
My Hero Academia: Dojutsu Quirk

A soul after being granted 3 wishes from a Goddess is reborn in the world with no previous knowledge of anything including the quirk he has. Watch as he uses Dojutsus from the world of Naruto in order to become a hero ------ Note: As of this current moment I do not know if this novel will include a harem or not. I do plan on it to have some sort of romance either way. I do not plan on writing any R-18 chapters right now since I find them sort of awkward to write however I may write some in the future. Also the Dojutsus will be changed in order to better match the world. The MC will not be overpowered from the start. I plan to keep his power level paced with the people around him so don't expect him to wipe the floor with every enemy he fights.

Psycho_Whale · Seni bela diri
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Today was Mason's first day in middle school. He had just turned 13 and was very excited t head over there with his best friend Toga. Since the first time that they met, they had gotten a lot closer and now refer to each other on a first-name basis. Toga became extremely attached to him as he was one of the few people who didn't mind her peculiarities and fascination with blood. This was due to the influence of his Ketsuryugan which also makes him intrigued by it as well. However, Toga had started asking if she could taste his blood around a year ago and Mason soon gave in to her request making it a weekly thing for her.

Currently, Mason was in the Assembly hall for the entrance ceremony. The current principal had been droning on and on for over half an hour. So instead of paying attention to the speech, he started focusing on the people around him. Quirks were a strange thing since some of them were unnoticeable while others made people barely resemble a human. For example, a boy 2 rows in front of him looked more like a porcupine than a boy. There was another girl who seemed to be trying to stop her hair from constantly floating upward.

After what felt like a year of his life wasting away, the entrance ceremony finally ended and the students went to find their classes.

After looking at the class he had he saw that he was in class 1-C and by checking the names he saw that he was in the same class as Toga. As he stood in front of the board somebody came up from behind him, jumping onto his back and giving him a bear hug. Startled, Mason nearly yelped but stopped himself when he noticed that it was just Toga.


The people around him soon started giving them strange looks once they saw this over-affectionate girl clinging onto a boy's back. Embarrassed Mason tried to pry toga off of himself but soon gave up after 3 minutes of continuous failure. Resigning himself to his fate Mason sighed and started to head to his classroom.

Mason: Toga you know that you are eventually going to have to get off of me right?

Toga: I know but let me enjoy hugging you for a bit. Besides, you don't hate having a cutie like me clinging to you.

Toga said while pouting in a playful mater. Mason sighed as she was right but he still found it embarrassing to be receiving strange looks from everyone that they passed.

Toga finally released him hen they stood in front of the classroom door. Walking in it seemed that they were one of the last students to arrive but looking at the people inside everyone looked friendly. Luckily enough the two found seats next to each other at the back of the classroom.

Settling in, Jason started inspecting the people around him before seeing someone at the front of the class. Well, it isn't right to say that he saw them as they seemed to be invisible. To him, he only saw a floating girl's uniform. Mason wanted to know if he could see her with his own quirk.

Mason began his trial and error of activating his different eyes trying to see her. After a bit of time, he activated his Sharingan and to his joy found that he could in fact see her. She was a very pretty girl with long black hair and brown eyes. She had white skin with rosy cheeks and round pink lips. Mason was surprised because in his opinion she was as pretty as Toga which was saying a lot as he thought Toga was beautiful.

It seemed like the girl noticed his gaze as she turned her head in his direction with a curious expression on her face as she began to start walking over to him.

Upon reaching him she stuck her hand out and in a cheerful manner said

Girl: Hello I'm Toru Hagakure! Say can you see me?

Mason: Um yeah I can. Sorry for staring at you I was just trying to see if I could see you with my quirk. The answer is yeah I can.

Toru: Really you can! Well, what do I look like? I haven't seen myself since I was 4.

Mason thought that it would be embarrassing to describe how pretty the girl looked like so he showed her an illusion of what she looked like since she was staring into his eyes.

Toru: What was that? Is that how I look like? What's your quirk?

Mason: That was an illusion to show you what you look like. I figured that that would be better than me describing you. My quirk is called dojutsu. It allows me to change my eyes giving them different abilities with each one.

Toru: So that's how you saw me! Well thank you for showing me myself, let's be good friends.

Toga who had been silent during this interaction was seething with rage. In her mind, Mason was her's and she did not want to share him with any other girls or boys for that matter. However, before she could say anything the teacher walked in and class started.


3 months have passed since he entered middle school and he had begun to hang out with Toru and Toga. The 2 of them seemed to have developed some sort of rivalry which confused Mason since it seems to have started a few weeks after starting school.

During these 3 months, nothing really exciting had happened. Mason got into a couple of fights with some school bullies but by using his quirk which also gave him immense strength due to the energy that was circulating in his body and his dojutsu he easily beat up any kids who tried to mess with him or his friends. Due to this and his good looks, Mason had become quite popular in school.

With his natural piercing blue eyes, vibrant red hair, blemish-free skin, and handsome facial features he soon became the object of every girl's affection much to Toga and Toru's dismay. Toga had had a crush on Mason since they met years ago and Toru developed one due to his kind carefree personality and the fact that he could actually see her. The 2 girls had come to an agreement after seeing how much he hated when they fought that they wold bot confess to him one day and let him decide who he wanted to be with.

It was the weekend currently and Mason was relaxing at home reading his textbook. He was continuously abusing his Sharingan's ability of eidetic memory to coast through school. As he finally stopped reading to go grab some food from the kitchen he saw his mother and gave her a quick hug.

It was at this time that his quirk activated again without him knowing. His eyes turned purple with a kaleidoscope appearing in his eyes. A vision appeared before him as this happened. In this vision, he saw his mom sitting in a hospital bed as she was hooked up to all sorts of machines. He saw his father and himself crying at the side of her bed as the heart monitor showed that her heart stopped beating.

The vision finally ended and he quickly shut his eyes due to the intense pain that he had just received. Blood began to slowly trickle down his face due to the use of this new eye. His mom stopped what she was doing and started wiping the blood away from his face. This wasn't a new occurrence as he had overused his quirk before so she was somewhat used to this but she noticed that this time was different. Her son was actually crying which was strange since he had a high pain tolerance. Mason then looked up at his mom and string her in the eyes revealing his new dojutsu.

Mason: Mom go to the hospital for a check-up, please.

Alice: What are you talking about Maso-

Mason: Mom just promise me that you will go get a check-up, please.

Alice seeing how serious her son was and seeing his new eyes decided to do as he said and went to the hospital the next day.

It was revealed that she a brain tumor which would have been deadly if it had not been caught so early. From that day on Alice made sure to see if that eye of her son ever activated itself since she had an idea that it showed if someone was dying.