me use my Quirk!" Izuku grunts as pants heavily due to the extreme training regime that his Inner Self has put him through. It felt as though his body was about to drop dead any minute.

Inner Deku sighs, "Come on, Izuku. We've talked about this. You can't always rely on One For All to get you out of every situation and every fight. You have to broaden your arsenal and learn to fight without a Quirk by training your physical body. When you have done that, then the effects of One For All will increase even more as soon as your physical body is trained enough." Inner Deku says he watches Izuku continue to practicing his combos, making sure each punch and kick had equal amount of force and were precise, fluid, and not sloppy.

"Yeah, I know. I completely understand your point. But don't you think training my physical body alone without a Quirk under 10 TIMES EARTH'S GRAVITY is a little… oh I don't know… OVERBOARD!" Izuku sarcastically replied as his movements began to get slower and his strikes got weaker because of the huge amounts of energy the green haired Saiyan has used up during the training session.

"Also, don't forget that I have to wear these ridiculously heavy weights while training since you told me to specifically wear the orange gi." Izuku said as the training weights in Son Goku's gi made it even harder for Izuku to train under 10 times Earth's gravity all while not being able to use One For All.

"You need to wear that gi in order for your body to adapt to the massive weight and mass that it is put through while training under 10x Earth's gravity. Like I said, this will make your own physical body even stronger which will allow you to even use One For All more efficiently and unlock the hidden power inside of you." Inner Deku said as he understood what Izuku was trying to say, but it was all for his own good.

"Also, didn't you say that you were going to be the strongest Hero in the World?" Inner Deku asked as he remembered precisely what Izuku said as he yelled at the top of his lungs the day before when he opened his briefcase. The guy yelled so loud that his mother immediately came running to his bedroom to ask why he was yelling so damn loud.

Izuku stopped mid-combo as he heard the words of his Inner Self.

"Yes… Yes I did. And… I MEANT IT! With every fiber of my being. That is my dream, and I'll stop at nothing until it becomes a reality" Izuku said as his eyes glowed green with pure determination seeping from them. His face now adopted a serious and genuine look, reinforcing the fact that he truly did mean what he said.

Inner Deku nodded as he expected that to be Izuku's reply, "Well, if you're going to become the Strongest Hero in the World, like you said, then you can't play games and take the easy path. In this life, if you want something, you have to work hard in order to achieve it. Your dreams are not just going to be handed down to you, and neither is the Power that is necessary in order for you to make those dreams come true. I am not Santa Claus, you know. I am not just going to give you Powers, techniques, and transformations just because you're a 'nice guy.' You will have to EARN all of that. And once you do earn those things, you will to have to undergo much more intense training than now to master your new powers. Even with One For All. You had to prove yourself and do something to earn that sacred torch that has been passed down for generations didn't you? And just getting the Quirk was the easy part. Now, you have to MASTER it. It is the same exact concept. Absolutely nothing will be served to you on a silver platter. You will rightfully earn everything that you will get in life. Just like your ancestors did…."

Izuku took a minute to take in all of what Inner Deku said. Izuku agreed with him 100%. If he didn't start working now and push himself to the limits, then that childhood dream of becoming the Number One Hero will stay exactly that… a childhood dream. He couldn't let it stay just a dream. He wanted… no he NEEDED to make that dream into a reality! His Father put all of his faith and the faith of his ancestors into him. Even when he was Quirkless, he still believed in him, when nobody else, including his own mother did. He also couldn't forget about All Might. All Might passed on One For All, because he truly believed in his heart that Izuku was the one. The one to become a True Hero for the people and become the Next Symbol of Peace. If he started to slack off now , it would be a spit in the face not only to All Might and his Father, but to all those who came before them who placed their faith on THEM!

"You're right… I apologize for complaining about the workload. That was very childish of me. I should know better. It's hypocritical of me to whine about harsh training conditions when it was me who signed up for all of it. I am the one who wants to become the Number One Hero and I have inherited the power of All Might and my Ancestors. So I have no right to say that the training is too much. I have to be a man and own it! I can't act like a spoiled brat who expects everything to be handed down to him. I have to show and prove why I deserve to be a Hero and why All Might did not make a mistake in choosing me as his Successor!" Izuku said as he got back into his fighting stance and felt a new surge of power and adrenaline going through his veins.

"It's just like what Dad said…. 'Fight for your Dreams…. And your Dreams will Fight for you!'"

Inner Deku smiled widely as he heard the words of the green haired Saiyan, "Yes! That's the way! Give it your best!"

As Izuku began to train his body once again under 10x Earth's gravity, Inner Deku relaxed as he got lost in his thoughts.

'Goku… Vegeta…. I wish you can see how your descendant turned out. I know you two would be nothing but proud… '

3 Hours Later….

Izuku did one last uppercut to the air, before he collapsed to the ground due to complete and utter exhaustion. The young Hero in training was panting hard as his lungs demanded oxygen. He felt sore all around. The pain was comparable to when Nomu gave him that bone crushing bear hug a couple of days ago. Although, he would say that the current pain he felt was slightly worse due to the fact that his muscles and bones were working nonstop with extremely heavy weights on and had to move under 10x Earth's gravity. This was probably the hardest, toughest, and most painful workout he has ever done in his entire life. It even trumps the spars he had against All Might who was definitely no pushover, but the Symbol of Peace never made Izuku go through the hell that Inner Deku made him go through today.

Inner Deku saw that Izuku's body was practically broken so he decided to call it a day.

"Alright Izuku, that's enough for today. Clean yourself up and let's head on home. We did good progress today. We will continue your training tomorrow."

Izuku placed his palms on the floor as he used his arms to bring his face off of the floor, which caused more pain than it should, "W-W-Wait… I can… Still go on!"

Inner Deku sighed as he knew he was going to have to deal with Izuku's stubbornness.

