
Golden Resolve...

- Be on guard. Stand firm in faith. Be courageous. Be strong. For all will be okay with me by your side -

Chapter 26 - Golden Resolve...

A large smoke cloud engulfed the rocky area that housed the titanic battle between Hero and Villain. There was a massive amount of energy concentrated in the area just about a moment ago, but it eventually died down as it signalled the end of the fight.

Kota stared wide eyed at what he just witnessed. Never in his life, would he have expected something like that to happen right in front of him. After the death of his parents, he generally tried to avoid any Hero-related news or battles that would happen on live TV. But seeing one so up close and personal was almost a life-defining experience. He could stand frozen as he watched the two battle. One side was risking his life to defend and protect him, while the other wanted nothing more than to cause pure destruction and take life away.

Suffice to say, Kota was absolutely frightened during the battle. The same monster who took his parents away from him was about to take another life right in front of his eyes and then take his own. Kota didn't know what to do. Izuku had told him to run, but he just could not. Something in him said to stay and watch the events unfold as it would change both of their lives drastically.

And so he stayed and when he saw the Green-Haired Teenager about to die for his sake, his hands just moved on their own. They sprayed water, which is something he never does. He vowed to never use his Quirk again after the death of Water Hose, but an inner voice willed him to protect Izuku. No matter what, not let him die.

Then he witnessed Izuku miraculous get up and yell at the top of his lungs. His hair changing color, his body frame and aura changing as he could feel the pressure of his Golden Ki spreading all throughout the rocky terrain.

Then, Kota saw something that made him believe he was dreaming. From Izuku's arm, yes arm, came out a flying Golden Eastern Style Dragon that gobbled Muscular and spit him back out which knocked him out completely.

Kota pinched himself to make sure he wasn't seeing things. There was no way that was possible! But then again, Quirks were a thing, so maybe it wasn't that far fetched.

Kota looked up at Izuku. He had just finished roaring to the Heavens like he was the dragon that he just summoned. He still couldn't get over how cool that was. Then Kota looked at his aura. It was pure gold, as was his Hair color. His hair was spiked up and was defying gravity. Kota thought that was pretty cool too.

'You were right, Auntie….' Kota thought back to the speech that Mandalay had given him. A Hero that would show him the light… Kota didn't think it would never happen, he believed that a person like that could not exist. A person so pure, and selfless, to put his life on the line to save a boy that he barely even knows. A boy who disrespected him and everything he loved. He almost died tonight saving his life.

Muscular, the man who took everything away from Kota, returned to finish Kota's life and end his suffering. Kota thought that it was over. The same man who took his parent's life was going to take his life as well. It must be fate. But Kota's Golden Hero came swooping in and defeated Muscular. He had gotten rid of the man who symbolized all of Kota's sadness, sorrow, and everything he hated in the world.

And he would forever be in Izuku's debt.

Izuku panted heavily, as the blood and sweat dripped down his body. His battle wounds were still fresh as Muscular didn't pull any punches. He had also used up a lot of energy in that last attack.

He tried to move either of his arms, but they wouldn't budge. As soon as he tried to move their muscles, he would feel excruciating pain and felt bones cracking.

'Great…. Both of my arms are broken…'

"I told you it was going to be risky. You're lucky that your left arm didn't pop right out of its socket."

Muscular had broken Izuku's right arm just before he transformed. And when he put all of his power into the Super Dragon Fist into his left arm, that completely rendered it useless. Not to mention the fact that Izuku felt pretty exhausted at the moment. He had been training to the limit the whole day with Tiger and then he pushed himself even harder against Muscular. He had also unlocked a brand new transformation for the very first time. So a lot of things were happening at once for him. He was feeling pretty overwhelmed at the moment.

Izuku slipped on his feet due to his fatigue and looked like he was about to collapse.

Kota immediately bolted towards the Super Saiyan.

"Hey, are you okay?!"

Izuku slowly nodded, "Everything's okay. Gimme a second, and then there's something I have to take care of."

"But, you're all beat up! What more could you have to do now?!" Kota exclaimed as he looked over Izuku's injuries. It was obvious that his arms were broken. They were completely shredded with an ugly purplish black. He had blood running down his face and looked like he was about to drop dead any second. What could anyone do in that condition? Kota saw how he was fighting back there and it was clear that Izuku was not at full strength. He needed medical attention as soon as possible.

"I knew he'd be strong. That's why I had to try to defeat him here. I thought I'd be able to inflict a lot more damage in the end, though. Turns out, I seriously underestimated how powerful his Quirk was." Izuku grunted as he looked towards the forest covered in blue fire and purple smoke.

"If every Villain attacking us tonight is on the same level, all of our lives are at stake. On top of that, it sounds like they're after some of us students. I have to let Mr. Aizawa and the Pussycats know that's one of the reasons they're here."

Izuku narrowed his eyes as golden aura spiked up, "I may not be in the best shape right now, but I am not beaten yet, there are more people I can save. I don't have time to lay down here and take a nap just because I'm tired, while my comrades and teachers are out there risking their lives. I'll use the power I have left to do as much as I can and help as many people as I can. I did the most important thing, which was saving you. Now I have to do as many extra things as I can to ensure our safety even more!"

Kota stared at Izuku with admiration, dumbfounded at his Heroism. His Golden Super Saiyan form enhancing his Heroic image. Kota felt honored that Izuku was the one to save him.

And now he knew who would be his all time favorite Hero and idol…

Izuku looked towards Muscular's unconscious body, "We'll leave that psychopath here for the time being. With my arms messed up, my Dragon Fist was probably weaker than it could have been, but I made sure to put in extra power to make sure he was beaten to an inch within his life. He's not dead, but he's not getting up any time soon. And even if he did, he'd be too weak to fight. And I'm also confident with my new power, I should be able to handle him again, no sweat."

"For right now, I just need to make sure you are safe. We're going to need some help only you can give us. The forest has been set on fire. That means my friends could be trapped by the flames. But we have hope."

Izuku smiled at Kota, "Your water Quirk can put those fires out."

Kota gasped, "But-"

"Kota? You hear me? We. Need. You."

Kota got teary eyed for a moment before nodded his head.

"Alright, I'll do my best."

Izuku nodded appreciatively, "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

'Well, it's the least I can do. You did save my life after all.'

Izuku bent down, "Now, get on my back. We need to get you to camp, fast."

"You sure you can carry me? You're all busted up."

"No need to worry. That's why I left my legs unbroken!"

As Kota got on, he pointed something out that had been bothering him.

"Hey, are you going to stay blonde? That doesn't look very efficient."

Izuku comically sweatdropped, "Oh yeah, I guess you're right. This form does sapp away my stamina and energy."

Izuku closed his eyes and tried to disable the Super Saiyan form. But nothing happened. He got frustrated and called upon Inner Deku.

'Hey, how do you turn this thing off?'

Inner Deku shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea."

Izuku's jaw dropped to the floor.

'What do you mean, you have no idea?! Aren't you supposed to know things like this?'

"Hey it's the first time for me, too. I don't know everything. I guess you're going to have to figure this out on your own."

'You have got to be kidding me!'

Izuku nervously chuckled, "Well Kota, looks like I'm going to be staying blonde until further notice…"

Izuku mentally facepalmed. This was just excellent news. He was already exhausted and tired before, but now he could not willingly get out of a form that drains his Ki reserves. It was completely new to him so he wasn't used to the after effects, he didn't notice it against Muscular since he was under an adrenaline rush. But now that he was coming straight out of the body, he immediately felt the drawbacks of the form. He felt strong, stronger than he has ever been. But he didn't know how to control all of this power. It was just too much.

