This is the story of Kaguya Otsutsuki as she lives her new life given to her. Will she make the most out of a second chance? Find out as you read her story.
So there lies Yuki Otsutsuki or rather Sagutsa after marrying Haru just before Kaguya was born. She is currently thinking about the return of Satoshi. She wants to hurt him badly. Just how he disappeared and left her sister pregnant with little to no explanation. She can still vividly remember how her sister locked herself in her now, Kaguya's room and didn't come out for almost 2 days. In the middle of the night, Suki finally came out of the room. Suki went downstairs but silently behind her there was Yuki.
Yuki even though Suki's twin sister didn't know what to say to her sister to help. She didn't even know how her sister would react. Infact she did know how Suki would react. Suki would just give her a bright smile and say, "don't worry about me I'll be fine". She didn't want her sister to swallow the pain. Not like how their "family" treated her.
'At least mom put up a fight but against the whole family she can only do so much' thought Yuki.
Peeping around the corner Yuki watched her twin sister make some food. She could clearly see that she has been crying a lot by how red her eyes are.
She watched her sister make about 5 sandwiches which Yuki found odd. Since her sister has been on a diet so she could keep her nice form but isn't that overeating for her she thought.
'That's a lot for one person' thought Yuki.
What Yuki heard next brought her to tears.
"I should've come out sooner. Not eating is selfish because you have to grow strong right my little one..." said Suki as she caresses the bottom of her stomach.
Yuki hearing this is in shock. Not only did Satoshi leave her sister with little to no explanation. She's pregnant as well. Tears started to flow from Yuki's eyes. Yuki stepped out and walked toward her twin sister. Suki hearing someone walking toward her, looks right and sees her sister in tears.
"Sister what's wrong?" asked Suki looking at her weeping sister.
"What's wrong? This whole situation! You don't deserve this. Why aren't you sad? Why did you follow me even though you knew the consequences. Why just why did I leave out that night? This is all my fault you wouldn't be suffering right now if it wasn't for me..." Yuki said within a single breath.
Suki put her hand on his sister's tear soaked cheek. Giving a soft smile Suki said " It's okay, I'll be fine"
"No, this is not fine! Your not fine! Don't give me that soft smile when I your twin sister know you better than you know yourself! You think I didn't hear you crying In your room. How do you think I feel knowing the only thing I can do is comfort you knowing full well this wouldn't be happening If I didn't sneak out and ran!"
"Yuki calm down!" said Suki.
"Calm!? How are you not angry?" responded Yuki.
"I am upset but he must have a reason for not telling me why he left. I know him. He will suffer alone rather than bring his loved ones into his problems" said Suki.
"Your too soft on him Suki…"
That was what Yuki said before sitting down beside her sister and laying her head on her shoulder. Yuki knew how kind her sister could be to others. She even forgave her father for what he did to her and Suki.
"As long we are together we are unbreakable" Saud Suki
Chuckling Yuki responded "Like a brilliant diamond"
"Alight you can get off me now I'm really hungry right now" said Suki.
"Alight I'll let go. When Haru gets back he's going to take me to the store. Want something?" asked Yuki.
"Sure I'm really craving some vanilla yogurt after I kinda at the pack thats in the fridge, sorry..." replied Suki.
"It's fine I don't mind it you need the vitamins"
(4 months later)
"Breaking news!! A new villain that goes by the name Reactor is in a fight with the number one hero All Might!!"
The News explained the coverage of a heist that was intercepted by All Might. Then TV showed a battle damaged All Might and a figure in all black that was also battle damaged. Even though he didn't look that hurt you can see that he hasn't come out unscathed from the battle so far. The only distinct part about him was his short black her and his glowing green eye that could be seen from masked that is partially broken on his face. Even with this little detail the only two who immediately realized the identity of Reactor were sitting on the couch eating ice cream.
"Satoshi!?" the twin sisters screamed in unison.
Suki immediately got up to put her clothes on to try to go to Satoshi. Yuki however immediately stopped her sister from making a foolish decision.