"Listen to me. You can barely move. If you keep on going, then you'll only be destroying your own body beyond repair instead on making it stronger. That is the opposite effect of what we want! How exactly are you going to be a Hero if your body collapses and can no longer function?" Inner Deku asked as he was rubbing his temples. He understood and commended the tenacity of Izuku Midoriya. But there is a limit to everything. He has to learn that just because he keeps on destroying his body, over, and over again, it doesn't mean it is always going to make him stronger. It can actually have a very negative effect, which is something that they could not afford at all!

"Plus, don't you have school tomorrow? It isn't ideal for you to go to school all beaten up. You need rest. You have to give time for both your body and mind to recover so it can be ready to train and fight the next day. You're still human you know. You're not perfect. You did well today. So give yourself the break you deserve."

By the time, Inner Deku finished speaking, Izuku had already gotten back up on his feet and his breathing was slowly going back to normal. His body was soaking in sweat, and he had a couple bruises here and there.

"Yeah, you're right! I almost forgot that I had school tomorrow. I guess the training had gone to my head and made me solely focused on it. I can't wait to see everyone again. I hope they're doing alright. I haven't seen them since the whole USJ incident." Izuku said as he walked over the gravity machine. The display showed '10G.' Izuku pressed the off button and the display then showed '1G.'

Izuk sighed in relief as he could finally relax as the environment finally returned to Earth's normal gravity.

It turns out, inside the larger capsule that Hisashi left for his son, was a giant gravity chamber made specifically for Izuku to train in and master his powers. When Izuku first saw it, he was in shock. He never heard of such a structure that can actually change the gravity of the environment at will. It is perfect for training the body past its natural limits and make it stronger over time. Inner Deku stated that this is where the beginning of Izuku's training will start. He will begin with 10x Earth's gravity and will continue on from there, gradually increasing the difficulty as Izuku grows stronger and stronger.

When Izuku first turned on the gravity chamber, he immediately collapsed to the ground, due to not being used to the extra weight that the chamber inflicted on the green haired Saiyan. In order to be able to actually stand up, Izuku had to use One For All in order to handle the massive strain that the extra gravity put on his body. After a little bit, Izuku got used to it, and was even able to run, fly, and fight in the gravity chamber, although with a little difficulty. Then, Inner Deku ordered Izuku to not use his Quirk at all, while training in the gravity chamber until he told him to and to put on Goku's orange and blue gi. Izuku thought that he could not do it, claiming it was flat out impossible to move under such harsh conditions without a Quirk. Inner Deku reassured him that he would be alright as long as he doesn't go over 10G.

Inner Deku told him to focus on strengthening his physical body as well as his Ki control. Izuku had trouble at first, controlling his body and Ki at 10G, but he didn't quit and persisted and persisted until he was able to move and use his Ki normally at 10x Earth's gravity. He still had some trouble and it still caused pain and strain, but he had without a doubt made brilliant progress and was definitely going to get better over time.

"Man, I'm beat! Who knew that 10 times Earth's gravity could be so damn heavy and taxing on the body. It could kill somebody if they are not careful and if their bodies are not strong enough." Izuku said as he walked over to living room area. The gravity chamber also had enough space to be a living quarters. It had its own living room with couches, chairs and flat screen TV. It also had essentials, like a bathroom with a shower, and a kitchen with water, food, and dining table where one could eat. Hisashi made sure that his son was comfortable as Izuku was doing his vigorous training.

Izuku grabbed a bean bag that was placed on the couch. Izuku opened it to find a bunch of green beans inside. He took one out and and threw it into his mouth and ate it. As soon as he swallowed the green bean, all of his injuries were healed. The bruises were gone. The soreness, strain, and pain instantly went away as Izuku was back at 100%.

"Good as new! Senzu Beans! Gotta love em! They really are life savers!" Izuku said as he began flexing and throwing a couple of punches and kicks to the air to confirm that his body was all healed.

Another thing that was inside the briefcase that Hisashi left for Izuku was a bag of Senzu Beans. Inside the bag was a piece of paper that explained how to plant Senzu Beans and make more supplies. Inner Deku explained that these Senzu Beans can heal almost any injury. It didn't matter if you are inches from death. As long as you swallow the Senzu Bean, you will be back in tip top shape almost instantly. Inner Deku explained that Senzu Beans really saved a lot of lives back in the day. They were the difference between life and death on some occasions.

It just made Izuku all the more grateful for his Father and the fact that he practically thought of everything that he will need.

"Oh by the way, I forgot to ask yesterday, but why do I somehow feel stronger every time I get healed after training or when I break my limbs or something?" Izuku asked curiously. He already felt a good portion stronger than before he started training in the gravity chamber. He thought maybe it was just him feeling energized, the first couple of times, btu after a while, it started to get more and more apparent, the greater the injury that he was healed from.

"It's called a Zenkai Boost." Inner Deku replied.

"A what boost?" Izuku asked confusion clearly evident on his face.

"It is a genetic trait unique to the Saiyan Race. It allows a Saiyan to become much more powerful after recovering a near death state, or any other kind of injury. The more fatal the wound, the stronger you'll get after recovering. This can also work in the middle of a battle. If you're going up against a foe of comparable or greater power than your yourself, you will learn to adapt and evolve as both your mind and body will get stronger and more efficient due to injuries that you may receive in the battle. You will get stronger and better during the fight. This makes longer and drawn out battles more in your favor. Zenkai Boosts will increase after each use. And in your case, Zenkai Boosts will be even greater than normal due to your Saiyan Cells mutating after receiving One For All and making them much more powerful than ever before. Also your analytical mind allows you to immediately identify the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent and think of numerous different strategies to find the best way to take them down."