"Hang on tight. This could be rough." Izuku said as he took off to the air. As he was flying, Izuku thought back to Muscular's words, "Do you know where a kid named Bakugo might be around here?"

Izuku grit his teeth, "I've got a bad feeling about this. Why are they after me and Kacchan? What are the League of Villains after?"

As Izuku was flying, he sensed a familiar energy signature. His eyes lit up as it was just the person he was looking for. He dropped down in front of him.

"Mr. Aizawa!"

Aizawa raised his eyebrows, "Midoriya-"

"You're here! Thank goodness!"

Aizawa looked Izuku up and down. He was different. Very different.

"What's with the blonde hair? What did you decide to dye it after training or something?" As he said that, he thought in the back of his mind, 'Does that explain the bright shining light from before? But not just that. Something's different about him. Even with all of those wounds, there's still an insane amount of power reeking off of him. So much so, that it doesn't even seem human. His whole demeanor has changed and why does he look so… angry?'

Izuku shook his head, "No time to explain! I need to catch you up on what I've learned about the Villains, but we don't have much time."


"-Plus, I need to get back to Mandalay. There's something I have to tell her."

"Hold on!"

"Please take care of Kota while I'm gone!"

Aizawa sighed, 'This kid is running on pure adrenaline.'

"I'll be back soon!" Izuku said as got Kota off as his back and was about to fly off before his homeroom teacher stopped him in his tracks.

"Wait, Midoriya!"

Izuku stopped as he turned around, "What is it, Sensei?"

"Those injuries…" He motioned towards his broken arms, "You went too far again, didn't you? Have you forgotten about Hosu?"

"Yeah, I know, I'm not supposed to use my Quirk against a Villain without a License, but I told Mandalay beforehand and she gave me permission. Plus, she asked me to go save Kota so I had to go whether I had permission or not for his sake."

Aizawa nodded in approval, "Fine. Go. But tell Mandalay something for me, too."

"Uh, sure, what is it?"

"I hereby give all of Class 1-A and Class 1-B permission to use their Quirks in battle against the League of Villains. They must defend themselves and each other from the Villain. They can go all out if it's necessary!"

Izuku smiled and nodded, "Alright, you got it!

"And one last thing. I don't know what exactly is going on with you with the whole Golden transformation or whatever. But I can tell that with it, you've gotten extraordinarily more power. Just make sure not to let all that power get to your head. You're clearly in a high emotional state right now so I just want you to remember that. Understand?"

Izuku nodded, "Yeah, I get it. I'll try not to overdo it. Well, I gotta get going. Take care of Kota for me!" And with that, The Golden Warrior flew off.

"That kid is gonna be the end of me…" Aizawa sighed as he picked up Kota and began running.

The night Hero thought back to what one of Dabi's clones said to him before he dispelled.

"Tell me, Hero. Are you worried for your students? I wonder if you can save them in the end."

'His words made it clear to me that our students are the targets. So it's unavoidable. They have to protect themselves. And each other. Go ahead and use your training. Midoriya… Izuku, take care of your family. I'll take the heat.'

"Future Heroes… Do not let this night be the end of your journey!"

Aizawa then thought to the state that Izuku was in, 'This is bad. The only reason he's still going with those injuries is because of the endorphins pumping through his body. It's only temporary. Once he's accomplished his goals and calms down a little, he won't be able to move at all.'

"Mister. Is he gonna be okay?"

Aizawa eyes motioned towards the child in his arms.

"I… I sort of punched him before. And still, he got beat to a pulp just so he could protect me."

Kota began to tear up as he gripped tightly onto Eraser Head's scarf.

"I never apologized. Or even thanked him. Please tell me… He's not gonna get hurt more, right?"

Aizawa smiled as he patted Kota's head, "Hey don't worry. Your Golden Hero over there is a strong guy. He sustained those injuries because he has no intention of dying. He once got a plasma fist right through his chest. This is nothing for him. Though, as his teacher when this is over, I'll have to scold him for acting so recklessly."

Kota gasped, "Really?"

Aizawa nodded, "You'll get your chance to talk to him again. And when you do, put more emphasis on the 'thank you' part. Midoriya is a really a special kid. He, alone, can inspire hope into so many people. He drives his classmates to do their absolute best. He's a symbol that all of them want to reach and surpass. It makes them all work even harder. I couldn't quite put a finger on it before, but seeing that Golden form of his has now allowed me to figure out how he does it. You wanna know?"

Kota dumbly nodded.

Aizawa smiled like cheshire cat.

"It's his Golden Resolve."

Tiger growled as he kept pummeling away at the Villain, Magne. The Villain easily sidestepped and dodged all of his strikes.

"No fair. Back off. Let me equip my item."

Tiger growled even harder as he continued to fail to land a single hit on him, 'Damn it! How is he predicting my Cat Combat?'

"You're not…. A REAL HERO!"

Spinner exclaimed loudly as he swung his mega combination sword at Mandalay. She grunted as she was almost grazed by the stupidly large weapon.

"You brought this on yourself, girl!"

"Jeez, you're persistent." Mandalay slightly yelled as he jumped out of the way.

"As are you! But it's time to knock you off your false throne."

Spinner jumped above Mandalay and was about to strike her down before they all heard an all too familiar battle cry.


A Golden Blur sped past them as all of Spinner's swords were completely destroyed.

They all gasped to see a Golden Haired Izuku blitz them all with such precision and speed.

"Mandalay! Kota! He's safe!"

"You saved him?!" Mandalya whispered in shock. She internally sighed in relief as she felt a huge weight suddenly disappear from within. When the Villains attacked, the first thing on her mind was the safety of her nephew. Hearing those reassuring words from Midoriya just cleared her mind and heart of all of worry and angst. She then looked Izuku up and down. She noticed his injuries but then noticed something very appalling.

"Wait, why are you blonde?" Not that she was complaining. Izuku's Super Saiyan form did give him an alluring look. She could see that his muscles were much more defined than before. Like when he goes Kaioken, but not overly bulky. It looked like the perfect combination between speed and power. He was definitely a lot more attractive and handsome than in his base form, as if he wasn't already. She then immediately dispelled some not so appropriate thoughts that began to form. She hadn't been with a man with so long, that she started getting turned on by a teenager. How unprofessional. She could only imagine how Pixie Bob would react to seeing Super Saiyan Izuku. Their Hair colors now matched.

"Don't worry about it! And I've got a message from Mr. Aizawa. We need you to use Telepath! Tell everyone in Class A and Class B that Eraser Head has granted them permission to engage in combat with the Villains."

Mandalay nodded as she relayed the message.

"Everyone in Class A and Class B! In the name of the Pro Hero, Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat. I repeat. Use your training! You may fight these Villains."

Mandalay bit her lip, 'I hope you know what you're doing, Eraser.'

She looked towards Izuku to see him on the ground panting.

"Get back to camp right now! Those injuries are not normal!" Mandalay yelled to the Super Saiyan as she did a high kick towards. She noticed his arms. He usually uses his arms to smash. So when he did a kick instead of a punch, she was confused. Then she saw the state of his arms. She almost couldn't believe how busted up they were. They were definitely broken and needed medical attention immediately. She then internally gasped as she realized that Izuku must have sacrificed his arms protecting Kota. Mandalay was astonished at the Heroism of this kid. He's already more Heroic than a lot of Pro Heroes and he was still a Freshman in High School. Eraser wasn't lying. This kid is something else. It made her appreciate Izuku even more.

"I'm sorry Mandalay-sensei but I can't!" Izuku replied as he began to run away from the Heroes and Villains.

"Oh, you need to send one more message! The Villains. I know the reason they're here."

"Huh?" Magne quirked his eye towards Izuku as he dodged another claw strike from Tiger.

