
My Hero Academia: Dojutsu Quirk

A soul after being granted 3 wishes from a Goddess is reborn in the world with no previous knowledge of anything including the quirk he has. Watch as he uses Dojutsus from the world of Naruto in order to become a hero ------ Note: As of this current moment I do not know if this novel will include a harem or not. I do plan on it to have some sort of romance either way. I do not plan on writing any R-18 chapters right now since I find them sort of awkward to write however I may write some in the future. Also the Dojutsus will be changed in order to better match the world. The MC will not be overpowered from the start. I plan to keep his power level paced with the people around him so don't expect him to wipe the floor with every enemy he fights.

Psycho_Whale · Seni bela diri
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

It has been a couple of years since Mason's newest dojutsu appeared. After the shocking moment of seeing his mother die Mason began to train his eyes more. Mason always thought that his quirk had the potential to be powerful but after seeing the future he became focused on training his quirk more in order to master his abilities.

Currently, Mason and his friends were studying for the UA entrance exam at his house. Mason like a lot of other teenagers wanted to be a hero and what better place to study than the top hero school in the country. He, Toru, and Toga had all decided to apply for UA and had been spending weeks studying at each other's houses. This studying also turned into a quirk training session for them all since they knew that the practical exam was going to be difficult to accomplish with no practice.

Toru was having trouble with training her quirk because she thought that her quirk was very limited in its abilities so she instead decided to focus on physical training to make up for that fact. Toga was very similar to Toru but she instead focused on her agility and she and Toru would have mock battles in Mason's fairly large backyard. Mason was trying to train the time limit of his quirk. Currently, Mason could use his quirk for 15 minutes before he started to feel a searing pain in his eyes and after 20 minutes of continuous usage his eyes would start bleeding and it would become difficult to see. Mason's physique was always stronger than others due to the fact that he was continuously absorbing energy from his surroundings and passively using it to better his body. Due to this fact, Mason was far stronger than others around him which made some people from school believe that he had a strength type quirk.

"Are you guys ready for tomorrow?" Mason asked Toru and Toga. Tomorrow was the date of the exam which would make others nervous however Mason himself felt extremely confident that he would be able to pass the exam with ease. His Sharingan allowed him to memorize anything he saw with it so he was certain that he would be able to pass the exam. Also, his quirk's abilities combined with his physique made him a tough opponent to fight, something many bullies at school had learned quickly.

Toru glanced up from her book and with a smile plastered on her face she declared, "Yup! I'm definitely going to ace this exam and go to the same class with you Mason!"

Toga as if feeling challenged glared at Toru before turning to Mason and saying, "Me too! I'm the one who's going into the same class as Mason!" She pounced toward Mason and clung to his arm while sticking her tongue out at Toru. Then as if she was well versed in doing so she nipped Mason's shoulder and drank a bit of his blood.

Toru by this time was no longer affected by Toga's strange habit with drinking blood since she had done it for years. Mason himself didn't mind either since he knew he would heal incredibly quickly and Toga would always go on and on about how delicious his blood was.

"No way are they going to allow a vampire like you to enter UA!" Toru shouted toward Toga as she grabbed Mason's other arm.

The two girls began to argue loudly as Mason began rubbing his head since he was getting a headache from ting that they had been having over the weeks. Over the years the rivalry between Toga and Toru had gotten fiercer as neither wanted the other to get Mason. While they had made a pact to confess at the same time they were still determined to win Mason's heart before doing so leading to their current predicament.

After nearly 30 minutes of arguing the girls finally went home, and Mason began to prepare for tomorrow's exam. Mason sat down and began to meditate. He had discovered years ago that meditating was the best way to absorb the energy around him. After doing so for an hour Mason ate 5 calorie-rich bars in order to make up for his body's extraordinary metabolism as a side effect of using his quirk. After awakening his quirk his parents would always buy boxes full of them as it was the best way to feed him without him eating them out of house and home.


The next day Mason was standing in front of UA. The excitement was clearly visible on his face as he began walking toward the entrance. As he was walking he saw a green-haired boy trip and nearly fall flat on his face before floating as it appeared that nearby girl saved him. Mason grinned at that before Toga and Toru tackled him in excitement.