Izuku's eyes widened as he heard Inner Deku's answered. He had no idea, that he has the ability to become so strong. An ability such as the Zenkai Boost is a huge game changer. It can turn the tides of any battle in his favor. Even up against opponents that seem to be superior than him, he still had that ace in the hole that can allow him to make a surprise comeback in the middle of a fight when his opponent least expected it. It seemed like he was almost unbeatable…

"Don't start getting cocky and overconfident now. It doesn't make you invincible though. And you also still have a really LONG way to go until you can maximize your full potential. That gravity chamber training you just did is nothing but mere child's play compared to the training regime your own Ancestors had to go through. The home planet of the Saiyans which was formerly called Planet Vegeta, had a gravity that was 10 times that of Earth's gravity. The Saiyans were walked on that planet like it was second nature while you still struggle with it. Son Goku once trained at 100G on one of his many adventures. This is only the beginning of your training. So be ready for it." Inner Deku said as soon as he heard the thoughts of Izuku when thinking about the possibilities that Zenkai Boosts allowed him. He did not need him to begin to get in over his head. Arrogance like that can cost him greatly one day.

Izuku gulped, when he heard Inner Deku.

'100G! I can barely handle 10G as I am now! Man, I really have a lot of catching up to do. Oh well, I guess it just gives me more motivation to keep on training and getting stronger. Plus, it wouldn't be rewarding if it was too easy anyway.' Izuku thought as he took off his clothes to go take a shower.

Ever since, Izuku began communicating with his Inner Self, he learned a lot about his origins. It is safe to say that he didn't expect to be a descendant of a warrior race called the Saiyans. He then began freaking out asking if he was actually an alien instead of a human being. Inner Deku had to calm him down and reassure him that yes, he still had human blood running through his veins but it was just mixed with Saiyan blood. Izuku then got curious and asked how much of him was human and Saiyan. Inner Deku explained that he was able to manipulate the cells and genes in Izuku's body to make it so that he was half Saiyan and half human instead of what he was supposed to be which was barely Saiyan at all since it has been so many years since the Saiyan Race had died out. Inner Deku told Izuku that in order for him to have the most potential possible, it was necessary for him to be a perfect half breed since he will need the power from both his Saiyan side and human side.

Izuku was just happy that he had a power that he could call his own, no matter if it came from an alien race. Even though, it is technically not a Quirk, it can still pass off as one. It still didn't matter to Izuku since this Power will allow him to become the Hero he had always dreamed of becoming. It is the Quirk he always wanted to have to become a Hero…

When Izuku got out of the shower, he gathered all of his belongings and stepped out of the gravity chamber. He then took out his capsule and place the large gravity chamber inside the capsule.

"Hey, are you sure this is a safe place to come and train in the gravity chamber? I don't want anybody to come out of nowhere and see me training here." Izuku asked his Inner Self as he began to float up in the air and leave the area.

"Don't worry! This island has not been inhabited or visited in millenia. The only people that know of its existence are us and your Father. Plus if anyone comes near it, I will be able to sense them immediately so I'll just alert you as soon as possible if something like that ever happens which it probably won't. So relax, big guy. We're good." Inner Deku replied.

The island that Inner Deku was referring to was none other than Kame Island, the home of Turtle Hermit, Master Roshi. It still looked the same after all of the years that had gone by since his death. It still had a sunny beach, with many beautiful palm trees that circled around the entire island. The only difference being that the pink house that the Turtle Hermit used to live in has gained rust over the years due to being abandoned for so long.

Inner Deku told Izuku to come exactly to this island when he decided to start training in the gravity chamber. The reason, being as stated above, that the island has been abandoned for many millennia up to this point. And back then, the only people who knew of its existence were Goku, his family, friends, and the rest of the Z-Fighters. But when they all passed away, the island was left alone, untouched, for many years. Humanity has no idea of its existence due to it being completely isolated from civilization. Thus, making it the perfect training spot for Izuku in the gravity chamber.

Izuku sighs, "Alright, whatever you say. Anyways, time to head home. It is getting late. I don't want Mom to be getting any more worried than she should."

Izuku then flew back to his home, where he would prepare for the next day of U.A. High School….

The Next Day…

"Hey, did you guys watch the news last night?!" The Invisible Girl, Toru asked to her classmates referring to the news coverage that was done about the USJ incident a couple of days ago. The USJ incident were made known to the public and it immediately made headlines. It was a really big deal, due to the prestige and high esteem that U.A. has garnered in Japan for being the Number One High School for Heroes in training. It was an understatement to say that the general public was shocked. It was unheard of for a gang of Villains to be able to sneak into a U.A. facility with all of the security measures that the school funds for the safety of its students. Nobody saw it coming at all. And it was all just an unfortunate turn of events. However, when it was reported that none of the students, minus Izuku, suffered major injuries, the Press and general public didn't go too hard on U.A. and criticize to such a high degree. When the Press asked for the identity of the student that was fatally injured during the invasion, U.A. refused to reveal that it was Izuku. Their reasoning was that the student didn't need all of that public attention on them, and it would be safer if their identity was not revealed.

"Yeah, I saw it. What about it?" Ojiro replied as he turned his head to the Invisible Girl.

"Did you see how everyone in class was on-screen? I didn't stand out at all… " Toru said as she whined at not making much of an impression on TV.

"That's true." Shoji said as he added to the conversation.

"Well, I wouldn't blame them. It is hard to stand out when they can't really see you, huh?" Ojiro said as he remembered when watching the news last night that the only way you could've really seen Toru is if you noticed a floating pair of gloves walking beside the rest of the girls in Class 1-A.

"But man, all the channels made a big deal out of it!" Kaminari said as he turned his head behind him to talk to Kirishima.

"Yeah, bro, I was surprised. It made the headlines everywhere. The entire country knows about it by now!" Kirishima said as he didn't know he was going to be on TV so soon.

"Can you really blame them, though? The Hero Course that keeps pumping out Pro Heroes was attacked by so many Villains out of nowhere." Jiro said as she put herself into the conversation as she was twirling around her long earlobes.