"Oh, really?! What is it?" Mandalay asked.

"They're after two students. Katsuki Bakugo from Class 1-A and me, Izuku Midoriya! Please, you have to let the others know! Kacchan is in danger!" Izuku yelled as he was about to make his way out.

Mandalay raised her eyebrows, "They're after our students? For what? Wait a minute they are after you too! You need to get to safety!"

'That rumble in the ground earlier. Only two people in our group fight with that kind of power. And sounds like one of them talked.' Magne thought as he heard Izuku's message. 'Could it possibly have been Muscular? Don't tell me that teenager is more powerful than him! In that case…'

Magne advanced towards Izuku with a fist ready to implode.

"This child must be put down!"

Izuku narrowed his eyes at Magne. He saw his punch coming from a mile away. Even in a fatigued state, his Super Saiyan Form was so strong that Magne was moving in absolute slow motion to him. The Golden Warrior was about to knock him out with a glance until he heard one of the other Villains shout toward Magne.

"Don't, Big Sis Magn!"

Spinner threw a knife in between Izuku and Magne to block the latter from engaging the former. Magne yelped as he jumped back from seeing the blade fly by.

"What the hell was that for, Spinner? He was the number 1 priority capture list!"

"Shigaraki is the one who wants him captured."

"Uh, yeah, and he's the reason we're here!"

"But that boy is someone Stain wished to save. Which means he was deemed worthy of being called a True Hero. If Stain spared him, then-"

Before, both Magne and Spinner were knocked down by Tiger and Mandalay respectively.

"About time I got a solid hit in!" Mandalay exclaimed with her leg outstretched"

Mandalay panted as she saw Izuku disappear into the forest with his Golden Aura shining.

'Can't stop the boy… But I can relay his message!'

Mandalay activated her Telepath, "Listen, we've discovered two of the Villains' targets. They are students from Class 1-A. Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo! Bakugo, you should try to avoid combat. And stick to a group. Midoriya is currently coming to your aid. He isn't exactly in his normal appearance. If you see a Gold blur or light then that's him! I can't stop him from engaging from combat but he is in critical condition. So you all see him, you should all do your best to support Midoriya. He has lost use of both of his arms. Protect him and Bakugo at all costs!"

After Mandalay finished relaying the message, she thought to herself, 'Take care of yourself…. Izuku.'

"I could focus if you got out of my damn head, Mandalay! I can take care of myself!"

Katsuki Bakugo, one of the main targets of the League of Villains, shouted as he rushed head first towards the opponent. Only for a multitude of long and sharp blades to come into his path. Before the blades could slice the Explosion User's head off, a large stream of ice saved his head.

"Don't rush into this fight carelessly!" Shoto yelled as he was the one who defended Bakugo. He had an unconscious Class B student on his back. He and Bakugo had just heard Mandalay's message. Of course, the Ashe Blonde was ecstatic to hear that they had official permission to fight back against the Villains with their Quirks. But what she said next made his raised an eyebrow. Apparently he and Deku were priority targets for the League of Villains. When he initially heard that, he merely scoffed thinking that they would be no match for Deku as he should be able to finish them off with ease. But then Mandalay informed them that Deku was not at 100%. He could not use either of his arms. Bakugo and the rest of the students saw Izuku train furiously all day, harder than anyone else in the camp. They couldn't even imagine how exhausted he may be feeling.

"Have to keep going… Have to work… Do my job… "

The Villain known as Moonfish growled as he walked on the long blades. With his Quirk, Bladetooth, he is able to manipulate his teeth into long, sharp blades that extended all the way from 20 feet in the air to the ground. He was missing two arms, and almost his whole face was covered by a black mask that only allowed the exposure of his mouth in order for him to use his Quirk effectively. He overall had a terrifying appearance that could give almost anyone nightmares.

"Weren't you listening to Mandalay? They're here because they're after you!" Shoto exclaimed as he shook his head at his classmate's hard headedness. Currently, he was worried for Izuku. Knowing him, he probably overdid it and was in a serious condition right now. He wanted to go help him as soon as possible. He had helped Shoto before and was willing to return the favor.

Katsuki smiled viciously, "Telling us not to engage and then changing their minds. I don't know how, but I get the feeling this is Deku's fault." A vein looked like it was about to pop as he thought about his Best Friend. 'The idiot must have gotten himself beaten up again. He probably was doing it to protect someone. Damn Deku! Now I know why Mr. Aizawa calls you problem child!'

"Well, I don't care what anyone says!" Bakugo yelled as he was about to attack Moonfish only for him to throw his blade tooth at the teen. Shoto responded by shooting another stream of ice in order to direct the attack away from him. Moonfish jumped into the air. Todoroki attempted to hit him with his ice, only for the Villain to easily deflect it.

"Damn it!" The Bi-colored teen grit his teeth in frustration, "He's good at moving through this terrain with his Quirk."

"This freak, he looks like a scrawny little sidekick to me!" Bakugo replied as he got fired up. "Come on, you toothy bastard!"

"This clearly isn't his first battle." Todoroki noted as studied the way the Villain moved. His graceful steps showed signs of many years of battle experience. Seems like the League of Villains knows how to recruit members.

"Show me… Show me your exquisite flesh!" Moonfish creepily said as he hung upside down from Todoroki's glacier.

The son of Endeavor sucked his teeth in annoyance, "We can't start fires around here because the flames will spread! Everyone could die if we are not careful!" Shoto said as he saw Bakugo itching to explode Moonfish's face off. "Do you understand me?"

Bakugo put down his arm, "Yeha, I get it! I'm not stupid! I ain't trying to roast our friends!"

"Even if we retreat, there's poison gas everywhere. They're obviously trying to drive us into a corner." Shoto saw that they were being sandwiched. They had no choice but to fight against this guy until the other students can take care of the purple gas.

"Katsuki! We're going to have to buy time and keep this Villain busy! But you can't go crazy with the Explosions. Don't aim to kill or defeat. Aim to distract! Do you understand me?!" Shoto exclaimed.

"FINE! Those extra better hurry up! I'm trying to scorch some pests!"

Shoto sighed.

"God help us all…"

Izuku panted as he ran through the forest. He stopped flying as he was too tired to maintain his Ki in the air. He was sensing everyone's energy signatures to figure out their locations. With this information, he was currently trying to form a plan of action.

'Kacchan and Shoto went second in the test of courage. If they didn't go back to camp yet, then they are definitely around here. I can sense them nearby. The purple smoke also looks like it is disappearing. I can feel Itsuka-chan and Tetsutetsu near the center of it. It was probably them who took care of it. Thanks you guys! You two are the MVP'S!'

As Izuku was going over what had transpired, he felt malicious intent right in front of him. A dark shadowy hand came out of seemingly nowhere and attempted to crush him. Izuku was about to blast kick it away, only for him to get tackled out of the way by a very familiar tentacled friend.

Izuku gasped, "Shoji. What happened-?"

Izuku saw one of Shoji's arms bleeding. He had scratches all over him as he panted.

"With those injuries… You should be laid up in bed recovering. But you wanna save your friend. No matter what the cost. You really are a stubborn one, Midoriya Izuku. Oh, also you're blonde now. Neat."

Izuku sweatdropped, "You're injured, too."

Shoji sighed as blood dripped from one of his tentacle arms.

"We were ambushed by Villains, and I covered us. But the attack triggered Tokoyami's Quirk, even though he was desperately trying to hold it back."

Izuku widened his eyes in horror, "No… Don't tell me!"

Shoji nodded, "Yeah. If we wanna get through here, we'll have to face Dark Shadow first."

