
Realizing The Reality (Season 1 Finale!)...

Chapter 8 - Realizing The Reality (Season 1 Finale!)...

- No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. -

11 Years Ago… The Fateful Day Izuku Midoriya found out he was Quirkless…

Inko Midoriya slowly sat on the couch in her living room. She clasped her two hands together tightly as her clothes were slightly wet. Her eyes and face were red as dry streams of tears were evident on her young and gorgeous face. She was still crying fresh tears as they drop towards her lap. Her emotions were set to an all time high. The tears were filled with so much angst and depressed sadness that it could make the most positive and happiest person become enveloped with an unforgiving dose of absolute sorrow and misery.

Inko and her four-year old son, Izuku Midoriya, went to the Doctor today to see why the young green haired boy has yet to manifest his Quirk when everybody else in his age group have already done so. It was strange. When she was her son's age, she had long gotten her Quirk. The same goes for the young boy's Father. So why was it taking her Izuku so long to get his own power? She aimed to find out why. Also, it was her son's dream to become a Great and Righteous Hero like his idol All Might. So he was even more anxious to find out what his Quirk will be. He wanted to start working on it as soon as possible so he can train his power to the best of his ability so that he can be ready to become a Hero once he was of age.

However… Fate had different plans.

When they arrived to the Doctor, he analyzed Izuku's X-Rays and revealed to the Midoriya's that there was an absolute 0% chance of Izuku every manifesting a Quirk. The reason being that Izuku's toe was double-jointed. That extra joint isn't present in any person with a Quirk. They were only in people who were Quirkless. Meaning that Izuku's body hadn't gotten through the Evolutionary phase needed to be able to acquire a Quirk of his own. The Doctor told the Mother-Son duo that there was no chance that Izuku will ever become a Pro Hero. He told the young boy that he should just give up now as there was no point in chasing an impossible dream.

Izuku didn't even know how to react… he just stared in shock as his eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. 0% chance? No chance? Give up? Impossible dream?!

N-No! He didn't want to hear any of those words that came out of the Doctor's mouth!

From then on, it was a completely silent trip back home. As soon as they arrived at their house, Izuku immediately went straight to his bedroom. Inko, who was worried deeply about her son, went inside Izuku's room to see that he had the video of All Might's debut playing on his computer. Izuku turned around to face his mother as his eyes were completely full of tears and were trapped within his majestic green orbs.

Izuku pointed towards the computer screen as it showed an image of All Might smiling as he saved over hundreds of civilians as he inspired peace and justice with his smile and presence alone.

"You see Mom… he's always smiling… no matter what! H-H-He never gives up….." Izuku said as he stuttered due to the emotional turmoil that no boy as young, innocent, and pure as himself should never ever endure.

"C-Can… I become a Hero… just like him?" Izuku asked quietly as he indirectly pleaded for his mother to give him the hope and reassurance that he so desperately needed at the time.

Inko stood there as her legs began to wobble and tears began to manifest from her green and beautiful eyes.

She wanted so terribly to hug her beloved son and reassure him that yes, he can become a Hero just like All Might! To reassure him that no matter what, with or without a Quirk, he can become a great Hero as long as he works harder than anybody else. He wanted to make sure that no matter what, he will always have her as support when the entire world will be against his and his dreams….

But, she just couldn't…

She just could not do that to her son that she loved and cared for so much.

As a Mother, she couldn't bring herself to give Izuku false hope. She loves the fact that he dreamed big, but she also wanted for him to dream realistically and not chase something that is unattainable. Inko understood just how dangerous a line work such as the Pro Hero job can be. There countless Villains out there with unbelievable Quirks. Inko didn't want her son to get hurt… or worse. She doesn't want her son to try so hard and yet to fail all the same. The disappointment would be unbearable for Izuku and herself.

As a result, she proceeded with the action that she truly believed would be of best interest for her son's well being and for herself as well.

Inko hugged her son as hard as she could without hurting him of course. She too cried her own set of tears as she said…

"I'm sorry, Izuku… I wish things were different.. "

Izuku's own set of tears began to flow down his face as he said in his mind…

'No… that's not it Mom… That's not what I needed you to say.'

After crying in his Mother's soft arms for about an hour, Izuku got too tired and feel asleep as Inko was hugging him. She wiped both his and her own tears and tucked Izuku into bed. She turned off his computer and closed the door as quietly as he could to make sure she didn't wake her son up.

She then made her way to the couch in the living room, where she is now. Even though she was tired and stressed out, she still cried small drips of tears. She couldn't help but feel apart of this was her fault somewhat. She blames herself because she couldn't pass down and give Izuku her Quirk so that he can become a Hero. Even though her Quirk of attracting small objects isn't much, she had full faith that if that was the Quirk that Izuku was born with, he would still find a way to become a Great Hero no matter how weak his power may seem.

She understood that 20% of the world still doesn't have any type of Quirk or super power. But almost all of those people are of the elderly. She knew there are still Quirkless children out there. So it goes without saying that Izuku had a very slim chance of turning out Quirkless, but why did it have to be her son? Why did it have to be the person who wanted to be a Hero more than anybody else in the world?!

Inko sighed sadly. The world truly can be merciless and heartless… even to innocent children.

Inko then heard the front door knob of their home turning as it was unlocked. She heard giant and strong footsteps full of authority make their way into the living room. At first she was shocked and scared at the same time since she left the door locked and didn't lend any house keys to anybody, not even her best friend Mitsuki Bakugo. She was about to use her Quirk to attempt to defend herself against the assumed house invader, but as soon as she felt the presence of the person walking towards the living room, she calmed down as she knew exactly who it was.

"I'm home! Why are almost all of the lights off? Don't tell me you two fell asleep at 9:00 P.M.!"

A strong, masculine, but gentle voice said as the man arrived at the living room where Inko was sitting on the couch.

"Sorry for coming here without letting you know first honey. But when you texted me the other day that Izuku was going to the Doctor today to find out what his Quirk is, I immediately dropped everything and came to Japan as fast as I could. What kind of Father would I be if I didn't come to see firsthand what power my beloved son Izuku is blessed with?!"

The man that stated this was a humorous person with the happiest and most gentle and genuine smile a man could have. He stood at a monster height of 6'8 (203.2 centimeters) and had a physique that could rival All Might himself. He had broad shoulders and pecs with biceps and triceps the size of thighs. He wasn't completely bulky like a certain Symbol of Peace, but he maintained a lean and muscular frame that didn't make him too big, but not too weak. It was an almost perfect combination of strength and speed. From his body alone, one can infer that this giant of a man had trained very diligently for nearly all of his life. Practically from the age he could walk. He was a true Powerhouse. He had the body that other men envied and would kill to have and that women would dream to be under. He had curly and spiky dark green hair that was unkempt and flowed in all directions. His eyes were a bright emerald green that could entrap pretty much anybody into their beauty and calmness. It almost seemed like they were glowing as they screamed, 'Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I will protect you.' The intensity was fierce but gentle at the same time.