"Man, who knows what could've happened if the teachers had not come when they did." Sero said.

Mineta then immediately stopped Sero from saying anything further, "STOP THAT, SERO! Just thinking about it is making me wet myself-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! Be quiet, Purple Grapes! Nothing was going to happen! We had it all under control! Those Villains were shit compared to us. You're lucky that Deku took care of the strongest one or else it could have been a lot worse!" Bakugo shouted as he got irritated at Mineta's childish crying.

"Yeah, I heard that Midoriya took care of the big guy with the beak. It was reported that guy had like multiple different Quirks inside of him and stuff. He was really overpowered! Midoriya really saved our butts because I don't know if we would be able to take down such a Villain!" Sato said as he threw a couple punches to the air.

"Yes, it just makes you wonder of the true power that Midoriya possesses. Although the drawbacks of such strength seem to take a massive toll on his toll on his body. He was the most injured out of all of us. What a strange Quirk he has… " Tokoyami said a she thought about what Izuku had to do to gain such power.

"I really hope Deku-kun is alright. Do you guys think he will be coming to school today?" Ochaco asked as she has been worried for the green haired Saiyan for the whole weekend.

"I am not sure… His injuries were extremely severe. They were worse than Mr. Aizawa's and Thirteen's. He had to fight that huge Villain all by himself. If only we could have came sooner, maybe we might have been able to help him." Momo said as she had a visibly sad look on her face. She was worried for her friend. She had tried contacting him over the weekend but he didn't respond. For some reason, she found herself think more and more about the green haired Saiyan more and more as time went on.

"Who knows? It would be a miracle if he can even walk after the injuries that I saw he had." Sero said.

As if right on cue, the classroom door was opened, and in came the one and only Izuku Midoriya. He looked completely good as new without any sort of bandages or anything like that. He had a big smile on his face as he walked inside the class, happy to see that his classmates were all doing fine.

"Good morning guys! Are all of you okay after that whole USJ thing? I haven't had the chance to see you guys since then, so I hope everything is going alright for all of you." Izuku said as he entered the classroom, only to find 19 pairs of eyes all on him.


"Uhhhh…. Did I miss something? Why are all of you looking at me like that?"

And then total mayhem ensued…

Bakugo ran up to the green haired Saiyan and grabbed him by his shirt, "HEY DEKU! WHY DIDN'T YOU REPLY TO ANY OF MY TEXTS, YOU BASTARD! You left me on delivered for like 3 days! Who does that? Were you ignoring me? Answer me now before I kill you!"

Izuku held up his hands in defense, "HEY HEY, I'm sorry! I wasn't trying to ignore you, Kacchan! I swear! It's just that a lot of things happened these past couple of days, and I didn't really have the chance to go through my phone!"


"I swear!"

"How are you even here?! Shouldn't you be in the hospital or something? You should not even be able to walk, much less be in school!" Sero shouted as he couldn't believe that Izuku was actually in class all fine and dandy.

"Yo Midoriya! How did you beat that Villain?! I heard that it was really overpowered and those injuries you suffered from it were no joke! Are you sure, you're fine?" Sato asked as he was in disbelief just like Sero was but was happy to find that his classmate seemed alright.

"Hey Midori! Tell us about about that Villain you faced! I didn't know you were that strong! What other things are you hiding from us?" Mina asked

"How are you even alive right now?!" Mineta screeched

"Man, if only we came in sooner, we could have teamed up and taken those Villains down easily!" Kirishima said excitedly as he bumped both of his fists together.

"That makes me wonder, if it was Midoriya that roared that which shook the whole USJ." Jiro said as she contemplated on the possibility.


"Everyone, calm down! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!" Iida loudly exclaimed as he stood in front of the classroom.

"Tch* Fine! We'll talk later." Bakugo finally let go of Izuku as they went to take their seats and settle down.

Izuku whispered to Iida, "Hey, thanks man. You saved my butt back there."

"No problem! Anything for the Class President. You also deserve some space after what happened in the USJ!" Tenya replied as he went to go take his own seat.

Mina turned around to face Asui, "Tsu-chan, who's gonna teach homeroom today?"

Tsuyu placed her finger on her chin as she thought about Mina's question, "Well, is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries…"

Suddenly the door to the classroom opened.


"Good morning Class. I hope you're all doing fine today." Aizawa greeted as his face and arms were completely wrapped in bandages, clearly the result of the wounds he suffered against Nomu and Shigaraki at the USJ.

"MR. AIZAWA, YOU'RE BACK TOO SOON!" Class 1-A shouted out in unison.

"Man, you're too much of a Pro!" Kaminari stated, who admired the work ethic of his homeroom teacher.

"So you're alright, Mr. Aizawa?" Tenya asked as he robotically raised his arm.

"Can you really call that 'alright'?" Ochaco asked as she didn't think that Aizawa was in a suitable condition to be teaching right now.

Aizawa made his way to the teacher's podium, "My well-being does not matter. More importantly, the fight is not yet over."

"Fight?" Bakugo asked, intrigued.

"Don't tell me… " Izuku said as his eyes slowly widened.

"The Villains again…?!" Mineta said in panic with sweat trailing down his face.

Aizawa took a moment to stare at all of his students, "The U.A. Sports Festival is drawing near."

"THAT'S A SUPER NORMAL SCHOOL EVENT!" The Class yelled in unison as they were all relieved that they didn't have to fight Villains again and can actually relax for a little bit.

"Hold on, wait a minute!" Kaminari said as he calmed down the classroom.

"Is it okay to have a Sports Festival so soon after the Villains snuck inside?" Jiro asked curiously.

"What if they attack us again or something… ?" Ojiro said, agreeing with Jiro's point of view.