Dark Shadow growled loudly as Tokoyami struggled to hold him back. Dark Shadow was usually a miniature shadowy head of Tokoyami in the day time but now, in the prime of night, he was transforming into a monster of pure destruction. The darkness almost suffocating the forest with its full transformation.


Tokoyami shrieked at his two classmates as he could feel himself losing control of his Quirk little by little. It won't be long until Dark Shadow will take over complete control of Tokoyami and destroy the entire forest and possibly the whole mountain area.

"Tokoyami, no!" Izuku knew that if he did not stop Dark Shadow now, its monster form will take over and destroy everything in its path. This thing would kill all of his classmates and even the teachers too along with the League of Villains. None of them would survive. He had to do something now or else this night will turn into an infamous tragedy for U.A. High.

"But… How did he get this way?" Izuku asked.

"Keep it down. After Mandalay told us what was happening and that we should not not engage , we were both on high alert. Still, one of the Villains got the drop on us. I hid in the bushes and tried to cover Tokyami. Even though one of my arms was cut off."

Izuku raised his golden eyebrows, "Really?!" He turned his attention to one of arms that was bleeding.

Shoji nodded, "It looks bad, but it is not like it's lost forever. My dupli arms are capable of making duplicates upon duplicates. One of those was cut off. So don't worry, I'm alright. Thing is, Tokoyami couldn't stand seeing me injured like that. The Quirk he'd been suppressing began to rage and take over."

Dark Shadow roared loudly as Shoji and Izuku glanced at the monster of the night.

"The darker it is, the less control Tokoyami has. I had no idea his Quirk could explode like this." Izuku said as he was shocked by the level of power he was sensing from Dark Shadow.

Shoji nodded in agreement, "It's probably fueled by his righteous indignation and 's tried to hold it back but they made it wilder. It started lunging at any sound or movement. A beast lashing out with indiscriminate attacks."

Tokoyami grit his teeth as he tried to tame Dark Shadow as best as he could, "Forget about me. Go! Find our classmates! Help them instead! Stop this! Calm down. DARK SHADOW!"

"His Quirk has a weakness to light. If we can lead them to a fire or back to camp, we can contain it. Midoriya Izuku, I know these are strange circumstances, but I can't just leave a suffering friend behind. You forced your broken body to get you here because you were worried about Bakugo. If you still wanna save him. I'll distract Dark Shadow for you. And you can run." Shoji said with an expression of determination.

Izuku gasped, "Hold on! The fire and camp are both pretty far away. You'll be in danger if he-"

Dark Shadow interrupted Midoryia's sentence as he slashed towards both he and Shoji. The two students of Class 1-A were able to jump out of the way.

"I know that!" Shoji exclaimed. "But to save people, you have to take risks. That's what makes a Hero, a Hero."

Shoji then stared straight at Izuku's teal eyes, "Will you stay with me and help Tokoyami? Or will you rush to Bakugo's side? You have to make a choice. Right now."

Izuku grit his teeth as he closed his eyes and began to think over his options. He was in really bad shape right now, He couldn't use his arms so creating any type of Ki blasts were next to impossible. He knew Dark Shadow's weakness to light and thought that the light from his golden Super Saiyan aura could possibly calm him down. The problem with that was if he powered up and try to exude a high amount of energy, he could pass out on the spot. He was too exhausted to be extering so much Ki like that. He then sensed his surroundings. Katsuki and Shoto were nearby. If they could lead Dark Shadow to them, they could easily take care of him with their Quirks. Izuku wanted to take care of Dark Shadow himself, but in the current state he was in, he didn't have confidence in controlling his own power. Super Saiyan was still an entirely new form and power to him and his rage and emotions could get the better of him. If he fought Dark Shadow now, he would be able to only use his legs and that may not end up well as he mainly used his arms. This was a tough call.

Izuku opened his eyes as a fiery determination enveloped him.

"I already have my decision."

Shoji raised his brow, "And that is?"

Izuku yelled with vigor, "I'm going to save them both. I don't care if I can't use my arms! I will just have to find another way!"

Izuku's emotions were amplified by the Super Saiyan state. His determination and passion to save his comrades were at an all time high. But with the Super Saiyan form, came the emotions of rage and anguish. Izuku was hating himself right now. Even will all of the power he had acquired recently, he was still useless! He was about to pass out any minute. Most of his skillset was now unavailable to him because he decided to break both of his arms. He was powerful, and yet he felt so weak at the same time! He wanted to explode right then and there and destroy every single Villain for ruining their Summer Camp.

'Damn it! I need more! If someone, anyone, is listening right now, I need something to help me right now. I can't do this in my current condition. Please give me something!'

As soon as Izuku said that in his mind, he felt a spike in power within himself. A completely alien feeling enveloped him as he felt something coming and extending out of his body. He didn't know what was happening with him until he let out a large yell.

Izuku cringed as felt pain coming from his arms. They were already in terrible condition so this was only adding to the hell. However, the pain began to calm down after a couple of seconds.

"Izuku, are you alright- Wait a minute… what is that?!"

Shoji stopped in his tracks as he laid his eyes upon what had come out of Izuku's arms.

Izuku opened his eyes to look at what Shoji was talking about, only to gasp in shock.

The things that had come out of his arms were two blakc spiky and electric tendrils. They were long. About 15 meters long. They seemed magnetic but also very hot as smoke was emitting from them. They made a nice contrast with Izuku's golden Super Saiyan aura.

Izuku tried to move his arms but instead, the black tendrils moved how his regular arms would have. It seemed as though, the way he commanded and controlled them was based on the same principle as how he would move his arms around.

"Wh-What is this? Where did these things come from?" Izuku asked to himself.

"It's called Black Whip. It is the second of your 6 Quirks."

It was Inner Deku who had replied to him. The inner half of the Super Saiyan warrior had remained fairly quiet for the majority of the time here at camp. Izuku was about to respond only to feel Inner Deku's Presence disappear deep into his mindscape.

Izuku and Shoji then heard Dark Shadow roar again loudly.

"Izuku, what's going on?! What are those black things coming out of your arms?"

Izuku looked at the black tendrils, "I'm not exactly sure."

Izuku looked at a nearby tree. He thought about smashing the tree with his right arm. In response, the black tendrils from his right arm slicked the tree off from its roots and knocked a couple of other trees that were nearby. The resulting tremor shook the whole forest as Black Whip was a lot stronger than Izuku anticipated.

Izuku cockily smirked.

"But I like it!"

"Flesh… Pieces of meat! FLESH!"

Moonfish howled as he sent a dozen of his teeth blades towards Katsuki and Shoto. Shoto responded by blocking the onslaught with a huge block of ice.

"Teeth attacks? Seriously? It's time to blast this freak with everything I've got!" Katsuki yelled as he was getting sick of this. They've been holding back Moonfish for a while now and they still couldn't move a dent into the Death Row convict. Katsuki was the ost annoyed as he wasn't used to waiting around. His fighting style was more about exploding shit first and asking questions later. Now he had to hold back his power but his patience was wearing thin.

"You can't!" Shoto snapped.

"If the trees burn, just cover them with ice, stupid!"

"A big explosion will impair my vision, though. I may not be able to see the fire. And how are you gonna get close to him anyway?" Shoto yelled at his compatriant. His patience was also wearing pretty thin at Bakugo's constant complaining of not being able to go full throttle at moonfish. The normally calm and cool headed Todoroki was about to lose his mind. It made him wonder how Izuku could handle Bakugo on a daily basis.

The Explosive teen growled as he was quickly getting more frustrated. However , he and Todoroki turned their attention to elsewhere as they heard a large thumbling coming from across the forest.

"There. I see ice! They're fighting!"

Moonfish turned his head in confusion, "Uh?"

They saw a large purple shadowy beast destroying every tree of the forest in its path.