As he breathed through his nostrils, small amounts of smoke could be visible coming out of his nose. And his overall body temperature was higher than normal as every room he stepped into just felt warmer all of a sudden. This is a side effect of his Fire breathing Quirk.

He wore a bright green sweatshirt with the symbol of a golden chinese dragon embedded on both sides. The golden dragon was breathing crimson flames as the flames materialized into a giant fist and the under the fire fist were the words, "DRAGON FIST!"

And around his waist…. Was brown monkey tail….

The name of this adult male is none other than Hisashi Midoriya. The husband and lover of Inko Midoriya and the Father of Izuku Midoriya. There was no question about it. Izuku is the spitting image of Hisashi, minus the freckles. Izuku inherited those from Hisashi's Father. But even with a minor difference like that, Hisashi is exactly what Izuku would look like if he was an adult.

When Hisashi heard the news that his son, Izuku, will be finding out what his Quirk this Friday, he dropped all of his work. And immediately booked a flight to Mustafu, Japan. He couldn't wait to see what Quirk his son was blessed with. He hoped that it was especially his Quirk, so that he could train him personally helped him master it just like Izuku's Grandfather did to him. He also wanted to visit his wife and son who Hisashi hasn't seen in such a long time. Even though he isn't around much since he works abroad, he still loved his family more than anything in the whole Universe. It hurts him everyday in his heart that his son is growing up without a Father to raise him and show him the love only a Father could to his son. But this isn't a perfect world, and sacrifices had to be made. And Hisashi had to be willing to make those sacrifices for the benefit and safety of his family. Even if it hurts him more than any Villain could ever dream of.

But when he stepped through the front door, he already knew something was wrong. All of lights of the home were turned off, minus the living room. When Hisashi came through the door, he expected to see a mini version of him with freckles running around the house, breathing crimson flames from his mouth or pulling small objects to himself as he created a huge mess in the home. Or Hell, even a combination of both!

But instead, he saw his beautiful wife sobbing as she sat alone on the couch. He saw the dried tears all around her clothes as her eyes were red from all of the crying. She had a face seeping with sadness and sorrow.

He didn't like that…

So when his wife looked up to see him, Inko immediately did her best to dry her tears and put on a happy smile, "Hisashi! You're home! What a pleasant surprise. I'm happy that you were able to make it!"

Hisashi stood silently as he witnessed the love of his life attempt to dry off her warm tears and erase the evidence of her ever crying. He saw through the smile and under it, he can still see the sorrow that consumed her.

Hisashi sat next to Inko and hugged her as tight as he could while making sure not to hurt her. Inko sighed in relief as she relaxed into her lover's arms. It has been so long since she felt the strong arms of her lover so she wanted to enjoy it as much as she could.

"Inko… honey, what's wrong? Where is our son?" Hisashi asked calmly as he still needed to figure just what in the world happened before he arrived.

Inko sniffed sadly as she began to remember the events of the day.

"Izuku is in his room, sleeping… " Inko said as she laid her back against the couch while her husband still remained sitting up straight patiently waiting for his partner to tell him what ha been going on.

"Sleeping? Izuku? At 9? Now, listen, I may not be around much, but I know my own son. It doesn't matter if it is a school night or not, but around this time, my son is either studying, playing video games or working on his Hero Journals. That boy is too smart for his own good. He simply can't just sleep at 9 P.M.! Who does that? Not my kid. On occasions, he would stay up all night evaluating and analyzing both Heroes and Villains and their Quirks. He's too stubborn to do anything different. And I'm to blame for that. He inherited most of those qualities from me. I was exactly the same when I was his age after all." Hisashi replied to Inko as he could tell from her eyes that something was not right. He wanted to know why his son is sleeping at 9 dammit!

Inko smiled sadly. Hisashi is as perceptive as ever. But she really should have expected that. It is part of the reason, why she grew to love him.

"Izuku went to bed early. He is sad and… very hurt." Inko said as she thought of when Izuku began crying in her arm.

Hisashi frowned as he heard this.

"What?! Why is he sad and how did he get hurt?! Was it that Katsuki kid again?! I'm going to head over to his house and speak to his parents RIGHT NOW!" Hisashi said as his voice suddenly got louder and sat up and began to move his feet to the front door. He knew about the bullying and abuse that Katsuki Bakugo and his goons made his son go through. When he first found out about it, he was going to go strangle the ash blonde haired boy. But Inko begged him to calm down and to not do anything stupid like strangling a four-year old kid which would surely get him sued and arrested. Hisashi didn't end up actually strangling him, thank God. But that didn't mean that he let it slide. Hisashi was very overprotective of his one and only child. The thought of somebody even laying a finger on his green haired head, made Hisashi want to burn that person's face off with the hottest and reddist flames in existence.

Inko grabbed Hisashi's arm to prevent him from starting something that would surely begin a mess.

"No, wait! This doesn't have anything to do with Katsuki or any type of bullying for that matter. So please relax." Inko pleaded with her husband as she knew how impulsive and reckless he could be whenever somebody messed with those he cared about. It is another reason why she grew to love him.

Hisashi sighed as he sat back down on the couch.

"Ok honey, I'll calm down. But please tell me what's going on. I can't help you if you don't tell me the problem. And you know how I hate seeing both you and our Izuku cry. It pains my heart. I don't ever want to see the ones closest to me suffer like that. So tell me the problem, and I promise that I will fix it!" Hisashi said with a smile so bright it could be mistaken for the sun itself and the warmth it produced.

Inko smiled as she was truly grateful that she was lucky enough to find a great man like Hisashi. He is truly a man any woman would kill to have. She could only hope that their son, Izuku, will turn out the same or hell, maybe even better. Who knows?

Inko looked down towards her lap as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry my love. But I'm afraid that's a promise you won't be able to keep no matter how hard you try." Inko told Hisashi as she still felt sadness throughout her entire being as she couldn't do anything about it either.

Hisashi widened his eyes when hearing this, "W-What do you mean, Inko?" What could possibly be the problem that he couldn't fix no matter how hard he tried.

Inko sighed as she began to explain what happened.

