
The next day...

Mirai, Midoriya, and I go to class with the events of yesterday hanging over our heads. I could especially see the intense anger on Mirai's face as opposed to his usual calm look. Midoriya looks depressed over what happened to his classmate and his inability to stop this powerful enemy. As for me, it was just a repeat of the Kyoka incident. I couldn't save or do anything of importance and it could've cost me everything. I hate this feeling of uselessness that seems to follow me whatever I go. Class went on as usual until lunch when some of our classmates started asking about our horrible mood.

Uraraka: Deku, what's up? You seem a little down in the dumps?

Ida: What's got you so glum? There's not much that brings you down?

Midoriya: Well, there's no way you wouldn't be after seeing someone you know get hurt in front of you and you couldn't do anything to stop it.

Bakugo: Well, it's not like something like that hasn't happened before. IDIOT! You're overthinking it!

Midoriya: It was completely different than before.

Denki: Midoriya, it's okay. We just have to get stronger to prevent something like that from happening again.

Asui: What could've happened that got you guys so upset, anyway?

Mirai: We experienced a new amazing world, but unfortunately in this world, my nightmare came to life and brutally...

Denki: AAAAAHHHHHHH! You can't tell people about that its disturbing. I'm already having a hard time forgetting about it without you going into detail about it.

Mirai: It's going to happen again, except next time it'll be in the real world and there's no reset button.

Denki: I think this is the first time you showed so much emotion. You are usually so composed.

Mirai: It's because I want to live. Is that so wrong?

Mirai rushes out of the lunchroom and we're all left speechless. I decided to retreat out of the lunchroom as well because I didn't want to talk about what happened with Mirai plus I lost my appetite. I walk through the hallway trying to organize my thoughts but all they seem to do is swirl in a whirlwind around my head. How could someone do that to someone? Why is he taking his eyes anyway? There is no way this man can break the laws of the universe with someone's eyes.

Denki: Why? I don't want to see the people I care about die. Mirai's death was just the first. Who's next, Kyoka? Damn. I don't know how much I can take.

My thoughts are in such disarray that I didn't notice that someone was following behind me.

[After school]

Midiriya's POV

Midoriya: All Might, have you ever seen someone die in front of your eyes before?

All Might: What brought this on?

Midoriya: Can you answer the question, please?

All Might: Yes. The previous inheritor of One for All was killed in front of my eyes. I'll never forget it and it gives me the strength to carry on my duties as the symbol of peace and make sure that the world has someone to look up to. So, I'll ask you again young Midoriya. What bought this on?

Midoriya: A group of classmates and I went to see this lady and she shared a special machine which allowed our minds to enter a virtual world. It was amazing, being able to fight to our heart's content without worrying about the damage it's going to cause our bodies in the real world and it could change the surroundings whenever it wanted. However, after our match, it seemed an intruder showed up and cause the system to shut down to protect itself. We made our way to the exit only to be met with a powerful opponent that could freeze us all in our place. Then he proceeded to cut Mirai's head off and gouge out his eyeballs.

All Might: You sure he tried to steal his eyes.

Midoriya: I'm positive.

All Might: This may sound harsh, but you will experience loss as a hero. You can't save everyone, you can only help as much as you can. You'll need to get even stronger if you don't want to see a scene like that again.

Midoriya starts to cry screaming All Might as All Might tries to cheer him up.

All Might: Just remember that those who smile are the strongest, after all.