"Bakugo! Todoroki! One of you. Give us some light!"

They saw Shoji yelling and running at them. They also noticed a Golden Haired guy swinging through the forest with black tendrils sticking to the trees as he went forward.

"MORE FLESH!" Moonfish howled as he aimed one of his tooth blades to strike Izuku and Shoji to deprave them of their said flesh. But Dark Shadow interjected as he roared and destroyed part of the ice wall that Shoto put up. Dark Shadow landed on Moon Fish and was keeping him on the ground.

Both Shoto and Katsuki gasped as they saw Tokoyami in tears. He screamed as he desperately tried to regain control.

Flashback to 5 minutes ago…

"Shoji. I have a plan. It's not perfect, but it might work." Izuku said as he gazed at his black tendrils."

"What is it?" Shoji asked the Dupli Quirk user. He was fascinated by Izuku's Black Whip Quirk. It reminded him of his own.

"If Dark Shadow reacts to sound, then you can make duplicate arms to bait him, so he'll follow us without attacking out actual bodies. And if he comes too close, I can knock him back with a slice with of my tendrils. We can lead Dark Shadow to Kacchan. He'll be able to weaken him with an explosion!"

Izuku grit his teeth.

"I don't want to choose one or the other. I want to save them both! And I'm going to do that with the help of this power!"

Back to the present….

Izuku looked at Bakugo, "Kacchan!"

Katsuki widened his eyes in shock, "Deku?! Is that you? Why do you have blonde hair?! You trying to copy me or something? And what's with those black arms?"

"Shoji and Izuku. And is that… Tokoyami?" Shoto asked.

Dark Shadow roared in response as he destroyed even more of Shoto's ice. Everyone gawked at the pure destructive power of the monster of the night. They had no idea, Tokoyami's Quirk could get so powerful and so uncontrollable. They knew their bird headed classmate was a formidable opponent. But this…

"This is insane!" Katsuki could actually feel some fear creeping up in him. Just the overall aura and power of Dark Shadow was enough to give him chills.

"We need some light right now!" Shoji exclaimed, "He's out of control!"

Shoji narrowly escaped a strike from Dark Shadow as Izuku pulled him away using Black Whip.

"He's attacking blindly. I'll use my fire." Todoroki put down the student was carrying and was about the use the power from his left side only to get stopped from a hand of Bakugo.

"Not so fast. "

Shoto raised his eyebrows in confusion. He then looked towards where Bakugo was pointing at and saw Moonfish was still conscious.

"Flesh. Slabs of meat. No good. Can't allow it. I'm the one who gets to slice them open. DON'T STEAL FROM ME!"

Moonfish fired his blades of teeth towards the Beast of the night. Only for Dark Shadow to effortlessly tank all of it. As if his attack was nothing but a mere fly.

"You don't matter. Insignificant bug!"

Dark Shadow grabbed Moonfish and began to crush him, easily destroying his blade teeth.

Katsuki smirked in approval, "Now finish him."

Dark Shadow roared as he sent Moonfish flying. The Villain crashed onto a tree. The force of the impact caused him to immediately to get knocked out conscious.

"Not enough! It's not enough!"

Dark Shadow growled as he got bigger and bigger. He was about to go on and destroy the entire forest.

Katsuki and Shoto quickly reacted as they rushed towards the beast and activated their Quirks. Katsuki's explosion and Shoto's fire.

Dark Shadow squeaked as it shrunk to its normal size. Tokoyami panted in relief as he was crouching down. He had just come back from the worst and most hellish experience in his life. Even will all of the training in the summer camp, he still could not get ahold of Dark Shadow even for a second. He had completely lost control.

"Hmph, I'm a terrible match for you Fumikage." Katsuki scoffed was a little disappointed in how easy that was. But inside he was relieved that the fear was gone.

Tokoyami sighed as he heard Katsuki's snarky comment, "Thanks. You saved me."

Todoroki looked at the knocked out form of Moonfish laying by the tree. He widened his eyes at the damage that Dark Shadow was able to produce.

"We could barely defend against that guy, but you beat him instantly." Shoto never realized that Tokoyami was this strong. He was able to one shot Moonfish, while he and Katsuki, two of the "Monster Trio" of Class 1-A were not even able to lay a dent in the Villain. It made Shoto respect his classmate even more and made him more motivated to try even harder in his training. He couldn't let anyone past him by. Shoto shivered at how potentially strong Tokoyami could become if he could fully control his Quirk in the prime of night. That was a thought that Shoto would rather not delve too deep into.

Shoji and Izuku walked up to the fatigued state of Tokoyami.

"My friend. Are you okay? You did what we needed you to." Shoji said as he thought back to another part of Izuku's plan.

"Good, Tokoyami! Don't fight against it! Give up your control for now and just let it take over-trust me!"

Tokoyami put his head down in shame.

"Shoji. I apologize. You, too, Midoriya. I'm still far too immature. Anger consumed me. And I let my Quirk take over. The influence of the darkness, combined with my fury, spurred Dark Shadow into a frenzy. Until… it got so strong I couldn't contain it. And I ended up hurting Shoji."

Tokoyami grit his teeth as he punched the floor in anger. Anger in himself. He never ever wanted to hurt his comrades. He just wanted to train hard and become a Hero who could help people. That is why he came to U.A.. He wanted people to accept him for who he is. He tried so desperately to keep his inner darkness in check. However seeing one of his friends get hurt by such a disgusting and vile Villain… it sent him over the edge. There's no reason as to why his classmates had to suffer because of his own incompetence.

"We'll deal with that later. That's what you'd say if our roles were reversed." Shoji said with a smile under his mask.

Tokoyami gasped as he heard Shoji's response. Izuku chuckled as Shoto and Katsuki smiled as well at the scene.

Izuku cleared his throat. It was time to get back to business.

"Okay. I don't know if you heard Mandalay, but I found out the Villains are after me and Kacchan."

Shoji raised an eyebrow, "You and Bakugo? Are they trying to kill you guys? Why?"

"No, I'm pretty sure they want to capture us alive. But I think we should get back to camp. It's the safest place now, so long as Vlad King and Mr. Aizawa have regrouped there."

Tokoyami nodded, "I understand. So our mission is to get you and Bakugo back to safety by serving as your protectors."

"It's possible the Pussycats are still fighting in the clearing. Going that way would draw the attention of the Villains. Plus, it is longer. We should cut straight across." Izuku said.

"We don't know how many enemies there are. We might come across some by chance." Tokoyami noted the danger and flaw of that plan. After the whole Dark Shadow fiasco, he did not want to have to fight against some Villains again.

"We can use Shoji's search ability. And with Todoroki's freezing power. And, if Tokoyami's okay with it, we can always use Dark Shadow now that we can actually control him. I may not be at 100% at the moment, but me and Kacchan can provide a little extra fire power if we need it. Honestly, with a group like this, I'm confident that we could beat even All Might." Izuku said as he looked at the collective strength of this team.

"I'd be fine by myself!" Katsuki yelled.

"You're one of their targets, genius. You can't go by yourself. We'll surround you and Izuku as we walk." Shoto snapped back.

"We don't need any of your protection, damn it! We can take care of ourselves!"

Shoji began to walk in front of the group, "Let's go."


"Just make sure you keep up." Shoto smirked at Katsuki.


"Kacchan, relax. It isn't that serious!"

"And, you DEKU, you still haven't told me why you're copying my HAIR COLOR!"

"First of all, it's not even the same. Mine is gold and yours is ashe blond. Second of all, IT'S A LONG STORY! We don't have time for this! Let's get moving!"

As they began to walk together as a unit, Izuku thought to himself, 'We'll get everyone back safely. If we can do that, that's all that matters.