The three of them talked for a bit before Present Mic began his speech about the two parts of the exam. They weren't very surprised by what the exam entailed but they paid attention when he went over the different types of robots and their worth. The fact that there was a robot worth 0 points really surprised Mason as he didn't expect them to put in an enemy that they couldn't defeat.

After the explanation everyone was split up into different groups in order to start the test. After being led to a room with some other students the started their written exam. Mason due to the eidetic memory that his Sharingan gave him after using them to study coasted through the test easily. he didn't encounter any real difficulties during the exam and was the first one to finish.

After everyone was finished with the test, they were led outside and headed into buses. upon entering the bus mason went to the back rows and found a window seat. While everyone was settling in Mason observed the other people in his group. He found that he was in the same group as the green-haired kid and the girl who helped him. There were other kids around him including some guy that looked like he was sparkling for some reason. 5 minutes later everyone was settled in and they headed toward the exam grounds.


Mason was one of the last people off the bus after they arrived at their destination. All around him he could see people his age waiting for the doors to open each of them looking different sure to their quirks.. He looked toward the huge gate that guarded the city made for the exam and for the first time since that day he began to feel nervous. After all, this was the time when they would be judged on how they used their quirk and was the first step toward being a hero. Obviously he wasn't the only one feeling the pressure as he saw a few people around him with anxious faces. It didn't take long before the gate opened and everyone rushed inside.

After running into the city Mason used his Byakugan in order to start hunting the robots. He immediately saw some a block away from his current position and ran full speed toward them. After it came into his line of sight he switched to his Sharingan and looked at every single movement that it made as he turned toward him. With his incredible speed, he got close to the robot before leaping toward it. In mid-air, he saw the robot moving as if it were in slow motion and was able to react to it trying to punch him and twisted his body in order to avoid this. He then punched it with all his strength and completely crushed it.

He continued this and before long he had accumulated 50 points. It was at this time that the number of robots had thinned out considerably so everyone was drawn to the same area in order to try and get the last ones. Once again activating his Byakugan he saw something huge emerge from the ground and recognized it as the 0 point robot. Soon everyone could see it looming over them as it began to move closer to them.

They all began to run away from it and Mason was about to follow them but before he did he saw that green-haired kid run toward it and leap straight toward its face and punch it. He was confused as to why he would do that before he saw the girl who had helped him from falling earlier at the feet of the robot and immediately guessed that he had done that in order to save her. After defeating the robot he saw him fall down before being saved from becoming a pancake by the girl once again.

Mason walked toward the kid and saw the condition that he was left in. You didn't need to have medical knowledge to know that he was severely injured. After coming to a decision he kneeled next to the kid before rolling up his sleeve and saying, "Quickly bite me."

The kid even though he was obviously tired gave him a questioning look and seemed to try and mumble something before Mason explained, "If you bite me you will start to heal slowly so instead of giving me that look just do what I say." He had discovered this part of himself when Toga had begun to bit him as any wounds that she had would disappear after she bit him.

The kid nodded slightly before doing as Mason said and as he bit him very slowly the bruises on his arms slowly started to fade away. After letting the kid do that he got up and walked away as he saw an old lady walk toward them. She gave Mason a kind smile before leaning over and giving the kid a kiss on the forehead which seemed to accelerate his healing even further.

The exam was finally over and they all started to head home. Mason aught up with Toga and Toru and they all started talking about their experience with the exam. Mason felt a bit disappointed with the exam since he felt like the robots were too simple for him to truly show off the full power of his eyes.

A couple of weeks later Mason, Toru, and Toga all got letters from UA stating that they passed and that they were all in class 1-A.

Alright so since Mason and Toga will be entering class 1-A they will need to replace 2 of the original characters. I'm thinking of replacing Mineta and either Koda or Ojiro. Tell me which of them would be better to replace. In my opinion, Koda and Ojiro haven't really done anything in the story so far.

Psycho_Whalecreators' thoughts