
The Bad Guy

I started walking while wearing a gloomy expression on my face. My dad lied to me about mom being this amazing hero that people would be honored meeting. Maybe he was just trying to convince himself that the woman he married was the person he thought he was. He might've thought I couldn't handle the truth when I was younger. Maybe she was taken over by another entity like I was in the tournament. However, if that was the case then why didn't they have someone like Aizawa take to negate the possession. That is in the case that it was possession and not her turning into a traitor on her own free will. As I was making sense of what happened, another conversation was happening in another place.

Denki's Dad: You had no right to tell him about her.

Shinki: He had every right to know and besides I did it so you wouldn't have to.

Denki's Dad: He's not ready yet.

Shinki: You mean you're not ready yet.

Denki's Dad: Did you tell him everything?

Shinki: The important stuff.

Denki's Dad: Then about his mother's killer...

Shinki: No. Absolutely not. I don't want him having any ideas toward revenge against the person that killed her. Even though I avoided telling him about it, he will eventually find out the truth. Waiting will not make it better but worse in this case. However, it's out of my hands.

Denki's Dad: I should tell him but I'm too weak too. Not only that, I fear that her soul lives inside Denki now. He has been hiding it from me, but I can tell. He's been sneaking out at night, losing his sense of self, and forgetting things. There's a possibility that her soul is trying to take control of my son. I can't afford to crumple his will even further and give her the opportunity to get full control over his body. If that happens, then a repeat of that event will happen again.

[Cuts back to a confused Denki]

I wandered around the area until I came across an ice cream shop. I bought myself a chocolate cone and proceeded to continue walking down the street. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. It wasn't making any sense to how or why mom turned bad and whether this evil villain had anything to do with it. Furthermore, it doesn't help me solve my problem at all. As these negative emotions seemed to pour out of me and I could feel the black lightning surge throughout my body once again. I forced myself to calm down and realize that the black lightning only seemed to appear under extreme stress, anger, and sadness. That means to avoid being taken over I just need to suppress my negative emotions when they go out of control, but sometimes that's not possible.

At least I know what's causing it but why negative emotions. I need a second opinion on this that is going to believe what I say and give valuable feedback. I head over to Mirai place after considering my options since he was my closest friend and ally. Which is strange considering I know bearly anything about the guy. After calling Mirai, I went over to his house only to find out he lived in an apartment by himself. I was curious, so I asked him why he was by himself. In response, he just claimed that he liked being alone. I knew that was a lie but decided not to pry too deeply into it. He listened attentively to my story (I left out Kyoka incident) and pondered over what I've told him.

Mirai: It seems to me that the best way to control the black lightning is to control your emotions, but you must admit that whatever is possessing your body seems to have no malicious intent. If they did, then they could've easily killed Konton and purposely acted harshly toward the people around you. If only there was a way to communicate with it somehow.

Denki: There is an old witch that lives on the outskirts of Ginger town that is said can speak with spirits.

Mirai: That sounds like a good idea.

Denki: Well, it's also said that they must be pure of heart for her to meet them so do you want to come with me.

Mirai: I don't have a pure of heart so...

Denki: I need you as backup. I have a bad feeling about this place.

Under his breath, Mirai says, "It's probably because everywhere you go, you cause an incident in one way or another."

Denki: Did you say something?

Mirai: Nope. I'll accompany you. Just give me a call when you need me.