"Ochaco, is your arm okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a scratch."

Ochaco Uraraka held onto her left arm which was slightly bleeding due to a minor cut. She and Tsuyu were partners for the test of courage. As they were walking together they saw the blue fire and smoke and knew that Villains had infiltrated the camp. Then a girl, who seems to be about their age, appeared and identified herself with the League of Villains. Ochaco and Tsuyu were immediately put on guard and when they received Mandalay's message, giving them permission to use their Quirks, they began to fight. But her second message of Izuku and Katsuki being the League's targets put the two on edge. They wondered what they could possibly want with the two of them and why. They were also both worried for Izuku as they knew he was in pretty bad condition right now.

"Mm… Hm. Shallow. Not much blood."

Himiko Toga stared at her knife which she just slashed Ochaco's arm with. She had a blck mouth mask on along with some sort of tank on her back which seemed to be used for carrying some sort of liquid. When Shigaraki told her and the Vanguard Action Squad that they were going to be attacking U.A.'s First Year's summer training camp, she got excited at the prospect of finally meeting her crush, Izuku "Deku" Midoriya in person. She knew she had to capture him, but she thought she could play with him a little before that. And then she ran into these girls and her interest was piqued as they had a very special vibe to them.

"What kind of person slashes people out of nowhere? Just who do you think you are?" Tsuyu exclaimed at the female Villain. Tsuyu didn't think she would encounter such a lunatic of a Villain tonight. She just gave off so many weird vibes to her.

Himiko pointed her knife at them, "I'm Himiko Toga! Jeez, you two are super cute. Ochaco Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui."

"How does she know who we are?" Ochaco asked as she slightly took a step back.

"Maybe from the Sports Fest? We know nothing about her, so we're at a disadvantage. Stay on guard." Tsuyu replied. She knew they were in for a fight. Thankfully there was only one Villain and two of them. So even if she did have info on them, they had the number advantage.

"There's not enough blood. Normally I'd suck it directly from the cut to make it flow but there's no time."

Himiko brought out a needle that was connected to her tube tank, "Don't worry, girls. This machine will start pumping it out as soon as I stick it in you. I'll get my fill and move on. Who's first?"

Himiko Toga rushed forward with her knife and needle ready to shed some blood. Tsuyu quickly reacted.

"Ochaco!" Tsuyu grabbed the Zero gravity girl with her tongue and swirled her behind, "You have to get back to camp! We got permission to use Our Quirks to protect ourselves, not to counterattack. I'm sure that's what Mr. Aizawa meant!"

"Tsu, come on!" Ochaco wailed as she reached her palm forward in an attempt to use her Quirk on the frog girl to make her float.

"I'll be right behind you." However when Tsu turned around she got cut right in the tongue as Himiko slashed her. She flinched in pain as she jumped backwards.

"Tsu? Tsu!" Himiko ominously repeated as she gazed at Tsuyu's bleeding tongue.

"Ribbit." Tsuyu said as she could feel the blood dripping.

"What a cute nickname. I think I'll call you that, too!"

"No, you won't! Don't even think about it! Only my friends get to call me that and you're not my friend!" The frog girl only reserved that right for a select few. It is her way of communicating to someone that they have her trust and companionship. It's a nickname that meant a lot more to her than just a simple nickname. It represents her bond with her comrades and she was not going to let some crazy blonde girl butcher it!

Tsuyu jumped up but was intercepted by a needle flying to her hair, pinning per to a tree.

"Yay! That means I must be your friend too!"

Ochaco saw Himiko trapping Tsuyu and immediately started to run towards them, "I'm coming!"

Himiko cutely gazed over at Froppy, "Aw, you're bleeding Tsu. You couldn't be more adorable. I just love blood. We're gonna be such good friends."

"Get away from her!"

Himiko attempted to stab Ochaco but she quickly sidestepped, the knife grazing her brown hair.

'When your opponent has a knife, pivot on on foot to disappear from their line of sight.'

Ochaco grabbed onto Himiko's wrist and neck, 'Grab the wrist and the base of the neck! Pull with all your might…'

Ochaco lifted Himiko up, 'And SLAM THEM!'

Ochaco did just that to Toga as she was sent to the floor.

Ochaco smiled at her achievement, 'It's one of the close combat techniques I learned from my internship! Thanks, Gunhead Martial Arts!'

"Ochaco, that was amazing!" Tsuyu complimented from her trap on the tree.

"Tsu! Can you use your tongue to restrain her hands? Or is it hurt?" Ochaco had witnessed Himiko cutting the Frog Girl's tongue. She imagined it hurt a lot.

"It'll be fine in a second." Tsu said as that made Ochaco sigh in relief.

Toga smiled creepily from her position on the ground, "Ochaco. You're delightful, too."

"Huh?" Ochaco smartly replied as she now had her attention on the girl she just subdued.

"You've got the same smell as me. You've got a crush on someone, right?"

Ochaco cutely grunted as her cheeks began to heat up, 'How does she know?!'

Himiko took her reaction as confirmation.

"So do I. And I bet you also wanna be exactly like that special person, huh?"

"This is! My shot. I'll win and be just like Deku-kun!"

Ochaco blushed in embarrassment as she remembered her thoughts from the Sports Festival in her fight against Bakugo. She had envied Izuku's strength, confidence, and Heroism, and wanted to be just like him. To have all that he had.

"I can tell. Two lovesick girls." Himiko said as she licked her lips.

Ochaco widened her eyes in horror, 'What is wrong with her?!'

"At first you try to model yourself after the person you want. You start dressing like them. Thing is, that's not enough. You have to go further. Then, you realize you actually want to become that person. And once you get to that point, there's no going back! That's how love works right?"

Himiko looked over Ochaco. She had a face full of horror embarrassment. She was so creeped out by Toga right now, but not for the reason you'd expect. Ochaco was creeped out because… Toga was scarily accurate. Everything the Blood sucking Villain said rang true with the Gravity Hero. How could she tell all of that right after just meeting her?

"What kind of charmer's caught your eye, huh? I'm fond of people who've been slashed up and reek of fresh blood. That's why I always end up cutting them. Hey Ochaco, isn't this fun? Just two girls hanging out, talking about our crushes!"

Toga giggled as she suddenly stabbed Ochaco's left leg with her needle.

Ochaco grunted in pain from the needle and the shock.

"Ochaco!" Tsuyu cried out worriedly.

"Suck, suck. Suck, suck. Suck, suck." Toga chanted as she took Ochaco's blood. Just then, a new group arrived on the scene.

"Uraraka?!" Shoo questioned as he and the rest of the team made it there. They were confused at the scene that was in front of them. It seems as though Ochaco had beaten one of the Villains, but something looked off. They were confused as to why they saw blood being transferred.

"Quickly, guys! Help her!" Tsuyu cried out desperately.

When Toga heard that, she quickly threw Uraraka off of her and escaped into the forest.

"Stop!" Ochaco shouted after the crazy girl.

"There's too many people here now and I don't feel like getting killed tonight. Toodles."

As she was about to leave. She noticed something or rather someone that was rather… attractive to Toga.

She met eyes with Izuku. She saw his bloodied state with sweat glistening down his rock hard abs and pecs. His arms were completely shredded as that turned her on even more. He looked different from the pictures and videos she seen of him thought. Now, he had Golden hair and bright golden aura surrounding him. He also had black tendrils coming out of his arms.

He was even hotter now than when she first laid eyes on him.

Toga gasped as a bright pink blush enveloped her face. She then ran into the forest to regroup with the other members of the Vanguard Action Squad.

"GET HER!" Ochaco yelled.

"No it's too dangerous!" Tsuyu said as she held her back, "We have no idea what kind of Quirk she has."