"Me and Izuku went to the Doctor to figure out what his Quirk was. He's already four years old and all of the other children in his age group have already manifested their own Quirks. While our baby hasn't. So I scheduled an appointment to find out why our baby boy hasn't developed a Quirk yet. But when we met with the Doctor, he did an X-ray on Izuku and he revealed…." Inko began to choke on her words as she still found difficulty in reliving the horrible fateful events that transpired today.

"Okay and what did he say? Did he say what Quirk Izuku got?" Hisashi asked as he was now worried about what the Doctor told his family.

When Inko heard her husband's words, she looked him right in the eye.

"That's… exactly what the problem is my dear… "

At first, Hisashi was confused. But after a few seconds, his super genius brain began to work at light speed. He then connected the dots…

Hisashi had a horrified look on his face as he couldn't believe it…

"Oh no… Please… Don't tell me."

Inko saw that her husband had finally put 2 and 2 together.

She nodded sadly as she said, "Yes, dear. It is exactly what you think. I'm very sorry. And I wish it wasn't true. But Fate had other plans…." Inko took a deep breath as she prepared to finally say it.

"Our, son, Izuku Midoriya, is Quirkless."

Hisashi was just shocked. How could this even happen. His Father, Grandfather, and plenty before them all had Quirks. The same goes for Inko. Why in the world would their son be Quirkless?! It should be impossible. No way! He should have at least inherited one of their Quirks.

But then, Hisashi remembered the family secret that his own Father told him many years before….

"No he is not!"

Inko widened her eyes as she didn't expect an outburst like that from Hisashi. What did he mean he is not? That's not what Izuku's Doctor had said.

"What do you mean, he isn't? He didn't inherit either of our Quirks Hisashi! He can't breathe fire and he can't attract small objects to himself. He doesn't even have a tail like you do!" Inko said as tears again started to trail down her face.

"The Doctor said that because of a double jointed toe, Izuku is Quirkless. Only people who are Quirkless have double jointed toes while everybody else's is single jointed!"

Hisashi rubbed his temples as did his best to remain calm under such a stressful situation.

"Well, then that Doctor doesn't know what he's talking about. I don't care if he said that Izuku is Quirkless or not. Izuku is still my son and I will always love him no matter what. He isn't a weak Quirkless person. You and anybody else may not see it, but I and maybe a few others are able to see it. I can see the infinite potential that genius boy possesses. It is hidden and locked away tightly. But inside him, is a massive amount of incredible power that you can't even begin to comprehend." Hisashi said as he stood up and began to look for something in his pockets.

"Wh-What are you talking about? He's just a little baby boy. He wouldn't even hurt a fly. Where is the power that you are speaking of coming from?" Inko asked as she honestly had no idea what Hisashi was talking about. Ever since Izuku was born, he had never showed any signs of "massive power" or whatever Hisashi was talking about. If her son really has something like a hidden power, then she would know it.

Hisashi smirked, "That's because it is still not time. His body isn't ready. Ife he were to awaken that power the way he is now, then his physical body would be way too weak to support. His limbs would go flying straight off and his body will explode! He is still too young. He needs time to develop into a young man." Hisashi then found what he was looking for in his pockets and then pulled it out.

Inko widened her eyes in terror, "WHAT?! Why didn't you ever tell me? What if he accidentally awakens that power and it destroys him!?"

Hisashi sighed as he knew this day would come, "Listen. I never told you because it was for Izuku's safety. If word got out, that he had all of this power stockpiled up inside of him, do you have any idea what the government or a Villain would do to him? They would attempt to abuse him and try to take that power away from him and use it for their own personal and selfish gain! I couldn't let that happen to my own son. I, as a Father and a husband, have to do what is best for you and him. That is my responsibility. That is why, I have to work abroad. I can't stay here because if I do, they will found out that Izuku is my son and the power that he possesses."

'There are also other reasons, but I still can't tell you. Sorry, my love.' Hisashi said in his mind as there were still things that he was keeping a secret.

"But, Hisashi! Izuku still thinks he's Quirkless. And you know more than anyone how much he wants to be a Hero. When the Doctor said that he was Quirkless, it destroyed him from the inside. You know how much he admires and idolizes All Might! He wants to be a Hero just like him. Matter of fact, the first thing he did when we came back home was watch the All might debut video. The same one he has watched over 10,000 times! H-He asked me if he can be a Hero just like him… I wanted so badly to tell him that yes he can be a Hero! B-But… I couldn't. I didn't want him to follow such an impossible dream!" Inko said as she began sobbing again.

Hisashi immediately went to comfort her as he said whispered relieving words to her.

"I-Izuku… Our son… YOUR son needs you Hisashi! Y-You need to be there for him. Right now, the only person that can help him is his own father. You have to teach him and raise him on how to be a man. You need to prepare him for the real world and the dangers that come with it. He needs you more than anything else…. " Inko sobbed as she knew that she herself couldn't do much to help her son since she broke the boy's spirit already. She hoped that her husband can help rebuild that spirit.

Hisashi was having an internal dilemma. He wanted nothing more than to stay with his beautiful wife and son and raise and protect them like any Father should. But he knew he couldn't do that. If he did, then Izuku and Inko would have to pay the ultimate price. But that still didn't mean he didn't WANT to stay with them or that he doesn't care for or love his family. Life was just unfair. Why does the world have to be so cruel?

At the moment, Hisashi remembered one of the most important lessons that his own Father taught him so long ago….

"Sometimes, in order to protect the ones we love the most, we have to make sacrifices that we may not want to make. Sometimes, we have to give up the things that we want the most… "

Hisashi looked at Inko with so much love and sadness, "I'm sorry, Inko… but I can't. Life is unfair. But as Heroes, we have to balance that unfairness by doing the best that we possibly can. I want nothing more for me to stay with you and our son, believe I really wish I could. I love the both of you so very much. You two are the most important people in my life…. And that is why I must go. Because, I love you two so much, I can't allow myself to put you two in danger. Both of you are just too precious to me. That's why I must leave. Please understand. I know I have been a terrible Husband and Father, but I am doing the best that I can. That is why I must go." Hisashi stood up as he prepared to leave.

But Inko stood up with him and hugged him from behind.

"Wait. I understand. If you truly have to leave, then that's fine. But… could you please stay the night? You have been away for so long, and I have not been able to make love with you in years. I'm a woman and I have needs, you know."

Hisashi smiled as she did have a point. Up to that point, Hisashi had not touched a Woman's body in so long. He had remained loyal to Inko and reserved himself to only Inko no matter how many women tried to seduce or flirt with him. He was loyal to a fault. He couldn't help it, it was in his blood after all. The same can be said for Inko.

"Anything for you my love." Hisashi said as he put whatever he had in his hand back in his pocket where he found it. They then made their way to their bedroom and proceeded to undress as they experienced a night of pleasure….