"Apparently, they think of it as U.A. showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened to five times that of previous years. Above all, our Sports Festival is a huge chance. It is not an event to be cancelled because of a few Villains." Aizawa replied answering the concerns of a few of his students.

"But that's a good reason, isn't it? It is just a festival of sports." Mineta said as he didn't want to be attacked by Villains again.

"Huh? Mineta, you've never seen the U.A. Sports Festival?" Izuku asked as he turned his head.

"Of course I have! That's not what I meant!"

Aizawa continued his announcement, "Our Sports Festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a Festival of Sports, and the whole country was crazy about them. As you know, with reductions in scale and population, they are now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of those Olympics is the U.A. Sports Festival!"

"Of course, all the top Heroes around the country will be watching. For scouting purposes!" Momo said as she pumped her fist. She was determined to stand out in the Festival.

"I know that. But… " Mineta said as he still had his doubts.

"After we graduate, its typical to join a pro agency as a sidekick." Kaminari said as he held a thumbs up.

"A lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekicks, though. Kaminari, I feel like you'd be one of them. Since you're dumb." Jiro told the electric blond bluntly.

Kaminari sweatdropped as he heard her words, "Wow, that was totally uncalled for!"

"Of course, joining a famous Hero Agency will get you more experience and popularity. Time is limited. If you expect to go Pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event. One chance a year… A total of just three chances. No aspiring Heroes can afford to miss this event! If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations! The Sports Festival is a global event. The entire world will be watching you. So, don't screw it up!" Aizawa exclaimed as he did his best to motivate his students.

"YES, SIR!" The Class shouted.

"Homeroom is dismissed."

Izuku sat in thought as he processed his teacher's words.

"It seems like this Sports Festival event is a pretty big deal, huh?" Inner Deku said as he also payed attention to Aizawa's speech.

'That's right. The Sports Festival is a major chance for you to jumpstart your career as Hero before you even graduate! It can make or break your career. That's why it is important for you to make a good impression each and every time. You only get three chances.' Izuku said mentally as he replied to his Inner Self. Inner Deku told him that he didn't have to speak out loud when he wanted to communicate with him, since Inner Deku existed inside Izuku's mind after all. And, Izuku didn't want to look like a crazy retard talking to himself in public.

When, listening to Aizawa speak, Izuku got more and more determined to prepare for the upcoming Sports Festival. Izuku wanted to become the Number One Hero, so this is a vital opportunity to make good impression or else, he might flop…


"Even though all of that stuff happened, I'm getting really excited!" Kirishima exclaimed pumped both of his fists up with adrenaline rushing through him.

"If we put on a good show and stand out, we'll have taken the first step to becoming a Pro!" Sero said who equally as excited as Kirishima.

"It was most definitely worth coming to U.A.!" Sato said as fist bumped his own hand.

"We will only receive a few chances. We cannot afford to miss this." Tokoyami said as he was sitting on top of a table.

"Ojiro, I'm getting kind of nervous now! I need to stand out at the Sports Festival!" Toru said energetically as she began dancing due to the excitement rushing through her.

"But the Pros might not notice you unless you try really hard… " Ojiro replied as he sweatdropped.

"Oh dear, what'll I do? I stand out just by standing still, so the scouts won't be able to stop looking at me, right?" Aoyama said as he pointed at Koji.

Koji started sweating nervously and flailing his arms around.

"Right?" Aoyama asked him again as he got closer to the Animal Talker.

Koji earnestly nodded as he didn't want to hurt the Blond's feelings.

"You're so lucky, Shoji. Your brawn stands out on its own." Kaminari whined as he was envious of Shoji's impressive muscle mass.

"True, but there's no point if I cannot show them my usefulness." Shoji replied.

"I think you'll stand out, too." Jiro said as she giggled thinking about Kaminari's retard mode after he overuses his Quirk.

Izuku glanced around the classroom, observing all of his peers and their conversations regarding the upcoming Sports Festival.

"Wow, everybody is so into it." Izuku said as he could tell everybody was really looking forward to the prestigious event.

"Are you not? We have enrolled here to become Heroes, so of course we would get fired up!" Tenya said as he robotically waved his arms around.

"Iida, you have a unique way of getting fired up. It is weird." Tsuyu said bluntly.

"Midoriya, do you not feel the same?" Tenya asked the green haired Saiyan.

"Of course I do! But somethings…. "

"Deku-kun, Iida… "

Izuku and Tenya both turned to the voice calling their names.

"Let's do our best at the Sports Festival!" Ochaco said with a bloodthirsty grin as a purple aura surrounded her figure.

Izuku gulped at the sight, "U-Uraraka-san, your face…! It's… "

"What's the matter? You don't look carefree at all, even though that's what your name means." Mina said as she too was perplexed at Ochaco's sudden 180 turn in personality.

Ochaco raised her fist up high, "Everyone, I'm going to do my best!"

"YEAH!" Izuku and the others yelled as they also raised their fists up high.

Ochaco turned around to her other classmates, "I said, I'm going to do my best!"

"Y-Yeah… " They all replied with sweat drops.

"What's wrong? Your personality is all over the place."

Izuku began thinking, 'Now that I think about it… I never asked Uraraka-san why she wants to be a Hero…. '

Izuku, Tenya, and Ochaco were currently in the hallway walking towards the cafeteria for Lunch. But Izuku had something he wanted to get off of his mind.

"Uraraka-san, can I ask you a question?" Izuku said as the three walked side by side.

"Of course you can, Deku-kun! Ask away!" Ochaco cheerfully replied.

"Why did you decide to come to U.A. and become a Pro Hero?"

Ochaco eyes widened as she didn't expect the green haired Saiyan to ask her that.

"Huh? Um… because… I want to become a Hero to get a lot of money… " Ochaco said as her cheeks gained a slight tint of red due to the embarrassment she felt when giving her answer.