"Who was that girl just now?" Todoroki asked as he and the rest of the group ran up to them.

"One of the Villains. She was crazy." Tsuyu replied as she was still creeped out by Toga. She was sure she was going to have nightmares about this encounter in the future.

"Ochaco-chan, you're hurt." Izuku noted to the cuts on her leg and arm.

"It's not bad. I can still walk okay. You're the one who looks terrible! Oh and why are you blonde now?!" Ochaco asked the newly transformed Super Saiyan. As she looked over Izuku's new state, she couldn't help but blush. If she thought he was hot before, then he was stunning now. Literally. She could tell that his muscle frame was more defined now due to the transformation. She knows because she has carefully studied his frame every time he's been shirtless. Yes, she knows that's weird and borderline stalkerish but she just couldn't help it. His golden aura was alluring. It made her hot in her unmentionables. She quickly shook those thoughts away.

"WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP ASKING ME THAT?! Listen, it's a long story-"

"We can't stand here and talk. Let's move." Shoji said.

"I'm just glad you didn't get injured too bad. Now come on. Join our group. We're protecting Kacchan and making our way back to camp. We could use your help." Izuku exclaimed. Ochaco and Tsuyu would definitely be great assets. Especially with Ochaco's recent training with her Ki.

Tsuyu put a finger on her chin, "If you're protecting Bakugo, then, shouldn't he be standing here with you guys?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? He's right over here, behind u-"

Izuku turned around to see Katsuki Bakugo was nowhere to be found…

"YOOOOO WHAT?! Who let their eyes off of him?!" Izuku shouted as he began to panic. 'We're in crisis mode. And we thought we were doing well, that we'd covered our bases. But…'

"Nice trick, eh?"

Izuku gasped as he sensed an unfamiliar energy signature. He located it and saw somebody standing on a branch on a nearby tree.

"I took the lad you're talking about with my magic. A talent like his would be squandered were he cast as a Hero. We'll provide him with a grander stage where he can truly shine." The Person who had said that was none other than the Villain, Mr. Compress. He had trapped Kastuki into a marble, which he was currently playing with.

Izuku growled as he stared dead eyed at Mr. Compress.

"Give. Him. Back. "

Mr. Compress raised his eyebrows at that, "Give him back? What an odd thing to say. Katsuki Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own person. Don't be so arrogant. "

"I can arrogant all I want. It doesn't change the fact that if you don't give him back right now like I just told you, that I'm going to break every single bone in your body!" Izuku yelled as his aura got wilder and wilder.

"Oh really? So do you see Young Bakugo as your property then? Some friend you are."

"OH YEAH?!" Izuku yelled at the top of his lungs as he powered up his Ki. His Super Saiyan rage was taking over.


Izuku roared out with pure wrath as his Ki explosion blew everyone off of their feet.

"Such power…. Did I strike a nerve?" Mr. Compress asked as he jumped from the tree that got blown away from Izuku's outburst.

"Izuku, calm down this instant!" Shoto yelled as he got up. He could barely withstand the killing intent that was emanating from the enraged Super Saiyan.

"Why the aggression? We merely wish to show him that there are options besides the fantastical world of Heroism he's drowning in." Mr. Compress had jumped to the air and landed on the top of another tree. "It is important to choose a path that aligns with your core values, after all."

"It's not just Bakugo. Tokoyami's gone!" Shoji noted.

Shoto gasped, 'He snatched two of our strongest classmates without a sound. What power is this?'

The Bi Colored teen looked up at the Villain, "If you're monologuing because you think you've beaten us, you're mistaken. I don't know if you noticed, but you pissed off my best friend Izuku over here. And trust me…. You don't want to mess with him when he's angry.

Mr. Compress twirled around his marble, "A bad habit of mine. I was once an entertainer, you know. Taking Tokoyami was a bit of improv on my part. Unfortunately, I wasn't snatch our number 1 target, Izuku Midroiya due to his overwhelming power and speed. I wouldn't want to fight him when he's angry. So I think I'll take your advice, Mr. Shoto Todoroki.

Ochaco growled as she activated her Pink Ki aura, "How dare you…"

Mr. Compress chuckled, "Poor Moonfish… Our dear Blade Tooth. He may not look it, but's a dastardly death row devil who's last appeal was denied. When I saw the avarian take him down so easily and violently, I decided he should join our troupe." A second marble appeared in his hand.

"You bastard! You can't take them away! I won't let you get away with this!" Izuku yelled with absolute demonic rage that made a shiver go down everyone's spine.

"Izuku, calm down! Here take this guy for me." Shoto said to Ochaco as he passed her the unconscious class B student. Shoto then summoned a large glacier that covered multiple blocks of the forest.

"Apologies, but slight-of-hand and escapology are my specialties, not combat." Mr. Compress called out as he jumped to the air to avoid Todroki's onslaught.

"I'm not foolish enough to fight Hero candidates from UA." He then touched his ear piece, "Vanguard Action Squad. I've acquired one of our targets. Our little show has officially come to a close. Meet me at the retrieval point in the next five minutes for the final bow."

"They're going to take them. Our friends" Shoto said as Mr. Compress ran off.

"THEY CAN'T!" Izuku roared out.

"You're right. We'll stop them!" Shoto said as he and the rest of the group ran after Mr. Compress.

"Damn it, this guy's quick." Shoto complained as they chased after Compress. He was hopping from tree to tree like a Kangaroo.

"If only Iida were here!" Ochaco added.

"If I go full speed, then I could catch him in an instant! And then I'll break his neck!" Izuku growled menacingly. He looked different now. His pupils were slitted like those of an animal. He grew fangs as his nails also became a lot sharper and longer. And if you look close enough, you could also see a few golden scales on the patches of his skin. His voice was also much deeper and more demonic as the rage of the Super Saiyan form was consuming him more and more.

"No! Absolutely not! If you do that, then you'll pass out on the spot. We also need him to turn Bakugo and Tokoyami back to normal. If you break his neck then it might be a little harder to get to do that!" Shoto yelled. He could tell that Izuku wasn't himself right now. He didn't know what happened, but something must've triggered this transformation and now it was slowly taking him over. Hopefully it was only temporary. An angry Izuku didn't seem right.

"These ingenues aren't as big a deal as I expected." taunted as he casually skipped through the trees.

"Come on!" Shoto shouted as he quickened his pace.

"We can't give up. Not now. We have to catch him… and get our friends back!" Izuku shouted.

"But he's pulling farther ahead with every second." Shoji said. Mr. Compress was almost out of their sight.

Izuku grit his teeth, "Ochaco-chan. You have to make us float."

"Huh?" The brunette asked.

"And then, Asui. You launch us as far you can using your tongue!"


"Shoji, hold me and Shoto and use your Quirk to correct out trajectory through the air. Measure the distance with your eyes, Ochaco-chan. And then, when the timing looks right, release us!"

"I see. Human bullets." Shoji noted the validity of the plan

"Wait, Deku-kun! You're still going to fight with those injuries?" Ochaco asked in deep concern. Izuku had not gotten any better ever since. His arms have gotten even more swollen and they could notice him panting even harder than before. The tendrils of Black Whip were getting shorter and duller.

'He's in really bad shape. I wouldn't be surprised if he lost consciousness any moment now.' Shoto thought. Izuku should really be resting right now. But his determination to save and protecting his friends was transcending any pain he could be feeling right now.

"Izuku. You stay here. With that much pain-"

"Trust me, I don't feel any pain right now. I can do this. HURRY!"

"Wait, Deku-kun. Here!" Ochaco had taken off her sweat shirt and ripped it off. She then formed its parts into makeshift casts. She tied one around Izuku's broken arms.