Hours Later…

Hisashi woke up to find himself lying next to a naked Inko under the covers. He saw the clock on the nightstand and it read, 4:30 A.M.

He looked towards his left to see Inko sleeping peacefully.

So with that, he got off the bed and began to put his clothes back on. He used the bathroom and took a new toothbrush from the pack under the sink. He brushed his teeth and tidied himself up, made sure that his hair didn't look too crazy and that he didn't smell like sex.

Hisashi walked out the bathroom and walked towards Izuku's door. He was conflicted on whether or not to open the door. He hadn't seen the boy in so long, and wanted to see just how much he has grown since the last time he saw him.

Hisashi stood there for a good 2 minutes before he heard a voice from behind him.

"What are you so scared of? He is YOUR son after all. You need to see him."

Hisashi looked behind him to see Inko standing in the hallway with a night robe on. She smiled at him and ushered for him to go.

Hisashi opened the door to Izuku's bedroom as silently as he could. When he walked in, the first thing that he noticed was the plethora of All Might merchandise, from action figure, to posters, backpacks, hell, even pajamas.

'What a fanboy.' Hisashi thought as he silently chuckled finding his son's admiration for the Number One Hero amusing but at the same time, cute. Everybody needs a Hero to look up to afterall.

Hisashi walked to Izuku's bed, as he saw his beloved son, sleeping peacefully with his back lying on the bed and his head on the pillow and his face facing towards the ceiling.

Hisashi was about to tear up seeing this sight, 'My baby boy… You have gotten bigger since the last time I have seen. I'm sorry that I missed your birthday. I am such a terrible Father.'

Hisashi gently placed his hand on Izuku's green hair and rubbed his head slowly.

"You're the spitting image of your Grandfather and Great-Grandfather. You even have their freckles." Hisashi whispered as he looked at Izuku's face. While Izuku did inherit all of his looks from Hisashi, in his own opinion, Izuku still reminded him of his Father and Grandfather. Hisashi didn't completely inherit all of their looks, because he got some from his mother. But Izuku got the whole package. He got all of their looks including Inko's and Hisashi's mother's.

"Someday, you're going to grow up. And when you do, you're going to become great. No matter what, I know that You WILL BECOME A HERO! You will be the greatest of them all. You will be special kid."

Hisashi then took his hand off Izuku, and went through his drawers. He found a piece of paper and a pen. He then began jotting down a letter. After he was done, he folded the letter and placed it in an envelope. On the front of the envelope, he wrote in big bold letters, "For Izuku."

He proceeded to leave the room, but before he did, he decided to take one last look at his son. He walked back towards him and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Stay safe my son. Become strong, be good, and protect the innocent. Never give up, no matter what others might say. Don't let them bring you down. Even if the world goes against you, always know that I will always support you. You can become a Hero, even if you're Quirkless. And please just be yourself. Those who mind, don't matter and those who do matter, don't mind." Hisashi said as he went back towards the door.

"I love you, my son. We'll meet again one day. But, until then… take care."

And with that, Hisashi finally closed the door to Izuku's room. Unbeknownst to Hisashi, Izuku had a smile on his face as he felt a gentle warmth around his body. He was having a good dream as he talked in his sleep.

"Papa… "

As Hisashi closed the door, he walked towards where Inko was standing and waiting.

"So you're leaving now, right?" Inko said as her happy smile turned into a sad frown. She wanted her husband to stay but life just has other plans.

Hisashi nodded as he too wanted to stay, but thus it was the sacrifice he had to make.

"But before I go, I need you to listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you." Hisashi said as his face immediately transformed into a serious expression. Inko gulped as she nodded, ready for what her husband was about to tell her.

"In about 10 years from now, Izuku's power will awaken. It will happen at a time, when he will most need it. After a full night's of sleep, he is going to grow a brown monkey tail just like mine. He will grow to be about my height, if not taller when I was that age. His overall muscle mass will grow and he will gain extraordinary powers. Powers that would seem unthinkable even by today's standards.

He will use these powers to train to become a Hero. He will have the purest heart than anyone could ever imagine. He will fight for Justice, Truth, and he will protect the innocent. He will strike fear into the heart of Villains and Hope into the heart of Heroes. I have no doubt that he will apply for U.A. High. Once he makes it in, he will be pushed past his limits to get stronger and stronger in order to achieve his dream of becoming a Hero. Even after all of that, he still wouldn't have even scratched the surface of his True Potential."

Hisashi then held up the envelope that was in his hand.

"This letter is for Izuku to read when he experiences his first ever Transformation."

"Transformation?" Inko asked as she didn't understand.

"Don't worry, you'll understand when it happens. It will most likely happen against a powerful Villain that will push our son past his limits and even further beyond. When he gets his first transformation, he will most likely be out for a couple of days. That's when you know for sure that he did undergo a transformation. Each transformation will make Izuku even stronger and stronger than he was before. It will take a lot of hard work and dedication, but I know for sure that Izuku will master each and every transformation. He is our son after all."

Hisashi then handed the envelope to Inko.

"Keep that in a safe place."

Hisashi then went digging back into his pockets and pulled out two capsules. Both capsules had the Capsule Corporation logo printed on them. One was bigger than the other.

Hisashi handed the capsules to Inko, who grabbed them carefully.

"Those two capsules contain extremely valuable items that have been passed down from generation to generation in my family. Give those to Izuku along with the letter. Oh, and make sure that he opens the smaller one first. Put those in a safe place as well."

"Okay, you can count on me! I'll make sure our son gets these items." Inko said as she saluted to Hisashi.

Hisashi chuckled seeing his wife's antics.

He then hugged and kissed Inko on the lips. When they separated, Hisashi put a hood on to conceal his face.

"I have to go my love. Remember, to protect Izuku with your life. Make sure he stays safe. He needs to stay alive. The world is going to need him one day. And he is going to save all of our butts one day, that's for sure. I'll bet my life on that."

Inko smiled sadly, "Goodbye, Hisashi! Make sure to call and text okay!?"

Hisashi smiled, "I will. If anything happens, let me know first, alright. I love the both of you dearly. When Izuku is of age, I will come back, but until then, goodbye and I love you."

Hisashi then stepped out of the house as he saw the sun begin to rise.

He looked up towards the sky as the sun shined down on him.

"Father… Grandfather… and all of my ancestors…. Please watch over my son. Guide him towards the right path. He will have a tough life ahead of him, full of hardships, and suffering. But I know that he will be able to get through all of that. I know that he will be able to transcend anything that comes his way. But he won't do it alone. He is going to need help. And with that help, he will succeed. He will succeed because that boy…. Is our last Hope.