"Let me go I have to go to him!" yelled Suki
"No you can't you'll only get yourself hurt. I won't let you hurt yourself or your child" responded Yuki.
Looking down causing her hair to shift in front of her face making her expression unreadable.
"I haven't seen him in 4 months… Not even a single text… How could I not jump at the one opportunity to see him again. I know Satoshi, he's not a villain, he may not be the best person but he can be kind in his own way. He thinks of others before he thinks of himself. Did you hear even once on the news coverage that he hurt a bystander?" said Suki said to her sister.
"I know that… I know he not the type of person to be a villain" responded Yuki
Suki looked up with noticeably moistened eyes. Looking her sister in the face she says "Then why was your hand nudging towards your phone?
Yuki didn't know what to say to her sister cause she was going to report Satoshi to the authorities. Why wouldn't anyone report him in this situation she thought.
"Why do you love him so blindly? Why are you taking his side even though right now as we speak he is fighting All Might as a villain? Even though he might not hurt innocents it doesn't excuse him from working for villains!" retorted Yuki.
There is a clear tension between the two as they stare each other down. Both wanted to protect what each other loved. Suki knows Satoshi wouldn't do anything like this unless he had no other choice. Till he comes back to her she will do her best to try to help her sister be in the best shape she can be for the baby
"Fine I won't sneak out to find Satoshi"
(5 months later)
Suki was in the country side a few miles away from Mustafu with Haru helping her boss and friend Yuna.
Felling her phone vibrate Yuki picked up her phone and answered.
"Hello this is Mustafu Hospital we would like to inform you that we have your sister a Suki Otsutsuki whom is currently giving birth" said the nurse on the other end.
"What!? I'm on my way!" Hanging up Yuki turned to Haru.
"Let's go Haru Suki is giving birth!"
"Right now!? Okay let's go" said Haru
"Yuna! Haru and I have to go! Suki is in Labor!" said Yuki.
"No problem Yuki, make sure to send pictures!" Yuna said back.
(Half a hour later)
Running in the hospital Yuki asked the nurse at the desk of her sister and was directed to her. She was then met by the doctor that helped Suki give birth.
"Hello I'm Dr.Win your my patient's sister from what I can see"
"How is my sister, how is the baby, and were there any complications?" Suki blurted out in worry.
"Both are fine, but there is a complication" said Dr.Win.
A look of horror on Suki face came about as she says " You said they are fine"
"Both are fine, the baby is a beautiful baby girl, and is the most healthy baby I have ever laid my eyes on and the test shows even though she is also the most quiet baby I ever encountered too. We ran test and nothing is wrong and she is perfectly capable of crying like a normal baby she just doesn't.
It's honestly kinda creepy of how she stares at you like she's trying to figure out her surroundings like a patient who just got out a coma.
The complications came about after we cut the ambilicle cord connecting your sister and her baby. A sudden extreme tiredness and then she passed out. The only reason she's alive at the moment is because of life support systems we have. We ran many test and have concluded the reason for this is the baby. We had another Doctor in at the moment that wanted to do her own test and the results show that the baby has some form of undeveloped energy that's not harmful its producing. We theorized that the energy was absorbed by your sister and her body adapted to it but it couldn't produce its own.
Your sister's body was in a way using her baby as a battery. We don't how to transplant this energy from the baby to your sister. Our technology isn't enough" explained Dr.Win
"I see..." Yuki said downcast.
"Don't worry as long your sister is here we help her recover, she will wake up one day. We are nor sure when..." said Dr.Win.
"All that matters is that both are alive... I want to see the baby"
"Don't you want to see your sister Yuki?" asked Haru.
"I don't think I could hold myself together if I don't see her soft smile if I sew her now" Yuki explained.
The Doctor guided them to the maternity ward and there lay little Kaguya staring through the glass at the three new people who just showed up. Her little eyes looked at each person till they stopped on Yuki.