"This should help ease the pain."

They then got into position for their plan. Ochaco activated her Quirk on each of them.

"Okay. Go ahead, Tsu."

"Make sure you've got a good grip on them."

Tsuyu then flinged them across the forest with her tongue. The guys all yelled as they flew in the air.

Mr. Compress heard yelling behind him.

"What in Lord's name is tha-, OH SHIT!"

"Huh? Lame. I'm the only one here?" Himiko said when she reached the retrieval point.

"Hey, crazy. Did you get the blood? How many different kinds?" Dabi asked.

"One person's!"

"Just one?! Hey, what gives? Weren't you supposed to get at least three?" Twice exclaimed.

"That's just the way it went down. I thought those brats were gonna kill me." Toga nonchalantly replied.

"Whatever. You're looking a little too happy right now. Strange. Shouldn't you be full of shame?"

Toga giggled, "Yeah, but I made some great new friends. And I found a sexy boy I'm interested in~"

"Is it me? No thanks, bae! I love you, too!" Twice said as multiple personality disorder was in full effect.

"Both of you shut it. You're too loud." Dabi commanded.

The blue flame Quirk user then noticed something in the sky. He then widened his eyes as he saw what or who it was.


yelled as he was slammed onto the ground.

"Woah, woah, what's this? Oh, hey, wait, I know these kids. Who are they?!" Twice exclaimed.


Dabi sucked his teeth is annoyance. And here he thought they were about to leave, "Out of the way, Compress."

"Got it." Compress glowed green and materialized out from under the students.

Dabi then sent a torrent of blue flames at the three UA students. Shoto was able to get out of the way, but it grazed Izuku and Shoji.

Izuku yelled in pain, as he felt the burning sensation on his already messed up arms.

"My arms are burning!" Shoji screamed.

"Izuku! Shoji!" Shoto said before he looked up to see Twice attacking him.

"The beat up gold guy is our number 1 target. But you are on Shigaraki's kill list! No he isn't!"

Shoto summoned a stream of ice to block Twice as he screamed, "So hot!" in response.

Izuku dodged a needle that grazed his Golden hair. He looked and saw that it was Toga who had thrown it.

"Hi Izuku! My name is Himiko Toga!"

Toga jumped on top of Izuku, "I've been thinking since I saw you…" Himiko brought out her which caused Izuku's eyes widen, "...that you'd be so much sexier if you just bled a little more! I can help!"

"Midoriya!" Shoji knocked Toga off of him. Himiko gave the Dupliarms Quirk user a death glare.

"So, that's how it is. You want to come between us? To be honest, you're not really my type. But I'll cut you anyway. "

"She's crazy." Shoji bluntly stated.

"I can see that… "

Shoto shot more ice towards Twice. He casually skipped over the ice.

"Ha, ha! This is easy! Give me all you've got! Hey man, cut me some slack!"

Shoto narrowed his eyebrows angrily, "What the hell is with this guy?"

Just then, Mr. Compress materialised from a Marble.

"Ugh. I can't believe you kids wrecked my exit. Unrehearsed amateurs."

"You got Bakugo?" Dabi asked.

"Of course." He reached into his pocket for the marbles. But he didn't feel them.


Shoji saw this and yelled, "Midoriya. Todoroki. We're done! He gave away his best trick. I'm not sure what your Quirk is, but it had to do with those little marbles, right? The ones you'd stashed in your pocket." Shoji brought out the marbles that Compress was looking for, "So I'm guessing these are Tokoyami and Bakugo."

"You rescued them!"

"Ha, ha, ha! Well, color me impressed. Just as I'd expect from someone with so many hands. How splendid." Compress complimented.

"Right. Nice job, Shoji. " Shot created an ice wall and began to run.

"Moron." Dabi aimed his hand to shoot some fire but was stopped by Compress.

"No, wait."

As they were running back, Izuku gasped.

"A NOMU?!"

"Quick, this way!" Shoto commanded as they went the other direction, only for their path to be blocked by an eerily familiar purple portal.

"Not this guy!"

"He was at the USJ!"

Izuku narrowed his eyes, "The Warp Villain. Kurogiri."

"It's been five minutes since the signal. Let's go Dabi." The Warp Villain commanded.

Himiko waved at Deku, "Sorry, Izuku. But I'll see you later, 'kay?" She walked through one of the portals that Kurogiri created.

Twice jumped through one of the Portals as well.

"Hold on. We're not leaving without at least one of the kids" Dabi warned.

"Don't worry. They were so proud of themselves for rooting through my pockets that I thought I'd let them gloat." Compress said.

"What was that?!" Izuku snapped.

"But allow me to explain a basic tenant of magic. If I'm flaunting something shiny, it's because there's something else I don't want you to see."

Mr. Compress partly removed his mask and opened his mouth to reveal two shiny blue marbles on his tongue.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Shoto yelled in frustration. They were so close, they had almost done it. Only to be duped.

Mr. Compress snapped his fingers to reveal what was really in those two marbles that Shoji had. It was just two shards of ice.

"Is that my ice?"

"That's right. During the freezing attack, I prepared dummies and slipped them into my right pocket." Compress said.

"DAMN IT!" Izuku began to run towards the Villains, 'His Quirk lets him compress and hold things! "

"A little bit of misdirection. Forgive me. I do adore a twist ending." Compress began to slowly disappear into the portal.


Compress bowed, "One last bow. And then the curtain fal-"

Out of nowhere, a blue laser beam shot right through Compress' mask.

Izuku looked towards the bushes.


Mr. Compress spat out the two marbles. This caused Shoto and Shoji to desperately reach for the two blue orbs that held their classmates. Izuku tried to move in as well, but he had gotten so tired that he accidentally tripped on his own feet.

Shoji was able to grab one of the marble. Shoto was close to reaching the other, but it was snatched out of his reach right at the last second.

"Well isn't that a tragedy. Poor little Shoto Todoroki."

It was Dabi who had taken the marble. Shoto grunted as he rolled on the ground.

"Confirm it now. Release them."

"That laser ruined my finale."

Compress snapped his finger. Tokoyami appeared out of the marble in Shoji's hand. Bakugo in Dabi's.

"Checkmate. Heh." Dabi said as the portal slowly pulled him and Bakugo in.


Izuku tried to get up and run towards him, but he suddenly felt an aching feeling all over his body. He underestimated the severity of his injuries. He felt his Power Level dropping dramatically every second. It wouldn't be long until he drops dead.


'Absolutely not! You are well over your limit as it already stands. Any more power boosts will kill you. Do you want to die? Your body has suffered so much in one day that it's a miracle you can even breathe right now. The Super Saiyan transformation and the awakening of Black Whip combined with your injuries and fatigue from all of the fighting has almost render you useless. You can't stop them. Kacchan is going to get captured.' Inner Deku replied.

'Fine then. I'll sacrifice one of my arms and summon another Super Dragon Fist!'

'Are you out of your mind?! With the amount of power and stamina you have left, you wouldn't even form a baby dragon.'

'So tell me, how am I supposed to save him?!'

'Ask yourself: What is the smartest thing to do in this scenario? What are they after the most?'

Izuku thought and then gasped. He knew what he had to do.

"Shoto listen to me very closely. I'm going to need you to do me a favor. Don't question it and just go with it. We don't have much time!"

Shoto nodded. Izuku then whispered a few words into his ear. After he was done, he whispered, "Are you crazy?! That's suicide."

But it was too late. Izuku was already running straight towards the portal.

"REMEMBER SHOTO! Protect them in our absence!"

As Izuku said that, he jumped into the purple portal along with Dabi and Bakugo, right before it closed…

That night, U.A. had lost its Golden Resolve…