The human body really is something isn't?

A wide majority of people don't realize it…

… But they are much stronger than they think.

If you look at it in face value, then the human body really isn't that impressive compared to many other species. Humans don't have claws, fangs, venom. Their average running speed isn't that impressive compared to the fastest beings on the planet. A human infant can't survive on its own at all. The baby must be nurtured and taken care of by another human being. If not, then the human baby will sadly and unfortunately not live very long at all. Every human has emotions. These emotions can be both positive and negative. And sometimes the negatives can outweigh the positives, resulting in men and women allowing their emotions and feelings to overrule their logic and rationale. This in turn will lead them to make bad decisions and ruin their relationships with the ones that they care about and the ones that truly matter. And that's just one of the things that limits humans from thriving unlike other species that don't allow things like that to get in their way. Human beings truly do have many and many limitations that hinder their growth and evolution as a race…

But what would happen is someone were to overcome those limits?

While it is true that the human race does suffer from a load of limiters that stop them from thriving and ascending as a race, what over 99.9% of the population are not aware of is that there is actually a way to break those limiters. Yes, almost everybody in the world just accept what their limits and just go on with their lives. They don't strive to go beyond those limits and transcend whatever issues or obstacles that get in the way of their hopes, dreams and aspirations. They either give up midway through because they don't have the guts to keep on working hard and sacrifice the necessary blood, sweat, and tears, or they get so so close but fail one time and they just decide to give up right then and there.

However, that less than 0.1% of the population are the opposite. They are aware of the potential that they possess. They are aware that yes, it is possible to break those limits that prevent human beings from evolving further as a race. They fight for their dreams and aspirations and don't let other people tell them that they can't achieve their dreams. They will keep fighting. They will keep clawing. They will not stop until they achieve their life's purpose. Which why this less than 0.1% is able to transcend and surpass their limits and evolve into the best versions of themselves….

However, with the introduction of Quirks to the world it changed humanity and the Earth so radically that it shook the whole foundation of the previously established principles of human nature. Humans were now "Superhumans" and could now do things that weren't possible in real life. Things that were only found in comic books. Mankind was living in a Superhuman society.

So one would think, "Well then that means the previous limitations that the human body had are non-existent now, right?"

Well, I'm sorry to say but it isn't that simple.

You see, here's the thing. Humans can not choose what Quirk they are born with. They can't change it either. So whatever Quirk you get, you're stuck with it for the rest of your life. So if someone is born with a weak ass Quirk, there's not much that they can to improve themselves as best as possible. They would have a pretty low ceiling. And that would place a huge limit on their power and evolution.

The same thing with people that are born with extremely powerful Quirks. Yeah, they could achieve a lot more and have a much higher ceiling. But then again, a ceiling is still a ceiling. And you can't go past it.

And don't forget about the people who are born Quirkless. They don't even have any powers. They are just average humans like back in the old days. So their ceiling is really low.

And that just shows how messed up the world really is. Everything about a person is defined by your Quirk. It is as if a Quirk makes the person and not the other way around. Hell, one could argue this just limits humans more than before Quirks emerged onto the scene.

But who knows?

Maybe there is a way to surpass your Quirk's limits. Maybe people just don't know how to...

Or maybe they just never… tried….

Nonetheless, our favorite green haired Saiyan and One For All user is about to embark on a journey that will have him learn how to surpass his own limits…. The hard way.

Izuku Midoriya was back into his deep subconscious which is above the Earth's orbit in space.

He opened his eyes as he found himself floating above the Earth's atmosphere. He looked in front of him to see the giant green sun alongside the four sacred locked doors.

"Huh? I'm back here again?" Izuku asked as he look around and confirmed that he was indeed back inside his subconscious where the power of One For All was stored and where the four doors were which were locked and held something unknown behind them which Izuku wanted to know.

Izuku floated to where the Green Sun was located which represented One For All. It still read "20% complete until full mastery."

But something about it felt different to Izuku. It looked a lot bigger to him. And also it felt… hotter and he felt a lot more power and energy emanating from the humongous Green Sun. Maybe it was just him, but something did feel a lot more different than last time around.

Izuku then turned his attention to the first locked door to the right which had the symbol of the Roman Numeral of I. It was still golden in color and it was still huge but Izuku also noticed a couple differences. He saw that the locks seemed like they were loosen and that the door actually opened a little before it was close back.

There was also something written on the door which read,

"One step closer to achieving this power."

This had Izuku scratch his head a little. He didn't remember doing anything that would cause something like this to happen. It was weird. He had so many questions. How is he one step closer? What is he one step closer to? What is "this power." Why in the Hell does he keep dreaming about a Green Sun and four random doors?!

"I don't even know what this is even referring to! This is all just so random! I keep getting more and more questions, but not even one simple answer!" Izuku yelled in annoyance as he punched the door as hard as he could.

He immediately widened his eyes as he felt probably one of the most painful experiences in his life.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Izuku screamed in agony. His fist was burning in hot pain as he tried to relieve the pain by blowing and massaging the injured hand.

"Oh my God! What is that door made of! That thing has to be harder than steel!" Izuku yelled as he tried to take care of his now red hand.

"You're right. It is harder than steel. Which is why I wouldn't recommend punching the door."

Izuku widened his eyes as he heard a voice very similar to his. He looked behind him to see who it was and then he had one of the biggest shocks of his life.

Floating there, was… himself. He was staring at an exact copy of Izuku Midoriya. Everything was exactly the same. From the hair, to the eyes, the height, weight, arms, legs, and even the same freckles. The only difference being that this new Izuku was wearing his Hero Costume in full Saiyan armor.

Izuku found it hard to from words in his mouth…

"W-W-What?! W-Who are you?! Why do you look so much like me?" Izuku asked as he was absolutely baffled at the fact there was literal clone of himself floating in space with him.

The new Izuku smiled as he replied to Izuku's question, "Oh, that's easy! I am you! And you are me!"


Izuku hung his mouth open as he thought he was hearing things.

"Okay, you lost me. You just said that you are me and I am you. Ummmm…. Can you please explain what you mean by that?" Izuku asked as he scratched his head in even more confusion.

The other Izuku sighed as he knew that it wasn't going to be that easy for Izuku to understand.

"Alright so here's the rundown. So there's you, Izuku Midoriya. You know, your regular self. But inside of you, there's a special place called your subconscious. Think of it as like your own little inner world where you are completely cut off from the outside world. Nobody can see nor hear us right now as we speak to each other in the subconscious. You know, you when you go into your little muttering rants? You start to lose awareness of the outside world and focus more on your own self and your inner thinking. But when you enter the subconscious, that's when you fully go into your inner world. Get it, so far?"

