
My Hero Academia: Dojutsu Quirk

A soul after being granted 3 wishes from a Goddess is reborn in the world with no previous knowledge of anything including the quirk he has. Watch as he uses Dojutsus from the world of Naruto in order to become a hero ------ Note: As of this current moment I do not know if this novel will include a harem or not. I do plan on it to have some sort of romance either way. I do not plan on writing any R-18 chapters right now since I find them sort of awkward to write however I may write some in the future. Also the Dojutsus will be changed in order to better match the world. The MC will not be overpowered from the start. I plan to keep his power level paced with the people around him so don't expect him to wipe the floor with every enemy he fights.

Psycho_Whale · Seni bela diri
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

It has been 4 years since Mason as born. In this time his family has had to move to Japan for his Dad's new job. Mason didn't't really mind all that much since he thought that all the heroes from Japan were amazing and he didn't really have any friends back in America since he was only 3 at the time when they moved.

Currently Mason is eagerly waiting to see if he will manifest a quirk even though he knows that the chance of that happening is low since both of his parents are quirkless. Still he has a feeling deep inside him that tells him that he will have a quirk.

Like many kids his age he loves heroes with All-Might being his favorite of course. Everyday he asks his mom to show him videos of heroes saving people. He always says that when he grows up he will be a hero as well.

His mother always looks at with a sad expression on her face since she knows that the chance of him getting a quirk is low. Even if he does get a quirk she knows how dangerous hero work is so she always tries to lead him toward another path instead with no success at all.

On this current day Mason is sitting down at the table with his mom eating breakfast. His Dad had left earlier for his job so he and his mom are alone currently talking about whether or not they should visit the park today.

Mason has this nagging feeling that something important will happen today. As he is thinking about this he begins to get this itchy feeling in his eyes. At first he ignores it since his mom always tells him not to touch his eyes. However the more he tries to ignore it the worse the feeling gets. It goes from being itchy to being painful. Mason quickly shuts his eyes as he begins to tear up from the pain.

Mason: Mom my eyes hurt a lot.

Alice looks at her son as she grabs his hand and pulls him toward the sink to flush out his eyes. The pain doesn't stop however an instead intensifies for the next 5 minutes. By this point Mason is already crying from the pain before the pain suddenly goes away. Finally opening his eyes he becomes disorientated as he sees with a 360° view everything within 20 feet.

Mason: Mom everything looks really weird.

Alice looks at her son's eyes with shock evident on her face. His eyes have no pupil in them now and are now a shade of lavender instead of his usual deep blue eyes. She never thought that he would actually awaken a quirk but is happy for him since he wouldn't be bullied in school for not having one like she was. Her expression changes again however as her son's eyes do as well.

Mason closes his eyes in order to stop from getting disoriented any longer. He opens his eyes again but this time instead of seeing alk around him he has crystal clear vision as he looks at the room around him. His eyes are now red and now have what seems to be a comma in them. He closes them again as his eyes begin to hurt again. This time however when he opens them his eyes are glowing an ominous red. His eyes still hurting begin to get even more painful so he repeats his previous action. His eyes have now returned to their normal blue but his pupil has enlarged to an abnormal size. The pain doesn't go away and instead gets worse so he repeats his previous action once again and this time his eyes are normal.

Alice was surprised at this as it all occurs in less than a minute. She quickly grabs her phone and calls her Husband as she grabs Mason's hand and heads outside.

Alice: Honey sorry for bothering you at work but you won't believe what just happened.

Jonathan: What happened honey? Is everything alright at home?

Jonathan is taken back by this call since Alice almost never calls him during work unless there is an emergency at home. This time though he is confused as he can hear the happiness in her voice.

Alice: It's Mason he has a quirk. I'm taking him to the doctor so we can register it and they can tell us what it is.

Jonathan: Really he has a quirk! What is it? Is it strong?

Alice: It has to something to do with his eyes but I don't know what it is. Ill tell you everything that we know of when get information from the doctors.

After talking for a couple more minutes they end their call as Alice begins gets a taxi to the hospital.


After arriving at the hospital and doing a couple of tests a old lady named Dr. Tanaka sits down with them in a private room and begins to talk to Alice and Mason.

Dr. Tanaka: From the tests we have done Woods-san, we have seen that your son's body absorbs a large amount of energy from both his surrounding and his own body. His body stores this energy and seems to instinctively channel it into his eyes. Now Mason-san can you answer some questions about your quirk?

Mason: Yes ma'am.

Dr. Tanaka: What abilities do you get from your quirk? Also if you able to can you show me them?

Mason quickly closes his eyes and opens them revealing his Byakugan.

Mason: With these I can see all around me which is really weird. I can also see through walls which is pretty cool. (Mason switches to his Sharingan) These ones help me see everything easier I can even see every single hair on your head. (Mason switches to Ranmaru's eyes) I don't understand these ones too much yet. I can see through walls like the first one but I feel like these can do more. (Mason switches to Yome's eyes) I can see really far away. I think those are all I can do for now but I feel like there are more.

Dr. Tanaka: That's fine, I think we have everything we need for now. Since this is the first quirk of its kind you have the right to name it whatever you want.

Mason almost immediately knows what he should call it. He doesn't know why but he can't think of anything else to name it other than...

Mason: Dojutsu. Ill name my quirk Dojutsu.

Dr. Tanaka: Alright that's a fine name. Now Woods-sama please keep in mind that due to the nature of your son's quirk he will most likely have an abnormally large appetite so I recommend that you feed him calorie rich foods from now on. You don't have to worry about him getting out of shape since his body has a very fast metabolism now.

After having that conversation they head home and celebrate later when his Dad got home.

I wrote this chapter mainly to explain which Dojutsus Mason has in the beginning as well as explain how the quirk works in a world without chakra.

Give me your thoughts on the chapter and I will try my best to write another chapter tomorrow.

Also tell me whether you guys would like Mason to have a harem or if you want him to have only 1 romantic interest. Keep in mind that if he has a harem he will only have at most 5.

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