"Huh? For money?! You want to become a Hero for money?" Izuku asked as he stopped walking due to the shock of her answer as he wasn't really expecting that to be her reason for wanting to become a Hero.

"Well, if you want to boil it down simply, then yes… Sorry it is such an unwholesome reason. You two have such admirable motivations, it is embarrassing... " Ochaco said as she held her face with her hands to try to hide her small blush of embarrassment.

"Why? How is having a goal to support your livelihood not admirable?" Tenya asked as he flailed his arms around robotically as he usually does.

"Right, I agree with Iida. But it is unexpected" Izuku said as he knew there was more to her motivations to just simply money.

Ochaco sighed as she decided there was no harm in telling them.

"My family owns a construction company, but we have not gotten any work at all, so we're flat broke. This really is not something to tell other people though… "

Both Izuku and Tenya placed their hands under their chins as they began thinking.

"Construction… "

Suddenly a light bulb went off inside Izuku's head.

"Oh yeah! With her Quirk, if she gets licensed, then it'd bring costs way down, right?"

"Yes, you're right! She could make any raw material float. They wouldn't need any heavy equipment." Iida followed up with Izuku's idea.

"RIGHT?! That's what I told my Dad when I was little!" Uraraka exclaimed as she jumped up when she heard Izuku and Tenya say what she has been trying to tell her parents for years.

"But… " Ochaco said as she remembered many years ago when she tried to explain that very same concept to her Dad.

"You want to work for us? "

"Yeah! When I get big and strong, I'll help you and Mommy!" Kid Ochaco said with tears in her eyes as she desperately wanted to help.

"I appreciate the thought, Ochaco. But as your Dad, I'd be even happier if you could achieve your own dream. When that happens, you can take us to Hawaii!"

Ochaco gripped her skirt as the memory came back to her.

"I'll definitely become a Hero and make a lot of money and let my parents live an easy life!"

Izuku eyes widened as he could clearly see the determination in her eyes and feel the energy inside her become brighter and brighter as the resolve fueled her. It reminded him a lot of himself when he spoke about his own dream to become a Hero.

"BRAVO! Uraraka, Bravo!" Tenya exclaimed as he clapped earnestly above his head. He also commended Ochaco for her admirable goal of becoming a Hero and wanting to bring peace and tranquility into her parents' lives.

'She's not just aspiring to be a Hero. She's also taken reality reality into consideration.' Izuku thought as he smiled genuinely happy for his friend to have such a commendable goal.

"... " Inner Deku was silently listening in the conversation, all of his attention focused on Ochaco Uraraka and her reason for wanting to become a Hero.

"HOHOHOHOHO! Young Midoriya is here!" All Might yelled as he pointed towards his green haired Successor.

All three students looked at the Number One Hero in shock as they didn't expect to find him there.

"All Might? Why are you here?" Izuku asked as he was curious why his Sensei would be here at that moment.

"Lunch! Wanna eat with me?"

Ochaco started laughing, "He's like a maiden!"

"Well, how about it? Let's eat together!"

Iida nodded to Izuku, mentally telling him that it was fine and to go ahead.

"I'd love to." Izuku said as he made his way towards All Might.

'I wonder what's going on… '

"I wonder what All Might wanted with Deku-kun." Ochaco said as she and Iida were currently waiting in line to get lunch.

"I heard that when All Might was about to be attacked by one of the Villains during the USJ incident, even with all of his injuries, he rushed out alone to help. Perhaps it's about that?" Iida said as he gave his inference on why the Symbol of Peace requested the Class President to have lunch with him.

"Oh, yeah! I forgot about that! Me and Yaomomo were watching him while the rest of the class were fending off the Villains. Then suddenly out of nowhere, we felt a strange amount of heat and energy coming from Deku-kun. And when we looked, he was gone. We then saw that he was right in front of All Might protecting him from the Villain. And that's when the Pro Heroes came. Wow, he moved faster than we could even blink!" Ochaco said as she was dumbfounded at the superhuman speeds that Izuku moved at.

"The boundless power they both have are similar, too, so maybe All Might has taken a liking to him. He's truly amazing!" Iida said.

Unbeknownst to the two, a certain bi-colored hair teen named Shoto Todoroki was eavesdropping on their whole conversation.

'All Might… and Izuku Midoriya… what are they hiding?'

"What!? You're running out of time?!" Izuku said as he was in disbelief.

Toshinori was pouring two cups of tea, "Yeah. Apparently, every time I use One For All, my time limit in my Hero Form keeps going down and down. I started to notice this ever since I passed the Quirk on to you. My time limit used to be 3 hours, but now it's more like 2 hours and 40 minutes. I've overdone it too many times. Even at the USJ incident, I was pushing it a little since I had already used up all three hours that day. I was barely able to maintain the form. It was good thing, the Heroes arrived when they did."

"So if all of the Villains were taken care of, then maybe you wouldn't have to slightly push yourself. I'm sorr-"

"HAHAHAHAHA! You don't have to apologize! Man, we really are alike, you and me." Toshinori said as he laughed and coughed out blood.

Toshinori placed a cup of tea on the table, "Here, have some tea, kid."

"Thanks… " Izuku said as he took a sip.

"Before we talk about why I pulled you in here, I want to address something else that's really important. I want you to tell me what happened at the USJ… specifically how you took down Nomu." Toshinori said as he looked Izuku dead in the eye with a serious face.

Izuku sighed. He knew that Toshinori would ask him about that sooner or later. But he didn't expect for him to ask while they were in school of all places.