Izuku nodded, "Yeah, it makes sense. I have always felt isolated so it doesn't surprise me that I have my own world inside my mind. I'm just surprised I didn't find this out sooner."

"Yes, that is true. Now, let me explain to you what exactly I am. When I said that I am you and you are me, I meant it. You see, I am the 'Inner Deku.' Basically, I am the manifestation of what you truly are inside. All inner thoughts that you have ever had or things that you keep tucked away, I am all of it. I was created for the sole purpose of assisting you on your journey to becoming a Hero and whatever you decide to do in life." Inner Deku said as he finished his explanation.

"Wow that's a lot to take in!" Izuku said as he held his chin and began thinking. Then a light bulb lit up in his head.

"OH I GET IT NOW! So I can think of you like the twin brother I never had!" Izuku said excited at the prospect of having a sibling like version of himself.

"Hmmmm… I guess you can think of me like that. The only difference being that twins are 100% alike. However me and you are technically the same person, just in different forms." Inner Deku replied as he honestly kind of like the idea of having a twin brother. He has never had siblings and has been socially isolated for most of his life, so it was a huge reliever.

Izuku's eyes then widened as he remembered an important fact, "Wait a minute! You just said like a minute ago that 'you were created.' If that is true, then who created you?" Izuku asked as he was really curious about who in the world would create an exact copy of him.

Inner Deku smirked as he knew Izuku was too smart to not ask a question like that, "You want to know who created me? Oh right, it was your Father." Inner Deku replied.

Now Izuku really thought he was losing it. He just heard that his father created an inner version of himself.

"M-My Father? Are you sure you're talking about my Father, Hisashi Midoriya?" Izuku asked as he now was starting to believe this is all a retarded dream.

"That's the one!"


"Okay, you lost me again bro. Can you please explain what you mean by THAT?!" Izuku nearly yelled as now things were starting to sound crazy.

Inner Deku laughed as he saw Izuku's reaction.

"What is so funny?"

"I'm sorry, just the way you react to things is just freaking hilarious! You should see your face!"

Izuku sighed. Great, now his own self is laughing at him.

Inner Deku began to calm down as he now adopted a serious face.

"Alright, so when you were born, your Father, Hisashi Midoriya, saw that you had what seemed like an endless amount of power brewing inside of you. He realized that if he kept you like that, the power would soon become too much for your small body and you would die of too much energy overflowing within you. So to prevent that, he locked away all of the excess energy that was too much for your small body to handle. He locked the power away in these four doors." Inner Deku stated as he pointed to the four giant doors with the Roman Numerals.

"My purpose is to help you UNLOCK these doors and to guide you in your journey of becoming a Hero. He made it so that the only person that has the keys to these doors is me. I open the doors when you are both physically and mentally ready for the gargantuan amount of powers that these doors hold. They are locked right now because you are still not ready. You have not gotten the proper training yet to handle these transformations. If you were to let's say unlock door number one right now, then your entire body would explode due to the amount of power overloading."

Izuku widened his eyes as he began to process all of the information.

"It all makes sense now! The reason why I didn't have this power until almost a year ago. My body was just too weak to handle all of this power. And I didn't have the proper training in order to utilize it. And my Dad did all of this to protect me…"

Inner Deku nodded, "You're finally beginning to understand. Your Father entrusted me the keys to all of your Power. Power that you wouldn't even begin to dream of. He knew how dangerous Power like that can be. So he decided that the best course of action was to lock it away until you were ready. And that's why I'm here! When your Father created me, he implanted me all of the memories of our ancestors and all of their powers and techniques. That way, I can show you them and learn from them, like how I've been doing for almost a year."

Izuku then realized something else, "WAIT A MINUTE! So all of those dreams and visions I have been getting all of these past months, they were all of your doing?"

"DING DING! You got it! You're smarter than you look! Yes, you are correct, all of the dreams and visions was me. I chose specific memories that would help you and ones you needed to know the most. You had to learn all of the things you learned, because if not, you would just be a huge brute with absolutely no techniques. You have to expand your arsenal and versatility if you truly want to become the Greatest Hero in the World." Inner Deku stated as he was revealed to be the cause of all of the visions that Izuku had been getting all of these months.

"Wow, this is a lot to take in…" Izuku said quietly has began to rub his temples. Learning all of this new information was kind of taxing on the brain. But Izuku made sure to strengthen both body and mind.

"Indeed it is. But there's still one more thing we have to talk about."

Izuku sweatdropped, "There's more?!"

Inner Deku then floated towards the first giant door, "Remember when I said that the only person to unlock these doors was me?"

"Uh huh."

"Well, it seems that you are an exception to the rule."

Izuku's green eyes widened as he was confused with what inner Deku was talking about.

"How am I an exception? I don't have the keys!"

Inner Deku pointed towards the door, "During your fight with Nomu, you went all out. You even used Kaioken X3 combined with a One For All Final Flash. It did a number on him… but it still wasn't enough. Your arms were broken, you had several broken ribs, and other bones. You were completely exhausted. You couldn't even move. Nomu was coming to give you the final shot. But you didn't allow yourself to give up. Your unrelenting will and iron drive forced you to even push farther past your limits. You refused to lose… "

Inner Deku began to swipe his hand around the door.

"As a result, through your own will power alone, you will able to forcefully crack open the first door and it began leeking its energy and power. I immediately noticed this and was about to close the cracks completely but then I saw that you were in a very dire situation. So I decided to only allow a small portion of the energy to leak out because you needed the power. It was necessary to beat Nomu. However, I couldn't let all of the power escape since it would've killed you especially in the state your body was. Even the amount I allowed you to use was a little pushing it. But it all turned out good in the end." Inner Deku said as he made sure there wasn't any cracks left in the door.

Izuku absorbed all of his words before asking another question.

"Wait, so what happened to Nomu? Is everyone safe?"

"You don't remember? You defeated him!" Inner Deku said as he snapped his fingers making a portal appear showing the fight between False Super Saiyan Deku and the Anti-Symbol of Peace. It showed Deku completely dominating the fight with minimal effort as Nomu stood no chance against the False Super Saiyan. Then it showed the final blow which the Super Galick Gun that shot Nomu out of the USJ and towards the sky.

Izuku was aghast. He never would have thought that he would have so much power to completely blow away a being that was specifically created to kill All Might. He didn't know what to think.

"And that's only a taste of your true potential." Inner Deku stated as he snapped his fingers again and that portal that showed the fight vanished.

"What you did to Nomu will be child's play compared to the power that you will have access to in the future."