Those same eyes that reminds her of her comatose sister. A tear fell from her eye as the she stared back at the little baby girl.
"Can I hold her?" Yuki asked the Dr.Win.
Well normally we would have to ask the birth parents permission. Due to this situation and how you and your sister seem to be on very good terms you can hold the baby.
A few minutes later a nurse came out with baby Kaguya.
"Her name is kaguya. Your sister named her this just before she suddenly passed out" said the nurse. As she handed the baby to Yuki.
"Hello little Kaguya, You look just like your mother... Huh your awfully quiet for a baby. Oh right the doctor did say you have been quiet since your birth" said Yuki.
"Ha we don't have to worry about being woken up in the middle of the night then" Haru joked.
Turning around to glare at Haru Yuki tells him "All the more reason to take extra care of her."
(Present day)
Suki sat up done reminiscening about the past that should just stay there but it seems the past is coming back to haunt her. First Satoshi and now Kaguya is having a martial arts tournament in Runā of all places it just had to be there where her old home, her so called family had to be. She knew that she would come face to face with them again but she expect it to be now or any time for that matter.
Pinching the bridge of her nose she's stopping the headache that is coming from just reminding herself of her "family".
'I should go talk to Kaguya about her "family"... Not the extended ones in Tokyo but... Runā...
Getting our of bed and freshing up a bit Yuki went to see if Kaguya is in her room but she's not there.
Walking down stairs she finds Kaguya like usual sitting on the couch crossed legged with a laptop in her lap and the usual vanilla yogurt container nearby. However this time she spots her phone that's sitting horizontal on the laptop with what appears to be Shoto with a laptop of his own.
'Are they playing a game together? One would have to admit they make a cute couple. I wonder what would Suki will think when she wakes up thought Suki.
Turing her head around Kaguya sees her aunt Yuki staring at her. Turning back around Kaguya calls out to Shoto.
"Shoto I'll call you back I think my aunt has something to talk to me about" says Kaguya.
Shoto on camera shrugged and went to hang up but before he hung up he said something only Kaguya could hear. Whatever he said seemed to have a effect on Kaguya since one (Yuki) could see that her cheeks are bright red.
Hanging up immediately Kaguya uttered the words "why he goes and say that while aunt Yuki is here..." In a low voice however it wasn't low enough.
"~OH? Just what did young Shoto say to my dear Kaguya to have her a blushing mess. It seems that even the straight face calculating Kaguya isn't immune to Teenage love~" Yuki said to Kaguya.
"A-Aunt Yuki it isn't like that..." Kaguya tried to explain but just like any other healthy teenage girl her age. There is multiple implications that it is not "Isn't like that".
"~Sure~" replied Yuki but she had to stop picking on Kaguya and talk to her about what she came to talk her about. Seeing the sudden serious expression on her Aunt's face Kaguya wonder what's going on.
"Kaguya it's about our family given the location of your martial art tournament" said Yuki.
"I thought our family came from tokyo? (lie)"
"Kaguya don't play dumb we both know how quick you are to pick up on things. It's about the Otsutsuki Clan. If this were feudal time you, sister, and I would be close to princesses. Not justin name but in power..." explained Yuki.
"Princesses? Then why are you here then. If our family has enough power for us and mother to be princesses then why haven't our family reached out?" asked Kaguya.
yuki sighed in a bit of sadness recalling the memories all those years ago but she has to do it or Kaguya might... No Kaguya isnt like that. Yuku then went on to expain and give Kaguya her answers.
"It's a short and a very painfull story for your mother and I. I'll still explain what happened but to put it simply the Otsutsuki Clan has disowned your mother and I".
(A/N: Hello guys this is part one of four of a chapter I am writing but split up into four parts due to this just sitting in my drafts for the last year. I am re writing chapter two a little after I'm done with part two in a couple of hours. See you guying in a few hours and no I'm not gonna dip again even though it will be next week when I update again due to work it may be earlier depending if I'm not tired cause I work the night shift)