"Well, to be honest with you Toshinroi-Sensei, I don't remember much from it myself. After I told Mineta and Tsu to take Aizawa to safety, I stayed behind to buy them time in order for them to regroup with the others. After that, me and Nomu just started trading blows. I did my best to keep him at bay and not allow him or the other Villains to go after my classmates. But… he was just too strong. Everything I threw at him just didn't hurt him at all. He was a monster specifically designed to kill you. I stood no chance. I even combined both of my Quirks into one blast and put all of my strength and pushed past my limits into that on attack. When the smoke cleared… I did do a number on him… but he just regenerated like nothing! No matter what I did, there was just no use. After that, my arms were completely broken and all of my energy was depleted. And right when Nomu was about to finish me off, I felt a strange heat going through my body. A yellow aura surrounded me. I felt so much more power than I ever felt before. I thought about you, my mother, my classmates and everybody else, and I just roared with all of my might. And then… it all went black. Next thing, I knew I woke up in Recovery Girl's office."

When Izuku finished his story, Toshinori stared at the boy's emerald and electric green eyes… only to find there was no hint of deceit or lies in his words. He was telling him the truth.

Toshinori sighed, "Well, that's what happened, huh? I'm just happy that you are alive and well. Things could have gone much worse. And if anything happened to you… well, I don't think I could ever forgive myself." Toshinori said as his head faced the floor.

"Don't worry about it! I won't be going down that easily! I still have a duty as your Successor!" Izuku said as he gripped his hands.

'And that's what I like about you, kid.' Toshinori thought as he smiled.

"Well, the reason, I'm asking you about this is because me and the other staff members here in U.A. had a meeting here last night regarding the USJ incident and the Villains that attacked us. It seems that their ringleader is named Tomura Shigaraki and has a Quirk called Decay. Anything he touches, turns to dust. They invaded because they wanted to kill me. Their plan to do that was have Nomu fight me and overwhelm me. But it seems that you took care of him for me, no problem."

Izuku smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, "It really wasn't a big deal. I was just doing what I thought was right."

"Well, your actions as a Hero caused some concern in the meeting last night."

Izuku stopped smiling as he heard Toshinori's words, "What do you mean? What did they say?"

Toshinori began to recall the events of last night, "Well, apparently the other teachers were intrigued that a Freshman had the power to beat a creature specifically designed to end my life. Not to mention, that same creature had multiple Quirks put inside of him. They wanted to bring you in for questioning, but me and Principal Nedzu told them that wasn't necessary. I volunteered to keep an eye on you in case something like the USJ happens again. Nedzu knows about One For All and he knows I passed it on to you. So no need to worry. You can trust him."

"Phew, well that's a relief. I thought for a second that I was going to get in trouble. Thanks for backing me up." Izuku said as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Don't mention it. Later we will talk more about this 'hidden power' of yours and how to control it but for now, let's move onto other matters. More importantly, the Sports Festival. You still can't regulate both Quirks at the same time, can you? So what will you do?" Toshinori asked as he was curious about Izuku's game plan going into the Sports Festival.

"Hmmmm…. Oh yeah! I remember there was this one time, when I was fighting Nomu, I was able to focus the power of One For All on one arm and Ki on the other arm. I was constantly switching between the two powers and attacking with unpredictable strikes while also maintaining the power and not using too much strength that will break my bones. I also used a technique that multiplied my power and the effects of One For All while fighting against him, which gave me the edge at that certain point in the battle." Izuku said as he recalled when using Kaioken, it didn't break his bones or cause him to collapse like the other times when he combined both of his Quirks.

"Oh really! That's interesting! So tell me what was different that time than all of the other times before."

"Different… well the biggest difference between that and all of the other times I tried to use both Quirks simultaneously was that I didn't focus all of my power in one specific point. I wasn't trying to force the powers together and use brute force alone to succeed. Instead, I was using my powers, tactically in a way so that I can get the most out of my attacks, while at the same time, not wasting all of my energy on one big blow that would surely put me out of commission for the rest of the fight. I was using my head… " Izuku replied as he reflected back on the battle against Nomu.

Toshinori placed his hand under his chin, "Hmmm… Looks like you succeeded in putting on the brakes unconsciously. Anyway, that's amazing progress. I'm glad. Now drink your tea, before it gets cold."

"Oh, right! Thank you!" Izuku said as he began to drink the entire cup of tea.

Toshinori stood up and walked to look outside the window, "Frankly, I don't have much time left as the Symbol of Peace."

"No way… " Izuku whispered in disbelief.

"And some of those with built-up Villainous intent are starting to realize… "

Toshinori turned around to face his Successor, "I granted you my power because I want you to Succeed me."

"I want to be like you. I want to become the Greatest Hero in the World, just like you! Saving people with a fearless smile!"

Toshinori remembered the words that the green haired Saiyan spoke to him.

"You still feel the same as you did back then, don't you?" Toshinori asked Izuku.

"Yes, of course I do. And when I say that, I truly mean it!" Izuku said as his eyes glowed green and adopted a determined and serious look.

Toshinori smirked, "Then, the time has come for you to show that. The U.A. Sports Festival is something Pro Heroes-no, the whole WORLD is watching closely. It is a huge event! That is what I brought you here to talk about! The next All Might…. The fledgling Symbol of Peace… Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku began to get goosebumps as he could feel all of the energy and power behind Toshinori's words. In his eyes, the rainbow aura of One For All was getting stronger and stronger until it all cultivated inside Izuku's electric green eyes as all of the colors turned into one massive green star.

"I want you to tell the world 'I AM HERE!'"

"I am here… " Izuku whispered slowly as he repeated the words of All Might.

"But how…?" Izuku asked.

"You know the Sports Festival system, right?" Toshinori asked as he went back to sit down on the couch.

"Yes, of course! The support, business, general studies, and Hero Courses come together and fight through preliminary games of different types by class year. The students who make it through face off in the finals. It is a round-robin tournament divided by grade." Izuku explained.

"That's right! In other words, you can sell yourself with everything you've got!" Toshinori exclaimed as he pointed both of his index fingers at Izuku.

"Right… "

Toshinori then fell backward as the couch went with him towards the floor.