"You can't be serious…. What could possibly be more powerful that that?!" Izuku asked in disbelief. There can't possibly be anything stronger than what Deku did against Nomu… right?

Inner Deku just snickered, "You'll find out in due time. For now though, you should wake up. You have been out quite a while now. They're getting worried for you. So talk to you later, alright!"

Izuku started waving his arms around, "WAIT WAIT! I STILL HAVE A LOT MORE QUESTIONS!"

Inner Deku snapped his fingers and Izuku vanished from the subconscious as he was now going back to the real world.

"Don't worry, friend. All of your questions will be answered in time. You just have to be patient…. "

Izuku's body began to slowly stir as his eyes became lighter and lighter. His body felt weak and very heavy. He didn't feel like moving at all as he wanted his eyes to remain closed. He just felt like staying in bed and not waking up at all… he felt so tired for some reason. His body just felt broken, he could barely move.

But right as the green haired Saiyan was about to once again fall into a deep slumber…

He remembered….

Izuku immediately widened his eyes as he sat straight up so fast that he nearly broke his neck. He panted very hard as he tried to move his arms in his defensive fighting stance, but immediately winced as he did so. He felt an incredible amount of pain in his left arm, while his right arm was relatively normal. He looked to see that his left arm was in a cast and the majority of his body was covered in numerous bandages. This was most likely due to the injuries that he suffered from the fight with Nomu….

"Oh shit! Crap, where's Nomu? Did I pass out? Oh no, then that means my classmates need help! I have to move fast before I'm too lat- Wait a minute this isn't the USJ!"

Izuku stuttered in shock as he looked around to see that in fact, he was not currently located in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. He was actually sitting on a bed located in a white room… more specifically, Recovery Girl's office.

Izuku then slapped his forehead as he realized his own stupidity.

'Wait a minute, of course this is not the USJ! Inner Me showed me the fight between me and Nomu. I took care of Nomu. He also said that everybody is fine. And here I was thinking that it was all a dream.'

"So you finally woke up, huh kid? Sheesh, you had us worried there for a minute man."

'... I know that voice!"

Izuku looked to his right, only to see Toshinori in his skinny form alongside Recovery Girl who was sitting down near her desk with various documents in her hands.

"A-A-All MIGHT? Recovery Girl? W-What happened?! Wasn't I just in the USJ? Is everybody safe? O-Or was it all just a bad dream?!" Izuku said rapidly as his mouth began to move a mile a minute. Both Toshinori and Recovery Girl sweatdropped as they witnessed the Ninth Bearer of One For All go on his long stutter rants as he talks to himself quietly and isolates himself from the reality,

"ENOUGH! Relax, Young Midoriya! Don't worry everything is fine! Your classmates are safe. Besides the ones who managed to escape, all of the Villains were taken care of. You don't need to worry." Toshinori said as he snapped Izuku out of his trance. He calmed down and sighed in relief.

"There weren't any major injuries excluding yourself, Thirteen and Eraserhead. Thankfully everybody else was safe and sound as soon as the Pros arrived." Recovery Girl added as she shuffled the stacks of Documents on her desk.

"That's a relief… " But then suddenly, Izuku remembered an important detail.

"WAIT A MINUTE! What about Nomu?! He's the Villain with the beak and with his brain exposed. What happened to him? Did he escape?" Izuku asked erratically as he remembered the battle he endured against the 'Anti-Symbol of Peace'. He already knew from what his inner self told him that he had already defeated Nomu, but he wanted to make sure that Nomu didn't escape and was in police captivity. He didn't want a monster like that roaming the streets

"You mean you don't remember?" Toshinori asked in confusion.

Izuku decided to play dumb for a little bit, "What are you talking about? Remember what?"

"Izuku… You were the one that managed to defeat him… quite badly might I add…" Toshinori stated as he remembered of how the police and investigators managed to find the Anti-Symbol of Peace. They described it as if somebody jumped into a volcano and came out and actually managed to survive…

'So it seems what Inner Deku was saying is the truth. Okay, good. Now this means that wasn't a dream then. I'll make sure to speak with him, when I get home. For now, I need to relax and get healed.' Izuku thought as he began planning on how to get more answers from Inner Deku.

"Hmmmm…. That isn't something we should ignore. You should be able to remember something like that. It is weird to simply not recall any details regarding defeating something as dangerous as Nomu. From what I've checked, you don't have any severe brain or head damage. Very strange indeed… " Recovery Girl said as she hummed in thought.

"In any case, what matters is that you're alright and safe and sound. However, you most likely wouldn't have had to to suffer such traumatic injuries if I would've made it there in time… You were all fighting for your lives while I was here doing nothing… some Symbol of Peace I am!" Toshinori said as he gripped his fists in frustration for not being able to do his job in protecting the students when they were attacked by the League of Villains.

"It is not your fault, Toshinori-Sensei. Nobody had any idea that Villains would just randomly attack us out of nowhere. We did the very best we could to defend ourselves and look, we turned out just okay. Don't beat yourself up over something that you had no control over and that that turned out fine in the end." Izuku said as he didn't want All Might to feel ashamed over something he knew he wasn't at fault for. Villain attacks can happen at any time. Heroes have to do the best that they can in order to deal with those Villains for when they come.

"The boy's right, you know. Lighten up, will ya? Just be happy you didn't have to over exert yourself and make your time limit in your Hero form even shorter than what it already is. If you ask me, it all turned out for the better." Recovery Girl said as she also didn't want to see All Might get all depressed over nothing.

Toshinori sighed, "Alright, fine. I won't blame myself. But that doesn't mean I'm exactly happy either!"

"Understandable." Izuku said

"By the way, Toshinori, did you see the files on Nomu and his Quirks?" Recovery Girl asked as she wasn't sure if All Might was up to speed on what the police was able to find out.

"Q-Quirks? As in, more than one?" Toshinori asked in disbelief with his blue eyes widened.

"Take a look at it, yourself."

Recovery Girl handed Toshinori the documents regarding Nomu's powers. As Toshinori went through them, his levels of shock kept on increasing and increasing with every single page he read. By the time he was finished, he almost found it impossible to form words in his mouth. He was speechless to the core.

"Wh-What is this…. Abomination?"

"From what the investigators had gathered from the Villains they were able to capture, they learned that Nomu was specifically constructed to kill you. He had Quirks implanted in him that were supposed to be direct counters for you. It is a miracle that no other student had major injuries besides Izuku." Recovery Girl said as she too couldn't believe that a being like Nomu existed. It seemed as though he wasn't even human any more.