"I mean, what you say is absolutely correct! But honestly, it is kind of hard to get completely into it right after what just happened… Besides All Might is already teaching me… " Izuku kept on muttering and muttering until Toshinori had enough.

"No one is better at spouting nonsense than you!"


Toshinori looked at Izuku as said his next words, "Those who are always aiming for the top, and those who aren't. That slight difference in attitudes will have a big impact once you go out into society. I understand how you feel, and this is more for me than for you. I won't force you. However, I hope you won't forget how you felt back at the beach park."

Izuku eyes widened as he processed Toshinori's words. He was right. If Izuku truly did want to make an impact, then he had to go all out. He can't half-ass an event like the Sports Festival. If he did, then all of the hard work he has done up to this point would have been all for nothing. And with those thoughts in mind, Izuku made a decision.

"I have not forgotten how I felt at the beach. And I have made my decision. I vow to win the Sports Festival no matter what! I have to make a statement at the Sports Festival and that is that I'm going to become the strongest Hero in the World. And in order for that to be possible, I have to prove myself to the masses that I have what it takes to back up my words. Nobody remembers second place. Years from now, people are only going to remember the results. And I want them to remember that the following Sports Festival is when Izuku Midoriya told the world, I AM HERE!" Izuku finished his speech as now his aura emanated pride and confidence, which is a complete 180 from his usual nervous and low confident self.

"Hmph. It seems like your Saiyan side is finally starting to come out. About time." Inner Deku commented who has been paying attention to the whole conversation.

Toshinori smirked as he heard his Successor's words, 'Yes, now you finally understand Izuku! You must show why you WILL be the next Symbol of Peace!'

Classes had officially ended for the day and it was dismissal time. However, there was a slight problem….

Ochaco stood in front of the door as she tried to leave the classroom, but unfortunately she couldn't get.

"Wh-What's going on?!" Ochaco said nervously as she wasn't expecting to find herself in this kind of situation.

Currently, there was a crowd of students from other classes blocking the doorway of Class 1-A.

"What business do you have with Class A?" Tenya asked sternly.

"We can't get out! What did you come here for, anyway?" Mineta yelled.

"Scouting out the enemy, Purple Grapes. We're the ones who made it out of the Villains' attack. They probably want to check us out before the Sports Festival. There's no point in doing stuff like that. Out of my way, extras!" Bakugo said as he tried to walk through the crowd.

"Stop calling people 'extras' just because you don't know them!" Tenya exclaimed.

"That's Kacchan for you!" Izuku said with a sweatdrop.

"I came to see what the famous Class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant. Are all of the students in the Hero Course like this? Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned."

A student with gravity defying purple hair ,and a worn out and tired face that could give Aizawa a run for his money, said as he made his way to the front of the crowd to see all of the students of Class 1-A.

"There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the Hero Course. Did you know that?" The student asked Bakugo who only grunted in response.

"The school has left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the Sports Festival, they'll consider our transfer into the Hero Course. And it seems they may also transfer people out."

Izuku's eyes widened in shock as he heard the purple haired student's words.

"Scouting out the enemy? I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the Hero Course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you. I came with a declaration of war!"

"Hmmmm… A bold one isn't he?" Inner Deku said.

"Hey, hey! I'm from Class B, next door! I heard you fought against Villains so I came to hear about it! Don't get so full of yourself!" A student with silver hair shouted.

"Another bold person."

"If you bark too much, it will be embarrassing for you during the real fight!"

Bakugo simply walked past the crowd and went on his way.

"You ignoring me, bastard?!" The silver haired student yelled, obviously not too pleased with Bakugo's behavior towards him.

"Wait a minute, Bakugo! What're you gonna do about all this? It is your fault that everyone's hating on us!" Kirishima said.

"It doesn't matter." Bakugo replied.


"It doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top." And with that, Bakugo walked off.

Kirishima began shedding tears, "That's so simple and manly!"

"What?!" Kaminari said.

"You said it." Sato replied.


"The top, huh? There is truth in that." Tokoyami said, agreeing with what Bakugo said.

"Hang on, don't be tricked! He just made more pointless enemies!" Kaminari pleaded.

"That's right! We'll all just be at a disadvantage at the Sports Festival!" Mineta cried.

Meanwhile, Izuku was pondering on what Bakugo said.

'Kacchan... '

"Are you sure about this? You just barely got accustomed to 10G! If you do this now, it could kill you!"

"The U.A. Sports Festival is in two weeks! I don't have time to waste. I have to get stronger fast. If I 'take it easy' then it would cost me when I have no doubt that all of my competition are training to their absolute limit right now! I have to do the same or else I won't forgive myself if I lose because my opponent worked harder than me. Remember what you told me yesterday? That I have a lot of catching up to do well? Well, that just means I have to work 100 times harder than everybody else if I want to stand a chance at winning the Sports Festival!" Izuku said as he put on his orange gi and was about to change the setting of the Gravity Chamber.

Inner Deku sighed, "I guess once you make your mind up about something, there's no point in arguing with you. Okay, fine do what you want! But don't come crying to me when your body collapses!"

Izuku smirked, "Thanks for understanding me… me!"

"Let's just get this over with, shall we?" Inner Deku said obviously annoyed at Izuku's pun.

"Hold up, I need to put on my hype music!"

Izuku was going through his playlist on his phone until he found the song he was looking for.

He then played on the speaker, "STOOPID" By 6ix9ine Ft. Bobby Shmurda

As soon as the song started playing, Inner Deku had his mouth hung wide open as he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"What the FUCK are you listening to!?"

"What? It gets me hyped. It's good workout music!" Izuku said as he did his warm-up stretches.

Inner Deku began rubbing his temples, "Can you please just hurry up and start for the love of God!?"

"Alright, sheesh! Stop hating on my son, 6ix9ine."

Izuku then switched the setting of the Gravity Chamber. The display changed from 10G to 20G...