Toshinori handed the documents back to Recovery Girl as he stood up from his chair, "I think I need some time to take all of this in. You should heal and patch Young Izuku up and make sure that he's ready to go home. His mother is worried sick. It has been two days after all."

"WHAT?! I WAS OUT FOR TWO DAYS?!" Izuku shouted ashe didn't know he was out cold for that long.

"Well, your injuries were very serious. When we found you, you were barely even breathing! I'd say it is a miracle you woke up after only 2 days and not 2 weeks!" Recovery Girl said as she was a little suspicious on Izuku's fast recovery. Normally if a person undergone the amount of injuries that he did, they would be out for weeks, maybe even months. But Izuku was able to wake up after only 2 days. Very strange indeed…

"Well, I'll see you later, Recovery Girl. Also, Izuku we'll talk later alright." Toshinori said as he gave him Izuku a certain "look."

Izuku knew that look. It meant, "we have serious things to talk about later."

Toshinori walked out and closed the door. He stood there in the hallway for a good minute as he thought about all that has happened in the past few days.

'So you're still out there…. ALL FOR ONE!'

"Are you sure, you're okay?"

"Yes, how many times do I have to tell you, Recovery Girl?! I'm good as new, I promise! You healed me up nicely!" Izuku said as he took off the bandages around his body. After Toshinori left, Recovery Girl decided to use her Quirk on Izuku. All of his injuries were immediately healed. He then began jumping around and doing kicks and punches to the air, testing out his body to see if it was alright. And to his surprise, he was back at 100%. Hell, he even felt A LOT stronger than before. That made Izuku wonder on why that happened. He decided to ask Inner Deku later about it.

"Alright, but if you feel any type of pain, you come straight to me! Got it?" Recovery Girl said.

"Yes, ma'am!" Izuku said as he saluted.

"Okay, then. You're free to go home."

Izuku smiled in delight, "Alright, let's go! I'll see you when school starts again!"

Izuku then ran out of the office, towards his locker to go pick up his clothes and book bag.

"That boy really is troublesome… "

Izuku went home as fast as he could. It was getting late after all, since the sun was already setting. He didn't want to worry his mother too much.

He arrived at his front door and opened it. As he stepped in, he shouted,

"I'm home!"

Inko immediately came running to Izuku and crushed him in a motherly hug.

"Oh my Izuku, I was worried to death!. When the school called and informed me that you were injured from a Villain attack, I feared the worst. But they reassured me that they would be alright. But I still couldn't help but fear for you baby!"

"Mom, it's okay! I'm fine now! See, I'm all healed up. I have no broken bones, no pain, no nothing. Everything turned out alright. I appreciate you being worried for me but you don't have to be anymore." Izuku said as smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head.

Inko stared into her son's eyes, before she spoke again, "Izuku I have something to give you. Something from your Father…."

Izuku's eyes widened at the mention of his Father, "Dad left something for me?"

"I'll go get it. Give me a minute."

Inko went to her bedroom and came back five minutes later with an envelope and two capsules. The envelope read on the front in big bold letter, "For Izuku."

"Your Father told me to give this to you after you experienced your first Transformation."

Izuku looked at his mother in disbelief, "H-How did you…?"

"Call it, Woman's Intuition. Anyway, that doesn't matter. Your Dad said to read this letter." Inko said as she handed Izuku the letter and two Capsules.

Izuku took the items and walked to his bedroom. He opened the letter first. He began to read it.

"Dear Izuku,

Hi, Izuku, it's me… your Dad. By the time you're reading this, you have most likely gone through your first transformation. I don't have much time, so I won't be able to explain to you everything in this letter. All I'm going to say is that I'm proud of you my son. I truly am. I know that you will become a great Hero someday. I truly believe that. I'm sorry I have not been around in your life, but it is for reasons that I cannot say in this letter. But I know you will grow up to become a great man someday. You will be strong. Just keep training hard, and you will be able to do anything you put your mind to. Anyway, listen carefully. The small capsule is what you will open first. In there, you will find priceless items that have been passed down from generation to generation in our family. I know, you will use them well. The big capsule, you WILL NOT open in your room. Open it in a big space, where there's a lot of space. You will be using this to train your body in order to become stronger to handle your transformations. If you have any question, ask your Inner Self. He most likely has the answers to them. Well, time is running out, I have to go now. I want you to know, that I love you my son. Become strong. Protect the innocent and fight in the name of Justice. You must tell yourself, 'No matter how hard it gets, I'm going to make it!' Fight for your Dreams…. And your Dreams will Fight for you.

-Sincerely, Your Loving Father, Hisashi Midoriya"

By the time Izuku got to the end, the letter was already wet from his tears. Izuku couldn't help it. It was just too much…

"My Dad… he believes in me. He didn't care that I was Quirkless. He still believed in me no matter what. He believes that I will become a Hero… " Izuku said as he sobbed.

Izuku then dried his tears as he calmed down.

"Papa... "

Izuku looked up, his face void of tears. It was now full of fearless determination.

"You put all of your faith in me… and I won't let you down!'

Izuku pushed down on the capsule. It made a *Poof* sound as smoke came out. After the smoke cleared, it showed a large briefcase. Izuku open the briefcase slowly, and what he saw made his jaw drop to the ground.

"This is… no way!"

Inside the briefcase was a brown bean bag, and a long red pole. But that's not what got his attention.

What got his attention was what was in the middle of the briefcase.

In the middle of the briefcase were three sets of clothing. Izuku picked up the one that was on top of the pile. It was an orange and blue martial arts gi, with blue shoes and wrist bands.

It was the gi of Son Goku….

Izuku just held the gi in his hands in shock. He couldn't help but admire the ancient apparel.

Izuku gripped the gi tightly…

"Dad… you have put so much faith in me… Thank you very much. I promise it won't be in vain. And I also promise… "

Izuku lifted the gi up and yelled at the top of his lungs…


League of Villains Hideout

"Sensei, you wouldn't believe it if you didn't see it. There was this boy with spiky hair. He, HE, HE BEAT NOMU!" Shigaraki yelled as he slammed the bar table.

"Hmmmmm… If I may ask…. What was the color of his aura when he was using his Quirk?"

"Electric Green." Shigaraki replied.

"Hmph! From Purple, to yellow, to green… How amusing."

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said, Sensei."

"Oh, don't worry about it Tomura. I'm getting old. Anyways, just keep following the plan, this was… a minor setback. I'll talk to you later."

Shigaraki then disconnected the audio call.

"So you have chosen a Successor, huh, Toshinori? About time. But it doesn't matter. Neither you or him will be able to stop me and my plan. All I have to do is kill both of you and end One For All once and forever. After that, I will rule the world, and NOBODY will be able to stop me!"